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1、软件测试实验报告计算机2010-1 姓名:周杰 学号:3100717102JUnit测试框架的使用【实验目的】1、掌握Junit测试框架的使用2、掌握测试用例的编写【实验环境】操作系统:Windows 7 (x64)浏览器:IE 9开发环境:Eclipse IDE for Java DevelopersA:Junit使用方法示例1查看运行结果:B:Junit使用方法示例21)在工程中添加类:2)写单元测试代码:3)进一步完善测试用例:4)查看分析运行结果,修改错误代码:改进后的方法:wordFormat4DBpublic static String wordFormat4DB(String n

2、ame)if(name = null)return null;Pattern p = Ppile("A-Z");Matcher m = p.matcher(name);StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();while(m.find()if(m.start() != 0)m.appendReplacement(sb, ("_"+m.group().toLowerCase();return m.appendTail(sb).toString().toLowerCase();修改后测试用例运行成功:实验2【实验目的】1、掌握

3、Junit测试框架的使用2、掌握测试用例的编写【实验环境】操作系统:Windows 7 (x64)浏览器:IE 9开发环境:Eclipse IDE for Java Developers【程序清单】package zhoujie; public class Date public Date() public Date(int year, int month, int day) super(); if (this.isDayValid(year, month, day) && this.isMonthValid(month) && this.isYearValid

4、(year) this.year = year; this.month = month; this.day = day; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please check your input!"); private int year = -1; private int month = -1; private int day = -1; public boolean isDayValid(int year, int month, int day) if (month = 4 | month = 6 | month =

5、 9 | month = 11) && (day <= 30 && day >= 1) return true; if (month = 4 | month = 6 | month = 9 | month = 11) && (day > 30 | day < 1) return false; if (month = 1 | month = 3 | month = 5 | month = 7| month = 8 | month = 10 | month = 12) && (day <= 31 &

6、;& day >= 1) return true; if (month = 1 | month = 3 | month = 5 | month = 7| month = 8 | month = 10 | month = 12) && (day > 31 | day < 1) return false; if(month = 2 && DateUtil.isLeapYear(year) && (day >= 1 && day <= 29) return true; if(month = 2 &a

7、mp;& DateUtil.isLeapYear(year) && (day < 1 | day > 29) return false; if(month = 2 && !DateUtil.isLeapYear(year) && (day >= 1 && day <= 28) return true; if(month = 2 && !DateUtil.isLeapYear(year) && (day < 1 | day > 28) return fals

8、e; return false; public boolean isMonthValid(int month) return month >= 1 && month <= 12; public boolean isYearValid(int year) return year > 0; public int getYear() return year; public void setYear(int year) if (this.isYearValid(year) this.year = year; else throw new IllegalArgument

9、Exception("Please check your input!"); public int getMonth() return month; public void setMonth(int month) if (this.isMonthValid(month) this.month = month; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please check your input!"); public int getDay() return day; public void setDay(int

10、day) if (this.year = -1 | this.month = -1) throw new IllegalStateException("You should set the year and month before day!"); if (this.isDayValid(year, month, day) this.day = day; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please check your input!"); 类DateUtil package zhoujie; publi

11、c class DateUtil public DateUtil() public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) if (year % 4 = 0 && year % 100 != 0) return true; if (year % 100 = 0 && year % 400 != 0) return false; if (year % 100 = 0 && year % 400 = 0) return true; return false; public static int getDayofYear

12、(Date date) int sum = 0; if (isLeapYear(date.getYear() switch (date.getMonth() case 1: sum = 0; break; case 2: sum = 31; break; case 3: sum = 60; break; case 4: sum = 91; break; case 5: sum = 121; break; case 6: sum = 152; break; case 7: sum = 182; break; case 8: sum = 213; break; case 9: sum = 244;

13、 break; case 10: sum = 274; break; case 11: sum = 305; break; case 12: sum = 335; break; default: System.out.print("data error"); break; else switch (date.getMonth() case 1: sum = 0; break; case 2: sum = 31; break; case 3: sum = 59; break; case 4: sum = 90; break; case 5: sum = 120; break;

14、 case 6: sum = 151; break; case 7: sum = 181; break; case 8: sum = 212; break; case 9: sum = 243; break; case 10: sum = 273; break; case 11: sum = 304; break; case 12: sum = 334; break; default: System.out.print("data error"); break; sum = sum + date.getDay(); return sum; 【测试用例】package zho

15、ujie;import static org.junit.Assert.*;import org.junit.Test;public class DateUtilTest Testpublic void testWordFormat4DB() String target = "employeeInfo"String result = DateUtil.wordFormat4DB(target);assertEquals("employee_info", result);/测试 null 时的处理情况Test public void wordFormat4

16、DBNull()String target = null;String result = DateUtil.wordFormat4DB(target);assertNull(result);/测试空字符串的处理情况Test public void wordFormat4DBEmpty()String target = ""String result = DateUtil.wordFormat4DB(target);assertEquals("", result);/测试当首字母大写时的情况Test public void wordFormat4DBegin()String target = "EmployeeInfo"String result = DateUtil.wordFormat4DB(target);assertEquals("employee_info", result);/测试当尾字母为大写时的情况Test public void wordFormat4DBEnd()String target = "employeeInfoA"String result = DateUtil.wordF


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