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1、英语小故事演讲,good morning, everyone! my name is xxx. im x years old. and im in grade x from middle school. today im very glad to stand here to give you a speech, three stories. now, the first story is.,01,02,03,The Blind Men and the Elephant,The Lion The Bear and The Fox,City Mouse and Country Mouse,The

2、Lion The Bear and The Fox,It was six men of Indostan. To learning much inclined, who went to see the Elephant (Thought all of them were blind). That each by observation, might satisfy his mind.,从前,是六个印度支那人。为了学习去看大象(以为他们都是瞎子)。每个人都可以通过观察来满足自己的想法。,The FIRST approached the Elephant and happening to fall

3、 against his broad and sturdy side. At once began to bawl:God bless me, but the Elephant is very like a wall!,第一个走近大象正好落在他宽大而结实的一边。立刻开始大喊大叫:“上帝保佑我,但大象就像一堵墙!”,The second, feeling of the tusk, cried ho! What have we here? So very round and smooth and sharp? To me it is mightly clear.This wonder of an

4、elephant is very like a spear.,第二个,摸到长牙,叫道:“呵!我们在这里干什么?又圆又滑又锋利?对我来说,这是非常清楚的。大象就像一支长矛,The THIRD approached the animal and happening to take the squirming trunk within his hands. Thus boldly up and spake:I see, quoth he, the Elephant is very like a snake!,第三个走近那只大象,碰巧他手里拿着蠕动的箱子。就这样大胆地站起来说:“我明白了,他说,“大象

5、就像一条蛇!”,The FOURTH reached out his eager hand, and felt about the knee, What most this wondrous beast is like? Is mightly plain, quoth he:Tis clear enough the Elephant is very like a tree!,第四个伸出热切的手,摸着膝盖说:“这只奇妙的野兽最像什么?”“很明显,”他说:“大象很像一棵树!”,The FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear, said: Een the blinde

6、st man can tell what this resembles most, Deny the fact who can, this marvel of an Elephant is very like a fan!,第五个碰巧碰了碰耳朵,他说:“最瞎的人也能分辨出这是什么样子的,谁能否认这个事实,大象就像一把扇子!”,The SIXTH no sooner had begun about the beast to grope, than, seizing on the swinging tail that fell within his scope, I see, quoth he,

7、the Elephant is very like a rope!,第六个,刚开始绕着那只大象摸索,就抓住了它摆动的尾巴,“我明白了,”他说,“大象就像一根绳子!”,And so these men of Indostan, disputed loud and long, each in his own opinion,exceeding stiff and strong.Though each was partly in the right and all were in the wrong.,于是这些印度支那人,大声而长久地争论,各人各人的意见,都极其刚强。虽然每个人都有一部分是对的,但所

8、有人都错了。,Then we use the metaphor of the blind touch the image to look at the problem in order to generalize the whole.To avoid this phenomenon, the only way is to observe more, understand more and not draw conclusions easily.,后以“盲人摸象”比喻看问题以偏概全。要避免这种现象唯一的办法是多观察,多了解,不要轻易下结论。,The blind men and the eleph

9、ant,Long ago a lion and a bear saw a kid. They sprang upon it at the same time. The lion said to the bear, “I caught this kid first, and so this is mine.”,从前,一只狮子和一只熊看见一个孩子,它们同时向他扑去。 狮子对熊说,“我首先捉住的这个孩子, 因此这个孩子是我的。,No, no, said the bear.“I found it earlier than you, so this is mine.” And they fought l

10、ong and fiercely. At last both of them got very tired and could no longer fight.,不,不!”熊说,“我比你早发现的,因此他是我的。”它们激烈地争论了很久。最后它们两个感到非常疲乏,再也不能打斗了。,A fox who hid himself behind a tree not far away and was watching the fight between the lion and the bear, came out and walked in between them, and ran off with

11、the kid.,不远处,一只狐狸正掩藏在树后,观看着狮子和熊之间的战斗,这时它走了出来,站在它们之间,叼走了这个孩子。,The lion and the bear both saw the fox, but they could not even catch the fox.The lion said to the bear, “We have fought for nothing. That sly fox has got the kid away.”,狮子和熊看到这个情形,但它们却不能捉住狐狸。 狮子对熊说:“我们争斗了那么久却什么也没得到,而这只狡猾的狐狸却把孩子叼走了。”,City

12、Mouse and Country Mouse,Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, Do come and see me at my house in the country. So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, This foo

13、d is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city.,从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友。一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里。很多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠

14、,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家看看。”于是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。,它把所有最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为什么住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,还会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家看看。”,The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, Run! Run! The cat is coming! They ran away quickly and hid.,乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去。房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了。可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见很大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来。,After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said,


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