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1、Beowulf,The Anglo-Saxon Period Beowulf,The song of beowulf is an Englands nationgal epic and its hero Beowulf-one of the national heroes of the English people.The whole song is essentially pagan in spirit and matter,while the interpolation is obviously an addition made by the christian who copied so

2、ng,there was a monster called Grendel,for it always eats warriors of the king ,so the king asked beowulf for help,beowulf fights with it and made it wounded badly then it died after rushed out to the marshes,Grendels mother wants to take the revenge for the death of her she seized the kings b

3、est friend,beowulf followed the bloody trail ,this time they fight under the water ,thats the dwelling of the monstermother,also they had a big fight,at last ,our hero cut off the heads of the monster and his mother,After he finished the mission, he went back home where he ruled as king for fifty ye

4、ars. the last part of the poem tells that one of beowulfs subjects stole some of the treasure which had been guarding for three hundred years by a dragon ,the dragon can breath our hero sought the dragon in his cave and killed it,but beowulf mortally wounded,and died after seeing in the cave

5、 the heaps of treasure. at last ,according to his will, the people followed his instruction how to bury his body and how to rule the country after his death,they buried his ash under a tremendous mound and piled the earth and stones so high that the mound thereafter became a beacon for the seafarers

6、 who sailed along the coast, thus , even after his death, beowulf continued to serve people. That it. I hope it can give you some help. Thats my pleasure,1. What is the theme of Beowulf,1、Beowulf, which centers on the narration of the exploits of the heroic figure Beowulf, is mainly about his three

7、major adventures. It reflects a life of fights and feasting(盛宴), of ceremony, of brilliant gold and sudden darkness. Here is a world of sacred obligations, feud(世仇,宿怨)and vengeance(报仇,复仇) with heroic figures who are proud of their birth and their physical strength,But beyond this, the forces of fate

8、 seem to control mans destiny(命运,宿命)with mysterious omnipotence(万能,全能), while evil itself is both primordial(原始的,最初的,根本的)and powerful. However, thematically (主题地)the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage(从事,进行)heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world

9、under a wise and mighty leader,The poem is an example of the mingling(混合)of nature myths and heroic legends. For those interested in symbols, the simplest interpretation of the myths in the poem is to regard Beowulfs successive fights against the three monsters as the overcoming of the hostile force

10、s of nature by mans indomitable(不屈不挠的) will and perseverance(毅力,For example, the battle between Beowulf and Dragon symbolically represents that phase of Winter and Summer myth in which the Summer God, here embodied by Beowulf, fights his last battle against the Winter Dragon in order to rescue the t

11、reasures of earth, that is, the golden corn(谷物) and ruddy(红色的,健康的)fruits. Having given them back to men, Beowulf himself dies of the Winners breath,2. What is the heroic ideal of Beowulf,2、Beowulf is essentially an aristocratic(贵族似的)poem concerned with the heroic ideal of kings and kingship(王权,王位)in

12、 North Europe. The social patterns ascribed in he poem are feudal(封建的), highly violent. Battle is a way of life. Strength and courage are basic verdures(朝气,活力)for both kings and his warriors. The hero-king strove to do better than any one else the things that are vitally important to happy life of h

13、is people,The king should protect his people and show gentleness(宽仁)and generosity(慷慨)to his warriors. And in return ,his warriors should show absolute obedience and loyalty to the king. By praising Beowulfs wisdom, strength and courage, and by glorifying (崇仰)his death for his people, the poem prese

14、nts the heroic ideal of a king and his good relations to his warriors and people,3. What is the structure of Beowulf,3、According to the contents of the story, the poem can be divided into three parts: Part I:the fight against Grendel Part II:the fight against Grendels mother Part III:the fight again

15、st the Dragon Beowulf is an oral poem and for centuries the bards古塞尔特族的游唱诗人)sing it to the people,As it is quite long, the bard could only sing a part of the story each night. Usually he would sing one adventure on the fist night about the battle with Grendel. Then on the second night, he would cont

16、inue and sing about Beowulfs fight against Grendels mother. However, there might be some new listeners,So before he came to the second adventure, he would give a short summary about what he sang the night before. And on the third night, he would give a longer summary about what happened on the first

17、 two nights. There is also a prelude(序曲,前言) to invent(虚构)an allusion(引述,典故)to the real story and to serve as a contrast or comparison to the main story. The poem begins with the funeral of a king and rounds up with that of another,4. Can you give a description of style in Beowulf,4、 “Beowulf” towers

18、 above all other literary works written in Anglo-Saxon, chiefly because it is a powerful poem about a peoples hero written in true epic style, and not so much because the other extant(现存的)writings of the period are mediocre(低劣的,无价值的) or fragmentary(碎片的,不完全的,Beowulf is not simply a man of great milit

19、ary prowess(英勇)but he is forever eager to help others in distress(危险)and in his last adventure with the dragon he shows himself a worthy leader ready to sacrifice his own life for the welfare of his people. Setting aside the supernatural超自然的,神奇的)elements pervading(遍布)the poem as an inevitable limita

20、tion of the tribal-feudal age, “Beowulf” deserves to be rank among the great heroic poems of Europe,In artistic from the epic tells the tale in a leisurely way, full of elaborations(精密)in legendary details, and the verse(诗,韵文)rises at places to heights of poetic grandeur(庄严,雄伟), particularly in the

21、descriptions of the heros nobility(崇高)of character and in the narrations of his courageous battling with malevolent(心怀不轨的)foes(敌人,5. Can you say something about artistic features of old English poetry,5、Anglo-Saxon or Old English, in which “Beowulf” was written, represents the earliest stage in the

22、history of the English language and is very different from modern English. It appears almost like another language altogether and cannot be understood today by English-speaking peoples unless one consults notes and glossary(专用词辞典)in detail or reads its translation in modern English,It was closely re

23、lated to Old Low German and therefore it is highly-inflected(变字形,以字尾变化改变)like other Germanic languages. “Beowulf” was written in alliterative(头韵法的)verse, employing the device of alliteration instead of the use of rhymes(押韵诗)or blank verse that was common to the English poems beginning from the Middl

24、e English period,In the practice of alliteration, words beginning with the same consonants(辅音) alliterate with each other within each line, or a word beginning with a vowel(元音) alliterates with another word beginning with the same or another vowel. Each line of verse may contain an indefinite(不确定的)number of words or syllables(音节)but generally has four stresses, with pause between the second and the third stresses, thus breaking the line into two parts,Alliteration invariab


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