



1、1How do the studentsin the villagego to教学设计Step1 Warm- upWatch a video and review some of the wordsAsk the students some questions about what kind of transportation can you see( 激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生复习已经学过的单词 ), 复习现在完成时并激发学生学习兴趣和热情)Step2 Lead-inShare the teacher s experience of visitingWuhan(Learn the new w

2、ords and phrases. )【设计意图】分享老师的武汉的经历,扫除生词障碍,。(Pre-reading)Step3 Reading training1. PredictAccording to the title and pictures, predict“ What isthe passage mainly about? ”(Train the students ability of catching information【设计意图】通过2b 阅读要求、题目和图片的观察和理解,预测文章的大致内容。(While-reading)2. Fast readingRead and fin

3、d.Para.1Para.2Para.3(Train the students ability of catching the informationfrom first and the last sentence and key words).【设计意图】学生通过浏览文章,快速地找出文章每段主旨句,并找出该段的关键词。初步了解本篇文章的主旨,并通过划分段落,明确文章结构,为下一环节的细读打好基础。本环节,教师给出一个阅读技巧,教会学生如何快速、准确地找出每段文章的大意,掌握基本的阅读技巧。3. Careful readingRead Para.1 and answer.Read para .

4、1 and answer the writer's questions通过回答问题得出结论,For many students ,it is easy to get to school.Read Para.3 and discuss目的就是要学in para.2?D toEH lovesIold,he lives in a small school,there is a bigschool?2Is it easy or difficult?【设计意图】学生从泛读文章过渡到到细读文章, 生们能循序渐进地理解整篇文章。Read Para.2 and answer1 who is menti

5、oned(被提至U)2why is she/he mentioned?A ropeway B afraid C cross lovesF difficultG villagebetweenandJ farBecause is only 11 years.his home is away fromriver his school the village there is noandso he he has to go on a _ to _ the river to school e ,but he is not because he school and teacher.he thinks h

6、is teacher is like a father him ,in a-word ,itis for him to get to school but he isgrateful( 感恩的)1 .Can you guess the meaning of villager?2 What is the villagers' dream?3Can their dream come true ?4. Listen read and retell (Make notes)让学生根据思维导图进行复述, 通过复述, 提高口语表达能力(The students try to retell whole article with the helpof mind- map. What s your reasons forvisiting Singapore? Choose one paragraph and retell. ), 并


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