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1、小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法482028小学英语音标学习方法/i:/ /i/ /e/ / /a:/ / /?:/ /?/ /u:/ /u/ /:/ / /ei/ /ai/ /?i/ /u/ /au/ /i/ /e/ /u/元音元音辅音辅音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ / / / / /t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ /j/ /m/ /n/ / 小学英语音标学习方法单元音单元音小学英语音标学习方法/i:/i:/小学英语音标学习方法he she Chinese see feet sh

2、eepeat read meatfield believe beliefreceiveWhat letter or letter group makes /i:/ ? 小学英语音标学习方法/i/ /i/小学英语音标学习方法busy very ladylive miss richbeside decidevillage courage 小学英语音标学习方法 it-eat 2. live leave 3. fillfeel 4. sit seat小学英语音标学习方法/e/e/小学英语音标学习方法bed bread fed ten head best hen dead red weather小学英语

3、音标学习方法bread head weathereabed red ten bestaanything manye小学英语音标学习方法/小学英语音标学习方法sad mad man bad apple hat glad fact stand family fat cat bag小学英语音标学习方法 bet-bat 2. petpat 3. begbag 4. setsat 小学英语音标学习方法:小学英语音标学习方法earth heard nurse hurt skirther person word work What letter or letter group makes :?earurir

4、eror小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法 ago again addresshundred parentwater teacher workertoday policemancolour doctor a eeroor/our小学英语音标学习方法 a: 小学英语音标学习方法car far darkhalflaugh auntbasket a: aralaua小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法bus run lucknothing love country younguoou小学英语音标学习方法Phrasesa coming busup and up小学英语音标学习方法Compar

5、e cut-cart 2. lucklark 3.duckdark 4. toughtask 小学英语音标学习方法 :小学英语音标学习方法pork horsedaughter becausetall talk door floor more storeoraualoorore :小学英语音标学习方法Phrases: a short story more and more 小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法sorry dog copywash what oa小学英语音标学习方法Phrases borrow a watch locks and clocks小学英语音标学习方法Compare

6、1. notnorth 2. foxforks 3.shotshort 4. wokwalk小学英语音标学习方法 u: 小学英语音标学习方法mood boot zoomove whoseruler Junesoup groupooouou小学英语音标学习方法Phrasesu: a rude fooluseful toolscool the food 小学英语音标学习方法u小学英语音标学习方法full could took good wood cook put stood pull foot 小学英语音标学习方法uPhrasespush and pulla good booklook for t

7、he book小学英语音标学习方法 cook look foot would could should put July Uoooulu小学英语音标学习方法Lets play a game1.ai hv pen .2.hi: iz t :l. 3.it iz buk .小学英语音标学习方法Try again4.i: iz dkt .5. ai m ti:t .6. sm b:dz : sii .小学英语音标学习方法A sheep is not a ship! A ship is not a sheep!The worker has a bird.Father and mother, mothe

8、r and father, they give me a hug(拥抱拥抱)!A dog is behind the door. Oh, you look so cool! 小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法双元音双元音Double Vowels (8)小学英语音标学习方法ei小学英语音标学习方法face same game play waste hate late hay complain famous 小学英语音标学习方法ai 小学英语音标学习方法I life quiet mind price nightdie shy white lie high小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习

9、方法u小学英语音标学习方法road coat goat boat loadcold smoke go home hope小学英语音标学习方法au小学英语音标学习方法how about shout cow loudmouse ground hour crown mouth小学英语音标学习方法ii 小学英语音标学习方法beer deer pioneer peer ear hear near fear clear tear appearhere mere小学英语音标学习方法 小学英语音标学习方法 sure unsure poor moor tour小学英语音标学习方法Sure sure sure,Poor poor poor,Im sure you know Im poor, So I cant go to make a tour.小学英语音标学习方法小学英语音标学习方法Read the words Boys and girls, please pay attention to “ oy ”!boy toy joy soy annoying emp


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