



1、营山职高(三中)2014年秋季期末考试英语(14级3班)I.单词辨音选出与划线部分读音相冋的一项。1. putA. sunB. shutC.stude ntD. full2. habitA.whiteB. honest C. hourD. hair3. hostA. lostB. costC. JoseD. post4. kissA. busyB. fistC. resultD. rose5. waveA. ofB. leafC. laughD. rough6. editorA. eventB._excit ing C. degree!any7. moustache Achemistry B.

2、 cha nge C_check D. mach ine8. woode n A. school B. foolish C. good D. zoo9. dry A. weekly B. comedy C. reply D. lorry10. cow A. know B. grown C. show D. down11. 单项选择找出句中划线的单词或词组的意义。11. I saw her in the street last Tuesday.A.星期二 B星期三 C星期四 D星期五12. - Can I take those boxes for you?- No, tha nks. I can

3、 manage it myself.A管理 B搬动 C应付 D办到13. Many smokers have tried more than once to give up smoking.A曾经 B 一次 C 一旦 D努力14. As soon as I get to Beiji ng, ' write to you.A尽快 B尽量 C 一就D当时候15. He was brought up by his un cle after his pare nts died.A带走 B抚养 C教育 D虐待16. Please give me answer quickly.A.the B.a

4、C.a n D./17. My sister is very good at play ingpia no.A.the the B.the C./ D.a n18. How is the pen?A.ma ny B.much C.a ny D.some19.lt makeangrythi nk about the matter aga in.A.me to B.l / C.him of D.me that2O.She isthird winner of the game.A.the B.a C./ D.a n21.A nn is than I am.A.a older B.old C.shor

5、ter a head D.a head tall.22.lt is really ki ndA.for you to say soB.of say ing soC.for you say ing soD.of you to say so23.She is more diligent than allstudents in her class.A.a no therB.any other C.the other D.other24. He is,but his wife is .A.awake asleepB.awake sleepC.wak ing asleepD.wake asleep25.

6、 There areof stude nts in the big hall.A.hundredB.two hundredsC.hundreds D.two hundredIII.阅读理解(10分)Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these stude nts are childre n. Others are young people. Some lear n at school, others teach themselves. Why do all these people want to lear

7、 n En glish? It is hard to an swer that q uestio n.Many boys and girls lear n En glish at school because it is one of their subjects. Many people lear n En glish because it is useful in their work. Some young people learn En glis h for their higher studies because some of their books are in English at college(学院)or university (大学).Other people lear n En glish because they want t


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