已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、C. Play a game1. T: Do you have puppies? Show me your puppies.收集学生的小狗玩偶贴在黑板上,请一名学生上台示范表演对话。T: Is this your puppy?S: Yes, it is.T: What s its name?S: It s Joe.T: Run, Joe.学生拿小狗玩偶做相应的动作。T: Sit un der the desk.2, 学生同桌拿小狗玩偶游戏,教师巡视。Project 1 My puppy第二教时教学目标:1. 综合复习前几单元所学的词汇与句型。2. 复习、巩固出现的主要交际用语。3. 巩固询问方

2、位的日常交际用语,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。4. 帮助学生进行语言的积累。5. 能在具体的情景中运用前四单元出现的重点句型。 教学过程:A. Greeti ngs.B. Let s si ngDon t talk, Tom.Where s the bird?C. Say rhymesOpen the windowA rulerD. Do exercise参照教师用书 P40补充习题教学建议,指导学生完成本单元练习Unit 5 How old are you?第一教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇 nine, eight, four, five, six,ten.2. 能听懂、会

3、说、会读词汇 one, two, three, lovely, toy.3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型 Howold are you?Howovely. ten. Here you are.4. 能互相询问各自的年龄。教学重点:句型:How old are you? I m ten.词汇:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten.教学难点:句型: Here you are. How lovely在情境中的正确使用。词汇:eight, six, seven, Iovely的读音与用法。教学准备:1. 收集十个不同年龄段孩子的玩具,黑板上板书ToyM

4、useumAges(年龄)6 10Ages(年龄)2 52. 数字 1 10 单词卡,把 Story time 部分的句子制成条形卡。3. 挂图、多媒体。男孩、女孩布偶,玩具卡片.4. 学生各自带玩具。教学过程:A. Greeti ngs.B. Free talk.seven,I m1. T: Look, I have many toys.(出示玩具)How lovely.Do you haveany toys? Show me your toys.教师走到学生中间,欣赏学生的玩具T: . . . , you have a . . .How lovely.教师用表情、动作引导学生理解。把 Ho

5、w lovely 条形卡贴在黑板上,领读。 学生用 How lovely互相欣赏玩具。2. T: How many toys do I have? Let s count.(引导学生数数)Ss: One, two, three, four, five, six ,.出示数字单词卡片,教学生认读:1)学生按顺序认读2)打乱顺序认读。3)抽取一张,学生猜 What s miss in g?4)学生各小组接龙游戏说 one, two, three, four,.5)How many pen cils / books do you have?让学生有英语数一数各自的书或文具。3. 出示布偶 A: He

6、llo. I m John.布偶 B: Hello. I m Mary. 布偶 C: Hello., I m Ann.A: Hi. Mary, I m ten. How old are you?B: I m five. How old are you, Ann? C:I m three.出示:How old are you?引导学生理解并领读,把布偶贴在相应的年龄段 下面并在后面写上各自的年龄。学生接龙游戏进行问答练习:S1: I m ten. How old are you, S2?S2: I m nine. How old are you, S3?4 引导学生把教师的玩具按适合哪个年龄段玩

7、给分类:T: Is this for Joh n?S: No. This is for Mary.把玩具分别贴在相应的年龄段下面。5.教师拿一些玩具卡片,学生判断玩具是否适合自己,对话:T: Is this for you?S: No.T: Is this for you?S: Yes.T: Here you are.(用动作引导学生理解)S: Thank you.出示 Here you are 条形卡 贴在黑板上领读C.Story time1. 出示图 1,引导学生看图T: Look, the boy is Mike. And this is his sister, Hele n. This

8、 ishis brother, Tim. This is his Dad. This is a museum.So Mike andhis family are in a museum. What can they see in the museum?Ss: Toys.T: What are saying? Let s listen.播放 Story time 的动画2. 看图提问:T: How old is MikeS: He s nine.T: How old is Hele n?S: She s eight.T: How old is Tim?S: He s two.3. 再看动画,引导

9、学生在具体的情境中理解Here you are.How lovely.Thank you.4. 学生听录音跟读对话,提醒学生模仿语音、语调。5. 学生小组分角色朗读。D. Homework1. 听录音跟读对话。2. 抄写四会单词。3. 记住家里的电话号码、门牌号、车牌号Unit 5 How old are you?第二教时教学目标:1. 能流利地说出 one ten,复习巩固第一课时学习的词汇、语句。2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇 right, out.3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型 You re right. You re out.教学准备:1. 多媒体、Story time 部分句子条形卡。2

10、. 根据学生人数准备几组写有 110 的卡片。3. 准备几张写有电话号码的纸条。作为奖品的小红花或玩具卡片。 教学过程:A. Greeti ngs.B. Free talk1. (收集学生的一些文具)T: Hello. What s your name?S: My n ame is .T: Good morning/ after noon. Is this your pen cil?S: Yes.T: Here you are.2. T: Who can count from one to ten?S: One, two, three,.T: Good.(拿出奖品)This is for yo

11、u. Here you are.多让几名学生说一说,根据熟练情况给以奖励。3. 请几名学生上黑板前,教师在黑板上写一组电话号码并把号码用纸条发 给这几个学生,让他们转过身,不看黑板,教师用英语念出其中一个号码, 手中号码被念到的学生迅速转过身,读出手中的号码。比一比,谁的反应 快,谁读得对。C. Review1. 快速出示数字单词卡片,学生抢读。2. 出示 Story time 部分句子条形卡,学生认读句子。3. 播放 Story time 动画画面,请学生分角色给画面配音。D. Fun time1. 教师带领学生阅读教材 P34 Fun time, 了解游戏规则。引导学生理解 You re

12、right. You re out.并领读。2. 把写有 1 10 的数字牌交给学生,与学生示范游戏。1) 引导学生自报数字S1: I m number one.S2: I m number two.S3: I m number three.2) T: Number one, please sta nd up.T: Number eight, please sta nd up.3) T: ThreeS2: TwoS4: Four.2.学生分组游戏, 教师巡视, 指导学生会用 You re right. Youre out. 纠正学生的发音。E. Homework1. 试着用英语说说家里的电话,

13、如遇 0 就读字母 o 的读音。2. 抄写四会单词。Unit 5 How old are you?第三教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 want.2. 了解过生日时说的语句,能听懂、会说、会读句子:Happybirthday. What a . . .!Make a wish. I want a .It s time for the cake!3.能综合运用前两课时学习的词汇、语句。教学准备:1. 多媒体、挂图,生日歌曲的磁带。2. 数字单词卡片、做奖品的小红花或玩具卡片。3. 把: Happy birthday. What a nice cake!Make a wish. I wa

14、nt a robot.It s time for the cake!等句子写在条形卡上。教学过程:A. Greeti ngs.B. Play games1. 快速出示数字单词卡片,学生抢读。2. 请学生上台,把自己家里的电话号码写在纸上交给老师。学生转身不看 黑板,教师把该电话号码写在黑板上,学生试用英语背出。师生对话:T: You re right. (给奖品) This is for you. Here you are.S: Thank you.3.请十名学生上台,打乱顺序发给写有 1 10 的卡片,学生按 1 10 顺 序用英语报手中的数字,反应慢的出局。引导学生一起评判: Sorry,

15、 . . . , you are out.C. Carto on time1. T: Today is Sam s birthday.(出示 Cartoon time 部分图片)Let s sing Happy birthday to you to Sam.( 播放音乐,师生共唱歌曲 Happy birthday to you )T: Look. What a nice cake.(引导学生看图理解)领读T: Howold is Sam? (弓丨导学生看图) There are two candles onthe cake. So Sam is two.2. 引导学生学习:过生日许愿说:Mak

16、e a wish.表达自己的愿望说:I want a .3. 引导学生看图 4 和图 6,比较窗外的颜色,明白 Sam 许愿从白天一直到 天黑没有完,朋友们都饿坏了,体会故事的幽默之处。4. 引导学生看图理解 Bobby 忍不住打断 Sam 的许愿, 说: It stime for the cake.领读。5. 播放 Cartoon time 动画,学生跟读,注意模仿语音、语调。6. 师生共同表演对话。D. Homework1. 听录音跟读 Cartoon time2. 抄写四会单词Unit 5 How old are you? 第四教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、准确发字母 s 在单词中的

17、读音。2. 能诵读歌谣 Don t be late again.3.能熟练运用本单元学习的语句谈论年龄、说出物体的数量。教学重点、难点:字母 s 在单词中的读音 教学准备:1. 多媒体、录音磁带2. 把前几单元学过的数字、物体、介词等单词卡片打乱顺序贴在黑板上。 教学过程:A. Greeti ngsB. Free talkT: Hello, . . . How old are you?S:I m .T: Is this your . . .?S: Yes, it is.T: What a nice .S: Thank you.C. Play a game Run and touch教师向学生说

18、明游戏规则: When you hear a word/ letter, runup andtouch it.请两名学生到黑板前, 站在离黑板大约五六步, 听老师说卡片上的单词,迅速到黑板上触摸相应的卡片,最快且正确的获一分,总分最多者胜。 尽可能多请几组学生上台游戏。D. ReviewT: How old is Sam?S: He is two.T: Let s watch the cartoon again.播放 Cartoon time 动画画面,请学生给动画配音。E. Sound time1. 出示单词 seven, sister, six, sorry, this,请学生读,教师再示

19、范读,引导学生体会字母 s 在这些单词中读音。2. 指导学生有节奏地朗读句子 Six, seven, six, seven,Turn round and round.Six, seve n, six, seve n,Don t fall to the ground.3. 绕口令读上面的句子,看谁读得又快又准。4. 请学生试读: class, stand, sit, sleep.F. Rhyme time1. 出示 Rhyme time 图片,引导学生看图。2. 师生根据图片编对话(请一名学生站到门外敲门)T: Open the door, please. S2.S2: OK.T: Come i

20、n, please. Close the door, S1.S1: Yes.T: Time for class, but you re late.S1: I m sorry, Mr. / Miss.T: Don t be late again.S1: Yes, Mr. / Miss.3. 引导学生理解句子 Time for class. Don t be late again. 并领读。4. 指导学生有节奏朗读歌谣。G. Homework1. 听录音跟读 Rhyme time、Sound time2. 默写四会单词。Unit 5 How old are you? 第五教时教学目标:1. 复习巩

21、固本单元学习的词汇、语句。2. 能综合运用本单元学习的词汇、语句。教学准备:1. Checkout time 部分的挂图。录音机、磁带。2. 几个不同颜色的生日帽教学过程:A. Greeti ngs.B. Say a rhyme Don t be late againC. Checkout time1. 出示 Checkout time 部分挂图,引导学生看图,了解各蛋糕上的蜡烛个 数。2. 请学生扮演图上人物,师生对话:T: How old are you?S1: I m five.T: How old are you?S2: I m six.T: What about you?S3: I

22、m nine.引导学生理解接下来问同样的问题可以用What about . . .?3. 学生同桌操练。D. Do exercise参照教师用书 补充习题 教学建议, 指导学生完成本单元练习。E. Tick ing time指导学生结合练习情况,对本单元的学习进行自我评价。Unit 6 What time is it?教学目标:1. 能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:class, bed. Ok, lunch,eleven, bag,听懂会说单词:wake up, o clock, breakfast,dinner, these,here s.能听懂,会说, 会读句型 what time is i

23、t? It so clock.It s time for 2. 能听懂,会运用日常用语 Hurry up! Wakeup.初步接触What are these?并能理解它的含义。3. 能让学生了解合理安排时间的重要性。 教学重、难点:1、 能正确地听、说、读、写本课单词。新-课-标-第-网2、 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语 What time is it?及回答It s . o clock. It s time for 教具准备:PPT 单词卡片、光盘第 1 课时教学内容Story time教学目标1. 能听懂,会说,会读句型what time is it? It soclock.It s

24、 time for 2. 能听懂,会运用日常用语 Hurry up! Wake up.3. 能让学生了解合理安排时间的重要性。教学重点和难点1. 能听懂,会说,会读句型-Whattime is it?-It s o clock. It s time for 2. 能听懂,会说,会读词汇 breakfast, dinner.教学准备PPT 实物钟、卡纸 教学过程Step 1: Warmi ng up1.Greeti ngs.2.Review the nu mbers from one to ten.(1) Free talk. (T-S.S-S)-How old are you?-I m T:

25、How many sweets would you like?S:(2) Let s count in rows(教师指导每排学生按顺序数数)T: Whose nu mber is three? Please sta nd up.Whose nu mber is five? Please clap your hands (拍手).Step 2: Prese ntati on and practice1.教授对话-What time is it?-It so clock.(1)教师在黑板上画一个时钟T: What s this?Ss: It s a clock.T: What time is i

26、t?(教师板书并领读)Ss: Three.T: It s three o clock.(教师板书 It so clock.并领读 o clock.)(2)Work in pairs.(教师指导学生在纸上画一个时钟,并标好整点的时间.同桌互相操练 对话)A: What time is it?B: It so clock.2.教授句型 It s time for (1)新授单词 breakfast, dinner, 复习 lunchT: What s for breakfast/dinner?(教师呈现食品图片让学生选择.)(2)教师呈现不同时间点的时钟及食品图片.It s time for br

27、eakfast.( 早上 7:00)It s time for dinner.( 晚上 6:00)(3)学生看图操练.2.Watch a carto on(1)Fill in the time table.(帮助学生梳理课文.)(2)教授 Wake up, Hurry up.(教师在课文情境中教授.)Step 3: Con solidati on1.Follow the tape.2.Act the dialogue out in pairs.(指导学生注意语言语调.)Homework1Follow the tape and recite the dialogue;2Desig n your

28、time table.板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it?A: What time is it?B: It s o clock.It s time for 第 2 课时教学内容:Fun time教学目标:句型:What time is it? It so clockIt s time for 词汇:eleven twelve lunch教具准备:PPT教学过程:Step1: Free talkHello/How are you?/ Step2: Warming upa.接龙说数字。引导学生复习数词T: First lets review the numbers.Let sc

29、ount thenumbers.From one to ten.S1: one S2: TwoT: Good. Now I have some nu mber cards. Try to say thenu mbers as quickly as you can.S:(抢答说数字)b. Liste n and say the n ext ( 下一个)nu mberListe n and say the nu mber before( 前一个)c.做数字游戏继续复习数词T: Now let s play a guessing game. Guess which card isinMy hand.

30、(加入 11 12 两个数字)S: Five?T: Yes/No, look. It sStep3: Prese ntati on在数字复习的基础上呈现时间T: Look , what s this number? (Teach: eleven twelve)2. I have a clock. What time is it?(新授)It s twelve.(T ask S an swer)3. 分组操练Practice in pairs4. Play a gamea.看动作猜时间T: I ll do something. Please guess what time I do it(教师做

31、一个吃饭的动作)What time is it?S1: It s seven o clockT: NoS2: It s twelve o clockT: Yes. It s time for lunch. (Teach: lunch)Now you can play this game in groups.Step4: Activity自己设计制作钟面。 用 What time is it, please?和 It soclock 进行对话操练最后对学生的设计制作进行全班评比。评选:最佳设计奖最佳美观Homework1. Copy the new words: eleve n twelve l

32、un ch.2. 用 What time is it?进行交流板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it?What time is it, please?It s o clock.第 3 课时教学内容Carto on time教学目标1. 复习巩固重点句型 What time is it? It s It s time for并能在具体的情境中灵活运用相关句型。2. 学生能够流利地朗读 Cartoon time, 并以此来训练他们的语言技能,提高阅读理解能力。3. 初步接触 What are these?并能理解它的含义。教学重、难点1. 复习巩固重点句型 What time is

33、 it? It s - It s timefor 并能在具体的情境中灵活运用相关句型。2. 学生能够流利地朗读 Cartoon time,并以此来训练他们的语言技 能,提高阅读理解能力。教具准备数字卡片 PPT 正反分别写有单词和短语的小卡片 教学过程Step1 Free talk1. Is this your ?2. Is that a ?3. How old are you?Step2 Revisi on1. Watch and read看着数字卡片, 复习 1 12(注意兼顾阿拉伯数字和英文)2. Play a game ( PPT(复习)Wake up Hurry up breakfa

34、st lunch dinner It stime for breakfast/lunch/dinner/class/bed.3. Watch and guessT:(教师出示卡片 It s time for bed. ) What time is it?生猜测,然后出示卡片另一面,向学生展示答案Step3 Carto on time1 出示该部分图片让学生排序2. Watch the cartoonA.Check the answer.( 所排列的顺序)B. Choose the answers.1.What is in the bag?2.Whose bag is this?3. Read

35、and circle( 听圈出 Bobby看到包里东西的话语)(出示句子: What s this ?和 What are these ?)4. Liste n and lear n1让学生听录音自学 What are these ?的读音2让学生通过比较图片中物体的个数,感悟两者的异同。5. Listen and imitate.6. Read in groups( 读出故事中 Bobby 的心情哦!)6. Dub for the pictures.Homework1. Read Cartoon time five times.2. According to Cartoon time, try to make a new dialogue.板书设计:Unit 6 What time is it?What time is it?It s o clock.Wha s this?What are these?第 4 课时教学内容Sound time Rhyme time Checkout time & Tick ing time 教学目标:1、听懂会说会写单词: class, bed, OK, lu nch, eleve n, bag2、 听懂会说单词:wake up, o clock, br


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