已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一、 目 的(Aim:)为保证机模质量,给检查作业提供依据,为客户提供合格的产品,特制定本标准。In order to insure the quality、give the rules to the inspection action and supply our customers with super products, we establish the standards. 二、 范 围(Range) 适用于LG公司模型机检验 All the LG dummies are valid三、 检验流程:(Inspection process)模型机整机检验Whole dummy inspe

2、ction模型机底面壳、翻盖检验Body rear、folder inspection模型机转轴、推盖检验Hinge、Sliding inspection模型机镜片检验Lens inspection模型机屏幕检验LCD image inspection模型机按键检验Keypads inspection模型机电镀键检验Electroplating parts inspection模型机重铁检验Metal pads inspection模型机配件检验Accessories inspection模型机包装检验Package inspection注:以上工序的检验参照相应的检验标准; All the

3、inspection process should be comply with the relative standard.在检验过程中如某一检验标准不适用可省略其检验步骤。 Any standard is inapplicable, omitting the inspection process1模型机整机检验标准 Whole dummy inspection standard1.1、检验标准: Inspection standard:1.1.1 长、高、宽与样机相差小于1mm; Comparing the length、height、width with the real phone,

4、E<1mm;1.1.2 重量与样机相差±5g; Comparing the weight with the real phone, E<=5g1.1.3 颜色与样机基本一致;(在客户确认样板与真机颜色之间可接受) Color should keep consistent with the real phone (Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)1.1.4 手感质感与样机基本一致;(在客户确认样板与真机效果之间可接受) Touching feeling should keep consistent with t

5、he real phone (Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)1.1.5 整机形状、外观及配件的形状、外观与样板机基本一致。(在客户确认样板与真机效果之间可接受) Both the shape、appearance of the whole and the accessories should keep consistent with the real phone(Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)1.2、检验方法:(Inspection measure)1.2.1 用

6、QC专用带表卡尺(0150mm)进行测量 Measuring with the QC callipers. (0150mm)1.2.2 用QC专用(01000g)电子秤进行测量。 Measuring with the QC electronic steelyard.(01000g)1.2.3 在2只40W的日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm灯光下,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用QC专用点、线标准菲林比较。With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 150 in u

7、pper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film. 2模型机底面壳,翻盖检验 (只适用带翻盖的模型机) Dummy body rear, folder inspection(Only folder dummy is valid )2.1、结构检测标准:底面壳或翻盖底面壳组装间隙须小于0.3mm,有特殊规定除外 Structure inspection standard: the gap between body rear and body front, folder upper and folder lower should be less

8、than 0.3mm, Special ordain is excepted. 2.2、丝印检测标准:Printing inspection standard2.2.1 丝印中间断线,断线长度只许0.1mm以下,Logo的断线必须都在0.05mm以下,尾部断线所断长度全长在2mm以下,占全长的10%以下,全长2mm以上占全长的5%以下,内容字体必须与样板保持一致,大小形状不大于或不小于样板5%;Breakage in the middle: breakage should be less than 0.1mm, breakage of logo should be less than 0.05

9、mm;breakage in the end: printing Line2mm, breakage10%; Printing Line2mm, breakage5%; both the content and font should be keep consistent with GS, the size and shape should not be bigger or smaller 5% than GS.2.2.2 上、下、左、右平移不许超过0.4mm倾斜角度在50以下; The shift of up, down, left, right should not be excess 0

10、.4mm, the gradient should be less than 50. 2.3、喷油检测标准2.3.1 底壳、面壳、翻盖底壳、翻盖面壳,颜色须保持与样板一致; All the color of body rear、body front、folder upper、folder lower should be keep consistent with the GS.2.3.2 积油、掉油、杂点表面允许有最大直径0.6mm以下两个点,间隔3cm以上,反面与侧面允许最大直径0.6mm以下三个点,间隔3cm以上; A front: thick paint、dust、spot, dia.0.

11、6mm,distance3cm; dots2 is acceptable ;Sides/rear: dia.0.6mm,distance3cm; dots3 is acceptable。2.3.3 表面有线状物,划痕时正面长度1.5mm以下最多不能超过2条,间隔3cm以上,反面与侧面长度2.0mm以下,最多不超过3条,间隔3cm以上; A front:scratch,length1.5mm,distance3cm ,quantity2 is acceptable;Sides/rear: length2mm,distance3cm ,quantity3 is acceptable。2.3.4 不

12、允许有阴阳色、起皱、烧焦或手感粗糙; Wrinkle,bake,bad touch feeling is not allowed2.3.5 光泽度、粗闪度要与样板一致;(在客户确认样板与真机效果之间可接受) Neat,color aberrance should keep consistent with the GS.( Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)2.3.6 表面缩水允许直径不大于0.8mm以上,用手触摸感觉不到凹痕;反面与侧面缩水允许不大于0.9mm以上,用手触摸感觉不到凹痕。 A front:shrinking,dia.

13、0.8mm,can not be feeled with concave by touch; Sides/rear: dia.0.9mm ,can not be feeled with concave by touch.2.4、检验方式:(inspection measure)2.1条用塞规往间隙里面插能通过则NG;2.2、2.3条在2只40W日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用QC专用点、线标准菲林比较。2.1: Inserting the plug guage into the gap,if it can pass,it is NG;2.2,2.3

14、: With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, being 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 150 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film.3模型机转轴、推盖检验标准 (只适用带翻盖的模型机) Dummy hinge ,sliding inspection(only folder dummy is valid) 3.1、转轴检验标准:Hinge inspection standard3.1.1 翻盖开合时不能有异常的“嘎吱”声音或明显感觉

15、转轴的摩擦力现象; When open and close the dummy, it should be no obvious noise, no obvious feeling of friction.3.1.2 黄油不能外溢,以免影响清洁度; Lube should not be come out.3.1.3 不接受装转轴时碰伤左右侧壳料和转轴位破裂现象的产品; Product which is scratched when assembling the hinge is not accepted3.1.4 打开:转过规定角度后能弹到位后,其角度与规定角度相差小于50; Opening:

16、 When it is folded to stated position, it should flick automaticly. Comparing with stated angle E<503.1.5 合拢:转到规定角度后能弹到所规定的位置; Closing:It should fold automaticly when arriving at the stated angle.3.1.6 能够在规定角度位置停顿; It can pause at the stated angle.3.1.7 转轴弹性流畅无异响。 Hinge should be smooth,no obviou

17、s noise.3.1.8 旋转角度偏差+/-50; Revolving range: +/-503.2推盖检验标准:Sliding inspection standard3.2.1 推盖推动到位时须有显明“咔嚓”到位声; It shoud not have the obvious noise when it arrives at the position.3.2.1 两端起动时力须在100克力与200克力之间; Opening and closing,the strength should be 100g-200g.3.2.3 滑动时须在100克力以下,30克力以上; Sliding str

18、ength should be form 30g weight to 100g. weight3.2.4 推盖推到所规定的位置上下左右不错位。 No Position deviation when the dummy is slided to stated position.3.2.5 推盖虚位不超过1.5mm。 Position aberrance should not excess 1.5mm. 3.3检验方法:Inspection measure:3.1.4条用QC专用角度标准菲林进行比较,3.2用QC专用(02000g)拉力计检测。3.1.4:Comparing with the QC

19、 standard flim.3.2: using QC pulling meter(02000g)4模型机镜片检验标准:Dummy lens inspection standard4.1、检验标准:inspection standard:4.1.1 印刷图文、字体形状及大小与样板相符,不大于或不小于样板的4%; Comparing with the GS,Printing image,font,shape and size, should not be much or Less than 4%.4.1.2 排列位置与样板相符,显示框到左右边缘距离应对称,偏差不超过0.2mm; Arrayin

20、g position should keep consistent with GS, the distance from display to each edge Should be symmetrical. E0.2mm4.1.3 杂点允许最大直径在0.4mm以下的一个点,划痕允许长1mm*宽0.1mm的一条线,眼看不明显; Dots: spot,dia.0.4mm dot1;scratch lines:length1mm,width0.1mm,scratch lines1,it looks unconspicuous.4.1.4 镜片的Logo的断线,断线长度只许0.04mm以下; Bre

21、akage of lens logo: breakage line should be less than 0.04mm。4.1.5 丝印必须保持清晰,不许模糊、重影或起牙,上下左右平移不许超过0.3mm; Printing should keep legible,should not have the blur,shade,bur.and the position aberrance Should not excess 0.3mm.4.1.6 丝印、烫金中间断线,断线长度只许0.04mm以下,尾部断线所断长度全长在2mm以下,占全长的10%以下,全长2mm以上占全长的5%以下; Printi

22、ng breakage in the middle: breakage length0.04mm. Breakage in end: Printing Line2mm, breakage10%; Printing Line2mm, breakage5%4.1.7 积油、掉油、杂点允许最大直径0.4mm以下的一个点; Dots:spot,dust, dia0.4mm,one dot is acceptable.4.1.8 颜色须与样板保持一致;(在客户确认样板与真机颜色之间可接受) Color should keep consistent with GS( Between the GS and

23、the real phone is acceptable)4.1.9 镜片透明度高,无模糊、无杂点、无脏污、无灰尘。 Lens should have super transparence ,no blur, no spot, no smudge,no dust.4.2、检验方式:inspection measure在2只40W的日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm灯光下,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用QC专用点、线标准菲林比较。With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and lean

24、ing 150 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film.5模型机屏幕检验标准 Dummy LCD image inspection standard5.1、结构检验标准:尺寸与样板相差小于0.2mm Structure inspection standard: Comparing with GS, size E0.2mm.5. 2、印刷检验标准:(屏幕) Printing inspection standard:(LCD image)5.2.1 内容字体与样板一致; Content&font keep consist

25、ent with GS.5.2.2 位置上、下、左、右、平移不超过0.15mm Position aberrance in up,down,left,right should not excess 0.15mm.5.2.3 倾斜度小于40 Gradient should be less than 405.2.4 0.1mm0.2mm点允许有一个,0.1mm以下点允许有3点,但各点间隔在2cm以上; Dots,0.1mm0.2mm,one dot is acceptable,<0.1mm, 3 dots are acceptable, the distance among the dots

26、 should excess 2cm.5.2.5 划痕宽度0.04mm以下长度1.5mm以下,最多不超过2条,间隔2cm以上,长度1mm2mm之间宽度0.02mm以下允许有1条;Scratch line: width0.04.length1.5mm,scratch line should not excess 2pcs,distance2cm,length:1mm2mm,width0.02mm.1 scratch line is acceptable.5.2.6 允许存在在上下倾斜150角度范围内看不见的压痕,在150内可见的压痕与标准一致; Pressed scratch which can

27、 not be seen by leaning 150 in up and down is acceptable, if it can be seen, do as the standard .5.2.7 与样板比较,颜色一致。(在客户确认样板与真机颜色之间可接受)5.3、检验方式: inspection measure在2只40W的日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm灯光下,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用标准菲林比较。With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 1

28、50 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film.6模型机按键检验标准 Dummy keypads inspection standard6.1、结构检验标准 structure inspection standard所有尺寸与样板相差小于0.2mm,有特殊规定的公差按特殊规定检验Size :comparing with the GS, E0.2mm,special ordain is excepted.6.2、丝印(烫金)检验标准 printing inspection standard6.2.1 中间断线,断线长度只许0.1

29、mm以下; Breakage in the middle:Breakage should be less than 0.1mm6.2.2 尾部断线长度全长在2mm以下,占全长的10%以下;全长2mm及2mm以上占全长的5%; Breakage in the end: Printing Line2mm, breakage10%; Printing Line2mm, breakage5%;6.2.3 印内容字体颜色必须与样板保持一致,大小形状与样板比较相差不大于或不小于样板的4%; Printing content,font color should keep consistent with GS

30、,comparing with GS,the E Of size and shape should not excess 4%。6.2.4 上、下、左、右平移不许超过0.3mm倾斜角度在50以下; Position aberrance in,up ,down,lelf,right should not excess 0.3mm.,gradient<50;6.2.5 必须保持清晰,不许模糊、重影或起牙。 Printing should keep legible,should not have the blur,shade,bur.6.3、喷油检验标准 painting inspection

31、 standard6.3.1 积油、掉油、杂点0.2mm0.3mm点允许有一个,0.1mm以下的点允许有3个以下的点,可在同一按键上; Dots:dia.form 0.2mm0.3mm,one dot is acceptable,dia.<0.1mm, dots3 are acceptable, It can appear on the same keypad.6.3.2 颜色、光哑度、粗闪度与样板一致;(在客户确认样板与真机效果之间可接受) Color, brightness,lighteness should keep consistent with GS. (Between the

32、 GS and the real phone is acceptable)6.3.3 表面有线状物或划痕时宽0.04mm以下长1mm以下最多不超过3条,且不在同一按键上,宽0.04mm以下长1.5mm以下只允许1条,且仅只一条; Scratch on the surface:width0.04mm,length1mm, scratch quantity3,and it can not appear on the same keypad, width0.04mm,length1.5mm, only 1 scratch is acceptable。6.3.4 不允许有阴阳色、起皱、烧焦或手感粗糙。

33、 Serious color aberrance,wrinkle, scorch or bad touching feeling is not allowed。6.4、功能检验标准 Navigation key inspection standard6.4.1 要求有弹性:用母指使用180克力轻轻按动按键,按键有弹性且能连续重复,旁边的按键上下连动在0.2mm范围内; Bouncy :Pressing the keypad with 180g weight, keypad should have the elasticity and can repeat continuous, the mov

34、ing range of the circumambient keypad should be less than 0.2mm.6.4.2 要求无弹性:用母指用180克力300克力之间的力按按键,按键无弹性、无松动、无下陷。 Nonelastic :Press the keypad with 180-300g weight,keypad should be without elasticity,no looseness,no sink.6.5、检验方法:6.1、6.2、6.3三条在2只40W日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用标准菲林比较;6.4条可用

35、专用(02000g)压力计进行检验。6.1、6.2、6.3:With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 150 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film. 6.4:using QC pressing meter(02000g)7模型机电镀件检验标准 dummy electroplating parts inspection standard:7.1、检验标准 Inspection standard7.1.1

36、颜色与样板一致;(在客户确认样板与真机颜色之间可接受) Color keep consistent with GS;( Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)7.1.2 黑点、杂点、漏镀允许两个以下的点,直径在0.3mm以下间隔2cm以上; Dots:macula,spot, lacuna,dia0.3mm,distance2cm,dots2 is acceptable.7.1.3 气泡、凹坑允许两个以下的点,直径在0.4mm以下间隔2cm以上; Dots:air bubble,concave,dia0.4mm, distance2cm

37、 dots2 is acceptable.7.1.4 划痕与表层颜色相同的划痕,宽0.04mm以下长5mm以下的划痕允许有两条,不在正面时宽0.03mm长515mm之间的允许有一条;与表层颜色不同时宽0.02mm以下长1mm以下的划痕允许有两条以下间隔须在3cm以上,不在正面时宽0.02mm以下长2mm以下的划痕允许有三条以下间隔须在3cm以上 Scratch with the same color as surface ,width0.04,length5mm,Scratch2 is acceptable; If the scratch does not appear on the A co

38、ver, width0.03, 5mmlength15mm,one scratch is acceptable. Scratch with different color as surface: width0.02,length1mm,distance2cm ,Scratch2 is acceptable; If the scratch does not appear on the A cover, width0.02, length2mm, distance3cm, scratch3 is acceptable.7.1.5 光哑度与样板一致;(在客户确认样板与真机效果之间可接受)Bright

39、ness should keep consistent with GS;( Between the GS and the real phone is acceptable)7.1.6 电镀层厚度在0.1±0.02mm。Electroplating thickness should be 0.1±0.02mm。7.1.7 水镀任何的氧化现象均不可接受,真空镀、哑镀目前技术达不到,或多或少都会有一点轻微氧化。Any oxygenation can not be accepted in water electroplating, and slight oxygenation ca

40、n be accepted in vacuum electroplating& other electroplating.7.2、检验方法 inspection measure在2只40W的日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm灯光下,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用QC专用点、线标准菲林比较。7.1.6条用膜厚仪检验。With 2pcs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 150 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC stand

41、ard film.7.1.6 using thickness meter.8模型机配件检验标准 Dummy accessories inspection standard(适用于模型机配件,如天线、充电塞、天线帽、电池扣、耳机塞、发射块等)(All the accessories are valid, for example: antenna, I/O connector cap, antenna cap, battery buttonearphone cap , signal bar)8.1、检验标准:inspection standard8.1.1 配件齐全无漏装; All the acc

42、essories should be assembled completely.8.1.2 用与组装相反的方向的100克力敲打100次,须无配件脱落,有特定规定除外。 Using 100g weight to beat 100 times on the area of opposite assembly, no parts peel off Special ordain is excepted8.1.3 配件的颜色雕刻丝印图案要与样板一致; Color,imagery,printing of accessories should be keep consistent with GS.8.1.4

43、 配件组装后间隙不能超过0.2mm,有特殊规定须按特定规定检测。 Assembly gap should not excess 0.2mm,Special ordain, do as it. 8.1.5 丝印内容字体,必须与样板一致,大小形状不大于或不小于样板的3%,丝印必须保持清晰,不许模糊、重影或起牙; Printing content,font color should keep consistent with GS,comparing with GS,the E of the size and shape should not excess 3%。Printing should kee

44、p legible,no blur,no shape,no bur.8.1.6 配件缩水须眼看不明显,直径在0.3mm以下,手触摸感觉不到凹痕。 Shrinking should not be found obviously by eyes,the dia. Should be less than 0.3mm,and should not be feelled with concave.by touch8.2、检验方式:inspection measure在2只40W的日光灯下,光源距离被侧面3050cm灯光下,平视距离2030cm,上下倾斜150,用QC专用点、线标准菲林比较。With 2p

45、cs of 40W lamp, being 3050cm from the lamp, 20-30cm from eyes, and leaning 150 in upper and down, Comparing with the QC standard film9模型机包装检验标准 Dummy package inspection standard9.1、包装检验标准 Package inspection standard9.1.1 每个模型机需先装入规定的气泡袋;(气泡袋内整洁无杂物) Each dummy should be packed into the stated air bub

46、ble bag(It must be neat )9.1.2 将装好气泡袋的手机装入指定的小白盒内; Putting the air bubble bag into the appointed white box.9.1.3 按规定的数量、摆放方法将小白盒装入外箱; Putting the white box into out box with the appointed quantity & array ways.9.1.4 外箱需用60cm*40u的胶纸进行封箱,胶纸与外箱充分粘贴,不得有脱散现象,再用15mm*1.5mm的打包带将外箱封好. Out package should be adhered firm with 60cm*40u glue. then packed with 15mm*1.5mm swathe.9.2、尺寸检验标准. Size 2cm 以下公差为±0.2cm 2cm Tolerance=±0.2cm2cm12cm 公差为±0.5cm2cm12cm Tolerance=0.5cm12cm30cm公差为±1cm12cm30cm Tolerance=1cm30cm60cm公差为±1.5cm30cm60cm Tole


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