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1、.Vocabulary 1. She did her best to stay awake, but the performance was so boring that she just _ to sleep.a. dropped in b. dropped out c. dropped off d. dropped down2. Paul was a very lively child, always in _.a. excellent spirits b good spirits c. high spirits d. bright spirits3. Lily made no attem

2、pt to _ the problem.a. tackle b. try c. undertake d.achieve4. The boy began to cry and tears slowly_ down his face.a. oozed b. trickled c. dribbled d. leaked5. On January 1st, many people make a New Year_.a. intention b. determination c. dedication d. resolution6. In this country it is against the _

3、 not to wear seat belts in the car.a. rule b. regulation c. law d. order7. Johnnys parents always let him have his own _.a. will b. way c. wish d. demand8. Our telephone has been _ for a month.a. out of order b. out of line c. out of touch d. out of place9. She was extremely_, always ready to agree

4、with other peoples wishes.a. mellow b. moderate c. adaptable d. supple10. The woman triple over the uneven pavement and _her elbow.a. distorted b. dislodged c. disabled d. dislocated11. He knew that he couldnt change anything so he just_ himself to the situation.a. assigned b. resigned c. retired d.

5、 kept12. Game pie was a(n) _ of this famous restaurant.a. singularity b. particularity c. speciality d. originality13. Mr. Williamson was acting peculiarly and seemed in a funny_.a. state of affairs b. state of mind c. state of grace d. state of nature14. The scientists became very excited as they f

6、elt they were_ of discovery. a. on the crest b. on the surface c. on the borderline d. on the brink15. An _degree was conferred on the distinguished economist. a. honour b. honoured c. honorary d. honorable16.Mary is very set in her ways, but her brother has a more _ attitude to life. a. changeable

7、b. changing d. variable d. flexible 17. My passport _ last month, so I have to get a new one. a. expired b. ended c. finished d. terminated18. Your room must be_ by 12 oclock, but your luggage may be left with the porter. a. evacuated b. vacated c. deserted d. abandoned 19. My grandmas condition loo

8、ks very serious and it is doubtful if she will _. a. pull up b. pull in c. pull out d. pull through20. The purpose of the survey was to _ the school inspectors with local school conditions. a. inform b. acquaint c. instruct d. notify21. Sam is being _ for his stomachache at the hospital now. a. cure

9、d b. healed c. treated d. operated22. Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to _his bad cough.a. throw off b. throw away c. throw down d. throw over23. People under 21 are not_to join the sports club. a. desirable b. eligible c. advisable d. admissible 24. Though seriously damaged by a

10、 fire, the ancient mansion was eventually _ to its original splendor. a. repaired b. renewed c. restored d. renovated25. I can not bear the noise coming from my neighbours house; it _me from my work. a. distracts b. annoys c. interrupts d. disturbs26. Vincent cannot_ without at least one pack of cig

11、arettes. a. get on b. get through c. get over d. get by 27. In Scotland, minor cases were_ with a jury in the Sheriff courts.a. tested b. examined c. tried d. considered28. Lisa Black is _ as a Labour candidate in the forthcoming election.a. standing b. sitting c. contending d. entering29. Eighteen

12、is the _ voting age in our country.a. competent b. minimal c. minimum d. maximum30. Cases involving young people under 18 are heard in specially constituted_ courts.a. junior b. youth c. infantile d. juvenile31. According to the latest _poll, the Opposition is likely to win the next General Election

13、.a. inquiry b. opinion c. question d. impression32. After three hours, the jury were still unable to reach a unanimous_.a. verdict b. decision c. judgment d. conclusion33. A _ survey was conducted among local families to find out the average amount of expense on their childrens educationa. represent

14、ation b. questionnaire c. referendum d. question34. A popular way of keeping fit is to go _which is a kind of slow- to medium- paced running. a. trotting b. sauntering c. strolling d. jogging35. Piles of old books and newspapers _ her desk. a. spread b. littered c. heaped d. scattered36. Exercising

15、generally begins with standing up straight, _slowly and then letting your breath out evenly. a. exhaling b. drawing c. inhaling d. puffing37. The woman remained depressingly fat _ all her efforts to slim. a. against b. despite c. although d. contrary38. Many Asian people are of_ build while European

16、s often have a heavier frame. a. slim b. slight c. lean d. thin39. The pupil _ a story to explain why he was absent from school. a. developed b. described c. invented. D. outlined40. There are _ that the weather is changing in the region. a. associations b. indications c. comments d. concerns41. It

17、is an encouraging sign that peoples purchasing power is _the rise recently. a. on b. in c. at d. with42. The speaker had no _in himself when facing a large audience. a. experience b. progress c. objection d. confidence43. The man drew the curtain and _the painting behind it. a. projected b. revealed

18、 c. exposed d. brought44. The football club tried to _the famous player with a generous offer of money. a. promote b. defend c. tempt d. force45. Cindy_ some sweets from her bag and insisted they be shared among her friends. a. distributed b. pulled c. produced d. drew46. Not a _ has been found so f

19、ar that can help the police find the robber. a. fact b. clue c. mark d. sign47. She is a teacher _of our great respect. a. aware b. confident c. capable d. worthy49. The final cost was considerably higher than the builders original_. a. amount b. sum c. account d. estimate50. He couldnt tell _from a

20、 distance whether it was Sam or his brother. a. at large b. in name c. for sure d. in short51. No matter how much progress weve made in our work, we shouldnt get _. a. complacent b. perfect c. satisfactory d. fortunate52. The _ instrument requires a skilled operator. a. artificial b. fashionable c.

21、difficult d. intricate53. We should _ all possible ways to create jobs for the unemployed. a. provide b. review c. explore d. make54. The coupon _ you to a free meal in our new restaurant. a. confers b. entitles c. grants offers55. The old woman opened the box and emptied the _ into a jar. a. inside

22、s b. interior c. refills d. contents56. At the weekend, all the local TV channels provide extensive_of sporting events. a. view b. coverage c. broadcast d. network58. The appeal to the senses known as _ is a common technique in poetry. a. imaginative b. imaginable c. ingenious d. imagery59. The poss

23、ibility that the explosion was caused by sabotage cannot be_. a. broken out b. ruled out c. cancelled out wiped out60. The headquarters of this oil company is in London while its _ companies are located in different parts of the world. a. parent b. inferior c. subsidiary d. ultimate61. Sitting on th

24、e table, two small cats were _ round the inside of the empty ham tin. a. swallowing b. licking c. chewing d. munching62. The Renaissance was a(n)_of unparalleled cultural achievement and had a great impact on almost all European countries. a. moment b. dynasty c. epoch d. instant63. Absorbed in her

25、work, she was totally _her surroundings. a. liable for b. oblivious c. separated by d. concerned about64. The young man has _some brilliant scheme to double his income. a. come out b. come to c. come about d. come up with65. Social _vary greatly from country to country. a. customs b. rules c. habits

26、 d. regulations66. He is our best player, and is _ to our team. a. internal b. integral c. intelligent d. insistent67. The Olympic Games_in 776B.C. in Olympia, am small town in Greece. a. descend b. stemmed c. derived d. originated68. As a developing country, we must keep_ with the rapid development of the world economy. a. motion b. pace c. speed d. step69. I gave the car a thorough _ before buying it. a. inspection b. review c. survey d. check-


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