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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全Places(地方)(二)Places(地方)(二)Section Listening ComprehensionPart AYou will hear 4 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer-A, B, C, or D. You will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. (如需获取本MP3听

2、力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Whose video is it?A.Cindys.B.Cindys sisters.C.Johns.D.The mans.答案:C听力原文M: Where have you put the video, Cindy? I have to return it to John tomorrow.W: Im sorry, Ive lent it to my sister. Ill get it back for you now.2. Why does the woman walk all the way to the office?A.She takes it as

3、a kind of exercise.B.She wants to save money.C.She loves doing anything that is new.D.Her office isnt very far.答案:A听力原文M: Hi, Susan. I hear that you walk all the way to the office these days.W: Yes. I have found great pleasure in walking. Thats the type of exercise I enjoy very much.3. What are they

4、 talking about?A.A conference.B.A director.C.A theater.D.An author.答案:B听力原文W: Well, what did you think of the theater director?M: You mean Emily Thompson? She was away attending a conference.4. What is the relationship of the two speakers most likely to be?A.Husband and wife.B.Boss and secretary.C.S

5、alesperson and customer.D.Designer and model.答案:C听力原文M: Ill take this suit. It fits me really well. And I like the shirt and the tie, too.W: We have some nice socks that match.Part B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the complaint mentioned in the passage?A.There are too many cats and dogs in the citi

6、es.B.Too much money has spent on homeless cats and dogs.C.Too many people keep cats and dogs as pets.D.Too many homeless cats and dogs are running wild in the cities.答案:D听力原文 One of the main complaints of the city residents in the United States is the number of homeless cats and dogs. It has been es

7、timated by Friends of Animals Incorporation that more than 30 million cats and dogs are wandering through the streets of the cities. Each year, about a fifth of these animals are destroyed. A survey of 41 cities reports that as much as 15 million dollars is spent in capturing and killing those anima

8、ls every year. However, Chicago spends 1000000 a year in controlling its animal population. On the other hand, though you can find quite a lot of cats and dogs wandering in New York, the city government doesnt spend any money on animal control. 2. What is the estimated number of these animals?A.Over

9、 30 million.B.Over 13 million.C.Over 15 million.D.Over 50 million.答案:A3. What is the source of the statistics given in the passage?A.A survey done by Friends of Animals Incorporation.B.A study done by the U. S. government.C.A report issued in Chicago.D.A survey done by the city government of New Yor

10、k.答案:A4. Where will you find no control of the animal population?A.In Chicago.B.In a fifth of the cities in the U. S.C.In New York.D.In 41 cities in the U. S.答案:CSection Use of EnglishDirection: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank. Dramatic Peak District,

11、with its genuine steep fells, never fails to astonish me. A car will 1 you all round the Peak District 2 a morning. It is nothing 3 a crumpled green handkerchief. 4 , we hear of search parties going out there to find 5 travelers. I have never explored this region properly, and so it remains to me a

12、country of 6 . I could go on with this list of surprises, but perhaps you had better make your own. Another 7 of our landscape is its exquisite moderation. It has been born of a compromise 8 wildness and tameness, between Nature and Man. One 9 for this is that it contains that exquisite 10 between N

13、ature and Man. The fence and the gate are man-made, but are not severely regular and trim 11 they would be in some other countries. The trees and hedges, the grass and 12 flowers, all suggest that Nature has not been forced 13 obedience. The irregularity and coloring of the cottage make it 14 snugly

14、 into the landscape, and you feel it might have grown there, because it looks nearly as much a piece of natural history as the trees. In some countries, the cottage would have declared, Man, the drainer, the tiller, the builder, has settled here. In this English 15 there is no such direct opposition

15、. Men and trees and flowers, we feel, have all settled down comfortably together. The motto is, Live and let live. This exquisite 16 between Nature and Man explains in part the charm of the older Britain. The whole town fitted snugly into the landscape, 17 they were no more than bits of woodland; an

16、d roads went 18 the easiest way as 19 as rivers. It was impossible to say where cultivation ended and wild life began. It was a country rich 20 trees, birds, and wild flowers, as we can see to this day. 1.A.makeB.takeC.landD.drop答案:B解析 本题考查动词辨析。make使,制作;take带着,带领;land降落,着陆;drop掉下,掉落,故选B。2.A.atB.onC.

17、inD.into答案:C解析 本题考查介词用法。on a morning,特指某一天的早晨,本题是泛指某一天的早晨,故选C。3.A.butB.howeverC.evenD.if答案:A解析 本题考查词组nothing but用法,表“只是,仅仅”。4.A.SoB.IfC.As ifD.Nevertheless答案:D解析 本题考查连词用法。据上下文,此句与上句是转折关系,故选D。5.A.losingB.loseC.lostD.loosed答案:C解析 本题考查词义辨析。迷落的,走失的,应为形容词lost,故选C。6.A.romanceB.mysteryC.secretD.wonder答案:B解

18、析 本题考查名词辨析。romance浪漫;mystery神秘;secret秘密;wonder惊奇,惊讶。故选B。7.A.characterB.characteristicsC.characteristicD.chapter答案:C解析 本题考查名词辨析。character角色,演员;characteristics特点,特色,为复数形式;chapter章,节。故选C。8.A.againstB.atC.betweenD.in答案:C解析 本题考查介词搭配,compromise between.。9.A.seasonB.reasonC.courseD.coin答案:B解析 本题考查名词辨析,seas

19、on季节;reason原因;course课程;coin硬币,故选B。10.A.weightB.balanceC.unbalanceD.imbalance答案:B解析 本题考查名词辨析。根据上下文,应为达到了“自然与人的一种平衡”,故选B。11.A.as ifB.ifC.asD.though答案:C解析 本题考查连词用法。as if好像,后常接虚拟语气;if如果;as和一样,如同;though虽然,但是,据上下文,故选C。12.A.wildB.artificialC.falseD.genuine答案:A解析 本题考查形容词辨析,wild野的,荒凉的;artificial人工的;false假的,伪

20、劣的;genuine直正的,故选A。13.A.intoB.inC.atD.against答案:A解析 本题考查介词用法。force into sth,强迫,故选A。14.A.suitB.fitC.suitableD.fitness答案:B解析 本题考查动词辨析。suitto意为“使适合于”;fitinto或fit into适合,与一致;放人(大小正合适);suitable为形容词:fitness合适,健康,故选B。15.A.sceneryB.sightseeingC.sceneD.scale答案:C解析 本题考查名词辨析。scenery景色,景;sightseeing景象,景色;scene布景

21、,舞台;scale标尺,规模。文中把“cottage”拟人化,故选C。16.A.harmonyB.indifferenceC.disputeD.accordance答案:A解析 本题考查名词辨析,harmony和谐,和睦;indifference漫不关心,冷漠;dispute争议,争论;accordance一致,依据。故选A。17.A.asB.ifC.as ifD.though答案:C解析 本题考查连词用法。据题意选C正确,as if似乎,好像,其后从句常为虚拟语气。18.A.windingB.windC.zigzagD.winded答案:A解析 本题考查词义辨析。winding弯曲的;win

22、d风;winded为弯曲的过去式,或分词形式;zigzag动词,弯曲。故选A。19.A.artificiallyB.naturallyC.slenderlyD.wildly答案:B解析 本题考查副词用法。故选B。20.A.atB.intoC.inD.on答案:C解析 本题考查固定用法。be rich in sth. 。Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following text. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C ore D. The vie

23、w over a valley of a ting village with thatched roof cottages around a church; a drive through a narrow village street lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white; the sight over the rolling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farm buildings-these are still common sights in parts of Engl

24、and. Most people will agree that the thatched roof is an essential part of the attraction of the English countryside. Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts practised on the British Isles (英伦诸岛). Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once use

25、d for castles and churches, too. Thatching is a solitary (独自的) craft, which often runs in families. The craft of thatching as it is practised today has changed very little since the Middle Ages. Over 800 full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining and renewing the old ro

26、ofs as well as thatching newer houses. Many property owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will keep them cool in summer and warm in winter. In fact, if we look at developing countries, over half the world lives under thatch, but they all do it in different ways. Peop

27、le in developing countries are often reluctant to go back to traditional materials and would prefer modem buildings. However, they may lack the money to allow them to import the necessary materials. Their temporary mud huts with thatched roofs of wild grasses often only last six months. Thatch which

28、 has been done the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years, and is an effective defence against the heat. 1. Which of the following remains a unique feature of the English countryside?A.Narrow streets lined with pink or white houses.B.Rolling hills with pretty farm buildings.C.Cottages with tha

29、tched roofs.D.Churches with cottages around them.答案:C解析 细节理解测试题。根据第一段13行。2. What do we know about thatching as a craft?A.It is a collective activity.B.It is practised on farms all over England.C.It is quite different from what it used to be.D.It is in most cases handed down among family members.答案:D

30、解析 单句理解测试题。依据第三段第一行“thatching is a solitary craft which often runs in families”(Thatching是一手独门手艺,通常在家庭内部相传。)可以确定D项与之意思吻合,故正确。3. Thatched houses are still preferred because of _.A.their style and comfortB.their durabilityC.their easy maintenanceD.their cheap and ready-made materials答案:A解析 细节理解测试题。依据文

31、章第三段第四行。4. People in developing countries also live under thatch because _.A.thatched cottages are a big tourist attractionB.thatched roof houses are the cheapestC.thatch is an effective defence against the heatD.they like thatched houses better than other buildings答案:B解析 细节理解测试题。依据文章第四段第三行。5. We ca

32、n learn from the passage that _.A.thatched cottages in England have been passed down from ancient timesB.thatching is a building craft first created by the English peopleC.the English people have a special liking for thatched housesD.most thatched cottages in England are located on hillsides答案:C解析 推

33、理测试题。由本文主题可以推断,茅草屋美观、舒适,且又是乡村一景,因而备受英国人青睐。故选C。Part BDirections: Read the text from a magazine article in which several people expressed their different opinions on the same issue. Please match the name of each person to one of the statements given below. Jack Every time you raise a hot-button issue,

34、 such as the in-laws or money, does your husband suddenly clam up? Take heart, more than 80 percent of the time, its the wife who brings up sticky marital issues, while the husband tries to avoid discussing them. This isnt a symptom of a troubled marriage-it is true in most happy marriages. Lilian I

35、 watched many couples fight about one major issue. After four years , 69 percent of these successfully married couples were still fighting about the same problem. When you marry, you automatically inherit your set of unresolvable relationship problems. If you married somebody else, youd have a diffe

36、rent set. Patrick Youll often hear that staying in a bad marriage is worse for everybody concerned-that getting divorced. That may be true if your home is so riddled with hostility its like a war zone. But I found that 75 percent of couples who rated their marriages as miserable but stayed married w

37、ere happy five years later. Brandy Every couple experiences disappointment as initial romance and passion fade and they discover all their differences. He doesnt do enough housework. Shes too emotional. He watches too much TV. Shes too lenient with the kids. We usually think the strongest marriages

38、are those that survive major traumas, but frequently, it is those daily annoyances that eat away at a marriage. Anthony What if she is in corporate sales and he is a musician? She prizes safety and security while he longs for adventure? She loves watching football at home while he is a rover with a

39、passion for sailing? Less resilient couples might see such dramatic differences as grounds for divorce. But paradoxically, it is this unbridled independence that holds marriage together. Now match each of the persons with the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements A.

40、 Deal with little things. B. Silence doesnt spell trouble. C. Take a leap of faith. D. Divorce is not the best solution. E. We dont have to solve every problem. F. Relive beautiful moments. G. Love your differences. 1. Jack答案:B2. Lilian答案:E3. Patrick答案:D4. Brandy答案:A5. Anthony答案:GSection WritingYou

41、should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section.Part A问题:1. Directions: Zhang Ming was once a student in Tianjin University of Commerce from 1999 to 2002. Now he required a certificate for his university studies. Please on behalf of the school manager, compose a certificate for

42、 him. (about 100 words). 答案:CERTIFICATE June 25, 2002 Dear Sir or Madam, Mr. Zhang Ming, male, born in Tianjin, in 1979, was once a student in Tianjin University of Commerce from 1999 to 2002. As the school manager, Id like to compose a certificate for him. In September 1999 he was admitted into the

43、 postgraduate department of Tianjin University of Commerce, majoring in English Literature and graduated from the university in July 2002 with a degree of Master in English Literature. Tianjin UniverSity of Commerce Part B问题:1. Directions: The following table shows the percentage of the Earths surface area and the percentage of the worlds population for the seven continents. Write a short report outlining the main findings of the area and population of the contine


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