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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级模拟37公共英语五级模拟37Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are th

2、ree parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet, NOT on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test book

3、onto ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions , you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now, look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a conversation between a student, Mr. Li , and his tutor, Dr. White. As you listen, answer Questi

4、ons 1 - 10 by circling True or False. You will hear the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 60 seconds to read Questions 1 - 10. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Dr. White and Mr. Li have not met befor答案:B解析 1-10White: Come in, please.Li: Good morning, Dr. White.White: Good morning, Mr. Lt. Nice to see you

5、again. Sit down . . . be at home. When were you here last time?Li: I think it was more than two months ago when you had just come back after a conference in Thailand.White: Oh, yes. I remember now. How about your research on women education in the developing countries in these two months?Li: Well, I

6、 ve made some progress, I d say. Some of my findings are really interesting.White: Oh thats nice. Literacy among women is always acknowledged as a major factor in development, developed countries or developing countries.Li: Thats true. Overall, with the development of economy, in many developing cou

7、ntries, illiteracy has decreased remarkably. But in some developing countries, women, especially older women, literacy programs are largely ignored.White: Well .Li: According to what I have in hand, in recent years, access to education for girls and younger women has improved, and illiteracy in thes

8、e groups has declined from 46.5 percent in 1970 to 33.6 percent in 1990!White: That is certainly a great progress.Li: However, there remain vast differences in the literacy rates for older men and women, especially in poorer countries.White: Unfortunately it is well expected. Any figures to show the

9、 fact ?Li: Yes. In 1990, for example, only 11 percent of Chinese women aged 60 or more could read and write, compared with half of the men in that age group. The pattern is repeated elsewhere: a study of five countries in Western Europe revealed that far fewer women than men over 65 had progressed b

10、eyond primary education.White: Your finding is certainly very valuable. Better schooling is important in the longer term, but literacy programs among adult, aging and older women should remain a priority.Li: Exactly so. Older women are no different from their younger sisters in experiencing frustrat

11、ion and shame at their lack of education. They are also victims of the prejudice which assumes that older people can no longer learn. It is a view often accepted by the old people themselves. I wonder if this is a phenomenon that only happens in Asia, Africa and Latin America.White: Not exactly. A c

12、ouple of weeks ago I read an article which says that in a literacy group in Croatia, the leaders first challenge was to overcome the participants lack of faith in their own abilities and potential due to their old age. Of course, they were also ashamed of their illiteracy and afraid of being laughed

13、 at.Li: It is really a pity. As a matter of fact, old age is no handicap to learning.White: No. Research is demonstrating that if people keep using their memory, their learning abilities do not decline while aging.Li: So the governments should encourage the people to change their old way of thinking

14、 so that they can get rid of illiteracy.White: Quite so. Having access to official information, and being able to supply documents required by government authorities, is often a major problem of older people. As a result, they can be denied benefits to which they are entitled.Li: Obviously yes.White

15、: For instance, the Republic of South Africa has a universal pension: this is often the only source of cash for a family. But news about changes in the amounts paid does not always reach the beneficiaries and older women in particular rarely have the new birth certificate needed to prove their entit

16、lement.Li: This is really a big problem among developing countries.White: Quite so. The governments of those countries should pay special attention to this issue, otherwise, the gap between the North and the South will become even wider.Li: No doubt.White: By the way, when do you think you can finis

17、h your MA thesis?Li: Well, Im working madly on it. The main problem is that I need more data to support my idea. I hope I could finish it in two months.White: That s fine.Li: Its very helpful to talk to you, Professor White.White: Nice to talk to you.Li: Before I finish my thesis, I might need to se

18、e you once more.White: Just give me a notice.Li: Thank you. Good-bye.White: Good-bye.2. Li is doing his Ph. D.答案:B3. White has just come back from Thailand.答案:B4. Europe has solved the problem of illiteracy.答案:B5. Illiteracy declined more than 10 % from 1970 to 1990.答案:A6. In China, illiterate women

19、 aged 60 or more were twice as many as illiterate men of the same age in 1990.答案:A7. Old illiterate people do not want to learn mainly because they are afraid of being ridiculed.答案:B8. Research shows that peoples learning ability does not become worse while aging.答案:B9. Li is going to finish his the

20、sis in two months.答案:A10. Lis difficulty is not having enough data.答案:APart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 11 - 13 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Q

21、uestions 11 - 13. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. The speaker says it is necessary to talk about hay becauseA.he is giving lectures on cattle raising.B.he is giving lectures on meat production.C.he is giving lectures on farm animals.D.he is giving lectures on grasses.答案:C解析 11-13 While talking about livesto

22、ck, wed have to say something about hay which is of vital importance for farm animals, especially the cattle. Hay is dried grass or other plants, cut as feed for farm animals. Many grasses are grown for hay in the world, among which alfalfa and white and red clover are very well known. Hay must be c

23、ut at a certain time to retain all the nourishment of the plant. When the grass goes to seed, the stem and leaves begin to rot. Therefore the hay should be cut when it is blooming so that all the valuable elements can be kept in the plant. When the hay is cut it should be spread on the field to be d

24、ried in the sun. Weather is very important in haymaking. A scorching sun will burn the nourishment out of it, and rain or dew will soak the salt and sugar out of it. Sometimes it is necessary to put straw layers in between the hay so that they will absorb moisture and keep it from fermenting, or tur

25、ning sour. Of course, in some large farms, this is done by machines, which can save a lot of trouble. Hay is very essential to our way of living. If hay could not be stored and kept for the livestock to feed on, the cattle would die in winter and people would not be able to have enough meat to eat i

26、n the coming year. In some countries, haymaking has become a large industry. Hay is now pressed into bales, bound together in large bundles. These bundles are much easier for people to ship to far-off places where forage grasses do not grow naturally or where the livestock do not have enough hay to

27、pass the winter. 2. According to the speech, weather is an important factor in haymaking becauseA.under a fierce sun the hay would be dried too soon.B.bad weather would infect the quality of the hay.C.in cold weather the need of hay would increase greatly.D.in bad weather hay must be made by machine

28、s.答案:B3. From the speech we learn that sometimes straw layers are put in the hay becauseA.the straw can reduce the moisture of the hay.B.the straw can keep the salt out of the hay.C.the straw can make it easier to make hay bundles.D.the straw can make the hay more tasty for the cattle.答案:A Questions

29、 14 - 16 are based on the following conversation. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14 - 16. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. The man isA.a retired pilot.B.a retired engineer.C.a post officer.D.a farmer.答案:A解析 14-16Woman: Thats very exciting, of course, Mr. Jones. When did you see the UFO?Man: It was

30、 last Thursday. Must have been ten past six, give or take a minute or two, because I was just passing the post office after walking my dog. Every evening we take the same walk at the same time after retirement.Woman: Did you hear any noise?Man: Well, I did hear a faint buzzing noise. At first I thou

31、ght it was a plane. But it couldnt possibly be, because it was standing virtually still, and whats more, it had no wings or engines or anything of that sort.Woman: But didnt it move at all?Man: Yes, but it was when it suddenly rose up and streaked away up into the clouds with a roar and a rush of ho

32、t air.Woman: How big was it?Man: Oh, that s something that struck me most. It was colossal. You know how small airliners look when they are in the air they seem to be only a fraction of their real size. Well, this object looked about the size of a large airliner, even at that height. So if it were o

33、n the ground it would be enormous.Woman: Certainly, Mr. Jones. Youve been flying for so many years.Man: And can you imagine the engine power that would be needed to keep a thing that size in the air? Incredible. Simply incredible.Woman: Certainly it is. Thank you, Mr. Jones. Todays interview will ap

34、pear on City Evening tomorrow.5. The objectA.stayed still all the time.B.moved around from time to time.C.flew away slowly.D.flew away quickly.答案:D6. The woman is most likelyA.a local officer.B.a newspaper correspondent.C.a UFO fan.D.a TV reporter.答案:B Questions 17 - 20 are based on the following ta

35、lk. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17- 20. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. It seems that fudge isA.soft candy.B.hard candy.C.a ball of sugar in cold water.D.sugar being boiled in water.答案:A解析 17-20 Today well continue our talks of food series and we 11 talk about candy. Candy is a rich, sweet foo

36、d made mostly of sugar, eggs, butter, cream, and many kinds of fruit, and nuts, and other flavoring. There are now more than two thousand kinds of candy, and people are inventing more kinds all the time. All candy can be divided into two kinds, hard candy and soft candy. Both fudge and candy canes a

37、re made by boiling sugar in water. How hard the candy gets depends on how long you boil it. To find out when it is ready, a bit of it is dropped into cold water. Fudge or any other soft candy will make a soft ball in cold water when it has been cooked enough. Chewy candy, like butterscotch or carame

38、ls, will make a firm ball. Hard candies and peanut brittle will make a hard ball. Most candy nowadays is made by machines, and some of these machines are quite wonderful. Cherries are covered with chocolate by machines. Candy bars are filled with nuts or caramel and covered with chocolate all by mac

39、hines. We know that people in ancient times ate candy too. The Egyptians wrote about candy and even drew pictures of what their candy looked like. It was made of honey and was shaped in little mounds. The Romans had some candy too, but it was expensive and only very rich people could afford it. Beca

40、use candy tastes so good, it is easy to eat too much of it. But a sensible amount of candy helps make a person strong. When people are going on long journeys and cannot take much food with them, candy is one of the things they take. Admiral Richard E. Byrd, for instance, took a lot of candy for his

41、men, when he made his trip to the North Pole. In World War II the soldiers were given bars of chocolate as part of their rations. 8. People eat too much candy becauseA.it keeps us warm in cold weather.B.it is easy to make.C.it tastes so good.D.it makes a person strong.答案:C9. When sugar is cooked eno

42、ugh, a bit of which of the following in cold water will make a firm ball?A.Hard candy.B.Soft candy.C.Peanut brittle.D.Chewy candy.答案:D10. What will the students do after the talk?A.They will taste some candy.B.They will visit a candy factory.C.They will make some candy by themselves.D.The speaker do

43、es not tell us.答案:DPart C You will hear a talk given by a university lecturer. As you listen, you must answer Questions 21 - 30 by writing NO MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the talk TWICE. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What did the sailors plan to do to Dionysos?答案

44、:Sell him.解析 21-30 Many years ago a small elegant sailing boat was making its way slowly under an intense blue Mediterranean sky between the Greek islands of Ikaria and Naxos. The bow, that is, the forward part of the boat, was carved like a fish, or perhaps it was like a dolphin. The sail hung and

45、fluttered in a faint wind and the sailors bent their brown backs over the oars. But all was not as peaceful as it seemed, for these sailors were planning to sell their passenger into slavery. He was obviously wellborn and rich, but what the villainous crew did not realize was that he was Dionysos, t

46、he Greek God of Wine and Frenzy. When Dionysos realized their treachery he began to confound the sailors with magic: he turned their oars into snakes and filled the ship with vines and the sounds of flutes. The terrified sailors dived into the sea to escape this madness and were transformed into dol

47、phins by Neptune, the God of the Sea. Thus, according to Greek legend, dolphins were originally men, and this explains the friendship felt between man and these animals. This legend can be seen depicted on the Dionysos cup which is still intact although it was made 540 years before the birth of Chri

48、st. Indeed, dolphins frequently appear in Greek legends and art, being found on walls and mosaic floors, on coins and statues. Poseidon, for example, was usually shown with dolphins, which often drew his seachariot, and it was he, according to legend, who put the dolphin constellation in the sky whe

49、re it can be seen in July. He did this out of gratitude to the dolphins for finding him his bride, Amphitrite, who was hiding from him in a sea cave. Later he had further reasons for gratitude to the dolphins since they rescued his son, Taras, from drowning. To the Greeks, and to the people of the M

50、editerranean lands where Greek culture spread, the dolphin became a symbol of swiftness, diligence and love. It became a god of protection for voyagers on sea and land, and also for those voyaging into the afterlife, so that the dead were buried with dolphin tokens in their hands. In addition to the

51、 legends about dolphin there are a number of stories in Greek writings which are probably at least partially true. These stories, told by many people including Aristotle, are the ones that came into such bad repute in the last century. But their stories of dolphins befriending children whom they all

52、owed to ride on their backs, and of life-saving rescues, and human bodies brought to shore by dolphins have been paralleled so accurately, during this century, that we can no longer write off the Greek stories as merely sentimental fables. Let us look at the stories of rescue first. Taras, the son o

53、f the sea-god, has already been mentioned, and Telemachos, son of the most famous adventurer of all time, Odysseus, is said to have been rescued in the same way, and for that reason Odysseus had a dolphin emblazoned on his shield and ting. Arion, a famous poet, musician and singer of his day, who wa

54、s born on the island of Lesbos in 600 B.C. , no doubt knew of these rescues and the legend of Dionysos and the dolphins. Perhaps he merely put them together to make a poem to sing as he accompanied himself on the harp. Certainly his dolphin story bears a striking resemblance to the Dionysos legend,

55、but, who knows, it may be true. Here is the story. Arion, after a successful tour of Italy and Sicily, and loaded with money and prizes, took a ship for Corinth. He chose a Corinthian ship rather than an Italian one for he trusted the Corinthians more. But evidently sailors were an untrustworthy lot

56、, for very soon they were plotting to kill him and keep his treasures. Arion begged for his life, but they told him that he must either jump overboard or die by his own sword if he wished for a proper burial ashore. As a last favour, Arion pleaded to be allowed to sing, and, drcssing himself in all

57、his splendid clothes and weighed down in his riches, he stood in the stern and sang them the Orthian, a high-pitchcd song addressed to the gods, and as he finished he leapt fully clothed in the sea. A dolphin, perhaps attracted by the shrill sounds, took Arion on its back and swam with him to Tainaron at the southern most tip of the Greek mainland. From there Arion made his way overland to Corinth to confront and bring to justice the greedy sailors. As a thank-offering he placed a small bronze statue of a ma


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