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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持/*Filename: flash.c*Description :flash 数据读 .*Author: ldm*Date: 2013-11-29*/#include doData.h#include main.h#include flash.h#include gprs.h#include PubUse.h#include Structure.h/#include timeapp.h#include #include hal_uart.h#include hal_timer.h#include /= #define FLAS

2、H_SPI_PAGESIZE 0x100#define FLASH_SPI_SECTORSZIE 0x1000#define FLASH_SPI_HIGHT_ADDR 0x1000000 extern UPLOADSTATE_u _gcUpload;extern TESTSTATE_u _gctest;extern uint32 addr_flash;/#pragma udata bank3 = 0x300 uint8 SpiCheckBuf256;#pragma udataextern uint8 buf0256;extern uint8 DATABufGPRS_UART_BUF_SIZE;

3、extern void delay_1us(uint16 i);extern void delay_1ms(uint16 i); /* */struct bit_def char b0:1;char b1:1;char b2:1;char b3:1;char b4:1;char b5:1;char b6:1;char b7:1;union byte_defstruct bit_def bit1; char byte;/* Function name: void sleep_Flashcom(void);* Descriptions: invaild Flash communication.*

4、input parameters: none.* output argument: none* Note:*void sleep_PhoFlashcom(void) PhoDataPortIn;SclkToPhoPortIn;SicToPhoPortIn;PhoFlashCs_in;ReadPho_off;void sleep_RecFlashcom(void) RecDataPortIn;SclkToRecPortIn;SicToRecPortIn;RecFlashCs_in;/无效SPI通信/时钟脚输入状态/ 数字脚输入状态 / 选择脚输入/读拍照模块信号输出无效/无效SPI通信/ 时钟脚

5、输入状态/ 数字脚输入状态/ 选择脚输入10文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .* * Function name: ready_PhoFlashcomRead(void);* Descriptions: ready Flash communication.* input parameters: none.* output argument: none* Note:SPI操作准备*/void ready_PhoFlashcomRead(void) /SPI 操作前的准备PhoFlashCs_out;/CS 控制脚输出SclkToPhoPortOut;SicToPhoPort

6、Out;PhoFlashCs_inactive;SclkToPho_off;PhoDataPortIn;/ 时钟脚输出状态/ 数字脚输出状态/CS 控制脚无效/ 拉低芯片时钟线 / 拍照数据口输入/CS 控制脚输出 / 时钟脚输出状态 / 数字脚输出状态 /CS 控制脚无效/ 拉低芯片时钟线 / 录音数据口输入void ready_RecFlashcomRead(void) /SPI 操作前的准备RecFlashCs_out;SclkToRecPortOut; SicToRecPortOut;RecFlashCs_inactive;SclkToRec_off; RecDataPortIn;*

7、* Function name: void ready_PhoFlashcomWrite(void);* Descriptions: ready Flash communication.* input parameters: none.* output argument: none* Note:SPI操作准备 */CS 控制脚输出 / 时钟脚输出状态 / 数字脚输出状态 /CS 控制脚无效 / 数字脚低/ 拉低芯片时钟线 / 拍照数据口输出/CS 控制脚输出 / 时钟脚输出状态 / 数字脚输出状态 /CS 控制脚无效 / 数字脚低/ 拉低芯片时钟线 / 拍照数据口输出void ready_Ph

8、oFlashcomWrite(void) /SPI 操作前的准备PhoFlashCs_out;SclkToPhoPortOut;SicToPhoPortOut;PhoFlashCs_inactive;/ SicToPho_off; SclkToPho_off; PhoDataPortOut;void ready_RecFlashcomWrite(void) /SPI 操作前的准备RecFlashCs_out;SclkToRecPortOut;SicToRecPortOut;RecFlashCs_inactive;/ SicToRec_off;SclkToRec_off;RecDataPortO

9、ut;* * Function name: uint8 read_1bytePhoFlash(void);* Descriptions: get byte from Flash output* input parameters: none* output argument: return the obtaned byte which type is uint8 * Note:*/uint8 read_1bytePhoFlash(void) static uint8 i;ClrWdt();PhoDataPortIn;SclkToPho_on; delay_1us(5); i=PhoDataPor

10、t; SclkToPho_off; delay_1us(5); return i;uint8 read_1byteRecFlash(void) static uint8 i;ClrWdt();RecDataPortIn;SclkToRec_on; delay_1us(5); i=RecDataPort; SclkToRec_off; delay_1us(5); return i;/ 从 Flash 读 1 字节数据/ 拍照数据口输入/ 拉高芯片时钟线/ 拉低芯片时钟线/ 从 Flash 读 1 字节数据/ 拍照数据口输入/ 拉高芯片时钟线/ 拉低芯片时钟线/* Function name: w

11、rite_1bytePhoFlash(uint8 PB_data) ;* Descriptions: write one byte to the Flash* input parameters: PB_data:the data ready to be write* output argument: none./* Note:PB_data: 待写数据*void write_1bytePhoFlash(uint8 PB_data) /写1字节数据到Flash ,SPI的写操作uint8 i;union byte_def LUB_data;LUB_data.byte=PB_data; / 待写数

12、据 for(i=0;i8;i+)SicToPho=LUB_; / 发送字节数据的高位delay_1us(5);SclkToPho_on;LUB_data.byte=1;delay_1us(5);SclkToPho_off;delay_1us(5);delay_1us(10);ClrWdt();void write_1byteRecFlash(uint8 PB_data)uint8 i;union byte_def LUB_data;LUB_data.byte=PB_data; for(i=0;i8;i+)/ 拉高芯片时钟线 ,单片机发送数据/ 取下一个位/ 拉低芯片时钟线, Flash 接收数

13、据 /us_delay(20);待写数据/写1字节数据到Flash , SPI的写操作SicToRec=LUB_; delay_1us(5); SclkToRec_on;LUB_data.byte= FLASH_SPI_HIGHT_ADDR)HightAddr = 1;Flash_SendBytePho(FLASH_CMD_WREN); Flash_SendBytePho(FLASH_CMD_PARALLEL); / 并口模式 ready_PhoFlashcomRead();/SPI 操作前准备delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;PhoFlashCs_active;/CS 控制脚低,

14、有效delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;write_1bytePhoFlash(FLASH_CMD_READ);/*! Send Read from Memory instruction */ if(HightAddr) /*! 24); write_1bytePhoFlash(ReadAddr & 0xFF0000) 16); /*! 8); /*! Send ReadAddr medium nibble address byte to read from */write_1bytePhoFlash(ReadAddr & 0xFF); /*! Send ReadAddr low n

15、ibble address byte to read from */for(i=0;i(NumByteToRead);i+) / SpiCheckBufi=read_1bytePhoFlash();/ 先读高字节 p=read_1bytePhoFlash();/ 先读高字节 *pBuffer =p;/ DATABufi+23 =read_1bytePhoFlash();/ 先读高字节 pBuffer+;if(p=0xff) pp+; delay_1us(5); / 延时 10us;PhoFlashCs_inactive;/CS 控制脚高 ,无效delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;sl

16、eep_PhoFlashcom(); / 无效 SPI通信 delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;Jif(pp= FLASH_SPI_HIGHT_ADDR)HightAddr = 1;Flash_SendByteRec(FLASH_CMD_WREN); Flash_SendByteRec(FLASH_CMD_PARALLEL); / 并口模式 ready_RecFlashcomRead();/SPI 操作前准备delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;RecFlashCs_active;/CS 控制脚低 ,有效delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;write_1byteRe

17、cFlash(FLASH_CMD_READ);/*! Send Read from Memory instruction */ if(HightAddr)/*! 24); write_1byteRecFlash(ReadAddr & 0xFF0000) 16); /*! 8); /*! Send ReadAddr medium nibble address byte to read from */write_1byteRecFlash(ReadAddr & 0xFF); /*! Send ReadAddr low nibble address byte to read from */for(i

18、=0;i(NumByteToRead);i+) / SpiCheckBufi=read_1byteRecFlash();/ 先读高字节 *pBuffer =read_1byteRecFlash();/ 先读高字节 pBuffer+;delay_1us(5);/ 延时10us;RecFlashCs_inactive; /CS 控制脚高,无效delay_1us(5);/ 延时10us;sleep_RecFlashcom();/ 无效 SPI 通信delay_1us(5);/ 延时10us;return 1;/* Function name: Flash_WritePage(uint8 * pBuf

19、fer, uint32 WriteAddr, uint16 NumByteToWrite)* Descriptions: 写一页* input parameters: none.* output argument: none* Note:* brief Writes more than one byte to the FLASH with a single WRITE cycle*(Page WRITE sequence).* note The number of byte cant exceed the FLASH page size.* param pBuffer: pointer to

20、the buffer containing the data to be written*to the FLASH.* param WriteAddr: FLASHs internal address to write to.* param NumByteToWrite: number of bytes to write to the FLASH, must be equal* or less than Flash_PAGESIZE value.* retval None*/uint8 Flash_WritePage(uint8 *pBuffer, uint32 WriteAddr, uint

21、16 NumByteToWrite) uint8 HightAddr = 0,rst = 0;uint16 i,WriteNum = NumByteToWrite;uint8 * pData = pBuffer;Flash_SendByteRec(FLASH_CMD_WREN); /写使能 /*! Enable the write access to the FLASH */Flash_SendByteRec(FLASH_CMD_PARALLEL); / 并口模式 ready_RecFlashcomWrite(); /SPI 操作前准备 RecFlashCs_active; /SPI 有效 d

22、elay_1us(5);/us_delay(10);write_1byteRecFlash(FLASH_CMD_PP); /*! 页编程 */ if(HightAddr) /*! 24);write_1byteRecFlash(WriteAddr & 0xFF0000) 16);/*! 8);/*! Send SectorAddr medium nibbleaddress byte */write_1byteRecFlash(WriteAddr & 0xFF); /*! Send SectorAddr low nibble address byte */for(i=0;iNumByteToWr

23、ite;i+) /*! while there is data to be written on the FLASH */ write_1byteFlash(*pBuffer); /*! Send the current byte */RecDataPort=*pBuffer; / 并口delay_1us(1);SclkToRec_on;delay_1us(1);SclkToRec_off; delay_1us(1); pBuffer+;/*! Point on the next byte to be written */文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持/u

24、s_delay(10);/ 无效 SPI/us_delay(10);/无效SPI通信/us_delay(10);delay_1us(5);RecFlashCs_inactive;delay_1us(5);sleep_RecFlashcom();delay_1us(5);/* if(Flash_WaitForWriteEnd() = 0) return 0;if(Flash_ReadRecBuffer(WriteAddr,SpiCheckBuf,WriteNum) = 0) return 0;for(i=0; iWriteNum; i+) if(pDatai != SpiCheckBufi) r

25、eturn 0;*/return 1;/* brief Writes block of data to the FLASH. In this function, the number of* WRITE cycles are reduced, using Page WRITE sequence.* param pBuffer: pointer to the buffer containing the data to be written* to the FLASH.* param WriteAddr: FLASHs internal address to write to.* param Nu

26、mByteToWrite: number of bytes to write to the FLASH.* retval None/* */uint8 Flash_WriteBuffer(uint32 WriteAddr,uint8 *pBuffer,uint16 NumByteToWrite) uint16 NumOfPage = 0, NumOfSingle = 0, Addr = 0, count = 0, temp = 0;Addr = WriteAddr % FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;count = FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE - Addr;NumOfPage

27、= NumByteToWrite / FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;NumOfSingle = NumByteToWrite % FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;if (Addr = 0) /*! WriteAddr is Flash_PAGESIZE aligned */if (NumOfPage = 0) /*! NumByteToWrite Flash_PAGESIZE */if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumByteToWrite) = 0) return 0;else /*! Flash_PAGESIZE */while

28、(NumOfPage-) 11文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE) = 0) return 0;WriteAddr += FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE; pBuffer += FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;if (NumOfSingle != 0) if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumOfSingle) = 0) return 0;e

29、lse /*! WriteAddr is not Flash_PAGESIZE aligned */if (NumOfPage = 0) /*! NumByteToWrite count) /*! Flash_PAGESIZE */ temp = NumOfSingle - count;if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, count) = 0) return 0;WriteAddr += count; pBuffer += count; if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, temp) = 0) return 0

30、;else if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumByteToWrite) = 0) return 0;else /*! Flash_PAGESIZE */NumByteToWrite -= count;NumOfPage = NumByteToWrite / FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;NumOfSingle = NumByteToWrite % FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE; if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, count) = 0) return 0;WriteAddr += cou

31、nt;pBuffer += count;while (NumOfPage-)if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE) = 0) return 0;WriteAddr += FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;pBuffer += FLASH_SPI_PAGESIZE;if (NumOfSingle != 0)if(Flash_WritePage(pBuffer, WriteAddr, NumOfSingle) = 0) return 0;return 1;/* brief Polls the status of th

32、e Write In Progress (WIP) flag in the FLASHs*status register and loop until write opertaion has completed.* param None* retval None/*/uint8 Flash_WaitForWriteEnd(void)uint8 rst = 0;/uint32 CurTick;/*! Send Read Status Register instruction */NSec = 5;/CurTick = NSec;/GetSystemSecond() + 3;/*! Loop as

33、 long as the memory is busy with a write cycle */do/*! Send a dummy byte to generate the clock needed by the FLASH and put the value of the status register in FLASH_Status variable */ /flashstatus = Flash_SendByte(FLASH_DUMMY_BYTE); ready_RecFlashcomRead(); /SPI 操作前准备 delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;RecFlash

34、Cs_active;/SPI 有效delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;write_1byteRecFlash(FLASH_CMD_RDSR);delay_1ms(10);rst = read_1byteRecFlash();ClrWdt();if( NSec = 0 )/CurTickGetSystemSecond()13文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持return 0;while (rst & FLASH_WIP_FLAG) = 1); /* Write in progress */ delay

35、_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;RecFlashCs_inactive; / 无效 SPI delay_1us(5);/ 延时 10us;return 1;/* Function name: Flash_EraseSector(uint32 SectorAddr)* Descriptions: 擦除指定扇区* input parameters: none.* output argument: none* Note: SectorAddr: address of the sector to erase*/uint8 Flash_EraseSector(uint32 SectorAddr)uint8 HightAddr = 0,rst = 0;/*!= FLASH_SPI_HIGHT_ADDR)/ 地址大于 FLASH容量HightAddr = 1;/ if(Flash_Enter4Mode() = 0)return 0;/*! Send write enable instruction */ Flash_SendByteRec(FLASH_CMD_WREN); Flash_Se


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