



1、基于扩铺语义长歧的生物医教命实实体尺度化        【外文戴要】和灭生物医教文献数量的缓剧删加,海量的生物医教信做败为造约生物医教研讨者研讨的从要果荤。一方里,生物医教研讨己员很难敏捷查觅蕴藏反在那些不计其数的生物医教文献外的具无价值的信做,果彼也繁曲出无否能通功己工的方式及时更旧学问。取彼同时,生物医教范畴具无十开丰亡的反在线和合线学问资流。生物医教研讨己员否以当用那些学问资流做为辅帮,通功闭于未无学问资流入行科教的外示并依彼来教习旧文献外的学问,自而来入一步更旧和完好那些生物医教学问资流,入而到达辅帮生物医




5、验解果外亮本文降出的解决基果降及尺度化题纲的方式到达了否比拟的解果。人们依据试验解果闭于本文方式入行略粗的谈论,并且给出了研讨解论以及未来工做的铺望。');【Abstract】 As the quantity of biomedical literature increases sharply, tremendous kinds of biomedical information become the bottleneck of biomedical researchers work. The major problem with this phenomenon is that the

6、 biomedical researchers hardly retrieve the valuable information which is contained in the information sea opportunely, and they could not keep their knowledge up to date. Meanwhile, there are abundant online and offline resources in biomedicine domain, the problem is how we can fully utilize these

7、resources to facilitate the research and represent the existing knowledge to learn new knowledge. With all of the efforts one can renovate the resources for the researchers' further study. The construction of the knowledge source usually spends a lot of time and money, besides it limited by the

8、resource's constructor's ken. Considering all these problems, the domain researchers need a method to handle the inconsistency between the ever increasing amount of literatures and the lagged dilatory velocity of researcher's renovated knowledge. The occurrence of biomedical named entity

9、 normalization meets the tide of research.The biomedical named entity normalization is the critical and fundamental constituent of the biomedical text mining research. It adopts the result of biomedical named entity recognition system and assigns the recognized biomedical entities to database identi

10、fiers correctly, besides it facilitate the following study, such as entity interaction extraction and implicit knowledge discovery. As known to all, genes and proteins are the most important biomedical entity playing a crucial part for the biomedical research. Therefore, the biomedical named entity

11、normalization research focuses on the gene mention normalization. The goal of gene mention normalization is to recognize the genes and proteins that are mentioned in biomedical literature and map these gene mentions to the database identifiers. This method can reduce the cost of the resource constru

12、ction. Hence, it has applicable value.In this *, we first introduce related researches of gene mention normalization in biomedical domain. Secondly, we focus our research scope of this problem on the retrieving and representing the knowledge to facilitate the disambiguation. We take the method based

13、 on relevance feedback for gene mention normalization as our first attempt. We form our method through a deep research on related works. Our extended semantic profiling disambiguation method for gene mention normalization is composed of four steps. The first step focuses on preprocessing the origina

14、l documents and recognizing the gene mention by existing named entity recognition system. At the same time, we combine the dictionary provided by the organizer and the synonym information from database resources to generate our dictionary. We eliminate the errors which are caused by the variants of

15、the synonyms through normalizing the morphological divergences. The second step of our method tickles the mapping between gene mentions and database identifiers. The third step we use information retrieval based extended semantic profiling information for disambiguation, then we take these information as features for machine learning perform. The fourth step we employ Wikipedia based post filter for ruling out the false positives. We evaluate our syst


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