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1、1 Chinese Folk Performance Shehuo 2 Defined Originally referring to sacrifice rituals to gnomenom ,Shehuo is now a general term for all kinds of recreational activities in festivals. 本义是指在社日祭祀土地神时明间所举 行的各种祭祀、游艺活动,后来则成为民 间在节庆日举行的各种游乐活动的泛称。 3 History Shehuo Originally in the Qin and the Han Dynasties

2、and developed in the Tang and the Song Dynasties .It was even more popular during in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties. 社火兴起于秦汉时期,唐宋时期进一步 发展,在明清时期更为流行。 4 Now Shehuo has become a folk recreational activity showing peoples happiness and expressing their good wishes .It is a kind of folk art acted outdoo

3、rs by local farmers during Spring Festival and Lantern Festival. 现在社火已经成为民间的娱乐活动, 象征人民的幸福和良好祝愿。它是一种民 间艺术,是当地农民在春节和元宵节期间 的户外运动。 5 The kinds of Shehuo show Stilt-walking(踩高跷 ) Horse-riding(骑马) Lion dances(舞狮 ) Dragon dances(耍龙灯) Land-boat(旱船) Yangge(秧歌) Lantern show (闹花灯) 6 Stilt-walking(踩高跷 ) Stilts

4、refer to a pair of long, slender poles each equipped with a raised footrest to enable the user to walk elevated above the ground. In China, there is an old custom called “walking on stilts”. 高跷是指以一双长并且配备凸起的搁脚 板,能使表演者提升每个细长杆走在平地 上的装置。在中国,有一个古老的风俗, 称为“踩高跷”。 7 History In the Han Dynasties, Stilt-walkin

5、g, then called “stilts skill”, began to popularize among the public. In the Song Dynasties, it was changed to “stepping-stilts”. In the Qing Dynasties, the name “stilts- walking” was finally adopted. 在汉代,踩高跷当时称为“跷技”,开始在公众中普及。 在宋代,它被改为“踏桥”。 在清代,被称之为“高跷 ”,一直沿用至今。 8 9 Dragon dance(耍龙灯) The Dragon dance

6、s, also known as the dragon lantern dance, is a unique folk dance in China. The Performers wave props like a dragon to the accompaniment of drums and gongs, displaying a powerful and majestic momentum. 耍龙灯,也称舞龙、龙灯舞,是一种以 龙为主体、十数人共同表演的大型民间艺 术形式。 10 About 2000 years ago, the series of movements used in

7、 the dragon dance were established in China. During the Song Dynasty ,founded in the 10th century, the dragon was combined with lanterns to form a kind of visual art. The dragon lantern dance became a major item of entertainment during festivals, especially the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of fi

8、rst lunar mouth. 约2000年前,在中国建立了一系列的舞龙运动。在 宋代,始建于10世纪,形成一种视觉艺术。舞龙成为元宵 节主要的娱乐项目。 11 The dragon is an emblem of the Chinese nation. It is also an emblem of good harvest, national prosperity and peoples happiness. So the dragon dances is indispensable for festivities in Chinese communities all over the

9、world. 龙是中华民族的象征,这也象征着一个好 收成,国家富强和人民幸福的。因此,舞 龙是世界各地的华人必不可少的庆祝活动。 12 13 14 Lion dance(狮子舞) The Lion dance, also called by the ancient “lion teasing”, is a folk show performed by one or two persons wrapped around with lion skin costume. like the dragon lance, lion dance is an indispensable performance

10、 in traditional Chinese village festive activities. 狮子舞,也叫“舞狮”,古代称为“戏狮子”,是一 种由一人或两人身披狮型服装表演的民间艺术。与耍龙灯 一样,狮子舞也是传统社火中必不可少的表演艺术形式之 一。 15 The Lion dance is performed in two forms: 1.pai acting(太狮) The former involves two actors co- operating as a singe lion, one as the head of the lion, the other as the

11、 body. When the lion shake its head or blinks its eyes ,the body will move accordingly, a feat that demands close co-operating between the two performers wrapped around in one lion costume. 16 2.Individual acting(少狮) The Individual acting performs as a lion cub with a small lion costume wrapped arou

12、nd one lion costume. In addition, there is always a man acting as a lion tease(狮子郎),usually dressed as a warrior or a fat monk who holds an embroidered ball and plays with the lions accompanied with gongs and drums. 17 In traditional Chinese custom culture, the lion is the king of all beasts and to

13、Chinese people has always been a mascot that is capable of warding off evils and bringing good luck. Therefore, during each festival, people would decorate the lions with bright colors and play with them as an expression of good wishes. 在中国传统风俗文化中,狮子是百兽之王,长期以来 一直是人们心中去恶呈祥的一种吉祥物。所以每到节庆之 日,人们总是把狮子打扮得五

14、彩斑斓,与之嬉戏玩耍,以 此寄托消灾除害、吉祥如意的愿望。 18 19 20 Boating Dance(跑旱船) The Boating Dance, also called land-boat, land- boat dance, or lotus-collecting boat, is a folk dance with one dance playing the woman passenger carrying the prop boat around her and another playing the boatman with an oar. It is similar to t

15、he bamboo-horse dance and the donkey dance in the form of performance. 跑旱船,也称旱船,或称旱船舞、采莲舞等,是指女 演员身上套、挎着船型道具拌坐船,男演员手持船桨扮划 船,二人共同表演的一种民间表演艺术。其表演形式与跑 竹马、赶毛驴相似。 21 The performance usually involves one boat with two dances: a male and a female. Some involve many dances and many boats. Dancers perform in

16、accordance with their stage appearance. Though different in form and style from place, the boating dance is very much loved everywhere regardless of its special local form and style. 22 23 24 Lantern show (闹花灯) Lantern show is the major folk activity of Lantern festival or Yuanxiaojie, which falls o

17、n the 15th of the first mouth of the Chinese New Year. The name derives itself from the fact that the first lunar mouth is called yuan mouth and in the ancient times people called night xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is called Yuanxiao Festival in China. 25 Hist

18、ory Lantern show during Lantern Festival has a long History: Historical record show that it began with the Han Dynasty. In the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see Lantern show . In the Tang Dynasty,the Lantern show would last for three days. 26 In the Song

19、 Dynasty,the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. Emperor Chengzu in the Ming Dynasty had the downtown area set aside as a center for displaying the lanterns. Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event in the Lantern festival .People enjoy the brightly lit night and the impressive sight. 27 28 29 Mashehuo-the traditional art form in my hometown Mashehuo as an tradi


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