PEP小学英语We're having a picnic教案_第1页
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PEP小学英语We're having a picnic教案_第3页




1、 小教师备课录 课题新标准第四册module7 unit2 were having a picnic.总课时授课日期教学目标1.words: picnic, flying, eating, sleeping, drawing2.drill: dad is _. 教学重点1. sentences : dad is flying a kite. mum is _.2. can use the v+ing words correctly in a real situation.教学难点enable the ss to use the v+ing words correctly in a real s

2、ituation.课前准备录音机,磁带,单词卡,图片,课件step1:warm-up/review1. greeting2. lets sing: its childrens day.step2: presentation1.(1) t: its childrens day today. the children are very happy. are you happy? ss: yes. (2) t: what can you do on childrens day? ss: its childrens day today. ican_.2.(1) t: theres a girl , s

3、hes happy too. look . whos she?ss: shes tingting.t: tingting is happy because her parents are going to give her a gift. guess. whats the gift?ss guess. (2) t: in fact, tingtings family is going to have a picnic. (3) word card: have a picnic3. (1) t draws a sun on the bb. t: look , whats the weather

4、like? ss: it is sunny and warm. ( do action.) t: so the weather is good or bad? ss: the weather is good. (2) ss practice : the weather is good. it is sunny and warm. lets have a picnic. (3) group work: act out.4.(1) t: now they are in a park . guess, whats the park like? ss: the park is_. i can see_

5、. (2) t: tingting is happy. she says: im at the park with my family. were having a picnic. we are very happy. (3) pair work: practice the 3 sentences.5. (1)t: what are they doing? what is father doing?ss: tingtings father is flying a kite. (2) pairwork: f: im father. im flying a kite. high, high, hi

6、gh. t: im a tree. im big and tall.f: oh, no! the tree!6.(1) t:what is mother doing?ss: shes eating. (2) ss practice: my mother is eating.shes eating_.yummy, yummy, yummy. (nice/good/sweet)7.(1) t: what about grandma?ss: shes sleeping.(2) ss practice1: im grandma. im sleeping. oh! im_. practice2: im

7、grandma. im sleeping.oh! its tingting. shes _. 8.(1)t: what is tingting doing? ss: shes drawing a picture. (2) ss practice1: im drawing a picture.its a _.its very_. practice2: im drawing a picture._.9. lets chant: father is flying a kite. high, high, high!mother is eating. yummy, yummy, yummy!grandm

8、a is sleeping. z z zi am drawing a picture. happy, happy, happy!step3: practice:1.(1) fill in the blanks. (2) ss read the whole story.2. t: there are other families in the park. what are they doing? ss describe: my at the park with my family.were having a picnic.my_ is _.i am _.the weather

9、 is is sunny and warm.step4: homework导入:通过朗诵歌谣的环节营造了轻松活泼的氛围,同时也为下面的授课做了铺垫。以“送礼物”的情境引起学生的兴趣,也顺利引出下面的内容。在说句子的时候辅以动作演示,既符合三年级学生的特性,也能使他们印象深刻,帮助记忆。小组表演是对刚才所学的一个总结与巩固,也激发了学生的学习积极性,活跃了课堂气氛。.同桌表演既操练了句子,也保持了学生的兴趣。句子的扩展不但操练了巨型,也把以前学过的知识进行了滚动复习。奶奶的“梦”层层深入,由难到简,符合学生的认知规律,也开发了思维。这里的操练也体现了由简入难的教学理念,学生的思维

10、进一步得到扩展。小歌谣是对前面所学的总结,辅以动作,更显有趣,令学生印象深刻。填空形式的操练将课文内容完整呈现,训练学生朗读技能。最后的扩展练习为学生提供语言框架,锻炼了他们的思维与口语表达能力。板书设计: unit2 were having a picnic. the weather is _. father is _. it is _ and _. my mother is_. grandma is _. im _.教学反思:本课的主情境是野餐,重难点是动词加ing形式的学习与运用。本课的新单词不是很多,但在朗读方面有个别句子比较难。为了突破本课的难点,使学生能循序渐进地掌握,我利用4个步

11、骤展开本课的教学。一、导入。课一开始,我以上一节课学习的歌曲让学生进行滚动复习,也很好地引出了第一个悬念:送礼物。学生的兴趣马上就得到了激发,也对have a picnic这个词组印象深刻。二、展开。这一环节中,我以天气为切入口,引发学生说出课文中的关键词,一句一句进行教授,同时辅以动作。很好地将这几个比较难读的句子各个击破,学生掌握地较好,接下来的小组表演也显得水到渠成。三、深化。这一部分是本课的重点,介绍了一家人所作的不同的事情。我以ppt上的图片向学生直观地展示了人物造型,使学生很快理解词组的意思。同时采用表演、造句、说语段、唱歌谣等形式进行了多样、扎实的操练。学生在轻松活泼的氛围中掌握了单词、练习了句型。四、提升。这一环节我分为2个步骤。第一:抓牢课文。用填空的方式将整片课文呈现出来,学生进行朗读的操练,对课文内容有了深入的了解。第二、提升口语。我利用其他家庭野餐的图片营造情境,同时为学生提供语言框架,让学生进行想象、反馈,很好地拓展了他们的思维,提升了口语能力。本课重点清晰,脉络分明,几块内容之间衔接地较好,学生学得也很扎实。但是还存在不少的缺陷。一、情境营造还不够真实。如在引出公园后,我应该让学生描述一下公园的风


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