



1、基本信息年级初中一年级学科英语教学方法读书指导法教师单位课题名称初中一年级英语下册第三课时教案学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。1七年级学生对英语学习的兴趣浓厚,好奇心强,活泼好动,敢于开口,有了一定的拼读单词的能力,学会本课的生词和句型应该是没问题的。2 学生在上学期已学了用on/in/under来表达室内物品的摆放位置的基础上,再学习室外的场所位置的表达,易于理解, 易于掌握。

2、教学目标分析要点: 1.知识目标; 2.能力目标; 3.情感态度与价值观。1.在听读的基础上,全体学生会朗读 next to/ in front of/behind/across from/between and/on the right/on theleft , neighborhood, just, straight, down等生词。 2. 在老师的图示演示下,懂得方位介词 ne xt to/ in front of/behind/across from/between and/on the right/on的 the left用法及明白一些指令:go straight, turn le

3、ft/right。 3. 通过和同伴或小组成员间的对话操练,掌握问路和指路的句型:Where s ? Is there ? Just go straight and turnright/left. It s down on the right/left4.能分辨左( left。)和右( right )的方向,能用 go straight, turn left/right, on the left/right, down给他人指路并会画路线图。 5.懂得使用礼貌用语:Excuse me. Thank you very much. You re welcome。能通过问路和指路感受助人为乐的乐趣。

4、教学过程Step1: Revision Review:in,on,under(多媒体课件打出图片)T:Where s the ball?SS:It is in/on/under the boxStep2: Teaching new words多媒体课件打出图片)Teachnew words: in front of, across from, next to, between and , behind. Students learnnew words. Step3: Practice new drills T:Where s theSS:Itpay phone?son Greenstreet

5、/across from/next to/infront of/on/behind/ Step4Match :the pictures Askstudents to open their books and match the pictures in 2a. Students open theirbooks and match the pictures in 2a.Then check the answers Step5: listening Playthe recording. Students listen andfill in the blanks by listening to the

6、 items on thetap Correct the answers Step6: Practice new drills Tell students to ask and answer inpairModule A: Where s the supermarket? B: It s next to the library. Step7:Present some new phrases Teach“ on the left, on ight,the rturn left, turn right, gostraight” by doing actions Students learn new

7、 words Step8Reading a. Ask a:student to point out the place that Paul wants to get to. Guide the students to pointto the book and say: Here s the hotel. Point to the two arrows.(箭头 ) Ask studentsto repeat left and right. Then ask them to hold up their left hands and then theirright hands. Step9: wri

8、ting 3b. Point to the questions below each picture and ask astudent to read them aloud. Point to the three write-on lines in the speech bubbles.Say, Write the answers to the questions here. Step10: Summary Let students sumup what they have learnt in this class. Step11: Homework画一张自己家到学校的示意图并用英语编一组问路和指路的对话。板书设计Unit 2Wheres the post office?问路1: - Wheres the指?路1 : - Its acrossfrom, in front of, next to, between and 问,路behind2: - Is there - Yes ,there is. Go s


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