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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计Lost civilizations(牛津高中英语 模块三Unit 3 Reading I)一、教学背景:1面向学生: 高一 2学科:英语3学生课前准备:预习生词,了解单词的意思。预习课文,了解课文的大意,自主完成课后习题。利用互联网搜索与世界文明相关的资料。二、教学课题:Lost civilizations (牛津高中英语 模块三Unit 3 Reading I)三、教材分析: Reading的文章Lost civilizations(失落的文明)是一篇关于去探索失落的文明的文化探险。它是一个加拿大学生Ann的旅行日记的节选。主要通过A

2、nn在参观古文明遗址时的所见、所闻、所感写成的五则日记,讲述了去意大利的古Pompeii城和中国的Loulan古城的文化之旅,重现了古Pompeii城和Loulan古城当年的雄姿。希望通过本文的学习了解这两个失落的文明的现状以及形成的原因,让学生在古代和现实的比较中体会这些伟大文明缺失、破坏造成的遗憾,从而能够知道更多的古文明,并且从它们的形成原因中总结出教训来保护现代的文明,避免这样的悲剧再度发生。四、教学目标:1. Enable the students to read the diaries about a cultural expedition to sites of lost civ

3、ilizations.2. Help the students learn how to analyze the elements of diaries and learn the reading strategy of diary entries. Improve the studentsreading ability.3. Make sure the students can learn to respect the past. The students should try to learn the history. And the students should apply it to

4、 their future study.五、教学重难点:1. Help the students to read several excerpts form the travel diary kept by Ann.2. How to help the students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.六、教学方法:Teaching approaches is the key step for class teaching. Visual-scene teaching method, taske

5、d-based method as well as the approaches of listening,skimming,scanning and discussion and so on will be adopted in the teaching process of this lesson. Pay attention to the reading strategy of how to read diary entries.七、教学过程:Step 1 Lead-in 1. Lets enjoy two sections of video.【百度视频】 (播放有关Pompeii 的视

6、频材料)(播放有关Loulan 的视频材料)2.Show the students some pictures about Pompeii and Loulan .【百度图片】Encourage the students to imagine according to the sections and the pictures. Then ask them some questions:1)Are you curious about what the two cities looked like in the past?2)How did people in the two cities us

7、e to live?3)Can you guess why people disappeared from the two cities?4)What happened to them ?5)Do you know how the two cities were discovered a thousand years later?Then the teacher introduce the topic: Pompeii vs. Loulan-Lost civilizations.【设计意图】这一步骤是为了活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的兴趣。首先播放两段关于庞贝和楼兰的视频,让学生熟悉今天的主题。然后

8、让学生再浏览一些关于这两座城市的图片,回答相关的问题,水到渠成导入本节课题- Lost civilizations。Step 2: Reading comprehension1. ListeningListen to the tape without looking at the books and think :1). Where did the author travel? (Pompeii and Loulan)2). What is one main similarity between the two cities? ( They are lost civilizations.) B

9、b the title. And ask : what does the title Lost civilizations mean? (Lost civilizations means ancient buildings, cultures that no longer exist.)【设计意图】通过听课文录音和回答问题完成对课文的初步理解。板书本节课课题,帮助学生理解Lost civilizations 的含义。2. Fast-reading Read the passage fast and answer the following questions: 1).What country

10、is the author from? (Canada.)2).Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860? (The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli)3).Who is Professor Zhang? (An archaeologist from the local cultural institute.)【设计意图】快速阅读有助于学生对课文有进一步的了解。同时完成书上42页 Part A中的三个问题。3. General readingRead the text more again c

11、arefully, summarize the main idea of each diary entry and complete the following form:DatesMain ideaDay1Telling the (1)_ of the trip and the two (2) _.Day2Listening to a (3) _about the city of Pompeii and the volcano(4) _.Day3(5) _the buried city- Pompeii and getting (6) _ at it.Day10(7) _ but (8) _

12、 to arrive in Loulan after several days of traveling.Day11(9) _ the (10) _ of dead city- Loulan and feeling sad.(Suggested answers:(1) purpose (2)destinations(3)lecture(4)eruption (5)Visiting(6)amazed(7)Tired (8)excited 9)Introducing (10)discovery)【设计意图】由于本文的结构非常清楚,直接要求学生归纳出每一个自然段的大意。这样学生很容易就能从总体上把握

13、文章的结构。 为了帮助学生归纳总结大意,老师降低难度,设计了任务型填空。4. Detailed reading- (Having a competition)Task1: Students read the Day1 diary entry together and then fill in the table:TimeWhere to visit15th JulyItaly16th JulypompeiiThe next weekLoulan in ChinaTask 2: Group 1 reads the Day2 diary entry and the others answer so

14、me questions:1).What did Ann do on 16th July? 2).What was the lecture about?Then finish the table:Time Events In the 8th century BCThe city was founded.In 89 BCIt was taken over by the Romans.On 24th August AD 79The volcano erupted and the whole city was buried. (When hearing the volcano erupted and

15、 the whole city was buried, what was the authors feeling?)【百度视频】 (播放有关Vesuvius 火山爆发,覆盖Pompeii的视频)Task 3:Group 2 reads the Day3 diary entry and the others give some descriptions.According to what the author has saw, give a description of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.(1)Streets: (2)Houses: (3)Bod

16、ies of people: (4)Volcano: 【百度图片】(展示Pompeii 图片)(Suggested answers: (1) just as they had been; with stepping stones (2) with mosaic floors and wall paintings (3) had been turned to stone when they had been covered with ash (4) quiet ) Task 4: Group 3 reads the Day10 diary entry and the others fill in

17、 the blanks.What do you know about Loulan?About 2,000 years ago, it was a _, _city. It was also a _ on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West. Many people believed that it was gradually covered over by _.(Suggested answers: small; wealthy commercial; stopping point; sandstorms)【百度图片】(展示L

18、oulan及地图的图片)【百度视频】Task 5: Group 4 reads the Day 11 diary entry and the students do the multiple choice together.(1).Who found the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom? (C)A. the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli B. a farmerC. the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin D. an archaeologist from the local cultural i

19、nstitute 【百度图片】(the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin图片)(2). According to the last sentence, how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan? (B) A. excited B. sorry C. happy D. surprisedTask 6: Make a comparison between Pompeii and Loulan:SimilaritiesDifferencesPompeii famous a long history and characte

20、ristic disappeared/lostItalydisastersuddenlyLoulanChinahuman forcegradually【设计意图】精读有助于帮助学生深入了解文章中的细节,提高学生的阅读能力。同样,利用任务型阅读的方式,可以检查学生对文章的理解,这是复述课文内容的一种形式,也是一种有效的输出形式。本文共有5篇日记,因此,在处理本部分内容上,老师设计了小组竞赛的形式,把班级分为4大组。设计了6个任务。按照日记时间的顺序带着不同的任务层层精读,有回答问题,有选择,有填空等。必要的地方给出具体的例子,有课内知识也有课外补充,充分激发学生的兴趣。将课文中提到的语句适当结合

21、图片,有助于学生从被动输入到主动输出,理解运用能力能够得以提高。最后的Task6任务中分析归纳总结Pompeii和Loulan两城市的相似点和不同点,从而为下一步的Reading Strategy做好铺垫。Step3 Reading strategy1. Discuss in pairs about what features are usually included in diary entries. Have them think about how many of the features that they listed can be found in the article Lost

22、 civilizations.(dates, names of places, facts, historical information, personal feelings, personal opinions)2. Read the Reading strategy and learn how to read a diary.When you are reading diary entries recording someones travels, you should look for: dates and place names facts and historical inform

23、ation personal feelings and opinions3. The writers of diaries often record feeling or opinions (emotions) as well as what they have done (actions). Do the sentences below express emotions (E) or actions (A)? Circle your answers. (Finish Part C2 on P45)【设计意图】阅读策略的介绍和了解是提高阅读能力和水平的一个关键的因素。本部分结合之前所完成的任务

24、,教授学生如何阅读日记,并了解日记的特征。接着通过完成书本45页 C2的练习来巩固所学内容。Step 4 Post-reading(1).Play a section of movie- <<2012>>【百度视频】(播放电影“2012世界末日”片段)(2).Discussion:Work in pair to discuss:(1) Why do they become lost civilizations? What is more serious, there are many more civilizations getting lost now. Why do

25、 the situations happen?(2) What can we do to protect the civilizations from being destroyed? How can we do to let them avoid being got lost?(3).SummaryNo matter whether the civilizations are ancient or modern, no matter whether they are material or intangible, no matter which country or culture they

26、 belong to, one thing is certain: they are mans treasures. We are supposed to cherish and protect them. We are supposed to learn from them and develop them. We are supposed to create a better future for our off-springs. As a result, our children, our childrens children will enjoy the beauty of more civilizations.【百度音乐】(链接网


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