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1、全国2010年4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题 课程代码:00795i. grammarand vocabularycomplete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)1. i was shocked by the number of people who seemed to have nothin

2、g better to do with their time than _ to know fish better.a. getb. getsc. gettingd. got2. not all birds can fly , _ do all birds build nests.a. notb. noc. never d. nor3. when you fall in love for the first time, its surprising _ inconveniences you can put up with.a. thatb. whatc. whichd. those4. i k

3、now my limitations, so i wont do anything _ my ability.a. beyondb. underc. aboved. below5. the hosts apologized for _ that some of their guests might be vegetarians.a. having not considered b. not having consideredc. having not been consideringd. not considering6. mrs. smith locked both the front an

4、d the back doors before she went to bed _ that someone might steal into the house at night.a. sob. for fearc. unlessd. on condition7. we have to wait for the bus, _?a. have web. havent wec. do we d. dont we8. _ the popularity of robots in japan, the countrys robot-production growth is slowing down.a

5、. asb. althoughc. withd. despite9. the proposal deserves support as it gives _ to the needs of children.a. curiosityb. awarenessc. priorityd. emphasis10. those familiar with evening dress will always _ black with elegance.a. linkb. associatec. connectd. relate11. if youre sitting around a lonely cam

6、pfire at night, the howl of a wolf can sound pretty _.a. fearful b. threateningc. dreadful d. frightening12. the suspect cooperated fully with the police when _ about his role in the incident.a. requiredb. questionedc. demandedd. negotiated13. homing pigeon is useful as a _ carrier because when take

7、n from home, it will return at the first opportunity.a. meaningb. informationc. messaged. content14. one of the responsibilities of the coast guard is to make sure that all ships _ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.a. convenientlyb. obedientlyc. sufficientlyd. reluctantly15. she was so _ the nois

8、e that she sent the children to bed.a. broken down byb. filled in withc. taken over byd. fed up with来源:考ii. clozefill in each of the 15 blanks in the passage with the most likely answer. write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all)a quarter of t

9、he worlds population now speaks english. if you want to 16 your products, or yourself, you have no choice 17 to do it in english. politicians and business people must speak english if they want to make their mark 18 the worlds stage. writers of minority languages can 19 hope to sell their books unle

10、ss they write in english.as english is spoken all over the world, it means that no individual country can really exercise a 20 influence over it. in the past, it was the mother tongue 21 who controlled the future of the language. now, indeed for the last few decades, the mother tongue users are in a

11、 significant 22 .this means that the character of the language could well 23 with new words, new rhythms, and new pronunciations. it isnt going to be british and american english anymore- thats 24 . all over the world education authorities are struggling to find the resources to meet the 25 for engl

12、ish.however, it is open to question whether they are putting all their eggs in one 26 . the future of english language is intimately 27 the electronic revolution. satellite television and the internet have helped accelerate the 28 of english, but will that always be the case?the internet, 29 , is no

13、w seen as the saviour of minority languages. indeed, with the continuing improvements in electronic translation, will we even need a(n) 30 language? it is open to question.16. a. sell b. make c. produce d. trade17. a. and b. but c. rather d. or18. a. on b. with c. for d. at19. a. ever b. still c. no

14、 longer d. no more20. a. negative b. typical c. subtle d. dominant21. a. speakers b. followers c. believers d. interpreters22. a. group b. number c. amount d. minority23. a. alter b. differ c. shift d. vary24. a. oldb. newc. history d. future25. a. want b. pursuit c. demand d. desire26. a. box b. ba

15、sket c. bag d. container27. a. restricted tob. drawn to c. tied up with d. caught up with28. a. range b. scope c. spread d. coverage29. a. as a result b. as a rule c. in addition d. in fact30. a. global b. unique c. worldly d. international. paraphrasingchoose the closest paraphrased version after e

16、ach of the following sentences or the italicized part. write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)31. by definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most often for t

17、he benefit of others - they are people against whom we measure others.a. . we disagree with them when judging others.b. . we think more highly of them than others do.c. . we believe other people are different from them.d. . we use them as the standard when evaluating others.32. many people have a ra

18、ther acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.a. many people realize that they are short of time.b. many people feel keenly that their life is short.c. many people are sensible only for a short period of time.d. many people would like very much to prolong their life.33. as a scientist, she lear

19、ned with sadness that little in nature is truly beyond the tampering reach of man.a. it is difficult for man to compete with nature.b. it is impossible for man to benefit from nature.c. nature can hardly escape from mans interference.d. nature is really more powerful than human beings.34. these bits

20、 of information and the list of d grades were all the records had to offer.a. these bits of information explained his poor grades.b. his poor grades were related to these bits of information.c. what could be found in the records were those things required to be there.d. the records gave nothing more

21、 than these bits of information and poor grades.35. people were only shapes in dense, gray fog of dust and ash.a. the dusty air made people barely visible.b. the air was too polluted for people to breathe.c. people hardly stayed in shape in such dirty air.d. people were almost buried in thick dust a

22、nd ash.36. it would not be difficult to compile a list of such surprises that would fill the next fifty pages, but i will content myself with suggesting the first few that occur to me.a. . i feel satisfied with the first few examples in my mind.b. . i am surprised with the number of suggestions i ca

23、n give.c. . the first few examples are the best ones that satisfy my curiosity.d. . the first few surprises coming to me would be enough as examples.37. if i love you, i can see you as a separate person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and i do not insist that you surrender your iden

24、tity and conform to an image of what i expect you to be for me.a. . i dont want you to lose hope and then blame me for it.b. . i wont force you to be independent and you can rely on me.c. . i dont expect you to follow my step and become similar to me.d . i wont push you to lose yourself and become w

25、hat i like you to be.38. if disappointed, though, she my mother wasted no energy on self-pity. she would make me make something of myself whether i wanted to or not.a. dissatisfied as she was, she remained as determined as before.b. faced with discouragements, she never lost her energetic spirits.c.

26、 nothing could let her down even though no one sympathized with her.d. there was enough self-confidence in her to deal with disappointments.39. my maternal grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven.a. my maternal grandfather retired from gardening at s

27、ixty-seven.b. my maternal grandfather died young, when he was sixty-seven.c. my maternal grandfather lost energy when he was sixty-seven.d. my maternal grandfather was considered no longer young at sixty-seven.40. far-reaching as many of them edisons inventions have been in their effect upon modern

28、civilization, the total effect of edisons career surpasses the sum of all of them.a. one can never evaluate edisons great inventions high enough.b. one needs to understand edisons inventions to appreciate his career.c. edisons inventions are his most outstanding contributions to human life.d. edison

29、s influence upon human society is much greater than his inventions.来源:考试大-自考站iv. reading comprehensionread the two passages and choose the most likely answer to each of the questions. write the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet (2 points each, 20 points in all)passage 1friendsh

30、ip and friends continue to remain central to our lives. the relationship that we share with our friends is grounded in a mutual concern as our friends help us in shaping up our personalities as well. even in this age of online social networking, the need of expanding the network of friends, whether

31、online or offline remains a primary concern for people. we may have a very vague understanding of what makes a friend but we all want to have a good many friends around us.research has shown that the quality and nature of your friends are one of the key influencing factors in achieving happiness and

32、 satisfaction. friends often affect the health and energy of a person as well. more and more people are increasingly turning towards their friends for support and mutual sharing rather than communicating to their relatives; this sociological phenomenon has escalated the desire to make more friends.

33、though friendship is a relationship developed between two individuals marked by a voluntary, emotional and mutual concern, there are certain steps, which, if followed, can win you friends or at least help you get close to those whom you want to make friends with.the first step to make friends with s

34、omeone is to make them like you. if they dont like you in the first place, it is unlikely that theyll be eager to become your friends. to let someone know that you are genuinely interested in them, simple gestures like a little smile and calling him by his first name can lay the basic foundation. to

35、 make the other person feel important you need to be a good listener and encourage the other person to talk. give your honest and sincere opinion but do not overtly criticize or make fun of him or her.the second step of making someone your friend is to develop a mutual consideration between each oth

36、er. you need to share his or her perspective and for that it is necessary for you to develop a tendency to see things from the other persons point of view. to become best of friends you must show a genuine concern and consideration for your friends desires and opinions.the third and final step towar

37、ds friendship is to show your unconditional support and encouragement towards your friend. moreover, you also need to be very clear about your expectations from your friend. if what you expect from the person you want to befriend matches with what that person can and want to contribute in friendship

38、, the developing friendship between you and your friend is assured to grow, making both of you gratified with mutual emotional bonding.friendship has overwhelming significance on both social and individual levels. friendship doesnt only provide us with emotional as well as practical support but it a

39、lso helps us improve our personal identities. so it is quite natural to feel the urge to reach out and make new friends, expanding your friends circle. friendship remains familiar yet quite ambiguous (模糊的) for our deeper understanding, but then again, friends remain the most important ingredients in

40、 the recipe of life!41. the relationship between friends is based on _.a. the social networking around friendsb. friends caring and helping each otherc. the style friends choose to communicated. an unclear understanding of what makes a friend42. which of the following statements has been proved corr

41、ect?a. the better quality your friends have, the happier you will be.b. communication with friends is healthier than that with relatives.c. the more friends you have, the more satisfied you are with yourself.d. those you like in the first place are more likely to become your friends.43. the word “es

42、calated” in the second paragraph probably means _.a. intensifiedb. challengedc. shiftedd. resisted44. it can be inferred from the first suggested step that _ is not likely to win you friends.a. making others talk b. being very talkativec. telling people you like themd. addressing others in an inform

43、al way45. what structure does the author use to organize this passage?a. effect- cause. b. comparison- contrast.c. general- specific- general.d. definition - explanation - example.来源:考试大-自考站passage 2every single student that applies for a class or course online has certain expectations and they are

44、often extremely high. unfortunately for most individuals, they will be disappointed. it is a fact that the majority of individuals believe that they will actually enjoy every aspect of their course. the truth is that there is very little in a degree to inspire until an individual actually completes

45、the course and is awarded the degree or certificate that could change his or her life. this is no different with an online education and, in fact, the disappointment may be more obvious because they may face extra difficulties in an online course.online education expectations are often incredibly hi

46、gh, as previously stated, in terms of what an individual can get from it as well as the manageability of the content itself. however, although an individual will ultimately be proven right about what he or she can get from it, this will not be the case for manageability. most online education course

47、s are anything but manageable for those who decide to take them. the level of work would be the same as any other degree or qualification course, but an individual is expected to manage it on his or her own instead of having a tutor or lecturer there to remind him or her about assignments and deadli

48、nes. time management is extremely important, but the nature of these individuals life often makes it impossible to manage without feeling the stresses and strains of the burden.it is important to be realistic with your expectations concerning an online education course, but many are completely unrea

49、listic. if you read any of the accounts from students that have already taken and may have even passed an online education course, many will speak in glowing terms; but you should also read between the lines.they claim that their expectations will ultimately be fulfilled in terms of the long-term be

50、nefits. however, in the short term they may say they found it difficult to cope with the workload, the lack of time that they actually had to complete it, an unsupportive employer and so on. this last point may not be an issue if you are doing it to advance yourself within your current workplace, bu

51、t there will otherwise be some sort of resentment bubbling under the surface and that can indeed make your life a misery for a little while. if you expect it and prepare for it then it should not bother you too much, and if the resentment does not come then so much the better!in terms of your own ex

52、pectations, the best attitude to have is not to go in with any at all. if you do not expect anything then you may be pleasantly surprised. it can be difficult to fit an online education in with personal commitments, such as a family to look after or a job to go to every day whilst trying to study. i

53、t does take a lot of effort, but if you do not expect it to be easy or expect that you will just be able to do it without the balance of your life being upset as a result, then you will probably find that you do get a sense of satisfaction from it! similarly, if you expect the worst then you will pr

54、obably be pleasantly surprised! managing your expectations can be difficult, but do not let them get the better of you !46. the manageability is more difficult in online courses than in any other course because _.a. online courses require higher level of workb. online courses bring much more assignm

55、entsc. online course takers have no way to contact their lecturersd. online course takers have to rely on themselves for management47. according to the passage, one may not have the problem of an unsupportive employer if _.a. he is fully prepared to deal with any resentment from his bossb. his onlin

56、e education will be beneficial to his current workplacec. his expectations will be fulfilled in the form of long-term benefitsd. he can discuss the issue width his boss openly and bravely on the table48. according to the writer of this passage, ones satisfaction in online education might come from _

57、.a. high expectationsb. diligent effortsc. a realistic attituded. a proper balance49. in the last sentence of this passage, the phrase “get the better of you” probably means “_”.a. make a fool of you b. take advantage of youc. get too fancy for you to imagine d. become too high for you to control50.

58、 this passage is written mainly for the purpose of _.a. inspiring its readers to fulfill their expectations through hard workb. persuading its readers to be more practical with their personal commitmentsc. informing its readers about the disadvantages of the courses they take onlined. preparing its readers for the hardships they may encounter in online education来v. word de


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