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1、,第一篇过教材考点清单,七年级(下),Units 58,高频话题写作,考点记要,课时综合训练,2020年迎考特训,一、单词 1animal(n.)动物:_(n.)熊猫;_(n.)老虎;_(n.)大象;_(n.)狮子;_(n.)长颈鹿 2描述性形容词:_(adj.)可爱的,机灵的;lazy(adj.)懒惰的,懒散的;_(adj.)聪明的;beautiful(adj.)美丽的;_(adj.)友好的;_(adj.)害羞的,腼腆的 3Australia(n.)澳大利亚_(adj.)澳大利亚的 or he will pull down a branch (树枝) from a tree to fan h

2、imself. He likes bathing, and to be near a lake or running water. There he takes in the water with his trunk, and spreads it all over his body. Food The elephant enjoys the fruit in the forest, and also the leaves of the trees. There is plenty of food for him in the forests, though he is not always

3、happy with what he finds there.,第 70 页,第 71 页,()1.The elephant likes the _ part of the forest. Abright and sunnyBdeep and cool Cdry and deepDwet and sunny ()2. Elephants like to do the following things except _. AbathingBhaving fruits Ceating leavesDharming people ()3.Why are young elephants and the

4、ir mothers in the middle while moving? ATo keep safe.BTo avoid making noises. CTo break the trees.DTo walk faster.,第 72 页,B,D,A,()4. What is the African elephant now mainly hunted for? AWorking for people. BFighting in the army. CPerforming for people. DSelling for money. ()5.Which of the following

5、sentences is NOT true according to the passage? AMany Asian elephants live on the island of Ceylon. BElephants drive away the flies by using their ears. CElephants are always happy with the food they find in the forest. DA group of moving elephants make people scared, although they are harmless.,第 7

6、3 页,D,C,三、补全对话。有两项多余。(5分)(2019安徽) A: Lucy, how long have you been in China? B: 1._ A: Wow! Thats a long time. B: Yes, and Im going to stay longer to see how the MidAutumn Festival is celebrated here. A: 2._ B: Can I? Thats very kind of you! A: 3._ Well celebrate it in the countryside.,第 74 页,B,G,D,B

7、: 4._ A:Yes, Im sure youll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there. B: Sounds great! 5._ A: Looking forward to your coming.,第 75 页,E,F,四、 短文填空。(10分) Can you find your way if you are in a new city? Dont 1._(worry)Here are some tips to help you find your way. First, you can buy a map of the city.Fi

8、nd the place where you are on the map.Then look 2._ the place youre going to on the map.You will know 3._ to get there easily. 4_(two), you can ask the traffic policeman.At the traffic lights, there are usually some traffic 5._(policeman)They will be happy to help you find your way.,第 76 页,worry,for

9、,how,Second,policemen,Third, you can look at the sun.The sun can help you find the 6._(direct). For example, in the morning, the sun is in the 7._(east)In the late afternoon, the sun is in the 8._. Fourth, its a good idea to take the taxi to a new place.The taxi 9._(drive) usually knows the way well

10、.He cant take you to a wrong place but it usually 10._ (cost) you a lot of money.,第 77 页,direction,east,west,driver,costs,五、任务型阅读。(10分) My two little daughters and I usually go out and help others on Thankful Thursday. Last Thursday we were going to buy lunch for the beggars (乞丐) in the street. Then

11、 we went to the nearest McDonalds. I ordered 15 lunches from it and drove my car to hand them out. We gave the lunches to the beggars. They were excited.We were happy to see that. Then we noticed a small, old woman, asking for pocket money. We gave her our last lunch bag. Before we got into the car,

12、 she started to speak to us, “以前从没有人像这样为我做过任何事,” she said with a smile. “Well, Im glad that we were the first,”I answered. “So, when will you eat your lunch?” I asked.,第 78 页,She just looked at me with her big, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh, dear, Im not going to eat this lunch. You see, I have a l

13、ittle granddaughter. I usually cant buy her favorite food, but today she will be so happy!” I dont know if the kids noticed the tears in my eyes. I have asked many times whether our actions of kindness were too small to change anything. Yet at that moment, I realized the truth of words: “We cannot d

14、o great things, but we can do small things with great love.”,第 79 页,1Who were they going to buy lunch for? For the beggars in the street. 2How many lunches did the writer order? She ordered 15 lunches. 3Was the woman going to eat the lunch? No,she wasnt. 4请将画线的句子翻译成为英文。 No one has ever done anything

15、 like this for me before 5请将画线的句子翻译成为中文。 虽然我们做不了伟大的事,但是我们能用大爱去做一些小事。,第 80 页,六、书面表达。(15分)(2019广西桂林) 假如你是小玲,上周日,你和你的美国朋友贝蒂(Betty)在西山公园玩得很开心。现在请你根据下列表格的信息,以“A Happy Day”为题写一篇英语短文。 【写作要求】 1文中应包括以上信息,可适当发挥,行文连贯,书写规范; 2文章词数在70左右,开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 3文中不得出现涉及考生真实信息的人名、地名或校名等。,第 81 页,A Happy Day Last Sunday, Betty and I had a very good time in Xishan Park._ _,第 82 页,In the morning,we got up early to catch the bus to Xishan Park.We climbed the mountain,laughing and singing.On the way up to the top,we saw lots of beautiful flowers and lovely monkeys.When we got ba


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