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1、12. 阶段测评卷 ( Units 56)13. 分类测评卷(一) 14. 分类测评卷(二)15. 分类测评卷(三)16. 分类测评卷(四)17. 分类测评卷(五)18. 期末测评卷(一)19. 期末测评卷(二) ) 20. 期末测评卷(三)21. 期末测评卷(四)新人教版六年级英语上册(全套)试卷(新教材)特别说明:本试卷为最新人教(PEP版教材配套试卷。全套试卷共 21 份(含听力材料和答案)试卷内容如下:1. 单元测评卷 ( Unit 1)2. 单元测评卷( Unit 2 )3. 阶段测评卷( Units 124. 单元测评卷( Unit 3 )5. 期中测评卷(一)6. 期中测评卷(二

2、)7. 期中测评卷(三)8. 单元测评卷( Unit 4 )9. 阶段测评卷( Units 3410. 单元测评卷( Unit 5 )11. 单元测评卷( Unit 6 ) 附:听力材料及参考答案咲年级英语(上 (PEP 版)单元测评卷(Unit 1)满分:ioo分时间:40分钟听力部分(共25分)一听录音选出你所听到的单词(每小題1分共5分)()1. A. scienceB.cinemaQmuseum()2. A. bookstoreB.restaurantc.straight()3. A. turnRstreetc.right()4. A. crossingaleftc.pizza()5.

3、 A. askBgetc.gave二、听录音给下列图片排序。(共10分)三、听录音,选择合适的应答句.(命小题2分共10分) Sure.B. Thanks.It s near the post office, hl in the museum It s on the deskYesr he is.B Yes. there is.Go straight and turn left at the hospital. Its next to the school.Its next to the bookstore.Not thereR Yes, there is.)1. A. )2. A.B.C.

4、)3. A. ”A.KC. )5. A.You re welcome.笔试部分(共75分)四、选出不同类的一项。(每小題1分共5分)()1.post officeB. crossingc.hospital()2.A.left- B. rightc.sir()3.A.ItalianB. Chinesec.England()4.A.rightB. askc.gel()5.A.pizzaB. eresting五. 英汉互译。(每小題1分共10分)1. turn left2. go straight3. behind the hospital4. in front of5. fo

5、llow me6. an Italian restaurant7.在门附近& 一场有趣的电影9.到达10.与相邻六、单项选择,(每小题1分共10分))1.I wanta x)stcard.B to buyc.byD getA.buy()2.is the cinema?It*s nearthe parkA.WhereB. What.c.WhichD.How5.great bookstore!A.HowB. Whatc.What aD.How a(6.Itsbinteresting book.A.anB. /c.aD.the()7.Turn leftthe sciencemuseum.A.inB.

6、 onc.toD.at(a library?Yes. there is.A pleasenA. No. ils fanB. OK.C. Turn left at the cinemaD. Its near the post office.E. Sure.九、号方椎中所给的选项补全对话(有两个选项多余)(毎空2分,共10分)A: Excuse me.B: Its near the post office.A: 2B: Its on the Shanghai Street.A: 3B: 4 Then you can see it.A: Thank yoitB: 5A. How can I get

7、to the post office?B. Youre welcome.G Its not far.D. Where is the zoo?E. Wliat is in the zoo?F. And then?G Firs turn right at the Xinhua Bookstore,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.十、改错.(每小期2分,共10分()1. I st pizza in a intcwsting Tcsiauwnt.A BC()2.卫 hospital is nmr tc the bookstore.A B (T()3. Turn left in the park.ABC()

8、4. How a be/itifM postcard!A B -C-()5. I want send it.ABC十一、阅读对话,选择正确答案(禺小题3分,其15分)Jack: Excuse rnc where id the post office please?A man: Im sorry, Fm new here You can ask the police officer.Jack: Thank you nil the same. Jack: Excuse me. Can you help me?Police officer: Sure,Jack: Where is the post

9、office?Police officer: It s near the cinema.Jack; How can I get there?Police officer: Go straight. Then tuni right at the park.Jack: And then?Police officer: The cinema is next to the park.Jack: Oh, I see. Thank you.Police officer: Youre welcome.()1.Who can help Jack?A. Nobody.B. The man.C. The poli

10、ce officer.()2.丁he post office isthe cinema.A. nearB. next toC. in front of)3.Jack can turn right al theA. cinemaB. parkC post office()4.The manthe post office.A. knowsR doesnt knowC. wants to go to()5.Can Jack find the post office at last?A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cantC. I dont know.15六年级英语(上厂卜 一 4

11、厂、二(PEP 版)单元测评卷(Unit 2)满分JOO分时间:40分钟听力部分(共25分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词o(5. A,fastB. Papac.planeD. ask六、英译互译。(每小題I分共10分)1. Wait at a yellow light.3. go to school5. by taxi7.乘公交车2. Good morning. 4. by sled&跑得太快&戴头盔10.步行9. 骑自行车七、用适当的介词填空。(毎小題1分共5分)1. Pay attentionthe traffic lights.2. 1 often go homebus.3. How

12、do you go _ school?By bike.4. I usually come to the parkfoot.5. Stop the red light!OK.八、单项选择.(毎小題2分共20分)()1. How can Ithe cinema?Take the No. 6 bus.A. going toB.getC.get toD:go)2.How do youschool?Usually on foot.A. come toB.goC.comes toD.to go)3.good exercise. Oh.really?A. ThisBThat IC.hs 8nD.Youre)

13、4.read the story for youA. LelingRLet Ic.LetD.Let me)5.I go to schoolevery day.A. by busB.ride a bikeC. by a carD.on hike)6.I go to BeijingGuangzhou by plane.A. toB.fromC.ofD.about)7.In the USA peoplebikes must wear helmets.A. atB.inC.onD.by)8.You mustthe traffic lights.A. pay attentionapay attentio

14、n ofC. pay attentions loD.pay attention to)9.Slowand stop!A. downRtoc.upD.at)10. The hospital isthere.A. onB.atGinD.over九、根据情境选择合适的句子。(每小题2分,其10分)()1.你想知道朋友怎样上学可以这样何:_A. Wliat do you go to school?B. How are you go to school?C. How do you go to school?2.当别人夸奖你的书包漂亮肘,你可以这样说: A. Nice.Ba Thanks.G Great!

15、)x早上你遇到r老师想打招呼你町以这样说A. Hi!B. Good morning.C. Goodbye.)4.你想知道朋友怎样到达电影院的,可以这样问:A. How can I get to the cinema?B. I low can you get to the cinema?C. How can you go the cinema?()5.你告诉朋友公共汽车来了可以这样说:A. The bus is coming.B. The bus is come. C The car is coming.十、从II栏选出I栏的答语.(每小題2分,共10分)I()1.Dont go at the

16、redlight()2.How do you get tothe USA?()3.How do you come to school?()4.Is this your bike?()5.Lcit gu!nA. I come on footB. By pianeC. OK!D. Sorry.L Yes, it is.十一、阅读短文选择正确答案,(每小题2分,井10分)Hi Im Amy. I live in England. I often go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot. My cousin Tcm. lives in the USA.

17、 He ysually goes to school by bus. Sometimes he goes by bike. But he must wear a helmet.()1.Amy often goes to schoolA. by bikeB. by busC.on foot()2.Tom is Amy sA. cousinB. friendc.father()3.Sometimes Tom rocs to schoolA. by busB. on footc.by bike()4. you mustwear a hehnet on bikesA. In the USAB. In

18、Chinac.In England()5.Amygoesto school on foot.A. usuallyB. sometimesCoften六年级英语(上y(PEP 版)阶段测评卷(Units 12)满分:100分时间:40分钟听力部分(共25分)一、肝录音判断下列各图与所听内容是(S)否(D)相符.(毎小题1分共5分)二. 听录音给下列图片排序.(共5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( )三、听录育选择合适的应答句。(每小题Z分,共10分))1. A. lt*s near the post office.B. By bike.C. 1 urn left at the park )2.

19、 A. At five.c.It s behind our school.()3.A.Excuse me.B.Great!()4.A.Yes, it is.B.Yest I am.()5.A.No its not tar.B.Yest i( isB. You can take the Na 103 bus.C. Sure.C. Yes. I do.Q Yes, there is.四、听录音,补全句子.(年小越1分共5分)1. I want to eat some.2. Is there an Italian?3. What is the streets new ?4. I go to scho

20、ol by .5. Pay to the traffic lights.笔试部分(共75分)五、选出不同类的一项。(每小題2分共10分)()1.A.whereB. therec.how()2.A.scienceB. bookstorec.hospital()3.A.wearB. fastc.slow()4.A.busB. taxic.cinema()5.A,getB. pizzaQask六、从方枢中选择合适的单词填空。(辛小題1分共5分)A Is B. How C. often D. Where E. Don 11 丨 !Lis the science museum?2. do yon go

21、home every day?3. go at the red light!4_ there a park next to the cinenia?5. I go to work by car.七、单项选择(每小題2分,*20分he walks.)1. Usually my father goes to work by bus.A. OftenR SometimesC. AlwaysD. Usually)2.- Where is the restaurant?R It near to the cinema.D. Its in from of the cinema.A. Its next the

22、 cinema.C. Its in thr front of the cinerna. )3. Where do you want io go?A. On footB.rhe bookstore.C. By bike.D.The pizza.)4.turn right and then go straight.A6.We go to ScotlandA. on feetB. by the subway C.by planeD.take a taxi()7.Munich isChina.A. far fromB nearC.next toD.in()8. In China peoplebikes

23、 must ride on the right side.A. byEk takeC. onD.at()9. Go at thelight.A. redB, yellowC. blueD.green()10. this?A helmet.A. Where sB. HowsC. What sD.Whos八、对画线部分提问.(每小题2分共10分)1. My friend often goes to school on foot.2. It s an irneresting book.3. I can get there by bus.L We go to the museum on foct.5.

24、 1 usually come to school by bike.九、给下列句子排序.(共10分)()lts near the bookstore()How can J get there?( )Is it far from here?( )Turn left and take the No. 501 bus at the bus stop.( 1 )Excuse me where is the cinema?( )Yes.+、阅读理解,(每小題2分共20分)Lucy: Excuse me. how can we get to the nature park?Police officer:

25、You can lake the No. 8 bus ihereLucy: Where is the bus stop?Police officer: Its on the left side of the road.Lucy: Is the park far from here?Police officer: No. its not far.Lucy: Can we go ori foot?Police officer: Sure, if you like.Lucy: How do we go on foot?Police officer: It s easy Turn right at t

26、he traffic lights. The park is near an Italianrestaurant.Jack: Thank you very much Jack: Hurry up, Lucy JLucy: No! The light is red. Stop!Jack: Thats right. We have to wait.Lucy: Now its greeru Lets go*(一) 阅读对话选择正确答案。()1. Who can help Lucy?A. Nobody.B The police officer. C. Jack.()2. Where is the bu

27、s stop?A. Itrs on the right side of the road.B. lt?s on the left side of the nature parkC. Its on the left side of the road()3. Can Lucy and Jack go to the nature park on foot?A. Not they cant B. Ycs they can.C. Yes she can.()4. Where is lhe nature park?A. Its on the left side of the road.K It s nea

28、r the traffic lights.C. Its near an Italian restaurant()5. Lucy and Jack have to wait at the light.A. greenB redC yellow(二) 阅读对话判断句子正(T)误(F).()6.Lucy goes to the nature park with Jack.()7.Lucy and Jack cm take the No. 6 bus to get to the park.()8.Lucy and Jack can get there by bus.()9.Jack wants to

29、go at the red light at first.()10. Lucy doesnt know the traffic rules.#六年级英语(上)s、八:%.(PEP 版)单元测评卷(Unit 3)满分“00分时间:40分钟21听力部分(共25分)一 听录音选出你所听到的单词.(每小题1分,共5分)()1.A. visitafilmQ trip()2.A. eveningB.tonightC. tomorrow()3.A. dictionaryB.bookC. card()4.A. lessonB.priceC. space()5.九 togetheramooncakesG poe

30、ms二、听录音给下列图片排序。(共10分)三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(每小题2分,共10分))2.)3.)4.)5.A.B.C. A. B QA.B.C. A.A.Pm going to do the houseworkPm going to visit my grandparenis.Im going to fly a kiteHe*s going to watch TV.She guing lu watch TV.going to watch TV.I m going there tonight.Im going to the museum, fin going to buy a bo

31、ok.By bike.B. The nature park.The cinema.B. Take the No. 6 bus.QC.This evening.Next week笔试部分(共75分)四、选出不同类的一项.(每小题1分,共5分()L A. visitB. supermarketC. cinema()2. A dictionaryB. storybookC. film()3.A.eveningRofclock()4.A.poemB.moon()5.人mooncakeB.lesson五、按要求写出下列各词.(每小題1分,共10分 2.C tonight ac.sunrice5.7.9.

32、buy(同音词)sea(同音词)this evening(同义词) leaf (复数形式)_ dictionary(复数形式)匕6.&to(同育词)1(宾格形式) your(主格形式)mooncake (复数形式)10. my(复数形式六、单项选择“(毎小題1分共10分)3.)4,He the cinema tonight.A. isB. is going toWhat are you going to do in your class?A. Im going to take a trip.C. Tm going to read books.I do my homework now.A. am

33、 going to B. have toShe is going to haveA. aB. /C. am going to D. goes toB. Theyre going to see a film.D. Theyre going to see the moon.C. art lesson.C.amanD.am goingD.some)5.)6.()7.What are you goipg to do?A. this eveningB. weekCWe the supermarket this afternoon.A. are going toB.C. go toD.The film i

34、sA. onnowD.moniiTig)8.will going to go to are going_ space travel.B. toC.are you going this weekend?C.B. What ()n foolA. How is he going there? C. When is he going?)10. I want to buy some.A. filmB. comic bookA. WhereatD.A bookstore.HowD.aboutWhen)9.KD.Where is he going? What is he going to do?C.七、根据

35、情境,选择合适的句子.(每小題1分,共5分) (1.当你走进商店时售货员会这样跟你说: A. Can you help me? B. Can I help you?()2.当别人称赞你时,你可以这样回答:A. fhats great!B. You*j;e welcom巴word booksD. dictionaryC.C.Here you are.Thank you.(3.你想知道朋友明天会做什么可以这样问:A. What are you going to do (omorrcw?B. What arc you going to de tunight?C. What are you going

36、 to do this evening?What arc you going to do this afternoon?()It s near the Dongfang Cinema.()The Peoples Bookstore+、阅读短文选择正确答案(毎小的2分,共10分Today is Saturday. Tomorrow. Kate is going to the park with her best friend, Lily.The bus stop is near Kates home. So Kale is going to walk to the bus stop and ta

37、ke the No. 2 bus to Lily s honw. Then they are going to the park on foot, because the park is near Lily I home. They are going to play chess under the tree. They are going to take pictures and watch beautiful flowers too.( )2.)3.)4.What day is it tomorrow?A. It*s Sunday.B It s Saturday.What is Kate

38、going to do tomorrow?A. She is going to the park.B She is going to the zoo.C. She is going to the museum,Kate is going to Lily s home A on footB. by busThe park is near.A. Kate*s homeB. Lilys homeKate and I.ily are going to in the park.A. play chess and draw picturesB. take pictures and watch flowersC. play chess, take pictures and watch flowe


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