已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、晚上到家,伸出手指轻触指纹锁,旋转把手轻松开门,玄关的灯自动打开,你不需要放下手里的东西找钥匙,也不用在黑暗中摸索开关,一切都是轻松自然 其实这是只是一个简单的智能家居场景,可以为生活在其中的家人,带来舒适贴心的体验。场景联动:实现上述的场景并不难, 只需要下面的三个产品, 即使您使用的是普通的灯具,也能实现“开门自动开灯”的场景;开门的一瞬间,家里的智能设备收到讯号:主人回来了,全体进入待命状态!可视功能 :情景一:有人敲门 “谁?” “我!”我怎么知道你是谁?有了这把锁,大不一样!情景二: 有人按门铃(可视门锁自带门铃)“原来是你” “你怎么知道是我!”有了可视功能, 就可以先看看门外的人

2、到底是谁,再决定是否开门了! 长辈敲门,起身去门口迎接;好朋友来啦,手机上一键开门;如果是不速之客,别出声让他以为家里没人吧。120 °的广角摄像头,还有夜视功能,无论白天黑夜,门外的人都看的清清楚楚。远程开门 :好朋友突然造访,老妈没打招呼就来看你,找了小时工收拾房间 以前,你可能要千里迢迢从办公室赶回来开门,现在,完全不用了!你只要打开手机,确定门外的人的身份,然后轻触开锁键,家门就会自动打开!5 种开锁方式,方便一家人 :手机远程开门;生物指纹识别;虚伪密码开门;传统钥匙开门 ;智能IC 卡开门 。父母还是“放不下”那串钥匙,总觉得钥匙要攥在手里才是稳妥的;孩子还够不到指纹头,

3、但是用IC 卡“嘀”一下非常方便;指纹开锁方便,不用放下手上的东西,轻轻一点,一触即开;有不熟悉的人站在身后,比如快递员,如果你要用密码开锁, 建议你使用虚位密码; 既不会因为掩盖密码尴尬,又保护了真实密码的安全;当你身后站的是个坏人, 胁迫你开门企图入室抢劫, 这时候请你用”防挟持指纹(密码) “开门,门锁会自动发消息给你的家人,请家人报警,及时解救;IF 设计奖,是在 1953 年由德国历史悠久的工业设计机构- 汉诺威工业设计论坛 (iF IndustrieForumDesign) 举办,每年约有来自37 个国家,超过2000件以上的当年产品设计参加报名,该奖最高地位为IF 产品设计奖金奖

4、,素有产品设计界奥斯卡奖的代称。LifeSmart可视智能锁,是2017 年 IF 设计奖获奖作品。 2.5D 玻璃面屏,与苹果手机的屏幕边缘采用了相同的技术;锌合金把手, 金属光泽闪烁, 质感饱满;简约设计,适合更多风格家居;适配于木门/ 防盗门 / 不锈钢门 / 铜门等材质的门;安全可靠:超B 级锁芯,更防盗;甄别访客再开门;实时监测门锁状态;防劫持指纹(密码);指纹锁的安全系数,直接影响整个家庭的安全系数。选把可靠的智能门锁,守护一家人!智能家居,正在走进千家万户,也许你留意一下,你的邻居已经装上了”安全、方便、贴心“的可视智能门锁。新家装修,一把可视智能指纹锁,一个安全新家。 Life

5、Smart智慧生活,梦想家。更多详情请拨打咨询热线或登录杭州行至云起科技有限公司官网http:/咨询。When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with lo

6、ve false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not be

7、tween life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not b

8、eing apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.When you are old an

9、d grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved t

10、he sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't

11、know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never b


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