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1、.正辉轮三副陈帅关于的三副资料MSC 1-Circ 1432.pdf如不知道何时检测,翻旧档,翻证书,检查到期一定申请(面罩xx个,气瓶xx支,望公司安排适当时间和港口进行检查)合格的训练人员是指:2/O,C/O,船长,C/E1 每周检查:呼吸罩呼吸气瓶是否有泄漏并测试消防火警探头与检查救生艇钢丝每周应进行下列试验和检查,并把检查报告写进航海日志:.1所有救生艇,救生筏、救助艇及降落设备应进行目视检查,以确保其立即可用。检查应包括但不限于:吊钩、吊钩与救生艇的连接,承载释放装置(on load release gear)适当地完全地复位(应是正确复位的意思).2只要环境温度在启动和运转发动机所

2、要求的最低温度以上,所有救生艇和救助艇的发动机应进行运转试验,总时间不少于3 min。在这段时间内, 应证实齿轮箱和齿轮箱传动系统运行正常。安装在救助艇上的舷外发动机如果由于其特殊性而不得在螺旋桨没有浸没的情况下运转3 min,可适当供水。.3如果天气和海况允许,货船上除自由降落式救生艇外,应将救生艇在不载人的情况下从其存放位置作必要的移动,以证实降落设备可正常操作;广播系统(PA)和通用紧急报警系统是否正常.5.探火系统的LAMP/indicator test6.SCBA和EEBD气瓶压力正常(实际是每月测试一次,并记录于check list)2 每月检查:检查所有的消防救生设备是否处于良好

3、立即可用的状态,根据本船救生消防分布表进行检查消防泵启动及压力是否正常,并进行记录 如果天气和海况允许,除自由降落式救生艇外的所有救生艇应在不载人的情况下移离其存放位置每月应使用第36.1条所要求的检查清单对救生设备(包括救生艇属具)检查,以确保其完整无缺并处于良好状态。检查报告应载入航海日志。检查消防总管,消防泵,消防栓,皮龙,枪头在位,可用(要确实检查,常年不检查管道内会累积泥沙)消防员装备齐全,探火系统测试一个manual call point 和一个探头,五年内全部测试完毕大型CO2.1 all fixed fire-extinguishing installations using

4、extinguishing gas are free from leakage.2 all stop valves are in the closed position;.3 all releasing controls are in the proper position and readily accessible for immediate use;.4 all discharge piping and pneumatic tubing is intact(完好无损) and has not been damaged;.5 all high pressure cylinders are

5、in place and properly secured; and.6 the alarm devices are in place and do not appear damaged.,3 季度检查:国际通岸接头是否正常消防员装备无缺失正常,储存消防设备之场所有适当存盘表,设备情况是否良好(lockers and fire stations providing storage for fire-fighting equipment contain properinventory and equipment is in proper condition;),所有防火门及防火隔板(Test a

6、ll fire dampers for local operation)6个月彻底检查FPD(每次使用前也要检查)4 一年检验:所有消防救生设备全部必须检查(船上自检:年度外观检查并测试各种消防救生器材是否处于可用状态,须到发证部门证实 送岸检查:手提式灭火器(可在灭火器自身和所在位置做编号,以便放回)和EEBD,消防员装备,气体探测器,救生筏,气胀式救生衣,EPIRB(自注:属于SR)须进行年检), 不要忘记厨房CO2,降落设备(launching App).1按第36条要求的船上维护保养须知进行维护保养;.2在I/8条要求的适用的年度检验时进行彻底检查(thorough examinati

7、on);和.3在.2要求的检查完成后,以最大降落速度对绞车制动器进行动力试验(dynamic test of the winch brake), 所加负荷应为救生艇筏或救助艇无乘员时的质量,但应按不超过五年的间隔期,取等于救生艇筏或救助艇载足额定乘员和属具时的重量1.1倍的验证负荷进行试验。承载释放装置on load release gear(包括自由降落救生艇释放系统)应:.1按第36条要求的船上维护保养须知进行维护保养;.2在第I/8条要求的年度检验期间, 由受过适当培训且熟悉该系统的人员进行彻底检查和操作试验(thorough examination and operational te

8、st);和.3在释放装置检修(overhauled)后均进行操作试验(operational test), 其负荷应取救生艇或救助艇载足额定乘员和属具时总质量的1.1倍。该检修和试验应至少5年进行一次。对一条消防皮龙进行最大消防总管压力测试,五年内所有皮龙测试完毕(pressure test a sample of fire hoses at the maximum fire main pressure, so that all fire hoses are tested within five years;)探火系统:视觉检查探头确定无遮挡物,一年内检查完毕,应急电源(visually in

9、spect all accessible detectors for evidence of tampering obstruction, etc., so that all detectors are inspected within one year; and test emergency power supply switchover)7.3 Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems .1 visually inspect all accessible components for proper condition; .2 externally exami

10、ne all high pressure cylinders for evidence of damage or corrosion; .3 check the hydrostatic test date of all storage containers; .4 functionally test all fixed system audible and visual alarms; .5 verify all control/section valves are in the correct position; .6 check the connections of all pilot r

11、elease piping and tubing for tightness; .7 examine all flexible hoses in accordance with manufacturers recommendations; .8 test all FUEL SHUT-OFF CONTROLS connected to fire-protection systems for proper operation; .9 the boundaries of the protected space should be visually inspected to confirm that

12、no modifications have been made to the enclosure that have created uncloseable openings that would render the system ineffective; and .10 if cylinders are installed inside the protected space, verify the integrity of the double release lines inside the protected space, and check low pressure or circ

13、uit integrity monitors on release cabinet, as applicable.遥控防火挡板检查确定厨房排烟管和滤网没有油test all ventilation controls interconnected with fire-protection systems for proper operation(每一气胀式救生筏、每件气胀式救生衣和每一海上撤离系统均应按下列规定检修:.1间隔期不超过12个月,但在任何情况下都不可行时,主管机关可将此期限展至17个月;和.2在经认可的检修站进行检修,该检修站应胜任检修工作,备有适当的检修设施并仅使用受过适当培训的人

14、员)5 二年(biennially)检查:所有手提式CO2灭火器称重测试并检查外观,当钢瓶重量减少了10%时需重新填充Every two years in conjunction with the issuance of the SOLAS Safety Equipment Certificate the contents of the cylinders must be verified. Weighing of the portable CO2 cylinders in the presence of the classification society surveyor is an ac

15、ceptable method of verification.大型CO2两年一次称重,确定在95以上,管路吹通(blow through)(IMO规定)。浸水衣(不超过三年)送岸空气压力测试,超过十年后周期就少于三年。6 三年检查:检查药液是否需要更换,浸水衣(不超过三年)送岸空气压力测试,超过十年后周期就少于三年。7 五年检查:SCBA钢瓶水压测试,测试日期要永久标记于钢瓶上。EEBD如制造商需要,也要水压测试,但liberia不要求(Unless specifically required by the manufacturer Liberia does not require peri

16、odic hydrostatic testing for EEBD cylinders)。At least biennially (intervals of 2 years 3 months) in passenger ships or at each renewal survey(换证检验)in cargo ships, maintenance the hydrostatic test date of all storage containers should be checked.降落设备launching App:对绞车制动器进行动力试验,取等于救生艇筏或救助艇载足额定乘员和属具时的重量

17、1.1倍的验证负荷承载释放装置on load release gear:释放装置检修(overhauled)后均进行操作试验(operational test), 其负荷应取救生艇或救助艇载足额定乘员和属具时总质量的1.1倍。该检修和试验应至少5年进行一次。降落所用的吊艇索应定期检查,要特别注意穿过滑轮的区域,并在由于吊艇索磨损而需要换新时或按不超过5年的间隔期(取早者)予以换新。At least once every five years, the following inspection and test should be carried out:control valves of fi

18、xed fire-fighting systems should be internally inspected.8 十年水压(HP)测试:所有手提式(portable)灭火器:干粉,CO2,泡沫灭火器,测试日期要永久标记在上面All extinguishers together with propellant cartridges should be hydrostatically tested by specially trained persons in accordance with recognized standards or the manufacturers instructi

19、ons, 大型CO2的水压和软管Existing ships equipped with storage containers that are 10 years old or older but less than 20years of age shall have the storage containers hydrostatically tested in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines at latest by the vessels next intermediate or special survey.(starter箱

20、内的小气瓶也要水压测试)Existing ships with CO2 storage containers 20 years of age that have not undergone ahydrostatic test shall at the latest by the vessels next annual or intermediate surveyhydrostatically test a total of 50% of the onboard cylinders. If one or more cylinders failed then all cylinders shoul

21、d be tested.Flexible Hoses:Flexible hoses should be replaced at intervals recommended by the manufacturer, or ifsuch recommendation is not provided, then at intervals not exceeding every 10 years9.20年CO2水压测试(HP)?不是10年吗?第I章/8条 货船救生设备和其他设备的检验(survey)(a) 500总吨及以上的货船救生设备和其他设备应按(b)()所述接受下列规定的检验:() 初次检验(i

22、nitial survey),在船舶投入营运前进行;() 换证检验(renewal survey),按主管机关规定的间隔期进行,但不得超过5年,如适用第14(b)、(e)、(f)和(g)条时除外;() 定期检验(periodical survey),在货船设备安全证书的第二个周年日之前或之后3个月内或第三个周年日之前或之后3个月内进行,并应取代(a)()规定的其中一次年度检验;() 年度检验(annual survey),在货船设备安全证书的每一周年日之前或之后3个月内进行;() 附加检验,按第7(b)()条对客船的规定进行。(b) 本条(a)所述的检验应按下列规定进行:() 初次检验应包括消

23、防安全系统和设备、救生设备和装置(无线电装置除外)、船载导航设备、引航员登船设施以及其他适用第II-1、II-2、III和V章的设备在内的全面检查,以确保其符合本公约规则的各项要求,均处于合格状态,并适合船舶预定的用途。防火控制图、航海出版物、号灯、号型、以及发出声响信号和遇险信号的设备也应接受上述检验,以确保其符合本公约规则的各项要求,以及如适用时,符合现行国际海上避碰规则的要求;() 换证检验和定期检验应包括(b)()所述设备的检查,以确保设备符合本公约规则和现行国际海上避碰规则的各项要求,均处于合格状态,并适合船舶预定的用途; () 年度检验应包括(b)()所述设备的总体检查,以确保设备

24、已按第11(a)条进行维护保养,并确保其继续满足船舶预定的用途。(c) 本条(a)()和(a)()所述的定期检验和年度检验应在货船设备安全证书上予以签署。2.2 Hydrostatic Testing:At least biennially (intervals of 2 years 3 months) in passenger ships or at each renewal survey(换证检验)in cargo ships, maintenance the hydrostatic test date of all storage containers should be checked

25、. High pressure cylinders should be subjected to periodical tests at intervals not exceeding 10 years. At that inspection:1. A least 10% of the total number provided should be subjected to an internalinspection and hydrostatic test.2. If one or more cylinders fail, a total of 50% of the onboard cyli

26、nders should betested.3. If further cylinders fail, all cylinders should be tested.High pressure cylinders shall also be hydrostatically tested prior to recharging adischarged cylinder or when visual inspection reveals a potential defect. Hydrostatic test dates must be stamped on the cylinders. Hydrostatic testing must be performed by an authorized servicing facility which has been certified by a government agency or recognized classification


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