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1、2021/6/71 Lesson 14 Loving and Hating New York Thomas Griffith 2021/6/72 nBackground Knowledge nExposition nDetailed Study of the Essay nOrganization Pattern nStyle and Language Features nSpecial Difficulties Teaching Contents: 2021/6/73 nAbout the author nAbout New York City Background Knowledge 20

2、21/6/74 Thomas Griffith (1915-) nAmerican writer and editor. nSince 1974 he has been press columnist, Time magazine; staff contributor, Fortune magazine; columnist, Atlantic Monthly. nHe is an uprooted westerner who now calls New York home. nPublications: qThe Waist-High Culture; q How True? -A Scep

3、tic s Guide to Believing the News. 2021/6/75 n What does New York City impress you? Pre-reading task 2021/6/76 General Analysis of the Text nA piece of expository writing nTheme: Loving and hating New York becomes a matter of alternating moods, often in the same day. nTextual structure nStyle: objec

4、tive and emotional description Textual Structure Part I (paras 1-5) General introduction Part II (paras 6-22) Explanation 2021/6/77 Structure of the text nParas 1-5: a general introduction qsetting forth the present status of New York city in the United States and in the eyes of foreigners. 2021/6/7

5、8 nParas 6-21: the body part qboth objectively and emotionally describing NY and the life and struggle of New Yorkers. 2021/6/79 nPara 22: conclusion: the thesis statement qThe first sentence of the last para. 2021/6/710 nDetailed Study of the Text 2021/6/711 nTask: Collect evidence to show that “ H

6、ow the mighty has fallen.” n New York = Big Apple = Mighty Para 1 2021/6/712 n Advertising campaigns publicly praise New York; n Many New Yorkers wear T-shirts with a heart design and the works “ I love New York” n New York is trying desperately to regain her lost status. 2021/6/713 Para 1 nthe Big

7、Apple: any large city; specifically New York City 2021/6/714 npathetic qmaking you feel pity or sympathy nThe child looked a pathetic sight. ndesperation: qFeeling or showing great despair and ready to do anything regardless of danger nbush 灌木丛,小镇灌木丛,小镇 qrustic, belonging to small towns 2021/6/715 n

8、 Yesterday accepted by everyone nDoctors found undisputed evidence of nerve damage. nundisputed leader/champion/master etc nthe undisputed world heavyweight champion nmonopoly: qcomplete control nholdout: resistance, being able to refuse to be influenced by拒不退让者 拒不参加者 n France has been the holdout i

9、n trying to negotiate an end to the dispute. 2021/6/719 nprevailing: 盛行的盛行的 普遍的普遍的 qcurrent nCommon Denominator Land: 同一特征 q uniformity, commonness, sameness, the monotonous, the humdrum 2021/6/720 n Building n television n Tin Pan Alley (music) n Hiring singers and entertainers n Sports Para 3 Inca

10、pable of being a pacesetter 2021/6/721 ndeficiency: qshortage, weakness npacesetter: trend leader 排头兵 q a person or team that is winning in a competition, and that others have to try to defeat nThat left him three strokes behind the pacesetter, Parry. q a person or company that is considered to be a

11、 leader in a particular area of activity na new company, now seen as the industrys pacesetter 2021/6/722 ninspired qhaving very exciting special qualities that are better than anyone or anything else nan inspired leader nWordsworths most inspired poems nan inspired performance 2021/6/723 nManhattan

12、qan island and borough of New York City in New York Bay, between the Hudson River and the East River. qIt is the business and cultural centre of New York City. When people say that they have visited New York, they often mean that they have been to Manhattan. 2021/6/724 nNBC: qNational Broadcasting C

13、ompany (U.S.) nsitcoms: situation comedy 情景喜剧 qa funny television program in which the same characters appear in different situations each week 2021/6/725 nclone: transitive 克隆,大量生产克隆,大量生产 qto make an exact copy of a plant or animal by taking a cell from it and developing it artificially qto copy th

14、e number of someone elses mobile phone onto a new chip and then use that number on a different telephone, so that the mobile phones owner receives the telephone bill ncanned 录制的笑声录制的笑声 qcanned music/laughter nmusic or laughter that has been recorded and is used on television or in radio programs 202

15、1/6/726 npreempt v.抢先,预占抢先,预占 qto make what someone has planned to do or say unnecessary or ineffective by saying or doing something first nThe deal pre-empted a strike by rail workers. qto replace a television show with a special program or report nRegular programming was preempted by a report on t

16、he war. 2021/6/727 nTin Pan Alley: (informal old-fashioned) qthe people who produce popular music and their way of life, especially in the US qTin Pan Alley是美国纽约百老汇附近的一个地名的 别称,这个称呼也成为了20世纪美国主流流行音乐 风格的代名词。 nLas Vegas, also Vegas qa city in the desert in the US state of Nevada, famous for its casinos.

17、 qLas Vegas also has many Chapels where people can get married immediately, and is a popular place for people to spend their honeymoon. 2021/6/728 nCasino countable qa place where people try to win money by playing card games or roulette nDoesnt that club have a casino upstairs? nnightspot: qnightcl

18、ub夜总会 2021/6/729 nsuperdomes: qextra big sport stadiums 2021/6/730 n n In the eyes of Americans Para.4 New York 2021/6/731 nmake/stage a comeback qif a person, activity, style etc makes a comeback, they become popular again after being unpopular for a long time 再度流行 nThe miniskirt made a comeback in

19、 the late 1980s. 2021/6/732 n In the eyes of foreigner Para5 New York 2021/6/733 nQuestion: Why do many Europeans call New York their favorite city? 2021/6/734 n Cosmopolitan complexities n European standards n Mixture of many foreigners nFamiliar international brands, many jewelers, shoe stores and

20、 designers shops n Tense, restless atmosphere; its energetic pulse 2021/6/735 ntake to: qstart to like naloof: qunfriendly, detached nalien: q foreign, exotic 2021/6/736 nMadison Avenue qa street in New York City that is famous as the centre of the advertising business. qIts name is sometimes used t

21、o mean the US advertising business in general. n5th Avenue qa street in New York that is famous for its expensive shops 2021/6/737 nbilk (informal): qswindle qto cheat someone, especially by taking their money nbilk somebody out of something nConsumers were bilked out of more than $15,000. 2021/6/73

22、8 nfrivolous qnot serious or sensible, especially in a way that is not suitable for a particular occasion 轻 率的 nThe court discourages frivolous law suits. q a frivolous person likes having fun rather than doing serious or sensible things 不务正业的 n (opposite) serious 2021/6/739 ncharged: qintense, tens

23、e 紧张的 qa charged situation or subject makes people feel very angry, anxious, or excited, and is likely to cause arguments or violence qthe charged atmosphere in the room nvulgar: q crude, uncouth ndynamism: qthe quality of being energetic,vigorous,etc推 动力;活力,精力,劲头 2021/6/740 nParas 6-21: the body pa

24、rt qboth objectively and emotionally describing NY and the life and struggle of New Yorkers. 2021/6/741 nContention: angry disagreement竞争 nContend v. n nStriving: trying very hard to achieve or to defeat the others nStrive v. 奋斗 2021/6/742 narticulate: q able to talk easily and effectively about thi

25、ngs, esp. difficult subjects. nput-down nsomething you say that is intended to make someone feel stupid or unimportant (令人难 堪的话) nShe was tired of his put-downs. 2021/6/743 nWhaddya gonna do?: qWhat are you going to do? Connoting a cool lack of concern; indifference; nonchalance. nfoothold: qa secur

26、e position from which it is difficult to be dislodged立足点,据点 na better address: qa house in a better residential area nbill: (usu.pass.) qto advertise in printed notice 用海报宣传 2021/6/744 njostle intransitive and transitive qto push or knock against someone in a crowd, especially so that you can get so

27、mewhere or do something before other people 推挤 qjostle for nFollowers of the president jostled for position in front of the TV cameras. q intransitive to compete for something such as attention or a reward 争夺 nA thousand thoughts were jostling around inside my mind. 2021/6/745 nproximity: qthe state

28、 or quality of being near;nearness in space, time,etc最近;接近;(地方,时间等)最接近 qin proximity to nFamilies are no longer in close proximity to each other. n各家不再像以前一样比邻而居。 2021/6/746 n“ To win in New York is to be uneasy; to lose is to live in jostling proximity to the frustrated majority.” n A person who win

29、s in New York is constantly disturbed by fear and anxiety ( because he is afraid of losing what he has won in the fierce competition); a person who loses has to live among the defeated, who are in the majority in New York. 2021/6/747 nMecca 麦加麦加 qa city in Saudi Arabia where the prophet Muhammad was

30、 born. qIt is the holiest city of Islam. People who are not Muslims are not allowed to go there, but every Muslim must try to make a pilgrimage (=religious journey) to Mecca once in their lifetime. qsingular: magnet qa place that many people yearn for qmecca for nFlorence is a mecca for students of

31、Art History. 2021/6/748 nqualified: qlimited in some way, partial 有限的,有条件的 nThe proposal received qualified approval. nThe program was considered a qualified success . nIs it worth the money? The answer is a qualified yes . 2021/6/749 nobscures the heavens: qprevents the sky from being seen clearly

32、ntint: v 染色染色 qslightly changing the color of nJersey: qa light brown cow that gives high quality milk ngaudily: qtoo brightly qgaudy. Adj. very bright-colored and showy 花哨的 2021/6/750 njagged: qrough or pointed edge or surface锯齿状的;(外形)参 差不齐的 nskyline: qan outline,as of a city,seen against the sky (

33、城 市等)以天空为背景映出的轮廓 njagged skyline: q the shape made by hills or buildings against the sky 2021/6/751 ngame: qwilling to try something dangerous, new, or difficult, pluckily;courageously勇敢地,不屈不挠地 nencroaching: qexpanding; gradually covering more and more q trespass or intrude (on or upon the rightspro

34、perty, etc,of another),esp. in a gradual or sneaking way 侵占,占用(别人的时间);侵犯(别人的权力、财产等) 2021/6/752 npristine: qstill pure or untouched;uncorrupted; unspoiled质 朴的;纯洁的;未受腐蚀的 nvivacity: q the quality or state 0f being vivacious;liveliness to pint;animation快活;活泼;充满生命力;有生 气 2021/6/753 ndisplaced: qhomeless n

35、tranquil: qquiet ncarnival: qa noisy outdoor event at which you can ride on special machines and play games for prizes qa reveling or time of revelry;festivity; merrymaking狂欢,欢宴,尽情作乐 2021/6/754 nglamour: qfascination, bewitching charm(人的)魅力;(物、景 色的)吸引力,迷惑力 nbeckon: q call or summon by a silent gestu

36、re(以招手、点头 等)表不召唤或招呼 2021/6/755 nmeasure up: qto be good enough to do a particular job or to reach a particular standard; compete合格,符合标 准, 竞争 nthe Ivy League 常青藤盟校常青藤盟校 qa group of eight old and respected universities in the northeastern US. E.g. Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia 2021/6/756

37、 nhighly motivated: 积极性高积极性高, 有动机的有动机的 qvery keen to do something or achieve something, especially because you find it interesting or exciting nThe students are all highly motivated . nThe key to a successful modern economy is a well-educated and motivated workforce. nsingle-minded: 用心专一的用心专一的 qhavi

38、ng one clear aim and works very hard to achieve it 2021/6/757 nbanal: 平庸的平庸的 qordinary and not interesting nmarketable: qsold easily, salable nSqualor n. 肮脏,贫困肮脏,贫困 qthe condition of being dirty and unpleasant because of a lack of care or money ninaccessible: qdifficult or impossible to reach 2021/6

39、/758 nBroadway: qa street in New York City where there are many theatres. Broadway and the area around it is the centre of the citys theatre industry nThe new show will open on Broadway next month. na Broadway musical noff-Broadway qan off-Broadway play is one that is performed outside the Broadway

40、entertainment area in New York City and does not involve as much money as the famous plays on Broadway 2021/6/759 nplush: qvery comfortable, expensive and of good quality美俚 豪华的 ngrubby: qfairly dirty, messy;untidy脏的;凌乱的 nprecincts: qthe area that surrounds an important building范围; 界线 nSoHo qan area

41、of Manhattan, New York City, south of Houston Street, where there are many art galleries, restaurants, and small fashionable shops 2021/6/760 n“ But the purity of a bohemian dedication can be exaggerated.” n But a pure and wholehearted devotion to a Bohemian life style can be exaggerated. 2021/6/761

42、 nfringes: qedges, margins外围,边缘;边界 nsubculture- often used to show disapproval qthe distinct cultural patterns of a group (within a society) of persons of the same age,social or economic, status. ethnic background,etc亚文 化群 nboutique: qa small shop that sells fashionable clothes or other objects, 时装精

43、品店(或百货公司中的时装精 品部) nestranged: qno longer feeling any connection with something that used to be important in your life; alienated,使 疏远;使失和 2021/6/762 n“ But the present generation is enough of a subculture to be a source of profitable boutiques and coffeehouses.” nAs these young writers and artists h

44、ave distinct cultural patterns of their own, many businessmen open up profitable boutiques and coffeehouses to cater to their special tastes and interests. 2021/6/763 nratify: qapprove or confirm,esp.,give official sanction to批准;认可 nappraise. Verb place a value on; judge the worth of something; 评价,鉴

45、定评价,鉴定 nI will have the family jewels appraised by a professional“ nappraisal 2021/6/764 ndeplore qbe regretful or sorry about;lament懊悔;遗憾; 痛惜 qdisapprove of something very strongly and criticize it severely, especially publicly nThe UN deplored the invasion as a violation of international law. 2021

46、/6/765 n n “A market for knowingness exists in New York that doesnt exist for knowledge.” n In New York, a shrewd understanding or ability to appraise things is appreciated and paid for and skill and learning by themselves are not considered valuable. nknowingness: shrewdness demonstrated by knowled

47、ge狡黠 2021/6/766 ncatchy : qcatchy (adj.) : easily caught up and remembered 醒目的;引人注意的 njingle: qshort songs used in ads Burger King, is a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants headquartered in unincorporated Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States. 汉堡 王 2021/6/767 nexpense-account 可报销账目可报

48、销账目 qmoney that is available to someone who works for a company so that they can pay for meals, hotels etc when traveling or entertaining people for work nI have an expense account and spend about 10,000 a year on entertaining. 2021/6/768 nadmen: qpeople who work in advertising美广告员 nancillary:; qwor

49、kers who provide additional help and services for the people who do the main work in hospitals, schools etc 助手的助手的 qformal connected with or supporting something else, but less important than it 辅助的辅助的 附带的 nAgreement was reached on several ancillary matters 2021/6/769 nbrittle: qshowing no warm feel

50、ings; cold, having a sharp, hard quality(声音)尖利的,刺耳的 ncater to: qmeet the needs of ncondescending: qshowing condescension,esp.,patronizing表示 屈尊的;(尤指)以恩人自居的,屈尊俯就的 qcondescend 2021/6/770 nmalleable: qcapable of being changed,molded,trained, etc., adaptable柔顺的;易适应的;可训练的 nsubway turnstile: qa small gate

51、that spins around and only lets one person at a time go through an entrance. 2021/6/771 nHype (to show disapproval) qcheating,esp. the extravagant promotional advertising欺骗;骗局(尤指大肆宣传,大做广告) qattempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on television, the radi

52、o etc nDespite the media hype , I found the film very disappointing. 2021/6/772 nscruples: qa belief about what is right and wrong that prevents you from doing bad things. 踌躇;顾忌, 犹豫 nunmarked: qsomething that is unmarked has no words or signs on it to show where or what it is 没有标记的 qnot taken into a

53、ccount; 毫不在意的毫不在意的 nhis retirement was not allowed to go unmarked nsharply: qclearly and noticeably 2021/6/773 nsustain: qcontinue to exist nfeed on: qeat nfond: qa fond hope/belief na belief or hope that something will happen, which seems silly because it is very unlikely to happen 2021/6/774 nadjo

54、ining: qtouching at some point or along a line; contiguous隔壁的:毗连的;毗邻的 nlike seeks like. 人以群分人以群分 n Birds of a feather flock together. 2021/6/775 namenity qsomething that makes a place comfortable or easy to live in (地方,气候等的)舒适,宜人;便利 设施 nThe hotel is in the city centre, close to shops and local ameni

55、ties. n houses that lack basic amenities (=basic things that people need, such as heat and running water) 2021/6/776 nsuccumb: qgive way;yield;submit屈服,屈从 ntawdriness: q low moral standards俗气;俗丽;花哨而庸俗 qtawdry adj. nastir: adj. qin motion; in excited activity动起来的;轰赳采的; 有活动力的 qThe night was quiet, and

56、 there was no sound of anything astir. 2021/6/777 nstrew: qscatter,partly cover撒,撒布 qbe strewn with 布满 nbrusqueness: 粗鲁,莽撞 qabruptness 2021/6/778 ncabana: qa tent or small wooden structure used for changing clothes at a beach or pool. (海滩等地的) 简易浴室(或更衣处);小屋;棚屋 nBeverly Hills: qan expensive part of Lo

57、s Angles, where many famous film stars live 2021/6/779 nantiseptic: adj. N. qA substance that kills germs and harmful bacteria. 杀菌剂 quntouched by life,its problems,emotions, etc冷静的;超然的;客观的 nenclave: qsmall area within a large area在大文化团体中的一少 数派集团 孤立地区 nhassle: qsomething that is annoying, because it

58、causes problems or is difficult to do 2021/6/780 nspoiler: 破坏者 qsomeone or something that prevents another person or thing from being successful ncongenial adj. suitable to your needs or similar to your nature;意气相投的;性格相似 n“a congenial atmosphere to work in“ (环境)宜 人的 2021/6/781 nbracing: qFierce nbra

59、ce v. 绷紧(肩或膝) If you brace your shoulders or knees, you keep them stiffly in a particular position. nrigor: qharshness or severity严厉严厉 nencase: qto cover or surround something completely 2021/6/782 nfleet nN. a group of ships or vehicles 舰队 nV. move along lightly and rapidly 疾驰 nhospitality, n, frie

60、ndly, welcoming behaviour towards guests or people you have just met. 殷勤好客;热情友好 nThe natives are noted for their hospitality. nhospitable adj. 2021/6/783 ntaunt: qa scornful or jeering remark; gibe嘲笑,嘲弄,嘲 骂 nYou want to be wearing a Buick with Jersey plates?: qDo you want to be knocked down by a car


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