



1、Unit 1 Tidy up! BI.把表格填写完整,人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词我Imemy7你youyou4yours他hehim5his她she1her8它ititits9我们we2ourours你们youyouyour10他们,她们,它们they36theirsI. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.II. 读句子,用所给的适当形式填空。1. This is nokite. That kite is blue, butis yellow.(I )2. The dress isGive it to( she )3. is my brother,n ame

2、is Tony. Look!Those model pla nes are( he )4 have a white is Cindy. These toys are(it )5.Are thesetickets? No, they are n .( they )III. 按要求改写句子,每空填写一词。1. My new friend is Tony.(改写成一般疑问句)Tonynew friend?2. These pen cils are mine/对画线部分提问)pencils are?IV. 阅读理解,判断句子正误,正确的写“ T”,错误的写“ F”。Rose: Bob

3、! Come here! Whose shoes are these? They look like yours.Bob:Let me see. These shoes are n't mine.Rose: Whose shoes are they the n?Bob: They're Bill's, I thi nk.Rose: Come here, Bill. Are these shoes yours?Bill. Which shoes?Rose: Those un der the tree.Bill: Let me see. Y es, they're

4、mi ne! They're my shoes.Rose: Put them on, Bill. You must look after your shoes!Bill: OK. Tha nk you, Rose.Rose: You're welcome.()1.The shoes look like Bob's.()2.The shoes aren't Bob's.( )3.Bob thi nks the shoes are Bill's.()4.Bill thi nks the shoes are Bob's.( )5.The sho

5、es are un der the tree.V. 根据你的意愿连线,然后写出下列物品属于谁Look! The football is( )1.Thecan stick to a magn et.A. paper B. thumbtacks C. n ails D. glass()2.Ais a stick of coloured wax.A. pen B. toothbrush C. cray on参考答案6. their7. mine8. hers9. its10. yoursII. 1. my,mine 2.hers, her3. He,His,his 4. Its, its 5. their,I. 1. her2. us3. them4. your5. histheirsIII. 1. Is, your 2. Whose, theseIV . 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. TV (参考范文) Look! The football is mine. The volleyball is hers. The umbrella is ours. The c


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