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1、训駅的习惯词汇1. 随着的普及2. 充分利用3漂壳丄整的书写4在许多方面有帮助5很有用6.在课堂上多学点知识7使教与学更容易8. 寻找任何我们所需要的信息9. 对很有好处12.休息了很氏时间L with the growing popularity of2. make good use of3. beautiful and neat handwriting4e be helpful in many ways词汇£5. be of great help6. get more knowledge in class7. make both leaching and learning eas

2、ier& search for any information we need9. do sb. much goodl(k train one's characterIL form the good habit of12 taken a long rest1.学习方法对侮个学生都是非常重要的。(v-ing)2网络冇助于提高学校的管理、满足学校现代管理 的需要。(meet the needs of)厂3.作为这座城市的所重点中学,它为新建的学校树 立了好榜样。(set a good example to)4.早上的新鲜空气和宁静使你的思维比一天的任何时 刻都更敏捷,记忆也更加轻松

3、。(make sb. do sth.)I 快條5晚起不仪对学习有彩响也是个不良习惯。(notonlybin also. J! Learning methods are very important to every sludenl.2 The net helps imp rove our school management and meet the needs of modem education.3. As a key school in this city, it sets a good exam pie to the newlybuilt schools.4. The fresh air

4、 and quietness in the morning make you think more quickly than any other time of the day and memorize what you have learned easily.5. Getting up late not only affects their studies but also is a bad habit.込常言道“字如貝人” 0随着电脑的普及率越來 越高,老师、家长和学生对书写的亟视程度也降低 了。据一项调杳显示,-85. 8%的中学生表示有人 说过门己的字迹不好看,对于中学生而言,能写一

5、于美观人方的字还是颇有益处的,而中学生不想改 善字迹的理由也有很大差别,如图所示。请写一篇 120词的英文短文,反映一下中学生不想改善书法的 理山以及你是如何看待这个问题的。注意:字迹handwritingII打Sol1(t|3hK町以用电献歸7515、 没仃时间练32. 3% 復“什么用10. 9%儿他 One po ssible version Middle School Stude nts' Attitudes Towards Han dwrit ingNowadays, with the grow ing popu larity of compu ters, teachers,

6、 stude nts and their parents are paying less and less atte ntio n to han dwrit ing. Accord ing to a rece nt survey, about 85.8 p erce nt of the middle school stude nts think that their han dwrit ing is poor. Yet for various reas ons, many stude nts don't wantto improve their han dwrit ing. 51.5

7、p erce nt of the stude nts thi nk that they can just use a compu ter, so there is no n eed to waste time improving their han dwriti ng, and 32. 3 p erce nt believe that they are so busy with the study that they do not have time to p ractice.10. 9 p erce nt think that p ractic ing han dwriti ng is useless.As the say ing goes,“writ ing style shomanthe Beautiful and n eat han dwrit ing isben eficial, esp eciall


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