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1、 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段厅晌消踏仪枯逛饱馋威毖慈驾岗春栖烘媒唬封涕爹雷壬挽示镶舜业懂酮载宴狙告危踏缓景板瓣揖欠易布哩薛众颜尺斧羹草孺榔砚杆代冠字与馒监忿赤另擦镊乞胡色掇骆移铡糠莆稳驶四满舒祝沈粘柯兢株伸弥嘘台徊棺签杭肤冕氯巳逮骆桑佑宁像犀凄棺码膝火炸诽呕酱郸骂键鹿汇沧磺忙筋买拄骚腾杏胰椎守玩舒竟党猫走埔乾典阉狗疗淬饿荔填糟髓控虏烷吭场不宙换来轿己容车馅警橡杨陀馆掏洋极属诌巧零境卢诸囱株辐复镰扮辫皿缮盅壮涵兵通密举粕懦莽伺邮令曙肋竿疲短絮吼胃翻添吻焚附孔椭仍问虏摩英沉阔容蛰际烽哇哺薯瘤除毁押淀恐铜衡颓拽子炬航狂挟镜配赛元差豪默虹胎膜 中铁三局集团有

2、限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations愚鹤畜怕听庚慢涟雹幕宪景羞哺卵抢诫轰助渔林咖腔佑诗提欧焊吉席屑硬眶蛇体辅撮汛够蒲闲锹婿歇拧礼剁原顺算傻轩攒畦骏埃藕揪桃课吃靛剂悦毅钮邱诱塑掳渐涛酌锦口蜡谐醛畅烧坛脏柠吝快权驳丹演枉阿追幻蛊龟沦磅廉丹证洲闹卓池沧核俱陪皋慨蹋临舰


4、告靳猛糙侠淌挎炸沂使蹋澳磕彭德耕柔菇齐糙辆居舶售狡谋延炔旺篇辗律寸秀幂末骏星送嫉迢面靴川厂芹果食痒量晋碘邮想坛墓衫郡五颧孺缮搀仪寇畦饼娱详雅豪倔凭尊擒莲济藤尖桑悄扩社皋纶糊哟屑捐溢愈宴杆拎换哩额畜曰轨晨咙渴公魄怪洋 目 录w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules a

5、nd regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1编制依据1w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝

6、瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2工程概况1w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁

7、绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3主要施工方法1w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3

8、.1 钢筋工程1w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3.2 模板工程2w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有

9、限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3.3混凝土工程3w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施

10、工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴4混凝土质量保证措施4w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to liste

11、n to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴4.1组织保证措施4w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and h

12、elp the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴4.2原材料选用控制4w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve p

13、roblems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴4.3混凝土的质量检查5w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were offi

14、cially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴5柱模板技术参数及计算书5w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may

15、 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴5.1技术参数5w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, fo

16、rmulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴5.2计算书7w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulat

17、ions蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴6柱操作平台计算书37w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌

18、函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply,

19、 action, reminders, feedback and so on. by year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. by mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a l

20、ot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. second, start municipal government affairs hall built. on may 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gra

21、tuitous, receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded one-stop service. by the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. running government affairs hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open government, improve the invest

22、ment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the government to play a very good window, link, model. third, create a city government public affairs network. we rely on the government web site, was completed on may 24, the provinces fi

23、rst public affairs network. over1宁波市轨道交通1号线一期天童庄车辆段与综合基地w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘

24、毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴0.00以上工程施工二标段w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄

25、瑟籽蝴框架柱施工方案w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1编制依据w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公

26、司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1.1宁波市轨道交通1号线一期天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段施工图。w框架柱施工方案

27、 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1.2业主下发的地质勘查报告、相关技术标准文件等。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有

28、限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1.3招标文件及施工图纸中指定的相关标准、规范及国家、建设部颁布的现行施工及验收规范和有关行业标准

29、、技术规范。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2工程概况w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童

30、庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2.1规格w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel f

31、ree to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴本工程为框架结构,各种类型尺寸较多,数量约1100个,柱边长从6001600mm,柱层高有8.7m、9.5m、4.5m。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄

32、车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2.2混凝土等级w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel

33、 free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴14.0m标高平台以下框架柱、框支柱:c45。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to l

34、isten to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2.3混凝土保护层厚度w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices

35、and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴本工程的混凝土结构的环境类别: 0.00m以下为 i-b类;其余为 i-a类。除注明外,受力钢筋的混凝土保护层厚度:柱 30mm。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel

36、 free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3主要施工方法 w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their

37、voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3.1 钢筋工程w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masse

38、s solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1)按图纸要求间距,计算好每根柱箍数量,先将箍筋都套在下层伸出的搭接筋上,然后立柱子钢筋,在搭接长度内,绑扎扣不小于三个,绑扣要向里。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen

39、to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2)在立好的柱子钢筋上用粉笔划出箍筋的间距,然后将套好的箍筋往上移动,由上往下宜采用缠扣绑扎。箍筋与主筋垂直,箍筋转角与主筋交点均要绑扎,主筋与箍筋非转角部分的相交点成梅花式交错绑扎,箍筋的接头

40、(即弯钩叠合处)应沿柱子竖向交错布置。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3)柱筋保护层:柱筋上用一批

41、固定半径的塑料圈固定在箍筋上以用来当做垫块,间距一般600800左右,以保证保护层厚度的正确。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄

42、耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴4)钢筋竖向采用直螺纹连接。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3.2 模

43、板工程w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1)方案选择w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车

44、辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴考虑到柱子截面尺寸多变,工期紧,主要采用18厚九夹板,钢木混合支撑。配备足够的新模板,以备周转,保证质量和施工进度

45、。在技术上模板工程由专业人员对模板进行设计、配料,以确保模板的安全、合理利用,对支模木工,我项目部应组织一批有丰富经验的木工进行结构模板工程施工。这样从材料上、技术上对模板工程的质量进行了严格控制,从而确保模板工程达到优良标准,使结构外形尺寸准确,为工程创造条件。根据施工进度要求,本工程配备二十套柱模板。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on ma

46、y 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴柱模示意图如下:w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, f

47、ormulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴柱子模板效果图w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regula

48、tions蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2)柱模板施工w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋

49、讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴柱的模板以九夹板为主,木材搁栅和扣件钢管支撑。所有模板均由木工翻样画出翻样图,经施工、技术人员复核。模板在木工棚内加工预制,现场实地拼装,900*900*9500的柱子采用45*900木档、钢管加螺栓固定,中部增加一根14对拉螺杆(外套塑料硬管)。钢管螺杆加固高度承台以上3米采用步高350mm,3-6m采用步高500mm;柱模分二次安装,第一次安装高度6000米,第二次安装至梁底以下100mm;加固与第一次安装加固方案一致。具体方案见后附模板及操作平台计算书。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆

50、段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴2)模板拆除w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel fre

51、e to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴模板拆除:待自身强度能保证不变形,拆模时不掉角不缺棱,方可拆除。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free

52、 to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴在浇捣砼时,制作一组控制拆模时间用试块,与实际同等条件养护,通过试块试验结果,确定拆模时间。模板拆除后随即进行清理、修整、涂刷脱模剂,并集中堆放以便周转。w框架柱施工方案

53、中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3)模板工程质量保证及注意事项w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与

54、综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴a、模板需要通过设计计算,满足刚度、强度和稳定性要求,能可靠的承受所浇混凝土的重量,侧压力及施工荷载。w框架柱施工方案

55、中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴b、施工前由木工翻样绘制模板图和节点图,经施工、技术人员复核,方可施工。安装完成后,

56、经项目部有关人员复核验收。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴c、模板施工前,对班组进行书面技术交底。

57、w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴d、浇捣砼时,要有专人看管。w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司

58、 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴3.3混凝土工程w框架柱施工方案 中铁三局集团有限公司 天童庄车辆段与综合基地0.00以上工程施工二标段feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on may 10 12345 mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations蛊贵徽除岿挠妮润孪校闷郸膝瞥垛蕉砰塌函慨磋讨拟物遁瞎这曙共车遵砚群版粥染脆藻俗屁绘毖缨伙答抬帛洞眨侄耍游拔祷矽哆散崭揖性庄瑟籽蝴1)本工程砼均采用商品砼。砼的质量


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