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1、l/o/g/o上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语系列教材应用型大学英语系列教材book application-oriented college english course2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 language in use enhancement of language abilities unit threetable of contents language skills developmentbacknext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 startertext: the love letter working with words and

2、 phrasesdiscussionpractice: interpretingpractice: translationpractice: writingsurfing the internethighlightstable of contentspart 1 language skills developmentbacknext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 highlightss: a song: right here waitingl: true lover: the love letterw: paragraph unityinternet work: interesting

3、 aspects of english wedding customs part 1 language skills developmentbacknext5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext1. startera. read the lyrics of a song. listen to the tape or cd and sing in chorus. right here waiting by richard marxoceans apart day after dayand i slowly go insanei hear your voice on the li

4、nebut it doesnt stop the painif i see you next to neverhow can we say foreverwherever you gowhatever you doi will be right here waiting for youwhatever it takesor how my heart breaksi will be right here waiting for you6b. listen to a passage and answer the following questions.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. s

5、tarterbacknext mind mapfateful / a. 有重大影响的,决定性的gunwale / n. 舷缘,舷边companion / n. 伴侣,伙伴cling / vi. 抓紧,紧抱courageously / ad. 勇敢地,无畏地 7上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. starterbacknext1.who told the story?mable bird.2. why didnt mrs. straus survive the sinking ship?because she could not bear to leave her husband.3.

6、what did mrs. straus refuse to do?she refused to get into the lifeboat.4. who made the speaker get into the boat? mrs. straus.8 true lovemany lovers promise to be together forever, in life and in death, but i dont believe ive heard of anyone whose loyalty and devotion matched that of mrs. straus.the

7、 year was 1912. mrs. straus and her husband were passengers on the titanic during its fateful voyage. not many women went down with the ship, but mrs. straus was one of the few women who did not survive for one simple reason: she could not bear to leave her husband.this is how mable bird, mrs. strau

8、ss servant, who survived the disaster, told the story after she was rescued.“when the titanic began to sink, panicked women and children were the first ones loaded into lifeboats. mr. and mrs. straus were calm and comforting to the passengers, and helped many of them into the boats.” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社

9、出版社 1. starterbacknext9 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. starter“if it had not been for them,” marble stated, “i would have drowned. i was in the fourth or fifth lifeboat. mrs. straus made me get into the boat.”then mr. straus begged his wife to get into the lifeboat with her servant and the others. mrs. strau

10、s started to get in. she had one foot on the gunwale, but then suddenly, she changed her mind, turned away and stepped back onto the sinking ship.“please, dear, get into the boat!” her husband urged.mrs. straus looked deep into the eyes of the man with whom shed spent most of her life, the man who h

11、ad been her best friend, her hearts true companion and always a comfort to her soul. she grabbed his arm and drew his trembling body close to hers.backnext10 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. starter “no,” mrs. straus is said to have replied. “i will not get into the boat. we have been together through a great

12、many years. we are old now. i will not leave you. where you go, i will go.”and that is where they were last seen, standing arm in arm on the deck, this devoted wife clinging courageously to her husband, this loving husband clinging protectively to his wife, as the ship sank. together foreverbacknext

13、11 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnexttext lead-in text organization12 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnexttext lead-in13 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnexttext lead-in142. text: the love letter 1 i was always a little in awe of great-aunt stephina roos. indeed, as children we were all frankly terrified of her. the fact th

14、at she did not live with the family, preferring her tiny cottage and solitude to the comfortable but rather noisy household where we were brought up, added to the respectful fear in which she was held. translation情书我总是有点敬畏斯蒂菲娜罗斯姑奶。事实上,小时候我们就毫不掩饰对她的害怕。她没有与家人住在一起,不愿生活在我们成长的那个舒适但却吵闹的家庭里,而是住在自己的小屋里,独自生活

15、这使我们对她更是敬畏有加。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextmeaning: i always respected and feared my great-aunt stephina roos to some extent. meaning: great-aunt didnt live with us. she liked to live by herself in her small cottage instead of living in the cozy but sort of noisy house where we grew up, and this made

16、us more respectful and afraid of her. awe: n. u 敬畏;惊叹e.g. my sister-in-law was much more experienced and wiser than me, so i always held her in awe. be in awe of: 对敬畏,对望而生畏e.g. because of his reputation as a dancer, we were all rather in awe of him. solitude: n. u 独处,独居e.g. my grandfather enjoys the

17、 solitude of his own flat. respectful: a.尊敬的,表示敬意的e.g. all the audience in the auditorium listened in respectful silence. 15 2 she was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration. she was always dressed in black, and her dark clothes melted into the shadows of the living room and made her look

18、 smaller than ever. but you felt, the moment she entered, that something vital and strong and somehow indestructible had come in with her, although she moved slowly, and her voice was sweet and soft. translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext question about paras. 1-2 她长得小巧玲珑,却让人十分尊敬。她总是一身黑衣,而深色衣服和客厅的阴

19、暗处融为一体,使她更显娇小。虽然她动作缓慢,声音柔美,但是她一走进来,你就会感受到她身上某种活力、刚强和坚不可摧的东西。meaning: as soon as she came near, you felt that something energetic and lively in her and that she couldnt be destroyed or defeated in her character, although she moved slowly and her voice was sweet and soft in her sound. veneration: n. u

20、 敬重,崇敬e.g. we are filled with veneration for those who helped us in the earthquake. melt into sth.:逐渐融入;慢慢与某物成为一体e.g. the ship melted into the darkness. indestructible: a. 不可毁灭的,不能破坏的e.g. furniture for young children needs to be indestructible. 2. text: the love letter161. what was the narrators imp

21、ression of her great-aunt? she was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration, and was always dressed in black and lived alone. there was something vital and strong and somehow indestructible in her. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter17 3 as i grew older i found, rather to my

22、 surprise, that i had become genuinely fond of my aloof old great-aunt. but to this day i do not know what strange impulse made me take george to see her and to tell her, before i had confided in another living soul, of our engagement. to my astonishm e n t , sh e wa s delighted.translation 随着年龄的增长,

23、我惊异地发现自己打心眼里喜欢上了冷漠的老姑奶。但是,直到现在我也说不清,是什么驱使我带着乔治去见姑奶,并告诉她我们订婚的事,而之前我从没向任何人透露过这个消息。然而,使我大为惊讶的是,她对此非常高兴。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext genuinely: ad. 真地,真实地e.g. he was genuinely concerned over his sons financial difficulties. confide: vi./vt.(向某人)吐露(秘密等)e.g. he confided to me that he had applied for anoth

24、er job. confide (sth.) in sb.:吐露,倾诉e.g. i would never readily confide in anybody. astonishment: n. u 惊讶,惊异 e.g. imagine my astonishment when peter walked in. meaning: but until now, im not clear why i suddenly thought of taking george to see my great-aunt, and before i had told anyone else, i told h

25、er that i had been engaged to george. she was very happy with the news, which greatly surprised me.2. text: the love letter18 4 “ a n e n g l i s h m a n , ” s h e exclaimed. “but that is splendid. and you,” she turned to george, “you are making your home in this country? you do not intend to return

26、 to england just yet?” 5 she seemed relieved when she heard that george had bought a farm near our own farm and intended to settle in south africa. she became quite animated, and chattered away to him.translation4 “英国人!”她大声说道,“好极了,好极了。”她转向乔治:“你呢,你打算在南非安家吗?不打算回英国了?”5 听说乔治已经在我们农场附近买下一个农场,并打算定居南非,她似乎松了

27、一口气。于是,她变得很有兴致,和乔治不停地聊了起来。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextquestion about paras. 3-5 meaning: she became lively and engaged in small talk with george.splendid: a. 1)极好的,绝妙的e.g. he maintained that the performance was a splendid one. 2) 壮观的,辉煌的e.g. she arrived in a splendid golden coach drawn by white hors

28、es. animated: a. 1) 活跃的,兴致勃勃的e.g. an animated discussion2) 栩栩如生的,(似)能活动的e.g. an animated cartoon chatter: vi. 唠叨,喋喋不休e.g. do stop chattering on about the weather when im trying to read. n. 1) u 唠叨的话e.g. ive had enough of your constant chatter. 2) u 短促的尖叫声e.g. the chatter of monkeys 2. text: the love

29、 letter19 2. what was her great-aunts attitude toward the narrators engagement to george? she was delighted with the narrators engagement to george, especially after she heard that george intended to settle in south africa. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter20 6 after that i would o

30、ften slip away to the little cottage by the mealie lands. once she was somewhat disappointed on hearing that we had decided to wait for two years before getting married, but when she learned that my father and mother were both pleased with the match she seemed reassured.translation 从那以后,我常常悄悄地来到玉米地边

31、的那座小屋。当姑奶听到我们决定两年后再结婚时,一度有点失望,但一听说我父母都赞同这桩婚事,她好像就放心了。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextslip away (to): 溜走e.g. we slipped away to paris for the weekend. reassure: vt. 安慰,使放心,使消除疑虑e.g. the police reassured her about her childs safety. 2. text: the love letter21 然而,她还是常常对我们的恋爱表现出担忧,常常问一些奇怪的问题,似乎担心我们的恋爱会被什么毁掉

32、。但我没有料到的是,我一提起乔治想在我们结婚前回趟英国,然后很快就回来,姑奶竟然会如此冲动。 7 still, she often appeared anxious about my love affair, and would ask questions that seemed to me strange, almost as though she feared that something would happen to destroy my romance. but i was quite unprepared for her outburst when i mentioned that

33、 george thought of paying a lightning visit to england before we were married. (to be continued)translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextmeaning: i didnt expect that she should lose control of her emotions when i said that george considered making a brief visit to england. romance: n. 1) u恋爱,爱情e.g. spr

34、ing is here and romance is in the air. 2) c 爱情故事e.g. she writes romances about rich men and beautiful women. 3) u传奇色彩,浪漫气氛e.g. there was an air of romance about the old castle. outburst: n. 1) c(感情)爆发,迸发e.g. his outburst of anger shocked all of us. 2) c(活动)激增;(态度)激化e.g. an outburst of racism lightni

35、ng: a.快速的,突然的,闪电般的e.g. police made a lightning raid on the house. 2. text: the love letter22“他绝不能这样做。”她喊道,“艾娜,你不能让他走,答应我你一定会阻止他。”说着,她浑身颤抖,我尽力安慰她,但姑奶脸色苍白,疲惫憔悴,于是,我不得不说服她回房休息一下,并保证第二天会再来看她。“he must not do it,” she cried. “ina, you must not let him go. promise me you will prevent him.” she was tremblin

36、g all over. i did what i could to console her, but she looked so tired and pale that i persuaded her to go to her room and rest, promising to return the next day.translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextquestion about para. 7 console: vt安慰,抚慰e.g. nothing could console him when his pet dog died. 2. text

37、: the love letter23 3. how did her great-aunt react when she heard that george intended to pay a lightning visit to england before getting married?immediately she burst out in anxiety and asked the narrator to prevent george from going to england.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter24

38、 8 when i arrived i found her sitting on the stoop. she looked lonely and pathetic, and for the first time i wondered why no man had ever taken her and looked after her and loved her. 9 she paused, as though she did not quite know how to begin.translation 我第二天去的时候,发现她坐在门廊上,看上去那么孤独,那么无助。因此,我平生第一次感到纳闷

39、,为什么竟然没有人愿意娶她,并照顾她,一直爱她。 她欲言又止,仿佛不知从何说起。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextmeaning: she appeared lonely, sad and pitiful, and for the first time in my life i started to puzzle why no man had fallen in love with her, married her and taken good care of her. stoop: n. 1) c(有台阶的)门廊,走廊e.g. the front stoop 2) si

40、ng. 曲背,驼背e.g. the old lady walked with a slight stoop. pathetic: a. 1)可怜的,令人怜惜的e.g. her tears were pathetic to witness. 2) 无力的;无用的;不成功的 e.g. youre pathetic! cant you even boil an egg? 2. text: the love letter2510 then she seemed to give herself, mentally, a little shake. “you must have wondered,” sh

41、e said, “why i was so upset at the thought of young georges going to england without you. i am an old woman, and perhaps i have the silly fancies of the old, but i should like to tell you my own love story, and then you can decide whether it is wise for your man to leave you before you are married.”

42、translation 然后,她似乎理清了自己的思绪。“你肯定在纳闷,”她说,“为什么我一想到乔治要离开你回英国会如此不安。我是个老太婆,或许有一些傻乎乎的老想法,但等你听完我的爱情故事之后,你再想想结婚前让你的未婚夫只身离开是否明智。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextquestion about para. 10 at the thought of: 一想到,一想起e.g. at the mere thought of it, his heart began to beat fiercely. 2. text: the love letter26 4. why did

43、 her great-aunt tell the narrator her own love story?she told the narrator her own love story in order to make the latter understand her opposition to georges leaving for england.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter2711 “i was quite a young girl when i first met richard w e s t o n .

44、h e w a s a n englishman who boarded with the van rensburgs on the next farm, four or five miles from us.” translation“我第一次遇见理查德威斯顿时,还是个年轻姑娘。他是个英国人,当时在和我们邻近的凡伦斯堡家的农庄上寄宿,离我们有四、五英里的路。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext board with: 付费(在某人家里)膳宿e.g. he had boarded with me until he found a flat.2. text: the lov

45、e letter2812 “we loved one another from the first moment we met, though we did not speak of our love until the evening of my eighteenth birthday. all our friends and relatives had come to my party, and in the evening we danced on the big old carpet which we had laid down in the barn. richard had com

46、e with the van rensburgs, and we danced together as often as we dared, which was not very often, for my father hated the uitlanders.” translation“我们一见钟情,然而直到我18岁生日那天晚上,我们才相互袒露心声。当时,所有的朋友和亲戚都来参加我的生日聚会。那天晚上,我们在谷仓里铺上宽大的旧地毯,在上面翩翩起舞。理查德和凡伦斯堡家的人一起来了。我和理查德壮起胆子尽量多次共舞,但其实也没有多少次,因为我父亲讨厌外国佬。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版

47、社 backnext speak of: 说,提及 e.g. i dont know why people dont speak of it. lay down: 1)铺放,铺设e.g. they have laid down a new railway track. 2) 放下;停止使用e.g. the general told the troops to lay down their arms.3)制定(条例或原则)e.g. its laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam. 2. text: the love letter

48、2913 “that was the happiest birthday of my life, for while we were resting between dances, richard took me outside into the cool, moonlit night, and there, under the stars, he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him. of course i promised i would, for i was too happy to think of what my parents

49、 would say, or indeed of anything except richard was not at our meeting place as he had arranged.”translation13 “那是我一生中最快乐的生日,因为在跳舞间歇,理查德把我带到户外,在清凉的月色下,在点点繁星下,他告诉我他爱我,请求我嫁给他。我当然同意了。我太高兴了,根本没去想我父母会怎么说或别的什么。直到有一天,理查德没有按约来到他安排的约会地点。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextquestion about para. 13 2. text: the love

50、letter30 5. how did her great-aunt feel on the evening of her eighteenth birthday? why? she considered it to be the happiest birthday of her life, because richard told her he loved her and asked her to marry him.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter31 14 “so when my father asked if i w

51、 o u l d d r i v e w i t h h i m t o driefontein, i was delighted. but when we reached the homestead and were sitting on the stoop drinking our coffee, we heard that richard had left quite suddenly and had gone back to england. his father had died, and now he was the heir and must go back to look af

52、ter his estates.”translation“因此,当父亲问我是否愿意和他一起驾车去德里方丹时,我高兴极了。但是,在我们来到农庄,坐在屋前门廊上喝咖啡时,却听说理查德已经突然离开,回英国去了。因为他父亲去世了,而他是继承人,必须回去管理遗产。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext2. text: the love letter32 15 “i did not remember very much more about that day, except that the sun seemed to have stopped shining and the coun

53、try no longer looked beautiful and full of promise, but bleak and desolate as it sometimes does in winter or in times of drought. late that afternoon, jantje, the little hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter, which he said the english gentleman had left for me. (to be continued)tr

54、anslation“后来的事情我已经记不清了,只知道太阳似乎已经失去了光辉,田野不再美丽、了无生机,如严冬般凄凉、大旱般荒芜。那天下午晚些时候,扬蒂霍顿托特的牧童走到我面前,并交给我一封信,说是位英国绅士留给我的。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext bleak: a. 1)荒凉的,光秃的e.g. the farm was in a lonely bleak valley. 2) 阴冷的e.g. it was a bleak winter day. 3) 无望的,令人沮丧的e.g. the future looks bleak. desolate: a. 1) 荒无人烟的,

55、荒凉的e.g. the forest was left desolate by the fire. 2) 孤独凄凉的,忧伤的e.g. she has been feeling desolate since losing her job. herd: n. 1) c兽群;牧群e . g . a h e r d o f cattle/cows/deer/elephants 2) c人群,芸芸众生e.g. shes never been the sort of person to follow the herd. vt. 放牧(牲畜,兽群)e.g. the farmer herded the cow

56、s into his cowshed. meaning: and the country seemed to have lost its beauty and hope for the future, and it took on a bare, dreary and gloomy look as if it had been in winter or in a drought.2. text: the love letter33 it was the only love letter i ever received, but it turned all my bitterness and g

57、rief into a peacefulness which was the nearest i could get, then, to happiness. i knew richard still loved me, and somehow, as long as i had his letter, i felt that we could never be really parted, even if he were in england and i had to remain on the farm. i have it yet, and though i am an old, tir

58、ed woman, it still gives me hope and courage.”translation这是我收到过的唯一一封情书,它将我的忧伤和悲痛转化为一种平静,而这种平静是我当时所能感受到的最接近幸福的心绪了。我知道理查德仍然爱着我,而且在某种意义上,只要我拿着这封信,我就觉得我们永远不会真正分开,哪怕他在英国,而我不得不留在农场。至今我还保存着这封信,尽管我已年迈体衰,但它仍会给我希望和勇气。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnextquestions about para. 15 2. text: the love letter34 6. how did h

59、er great-aunt feel when she heard richard had left for england? she felt sad and bitter. the sun seemed to have stopped shining and the country looked bleak and desolate.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 backnext7. what magic power did the love letter have on her great-aunt? the love letter turned all her bitterne

60、ss and grief into a peacefulness, and she felt they would never be really parted as long as she had the letter.2. text: the love letter35 16 “it must have been a wonderful letter, aunt stephina,” i said. 17 the old lady came back from her dreams of that far-off romance. “perhaps,” she said, hesitati


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