Gaining Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Management Practices_第1页
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1、Gaining Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Management Practices Randall S. Schuler* and Ian C. MacMillan 2作者介绍: Randall S. Schuler associate professor of human resource management at the Graduate School of Business, New York University. His interests are stress and time management, in addi

2、tion to personnel and human resource management, and the relationship between human resource management and strategy. He is coauthor of a personnel and human resource management textbook with West Publishing (1984) and coauthor of Managing Job Stress with Little, Brown & Company(1981). In additi

3、on, he has contributed many chapters for various books including Current and Future Perspectives on Stress in Personnel Management, edited by Roland and Ferris, published by Allen & Bacon (1982), and is coauthor of Human Resource Management Practices in the 1980s along with coeditor, Stephen Car

4、roll, for the Bureau of National Affairs (1983).3Ian C. MacMillan is the director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and Professor of Management at the Graduate School of Business, New York University. Prior to joining the academic world, he was a-chemical engineer and has been a director of

5、several companies in the travel and import/export business in South Africa, Canada, Hong Kong, and Japan. Professor MacMillan has consulted with a number of companies and published numerous articles and books on organizational politics, new ventures, and strategy formulation. His articles have appea

6、red in the journal of Business Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, and California Management Review, and his books are published by West.逻辑架构逻辑架构 Why(为什么) What(是什么) How(怎么办)一、问题的提出l Critical to a

7、 corporations growth and prosperity is gaining and retaining competitive advantage. Although corporations may pursue many paths to this end, one that is frequently not recognized is capitalizing on superior human resource management. 一个企业的发展和繁荣最重要的是获得和留住竞争力优势。虽然企业可以有多种路径达到这一目的,但是有一个路径是经常不能识别出的,即利用其优

8、越的人力资源管理。6l Currently, many companies recognize the growing importance of their human resources, but few are conceptualizing them in strategic terms-in ways to gain a competitive advantage. As a result, many companies forego the opportunity to seize competitive advantage through human resource pract

9、ice initiatives. 目前,虽然有许多企业认识到人力资源在企业发展中起着越来越重要的作用,但很少有企业在战略层面上将其予以概念化。其结果是,许多企业错失了通过HRM实践来获得竞争优势的机会。HRM practicesThe major purposes of these activities traditionally have been to attract, retain, and motivate employees. We refer to them as human resource management (HRM) practices (Schuler, 1984) H

10、uman resource planningStaffing, including recruitment, selection, and socializationAppraisingCompensationTraining and developmentUnion-management relationshipsAll the excellent organizations surveyed made effective use of their human resources, and they did this through their personnel and human res

11、ource management. Peters and Waterman (1982)一切优秀的组织都可以通过引进人才和进行人力资源管理活动获得竞争优势。 彼得斯和沃特曼(1982)二、二、Gain competitive advantages through HRM practicesAn initial understanding of where companies can gain competitiveadvantages through their HRM practices is facilitated by a discussion of(最早促使企业思考如何通过HRM实践获

12、得竞争优势,是基于对企业战略目标和战略推力的讨论) Strategic targets Strategic thrusts企业战略目标和战略推力的参照矩阵(一)(一) Strategic TargetsSelf(林肯电气的就是一个典型的通过HRM实践降低了生产成本,提高生产效率的例子.)Customers( UNIFI公司通过分享其绩效考核制度来帮助他的客户,以便他们有能力购买unifi的产品。)Distributors and servicers (Pepsico 通过为其分销商培训店长来增加其店面销售额,从而增加百事公司的销售额; Mercedes(梅赛德斯)在全美国培养机械工(服务商),

13、以便人们可以在24小时内,在美国的任何地方得到服务。 McDonald(麦当劳)也为其特许经营业主(即它的分销商/服务商)提供了广泛的培训。 )Suppliers( Nissan Motors(日产汽车)和Honda Motors(本田汽车)公司就给他的零部件供应商提供了丰富的培训课程,以提升其产品质量(包括他们以及供应商)(二)(二) Strategic ThrustsCost/efficiency thrust(成本/效率推力)林肯电气的就是一个典型的通过HRM实践降低了生产成本,提高生产效率的例子。此外,Unifi、麦当劳、本田等也坚持对其客户、分销商和经销商进行这种HRM实践,来帮助他

14、们更持久的保有竞争优势。 Differentiation thrust(企业用差异化策略使自己的产品与竞争对手的产品区分开来。) IBM之所以能够从竞争对手中脱颖而出,也是通过给其员工提供编程培训。 百事可乐是通过提供销售培训和店铺经营管理培训,从而使其成为一个在中型市场快速成长的经销商集团。 通用电气公司的领导层认识到其全球销售的大型设备合同,依赖于一个具有挑战性的传统技术技能和全新的融资组合技能。所以他们系统的巩固了这些技能,现在已经变成第三世界国家里,拥有全球融资途径的电力系统的生产商。 农场系统和政策支持使得巴尔的摩金莺脱颖而出。与此类似,贝尔实验室用类似的策略吸引了众多的工程博士。T

15、he target-thrust matrix we showed in Exhibit 1 provides the firmseeking a competitive advantage with eight broad options from whichto launch a strategic advantage. The next question is to ask what particular human resource practices the firm is exceptionally good at, and to see where these skills ca

16、n be applied in the target thrust matrix. This we have done in Exhibit 2.我们在图表1中显示的目标推力矩阵提供了一个企业从8个不同的竞争优势中寻求其战略优势。接下来的问题是搞清楚哪些HRM实践是企业所擅长的,然后在目标推力矩阵中寻找这些技能并加以运用。由此,我们做出了图表2:(一)(一)PlanningBaby boomThe lack of young worksThe functionally illiterate of young workersThe desire for literate young worker

17、s at all levels vsThe lack of young works18Examples(例证)Companies are taking note of recent census data-those data indicate that the number of young workers in the labor force peaked at 37 million in 1980 and will drop to 24 million by 1990. Meanwhile, each year 2.3 million 17-year-olds are added to

18、the ranks of the functionally illiterate. 公司通过最近的人口普查数据发现:年轻劳动力的数量在1980年达到顶峰,为3700万。在 1990年,这一数据可能会下降到2400万。与此同时,每年有230万17岁的人归入功能性文盲的行列。Among Hispanic 17-year-olds, 56% are functionally illiterate while 47% of the Black 17-year-olds are functionally illiterate.在Hispanic(西班牙)的17岁人口中,56的功能性文盲中有47%是黑人。

19、The issue of functional illiteracy has coiled at the center of our unemployment problems and it threatens this countrys ultimate ability to succeed in the world market. -Robert Feagles (Business Week, May 9, 1984, p. 81)功能性文盲问题一直是我们讨论失业问题的焦点,它影响着一个国家在世界市场的最终成功。Texas Instruments and New York Telephon

20、e are getting into secondary and primary education in the 1980s.Creating a rapid expansion of potential managers with a narrowing base of managerial jobs. “婴儿潮”为那些管理工作贫乏的公司提供了大量潜在的管理人才。Baby boomThe intersection of these events is producing a company need for flexibility and current, up-to-date skill

21、s.这些事件的交汇促成了企业在当前复杂多变的形势下对员工灵活性和技能升级的要求。Some companies are trying to gain this flexibility and skill currency by offering attractive early retirement packages for carefully selected groups of employees. (AT&T、 Bank America Corporation、 Sun Company、 Eastman Kodak Company)一些企业试图通过为一批员工推出“提前退休计划”来增

22、进人员流动性,增进企业效益。(因为在它们看来,如果目前所有的人口,经济和技术都是可持续的,那么以下的假设就是成立的:如果公司运用人力资源管理实践,“在合适的时间”将“合适的人员”配备到“合适的岗位”上,那么企业就可以更高效地生产高质量的产品,从而获得战略竞争优势。)(二)(二)StaffinglBring the right people on board. 把“合适”的人放在“合适”的岗位上l Socialization 社会化l Bring the right people on board.Edson de Castro and Hervert J. Richman, executive

23、 vice president, spent a vast amount of personal time on hiring only those managers whose styles and interests fit with Data General. The styles and interests that best seem to fit with Data General now are those reflecting a desire for organization, long-range strategic planning, and more stable an

24、d methodical growth patterns. This practice of careful selection to ensure a better fit between company and employee is also a critical HRM practice at Goldman Sachs. There, every partner interviews every MBA job applicant to ensure that the new employees fit the company.Edson de Castro and Hervert

25、J. Richman, 执行副总裁,花费了大量时间去筛选那些风格与兴趣与通用相匹配的经理,从而更好的实现组织愿景,建立一个符合组织长远战略规划的更稳定有效的增长模式。这种严谨的做法保证了企业和员工之间的契合度,这也是高盛(Goldman Sachs)HRM实践的重要做法。那里,每一个应聘者都得到公司的访谈,以保证每一个新员工都“适合”这个公司。retaining key employees at compensation levels far below many competitors despite the lucrative bidding that goes on for top pl

26、ayers. 留住关键员工所付出的薪酬水平要远远低于用丰厚的利润招聘顶级员工。根据营销学原理,每开发一个新客户的成本是维持一个老客户的2-6倍。赖克海德曾提出:顾客流失率每降低5%,企业利润将增加25-85%,从竞争对手中争夺并保持一个顾客成本是现有顾客的5倍。l SocializationSocialization represents the process used by companies to expose new employees to their culture and ways of doing things.社会化通常是企业为其新员工宣扬自己的文化,教新员工如何做事的过程。

27、Companies that have perfected the socialization process include IBM, Procter & Gamble,and Morgan Guaranty Trust. Often the socialization process begins before the employee is hired.一些公司在员工正式入职之前就成功的完成了其社会化进程。比如IBM、宝洁,以及美国摩根保证信托银行。 以宝洁为例,在成功完成一般的知识测试后,他们会对申请者进行培训,以使其在合适的岗位上做出最出色的成绩。如果申请者通过了这一系列测试

28、,他将会得到诸如谦虚、合作包容等良好的工作体验。 通过这一阶段和其他社会化进程,新员工不断意识到公司的价值观和公司在业界的口碑。这种包括注重产品质量和员工奉献精神的价值观直到今天还一直存在着。(三)(三)AppraisinglAnother critical aspect of appraising is correcting poor performance.绩效评估的另一个重要方面是可以纠正一些不恰当的行为。l The appraisal reviews assist executives in clarifying and articulating objectives and expe

29、ctations for themselves and their employees. 通过绩效评估来帮助管理者和员工明确组织期望,实现组织目标。At Emery Air Freight, the company was losing $1 million annually because employees on the airport loading docks were shipping small packages separately rather than placing those with the same destination in one container that.

30、 would be carried at l ower rates by air carriers. Management also found that the containers were being used 45. percent of the time when they should have been used 90 percent of the time.-By establishing a program of positive consequences and feedback, the nearly $1 million annual loss was eliminat

31、ed.埃默里空运公司因为装卸码头员工单独运送小包裹,而不是把相同的目标归入同一批运送,这导致该公司每年损失百万美元。通过建立一个有效的人力资源评估和反馈系统,管理者发现,以往用全部时间90%才能完成的事情,现在只用了40%,企业每年减少了近100万美元的亏损。For example :(四)(四) CompensationIn addition to PEOPLE Express Airline and Lincoln Electric, who use compensation practices to gain a cost/efficiency competitive advantage

32、, TRW and the Hewlett-Packard Company use compensation to drive their search for innovative products and services.用薪酬激励的做法获得成本/效率竞争优势的除了PEOPLE Express Airline (美国大众快运航空)和Lincoln Electric(林肯电气)外,TRW (TRW 是美国的一家汽车配件供应商,中文名称为:天合)和Hewlett-Packard(惠普)也使用薪酬激励来驱动他们的产品和服务创新。 在惠普,创业行为是得到鼓励的,领导者为他们的成功举办庆祝酒会,还

33、有一些类似股票期权、个人电脑的奖励。 另一个通过薪酬激励机制获得竞争优势的企业是Nucor(美国第二大钢铁企业 纽柯钢铁公司)。它同时使用四种不同层面的激励计划,相比于过去十年,销售额增加了60倍,利润增加了15倍。 同样成功的还有Chaparral钢铁公司(美国丛林钢铁公司),其推行的利益共享制,几乎覆盖了所有的雇员。 在TRW(天合),它通过补偿机制来促进创新,单位或团队可以用业绩换取去其他部门工作的机会,这些企业得到了他们所要求的持久稳定的产品服务和质量的提高,从而使他们在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。(五)(五) Training and DevelopmentWhen Delco-Remy

34、trained its employees in participative management,it succeeded in differentiating itself from all competitors in the eyes ofHonda and others.Delco-Remy(德科-瑞美)用参与管理的理念训练它的员工,促使其成功的在本田和其他企业面前将自己和其他竞争者区分开来。 participative management(六)(六) Union-Management RelationshipsRecently American Airlines, Greyhou

35、nd, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, and Ingersoll-Rand have negotiated two-tiered wage systems to help reduce total costs by reducing labor costs. Without these jointly negotiated systems, these companies would not have survived.最近,美国航空公司,譬如Greyhound(灰狗)、McDonnell Douglas(麦克唐纳-道格拉斯)、Boeing(波音)和Ingersoll-

36、Rand(英格索兰)通过实施工会与企业共同制定的工资制度,降低了劳动力成本,进而降低了总成本。可以说,如果没有这些共同协商的制度,这些公司就不会存活下来。公司与工会的关系对企业的存活至关重要,关系越好,企业越有可能获得竞争优势。虽然上述做法展示了人的活动对于企业获得竞争优势的重要性,但它还没有突出强调企业从先于竞争对手反应速度中得到的优势。在接下来的部分中,我们着重讲述竞争对手在获得此类竞争优势时所面临的困难,这些困难是由大量的惯性障碍造成的(MacMillan, 1983)。只有先克服这些障碍,企业才能真正的获得其HRM优势。三、三、Barriers to Competitive respo

37、nse Needs-matching challenge(匹配) One-attaining consistency(期望与现实的一致性) Lack of commitment(承诺的缺失) Time horizon(时间界限)35 Needs-matching challengeTo get the right person in the right place, as Walter Wriston suggests, requires a company to engage in extensive analyses. Jobs have to be analyzed, the needs and products of the company, present and future, have to be analyzed, and key individuals have


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