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1、高一英语知识点梳理 Module 2 Unit 3 Amazing people (1)一、单词 1.curious adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的,爱挑剔的 be curious about 对好奇 be curious to do 极想 be curious about wh-clause 对有兴趣 1) 如果你对生活充满好奇,并且决定深入挖掘,你就是一个批判思想家。 If you _ _ _life and desire to dig deeper into it, you are a critical thingker. 2) 我极想知道他在信中写了些什么。 I _ _ _ _w

2、hat is written in his letter. 3) 我很想知道他做了什么。 I _ _ _ _he will do. 2.present adj. 想在的,当(目)前的;出席的,在座的; v. 赠予;颁予;介绍,引见;提出,呈现; present sb. with sth./present sth. to sb. 递交 n. 赠品,礼物;现在,目前; at present 目前 for the present 暂时1) 公司还在处理业务,至少现在是。 The company is still in business, at least _ _ _.2) 宣布消息时你在场吗? _y

3、ou _when the news was announced? 3) 同事们把一张退休支票交给了退休主席。 Colleagues _the retiring chairman _a cheque. 4) 他们打开了圣诞礼物。 They unwrapped their _ _.5) 一月三号公司会向银行递交计划。 On January 3 the company will _its plans _the bank. 6) 新任的大使被引荐给总统。 The new ambassador was _ _ the present. 注意: absent, absence 表示缺席会议时,后面跟介词f

4、rom; 而present,presence表示缺席会议时,后面的介词用at。7)他的缺席令很多人失望。 His _ _the meeting disappointed many people. 8) 出席音乐会的人比预料的少多了。 The number of people _ _the concert was much smaller than expected. 3.preserve v. 保护,保持;保存,保藏; preserve public order 维持公共秩序 n. 蜜饯,果酱;属于某人的活动1) 维持公共秩序是警察的职责之一。 It is one of the duties

5、of the police to _ _ _.2) 早期移民者用风干和腌渍的方法保存肉类。 Early settlers _meat by drying and salting it. 4.disturb vt. 搅乱,扰乱,弄乱;妨碍,打扰 be disturbed about 对感到不安 1) 制作干花的时候,要小心别把花瓣弄乱了。 When drying the flowers, be careful not to _the petals. 2) 工人们感到舒服的习惯经常被新的工作程序所妨碍。 New procedures often _the comfortable habits of

6、 the workforce. 区别:disturb, interrupt disturb是“打搅,扰乱”,interrupt是“使中断” 3) 除非有紧急情况,今天请不要打扰我。 Please avoid _me during the day unless its an_. 4) 在我做报告的时候,后面有个家伙不停地每2分钟就打断我一次。 While I was giving my report, some guy in the back kept _me every two minutes.pare v. 比较,对照 comparewith 把与想比 比喻 compareto 把比作 1)

7、 警察将嫌疑犯的指纹和犯罪现场发现的指纹进行了比较。The police _the suspects fingerprints _those found at the crime sence. 2) 莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。 Shakespeare _the world _a stage. 注意:作状语时,compare to 与 compare with 没有区别。 3) 与很多人相比,他的确是幸运的。 _ _many people, she was indeed very fortunate. 4) 和我们的小公寓相比,Bill的别墅好像宫殿。 _ _our small flat, Bil

8、ls house seemed like a palace. 区别:contrast, compare Compare: 一般的比较,常指为了找出两种事物或现象的异同点而进行比较。 Contrast:有强烈反差的对比,常指通过两种事物或现象的对比,突出指出他们的不同。 5) 我讨厌你将我和他比较。I hate the way you always _me with him. 6) 这些结果和澳大利亚进行的医学实验对比强烈。These results _sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia. 6. once adv.

9、从前,曾经;一次,一回; conj.一旦;一就 all at once 立刻 at once 立刻 for once 这一次 once and for all 一次性的,最后一次 once in a while 偶尔 once upon a time 以前 1) 这一次,就让我自己拿主意吧。_ _ _, let me make my own decision. 2) 我再说最后一次,把电视关了。_ _ _ _, will you switch off the television. 3) 他曾经叫我骗子,我永远也不会原谅他。He _called me a liar. Ive never for

10、give him. 4) 他们每年两至少各自旅游一次。 They took separate holidays at least _ _ _ _. 5) 一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销。_ printed, this dictionary will be very popular! 7.prove vt. 证明,证实;表现,显示 prove + n(pron.) 证明 prove + n(pron.) + (to be) + adj./n. 证明 prove that 证明 It is proved that 事实证明 provable adj.可证明的 proof n. 证明,证据 1) 律

11、师证实了他的当事人的清白。The lawyer _ the innocence of his client. 2) 谣言结果是真的。The rumor _ _. 3) 有足够的证据证明他有罪。There is enough evidence to_ _ she is guilty. 8.contact vt. & vi. 接触,联系; n.接触,触碰;交往;熟人 make contact with 联络,联系某人 get into/in contact with 与取得联系 lose contact with 与失去联系 be in/out of contact with 与有/没有联

12、系 keep in contact with 与保持联系 1) 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。He tried in vain to _ _ _ _the local branch. 2) 他与许多有钱人拉关系为该项工程筹款。He _ _ _wealthy people in raising money for the project. 3) 沙漠居民与外界没有什么联系。The desert people _ _ _ _the outside world. 4) 各国人民的友好接触促进文化和经济交流。Friendly _between different peoples facilit

13、ate the cultural and economic interchange。二、短语1.把记下来_ 11. within seven years_2.建立,开辟_ 12. have sth. to do with_3.对.好奇 _ 13. Win the Nobel Peace Prize_4.起航去 _ 14. in connection with _5.成功,还清 _ 15. result in _6.作出惊人的发现_ 16.would rather do sth_7.生病 _ 17.by chance _ _8.打破世界纪录_ 18.preserved bodies _9.一进入

14、_ _ 19.at the same time _ _10. 死于心脏病_ 20.have trouble breathing_三、句子1. result in 导致,致使as a result of 因为,由于 as a result 结果 in the result 结果是with the result that 因此,从而,结果是without result 徒劳地result from= aside from 由引起,源自 1) 那场事故造成了三人死亡。 The accident _ _three deaths. 2) 生产革新造成了失业。 Jobs losses _ _changes

15、 in production. 3) 我一直想打开这扇门,但现在还打不开。 I have been trying to open the door, _ _so far. 2.as well as 不但而且; 和一样; 和;也 1) as well as 是并列连词,意为“不但而且;即又;除之外”,用于连接两个并列成分。 2) A as well as B 的意思是“不但B,而且A”,其重点是前者,而不是后者,而not only A but also B 则强调后者,意为“不但A,而且B” 3) as well as 连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓语动词应与前面的名词或者代词保持一致,类似

16、的还有with/along with/together with等。 4) as well as 连接两个不定式时,后者的不定式符号to可以省略。 5) as well as 作介词,相当于besides/in addition to,意为“除之外”后面通常接名词,或动词ing形式。 6) as well as 结构还可以引导一个比较状语从句,意为“和一样好” 7) as well as 相当于too或also,用于肯定句中表示“也;又;而且”,常用于句尾。 8) may/might as well 不防,还是好 布朗先生不仅有知识而且有经验。 Mr. Brown has experience

17、 _ _ _ knowledge. 我和海伦一样急于要看演出。 Helen _ _ _I is eager to see the performance. 他给我建议和钱。 He gives me advice and money _ _. 3.pay off 成功,带来好结果;还清(债务);付清工资加以解雇 pay sb. back for sth. 因某事而报答/惩罚某人 payfor sth. 为某事付出代价/遭受惩罚 pay the price 付出代价 pay for sth. 为付款,花钱 pay up 赔付(尤指不情愿地) 1) 他们冒了很大的风险,但是还是成功了。 They t

18、ook a hell of risk but it _ _. 2) 他已还清所有的债务。 He has _ _his debts. 3) 他的幸苦没有白费,他得到了提升。 His hard work _ _when he got the promotion. 4.die of 死于 die of 指因疾病、饥饿、悲伤而死,die from指由于外伤,或不注意的原因而死 1) 数以万计的人饿死了。 Tens of thousands of people _ _hunger. 2) 老人死于污染。 The old man _ _pollution. die 的相关短语: die away (声音、

19、光线、风等)渐弱,渐息 die down (火、光线、暴风雨等)渐弱,(声音)静下来 die out (风俗、习惯等)消失、消灭 die off (家族、种族)相继死亡5.a great deal of 大量,许多 a great deal of 相当于a good deal of,意为“大量的,许多的”,修饰不可数名词。a great deal 相当于a lot或much用来修饰动词或形容词、副词的比较级,意为“多” 表示“许多”的表达方式。 a great/good many a good/large number of + 复数名词 + 复数谓语 quite a few a good/g

20、reat deal of a large amount of +不可数名词 + 单数谓语 quite a little a lot of/lots of 不可数名词 + 单数谓语 + plenty of 复数名词 + 复数谓语 a quantity/mass of + 名词 + 单/复数谓语(由主语的数来决定谓语的单复数) quantities/masses of + 名词 + 复数谓语 many a + 单数名词 + 单数谓语 1) 他给他的父母带来了极大地痛苦。 He caused his parents _ _ _ _pain. 2) 这个故事要比那个故事有趣得多。 This story

21、 is _ _ _more interesting than that one. 3) 冬天需要大量的食物。 _ _ _ _food is needed for the winter.6.If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. 如果这些病毒被人体吸入,它们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。 If breathed in 是状语从句的省略句,补充完整应该是if they are breathed in。 英语中表示条件的(if/unless)、时间(when/as/while/once)、方式或让步(as if/though)等的

22、状语从句,如果谓语含有动词be,且主语又和主句中的主语一致,或者主语是it,常把状语从句中的主语和谓语的一部分(特别是be动词)省略。 一定要注意从句的主语和主句的主语是否一致。如果不一致,则不能省略。分词作状语必须和句子的主语含有逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。如果是主谓关系用现在分词,若是动宾关系则用过去分词。 1) 他说英语时常犯错。 He often makes mistakes when _ _. 2) 这台机器如不修理则毫无用处。 _ _, the machine is of no use.3) 这位稽查员四处张望,好像寻找什么。 The inspector looked around

23、, _ _ _ _ _ something.一、单词1. are curious about/am curious to know/am curious about what/2.for the present/Were, present/presented,with/Christmas present/present, to/presented, to/absence from/ present at/3. preserve public order /preserved/4. disturb/disturb/disturbing, emergency/interrupting/5. com

24、pared, with/compared, to/ Compared to或with /Compared to 或with/compare/Contrast 6. Just for once/Once and for all/once/every two years/Once/7. proved/proved true/prove that/8.get into contact with/made contacts with/have little contact with/ contacts二、短语1. make/take a note/notes of 2. pay money for s

25、th./ spend money on sth.3. in ones forties 4. at the age of 40 5. in the 1980s/ 1980s 6. face south 7. make a difference 8. break the world record 9. apply to sb. for a job 10.graduate from 11. make ones amazing discovery 12. achieve success13. win the Nobel Peace Prize 14. make a reality= turn into

26、 a reality 15.live ones dream= realize ones dream 16. come true 17. qualify sb. for sth./doing sth. 18. be qualified for/to do sth. 19. in charge of/ be in control of sth.20. in the charge of/ be in control of三、句子1.resulted in/ resulted from/ without result/2.as well as/ as well as/ as well/3.paid o

27、ff/ paid off/ paid off/4. died of/ died from/5. a great deal of/ a great deal /A large amount of/6.speaking English/ Unless repaired/ as if (he was ) in search of高一英语基础知识巩固练习. 单词1.P_ at the meeting were many famous scientists.2.People in that street were d_ by the heavy truck traffic every night and

28、 they can hardly go to sleep.3.The government sent help to the s_ of the earthquake.4.They found in the tomb two m_, which are well p_.5.W_ usually talk about weather when they meet.6.Many League Members were _ to clear away rubbish on the campus. (组织)7.We want to choose a speaker who has a friendly

29、 and _ personality. (外向)8.He was sent into space by Chinas Shenzhou V spacecraft, which _ the earth 14 times.(绕轨道)9.Carters team began to fall ill and die _(奇怪)10.Amelia began round-the-world _ as the first woman pilot. (飞行)11.Theory must be b_ on facts.12.It is c_ that China will do more to stop bi

30、rd flu nationwide.II. 选择题1. The assembly hall is big enough _, but well have to move if we have more students.A. for the moment B. for a moment C. in a moment D. at the moment2. Greatly moved by what the teacher said, _.A. his heart was full of gratefulness B. tears came to his eyesC. his eyes were

31、filled with tears D. the boys could hardly get back his tears3. Up till then we _ half the distance.A. had only covered B. covered C. would only cover D. would be only covered4. We have sometimes accidents on this line, but no accidents _ since last winter.A. occur B. have occurred C. have been occu

32、rring D. are occurring5. Her students _ busily when Miss Brown went back to get a book she _ in the classroom.A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left6. It was near the place _ there was a small river _ we found the dying tiger.A. where; where

33、 B. where; that C. that; where D. that; that7. It was dawn _ we arrived in Paris, half of _ we have covered before.A. that, which B. that, where C. when, which D. when, where8. _ it is to go hiking!A. What much fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How great fun9. _ other good students, the teacher thinks,

34、Linda is _ student.A. Comparing with; a most satisfied B. Compared to; the most satisfiedC. Comparing to; a more satisfying D. Compared with; a more satisfying10. _ your composition with his, youll find whose is better.A. Comparing B. Compared C. Being compared D. Having compared11. I stood on the c

35、oast, _ by the sight of the sunrise.A. being puzzled B. puzzled C. puzzling D. being puzzling12. Is this the reason _ for his being late?A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained13. I arrived late; I _ the road to be so icy.A. wouldnt expected B. havent expected C.

36、 hadnt expected D. wasnt expecting14. The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so.A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going down15. The son took charge of the hotel after his father _.A. died away B. die out C. passed away D. passed by16. As we all know, our government has _

37、Taiwan a couple of pandas.A. presented B. present C. given out D. shown17. - Can I help you?- No, thanks. I _.A. have just looked around B. just look aroundC. am just looking around D. just liked around18. The airplane _ take off at 16:00, but when it _ start, something unusual happened.A. was to, w

38、as about to B. was about to, was to C. was to, was to D. was about, was about19. How strange his name _ to us Chinese! People would consider him _ a Japanese.A. listens; as B. listens; being C. sounds; to be D. sounds; being20. Someone _ my umbrella. Its all wet and it was wet yesterday and the day

39、before yesterday. A. was using B. must have used C. has used D. has been using21. It seems _ that Paul has lost his driving license.A. sure B. certain C. certainly D. surely22. No sooner _ I gone out than he telephoned.A. had B. was C. would D. have23. Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I misse

40、d my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, _. A. even B. either C. then D. though24. Your success has resulted _ your hard work. His angry words resulted _ a fight.A. from; from B. in; in C. in; from D. from; in25. Their ink has _, that is to say, they have _ their ink.A. run out; run out of B.

41、run out of; run out C. run out; run out D. run out of; run out of26. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning27. She managed to make herself _ in English.A. understand B. understood C. know D. knew28. The headmaster wanted to make the papers_ in

42、 formal style at once.A. typing B. to be typed C. typed D. type29. He made me _ his clothes, which made me _.A. wash; happy B. washed; happy C. wash; unhappy D. washing; sad30.- How are the team playing ? - They are playing well, but one of them _ hurt.A. got B. gets C. are D. were31. I am not sure

43、whether his study has _ to do _ the computer games.A. something; with B. anything; with C. nothing; with D. anything; on32. It was _ that made the teacher angry that morning.A. his being late B. his late C. he is late D. that he is late33. - Kate returned home yesterday.- Really? Where _?A. had she been B. had she gone C. has she gone D. has she been34. It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audiences interests. A. so that B. that C. what D. in which35. _ time, he will make a first-class tennis player.A. Having give


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