2022学年初三英语考点专项练习56 短文填空之自由填空[含答案]_第1页
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2022学年初三英语考点专项练习56 短文填空之自由填空[含答案]_第4页
2022学年初三英语考点专项练习56 短文填空之自由填空[含答案]_第5页
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1、把语法知识测试全部放在语篇中进行,旨在考查考生在语篇中综合运用语言知识的能力。它不但要求考生有扎实的词汇、语法等基础知识和对句型结构的灵活运用能力,而且还要求考生有良好的语感和一定的阅读理解能力。自由填空是中考短文填空中难度最大的,这种题目因题型的开放性和综合性而备受关注。试题特点是一篇短文挖空810个单词,且没有任何提示,让考生根据短文内容自由填词,难度较大,主观性较强,有时可能出现多种答案。二、满分技巧1. 解题步骤:(1)快速浏览,了解大意。对于简单把握的空,可以先填出来;(2)上下求索,填出答案。根据上下文及空格前后的逻辑关系,填出正确的词以及正确的形式;(3)通读全文,检查确认。特别

2、要注意,根据文章意思,有些空是否要加入否定前缀。无提示词的空格一般需要填入冠词、代词、介词、连词(并列连词和从属连词)等虚词。(1)名词前面一般用冠词、代词或介词等。(2)如果需要填入代词,就要考虑到是人称代词的主格、宾格或物主代词的变化、指示代词的用法;(3)并列的两个或多个单词,短语,或句子之间设空,一般填入并列连词and, but, or等;(4)两句之间,如果不是并列句,则很可能是主从句,因此需要填入从属连词(what,which, who, how, when等)。或者是宾语从句,定语从句或者是状语从句的连接词。这种空格需要同学们根据句子结构,分析到底是什么从句,从而选择合适的从属连

3、词。AMany people say that they are working too _1_ hours. They dont have free time with their families. They cant take care _2_ things at home. They dont have time to relax.Work hours are _3_from one country to another. In France, people spend about 1646 hours a year at work. In Japanese, however, peo

4、ple work about 2159 hours a year.That means a Japanese worker works 513 more hours a year _4_a French worker. That is about 12 weekends of extra(额外的) work!_5_ do people work so many hours?Some people work extra hours because they want to get more money, but many companies dont pay _6_ extra work.The

5、 people in these companies work extra hours because they think its their duty.Some people are afraid they will _7_their job if they dont work extra hours.Many people say that their vacations are too short.In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation. In Germany,they get about four weeks. In the

6、 United States, two weeks of _8_is the average(平均). And many people dont _9_ all of their vacation days.In one survey, in England,fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days.In English,people say,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.That is true, there are a lot of _10_ people in t

7、he world.BVisitors to Japan are often excited about the delicious food, but many people are a little nervous_1_what to do at restaurants or in a Japanese household. So its helpful to know basic table_2_before going to Japan. _3_people use knives, forks, spoons and chopsticks to eat. But chopsticks a

8、re the most_4_utensils(用具). When you are eating dinner with some Japanese friends, dont directly pass_5_from your chopsticks to somebody elses chopsticks. Its also important not to_6_chopsticks vertically (垂直地) into food, especially into a bowl of rice. Its not_7_to move your chopsticks up and down

9、above dishes or to point at somebody with your chopsticks.It is polite to lift small bowls of rice or soup when you eat. It_8_you from dropping food. In Japan, it is common to slurp(吃时嘴唇发出很响的声音) while_9_noodles. People say the noodles taste better_10_they make slurping noises.CWhen I first met my fi

10、fth-grade teacher, I was happy. She seemed pretty nice, so I was excited to_1_a whole year with her. Every day the class would do a warm-up and then discuss it. We would also read stories, sing songs and learn about different cultures around the world. I thought I was very lucky to have such a great

11、, kind and caring_2_.When December came around, my teacher suddenly stopped_3_to school. The whole class missed_4_.Rumors(谣言)spread around the school about_5_she didnt come to school.Shes_6_holiday, some girls explained to each other during lunchtime.Shes got really tired of us and decided_7_to teac

12、h us anymore, some boys said._8_no one knew the truth.For the rest of the school year, I never saw her again. In the middle of the sixth grade, I received a disturbing(令人不安的)message. She had died of cancer(癌症). I_9_very upset. I wish I could visit her in the hospital. Whenever I think about her, I r

13、emember all of the happy times we had together. Because of her, I can understand what matters most to me. I never told her how much she meant to me. And now its too_10_.A(2018 内蒙古包头中考)阅读下面短文,根据首字母、音标以及语境的提示在空白处填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。Kate and Dick were classmates. They _56_

14、 (相处) well with each other and later fell in love. After getting m_57_ , they found it difficult to _58_ (谋生).Finally, they decided _59_ run a small restaurant near the railway station. The restaurant often stayed o_60_ until after midnight, because people came to drink there while they were _61_ (等

15、待) trains.At two oclock one morning, _62_ man was still sitting at a table in the restaurant. He was _63_ sli:p. Kate wanted to go to bed. She looked at the table several times, and each time the man was still there. Then, _64_ (最终) she went to her h_65_ and said to him, "Youve talked to that m

16、an three times, and he isnt drinking any more. _66_ havent you sent him away? After _67_ , its so late.""Oh, no, I dont want to send him away," a_68_ Dick with a smile. "You see, whenever I _69_ (叫醒) the man, he asks for the bill, and when I bring it to him, he p_70_ it. Then he

17、goes back to sleep again."B(2017重庆B)Sometimes we are used to drawing a quick conclusion(结论), but is it right or not? My little son gave me a _1_.One day, I took my five-year-old son to go out for a walk after dinner. On the way, we saw an old woman selling fruits. I didnt take enough money with

18、 me. _2_ my son liked eating fruit very much, I could buy only two pears and gave them to him.The little boy held the pears in his hands. I asked him if he could share one _3_ me. On hearing this, he quickly took a bite(咬) from one pear, and the _4_.I was quite surprised. I _5_ myself what mistakes

19、I had made in educating my son so that he acted in such a greedy(贪婪) way. I was lost in thought. Perhaps I was just _6_too much. My son was too young to know about sharing and giving.Suddenly, my son gave me the pear in his right hand and said, Mom, you have this one. This one is much sweeter. Then

20、I knew why my little son took a bite from _7_ pear.From then on, I always tell myself not to reach a conclusion too _8_. Try to spend some more time in understanding things better.C(2017广东)What will happen if a family without the Internet for a month? One American family decides to find out. They ha

21、ve sent invitation to a leading US television station, expecting that it will send a film group to record their day-to -day life_1_technology for a month.When the film group meet_2_Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons are so crazy about technology that_3_hardly do things t

22、ogether. At mealtimes, no one_4_at the dining table for their food. Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their screen, Mrs. Smith explains. _5_we dont make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!Getting back to the normal life without the Inte

23、rnet is not_6_, especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many_7_. For example, the two brothers have to go to the school_8_to borrow books for their scientific projects, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things_9_. As the family has pic

24、ked up the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time taking over meals, playing sports and doing all_10_of activities together.Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet after the challenge?A(重庆第一中学2017届九年级上学期期末)Thousands of runners took part in the 34th Beijing Intern

25、ational Marathon. But many of them had to _1_ face masks to protect themselves against pollution. Some runners gave_2_the race because of the pollution. British runner Chas Pope said that he was only able to run 10 kilometers of the race in a mask before he decided to stop. He also said that the rac

26、e should have been stopped because all of the runners wanted to keep away_3_the bad air condition.Gong Lihua is a Chinese runner_4_came third in the womens race. She said the smog had caused some difficulties. I felt I couldnt breathe well when_5_in this kind of smog(雾霾), she said. According to Beij

27、ings environment center, the air was seriously polluted on that day. Besides the runners in the race, common people in Beijing are also_6_about the situation. Because there are_7_many factories built around Beijing that more and more pollutants(污染物) are produced. Also, there is too much traffic on t

28、he street, so air is polluted by the waste gas from the cars. As a result, Beijing government suggests people cutting off outdoor_8_and staying indoors more. If they are going to go out, remember to wear a face mask.B(湖南省岳阳地区2017年中考二模)Do you know how to make friends with a group of people? Let me te

29、ll you something about_1_friends with the group. Maybe its helpful to you.First you need to know what kind of group they belong_2_. If people in the group are shy, never_3_them Why dont you talk?, Why are you quiet? or Why do you look shy? They dont like such_4_.Next, remember that each group is dif

30、ferent. They may use_5_words, like different things or have different ways of hanging out.Then,the important thing is that you must try to be outgoing._6_you are outgoing, you will become very popular. Remember,_7_wants to make friends with a quite shy person.Finally, find a right topic to talk_8_ot

31、hers or the one you want to make friends with. For_9_, you can talk with them about the weather, their hobbies or their school lives.If you do all these above, you will make more friends and get_10_well with them.C(广东省东莞市2017届中考冲刺考前押题)When I was 12, something_1_to me changed my interest. We lived ne

32、ar a wood and_2_sang beautifully in the trees every evening. I wanted to catch a bird and keep it in a cage so that I can have my own singer.I did get one and put it in my cage. I felt very happy and looked_3_to some beautiful songs from it. On the next day, its mother flew to the cage with food. Th

33、e baby bird_4_everything. I was happy to see this. Surely the mother knew_5_her baby liked better than me.The next morning, I found the baby bird dead. What was wrong? I took_6_care of the bird. Arthur Wayne told me the reason. A mother bird, finding_7_baby in a cage, will sometimes bring it some po

34、isonous(有毒的) strawberries. She thinks it is_8_for it to die than to live in a cage.Never since then have I caught any living birds or_9_it in a cage. It made me know following_10_rules in nature sometimes means everything to the living things.跟踪训练A【文章大意】短文谈论的是工人的工作时间问题。开头先尖锐地指出工作时间太多的问题,随后对法国和日本的工作时

35、间进行对比,印证各国的工作时间不同,然后求证工作时间太多的原因,是因为许多工人害怕失业,最后对超时工作的人提出了批评。3. different 【解析】句意:从一个国家到另一个国家工作时间是不同的。from one to another从一个到另一个。根据下文法国和日本的工作时间对比,可知每个国家的工作时间不一样,故填different。4. than 【解析】句意:这意味着一个日本工人比一个法国工人每年多工作513个小时。根据句意,这里是对两个国家进行了比较。more.than比多。根据句意,故填than。7. lose 【解析】句意:有些人担心如果他们不加班,他们就会失业。lose job

36、失业。根据句意和语境,可知填lose。8. vacation 【解析】句意:在美国,有平均两周的假期。根据下一句And many people dont use all of their vacation days .可知,填vacation。9. use 【解析】句意:而且许多人不实际使用他们所有的假期。根据句意和语境,可知填use。10. dull 【解析】句意:世界上有很多无趣的人。dull迟钝的。根据上一句all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.可知填dull。B【文章大意】本文主要介绍日本的基本餐桌礼仪。1. about 【解析】句意:到

37、日本的游客常常对美味的食物感到兴奋,但许多人对在餐馆或在日本的家里该做些什么感到有些紧张。结合句意和语境可知填about。2. manners 【解析】句意:所以在去日本之前了解基本的餐桌礼仪是很有帮助的。table manners:餐桌礼仪;结合句意和语境可知填manners。3. Japanese 【解析】句意:日本人用刀、叉、匙和筷子吃饭。People人,名词,需用形容词,Japanese people:日本人;根据第一段内容结合句意和语境可知填Japanese。4. popular 【解析】句意:但是筷子是最受欢迎的用具。根据句意和语境可知填popular。5. food 【解析】句意

38、:当你和一些日本朋友一起吃饭时,不要直接把食物从你的筷子传给别人的筷子上。根据句意和语境可知填food。6. stick 【解析】句意:同样重要的是不要把筷子垂直地插在食物里,尤其是放在一碗米饭里。Stick sth. into sth.:把插入;结合句意和语境可知填stick。7. polite 【解析】句意:用筷子在盘子上下翻动或用筷子指着别人是不礼貌的。根据句意和语境可知填polite。8. prevents 【解析】句意:它可以防止你掉食物。阻止某人做某事:Prevent/stop /keep sb. from doing sth.;本文时态是一般现在时,主语三单,谓语应用三单形式;结

39、合句意和语境可知填prevents /stops /keeps。9. eating 【解析】句意:在日本,吃面条的时候发出啧啧吃的声音,这很常见。While连词,当时候,后面应跟从句或名词性短语。结合句意和语境可知填eating。10. if 【解析】句意:人们说如果他们吃面条时发出声音,面条的味道更好。结合句意和语境可知填if。C【文章大意】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述我的老师的一些事情,但是后来老师去世了,我想向她说她对于我的意义,但一切都晚了。3. coming 【解析】句意当十二月份来临时,我的老师突然不来学校了。根据she didnt come to school可知,用come,且根

40、据stop doing sth可知,故填coming。4. her 【解析】句意全班同学都很想念她。根据句意,故填her。5. why 【解析】句意关于她为什么不来学校的谣言传遍了整个学校。根据句意,故填why。6. on 【解析】句意一些女孩在吃饭时,相互解释说,她去度假了。on holiday度假,根据句意,故填on。7. not 【解析】句意一些男孩子们说,她对我们厌烦了,决定不教我们了。根据not.any more不再,以及to do的否定形式,是在to前加not,故填not。8. But 【解析】句意一些男孩子们说,她对我们厌烦了,决定不教我们了。但没人知道真正的原因。空位于句首,要

41、大写,根据句意,故填But。9. felt 【解析】句意在六年级中期时,我得到一个不安的消息,她死于癌症,我感到很不安。根据句意以及前文为一般过去时可知,故填felt。10. late 【解析】句意我从未告诉她她对我来说意味着什么,但是,现在太晚了。根据句意以及前文可知,老师已去世,故填late。真题再现A【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了夫妻俩在火车站附近开了一个酒吧,每天关门很晚,因为人们等车的时候常会进来喝点酒。一天,一个人到了凌晨2点了还在酒吧里睡觉,老板娘又累又困,想让已经叫醒他三次的丈夫赶他走,但丈夫不同意,因为每次把那个人叫醒,他都会要帐单付一次钱。57. married【解析

42、】句意:结婚后。根据上文later fell in love以及首字母提示,可知此处是指结婚,get married固定词组,结婚,故答案填married。58. make a living/earn their living【解析】句意:他们发现谋生很困难。根据提示词谋生,可知英文表达是make a living或earn their living,前面有介词to,所以这里用动词原形,故答案填make a living/earn their living。59. to【解析】句意:最后,他们决定在火车站附近开一家小餐馆。decide to do sth.决定去做某事,故答案填to。60. o

43、pen【解析】句意:这家餐馆经常营业到午夜以后。根据句意以及首字母提示可知此处应填open,stay open:开门营业,相当于keep open,故答案填open。61. waiting for【解析】句意:因为人们在等火车的时候来这里喝酒。根据提示词等待,可知英文表达是wait for,本句是while引导的时间状语从句,主句动作发生在从句动作的过程中,所以时态用过去进行时,即在等火车的时候来这里喝酒,故答案填waiting for。62. a/one【解析】句意:一天凌晨两点钟,一个男人还坐在餐馆的一张桌子旁。根据下文He was 8 , 可知是一个男人,故答案填a/one。63. as

44、leep【解析】句意:他睡着了。根据音标sli:p可知单词应是asleep,和前面的系动词was构成系表结构,表示睡着的状态,故答案填asleep。64. at last/in the end【解析】句意:最后,她走到丈夫跟前对他说。根据提示词最终,可知英文表达是at last或in the end,故答案填at last/in the end。65. husband【解析】句意:最后,她走到丈夫跟前对他说。联系上文的语境可知是夫妇俩开的餐馆,再结合首字母提示,可知此处是指丈夫husband,故答案填husband。66. Why【解析】句意:你为什么不把他送走?联系上文语境,可知此处是问你为

45、什么不把他送走?为什么英文表达是why,因其位于句首,所以首字母大写,故答案填Why。67. all【解析】句意:毕竟,天气太晚了。由语境和句意可知此处考查固定词组after all毕竟、终究,故答案填all。69. wake up 【解析】句意:你看,每当我叫醒那个人,他就要账单。根据提示词叫醒,可知英文表达是wake up,这里是直接引用Dick叙述这件事情时所说的话,所以用一般现在时,故答案填wake up。70. pays【解析】句意:当我把账单给他时,他就付钱。根据句意和首字母提示,可知此处应是付钱,英文表达是pay,主语是he,时态用一般现在时,故答案填pays。B【文章大意】介绍

46、我们对待人与事不能只看表面现象就马上给出相应的结论。1. lesson 【解析】句意:我的小儿子给我上了一课。 lesson名词,课、经验、教训。gave sb. a lesson给一个教训。根据下文作者以对待儿子吃梨一事开始作出的判断与最后儿子的话来说明误解了儿子的行为,这件事给了作者一个教训即lesson。故填:lesson。2. Although/Though 【解析】句意:虽然我儿子非常喜欢吃水果,但我只能买两个梨给他吃。根据儿子喜欢吃梨与我只能买两个梨给他可知是让步关系。although/though连词,即使、虽然,引导让步状语从句。故填:Although或Though。3. wi

47、th 【解析】句意:我问他是否可以和我分享一个。 根据意思是和某人分享某物应该是share sth. with sb.的固定搭配。故填:with。4. the other 【解析】句意:听到这,他迅速地从一个梨上咬了一口,然后再咬了另一个梨。根据前面I could buy only two pears,再由吃了one,又吃the other,即两者时,一个另一个。故填:other。5. asked/questioned 【解析】句意:我问自己在教育我儿子上所犯的错误是什么,他这样贪婪地行事。根据后面作者反思自己对孩子的教育是否出现问题,即自问。故填:asked或questioned。6. th

48、inking / considering / worrying 【解析】句意:或许我考虑的太多。首先根据结构知道应该填一个动词的-ing(进行时态)或-ed(被动语态),再由前后句意思,此句应该是一个主动句,那排除被动,只能填一个现在分词,其意思应该是作者考虑太多或担心得太多,从后一句知道原因是孩子太小而无法理解分享与给予。故填:thinking /considering或worrying。7. each 【解析】句意:后来我才知道为什么我的小儿子在每个犁上都咬了一口。根据前面作者终于知道儿子为什么要吃两个梨的原因了,但pear是单数,不能填two或both,能表示两者都同时还接单数只能是ea

49、ch才正确,而either只表示其中一个, every表示三者或以上,数量错误,也不正确。故填:each。8. quickly/fast/early 【解析】句意:从那以后,我总是告诉自己不要过快/早地下结论。最后一段与首段的we are used to drawing a quick conclusion意思相照应,再次证明自己的观点就是不能过早或过快下结论,故此空缺少一个副词,那么应该填quickly( =fast)或early。C【文章大意】短文通过史密斯一家尝试为期一月的没有网络科技的生活体验,揭示了新的生活方式,可以让人们花更多的时间来吃饭、运动和一起做各种各样的活动。2. the

50、【解析】句意:当电影组与Smiths一家见面时,他们发现史米斯先生、史米斯太太和他们的两个儿子对技术非常痴迷。根据句意,结合西方文化常识,姓氏前面加定冠词the表示某某家族。故填the。3. they 【解析】句意:他们发现史米斯先生、史米斯太太和他们的两个儿子对科技非常痴迷,几乎不合作。根据句意和上下文提示,可知填they,代指上文所说Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two sons。4. sits 【解析】句意:在进餐时间,没有人坐在餐桌上吃食物。at the dining table在餐桌旁;no one没有人,单数人称。根据句意,可知填sits。5. I

51、f 【解析】句意:如果我们不改变,我们的家庭将成为陌生人!根据句意,本句是if引导的条件状语从句,居于句首大写首字母,故填If。6. easy 【解析】句意:在没有网络的情况下恢复正常生活并不容易,尤其是当史密斯一家陷入困境的时候。根据句意,联系上下文,可知填easy。7. changes 【解析】句意:他们必须做出许多改变。根据下文所举的事例,都是和平日不同的,是改变后的。故填changes。8. library 【解析】句意:兄弟俩必须去学校图书馆为他们的科学课题借书。borrow books借阅图书。根据句意,借阅图书当然是在图书馆,故填library。9. online 【解析】句意:

52、史米斯先生和夫人要出去购物,因为他们不能在网上买东西。buy things online网购。根据文意,他们一家都在尝试没有网络的生活,购物当然也不例外。故填online。10. kinds 【解析】句意:他们发现他们可以花更多的时间来吃饭、运动和一起做各种各样的活动。all kinds of各种各样的。根据句意,结合上下文可知,这个家庭已经开始了没有网络的新生活,日常活动当然是五花八门的,故填kinds。模拟检测A【文章大意】短文介绍了空气污染问题。在第三十四届北京国际马拉松比赛中,许多运动员由于空气污染不得不戴上口罩,也有一些选手放弃了比赛。北京的普通市民也很担心这种状况。因此,北京政府建

53、议人们减少户外活动,多呆在室内。如果要出去,记住戴口罩。3. from 【解析】句意:他还说比赛应该停止,因为所有选手都想远离恶劣的空气状况。keep away from远离,结合句意可知,停止比赛目的就是远离恶劣的空气状况。故答案为from。4. who /that 【解析】句意:龚丽华是中国选手,在女子比赛中得了第三名。此句是定语从句,先行词是runner,指人,引导词要用that/who。5. running 【解析】句意:我觉得在这种雾霾下跑步呼吸就不顺畅。when 引导的时间状语从句中,当when与进行时态连用时,如果从语的主语与主句的主语一致,be可以省略,变成when+ V-ing形式,故答案为running。6. worried 【解析】句意:北京的普通百姓也很担心这种情况。be worried about为感到担忧,结合句意可知,答案为worried。7. so 【解析】句意:因为北京周围有这么多工厂,所以产生了越来越多的污染物。so many后跟可数名词复数,意思是如此多的,故答案为so。8. activities 【解析】句意:北京政府建议人们减少户外活动,多待在室内。outdoor activities户外活动,防止污染一个有效的方法就是减少户外活动,故答案为activities。B【文章大意】本文给出了和一伙人交朋友的一些建议。首


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