



1、Language Practice 知识运用一、读单词或短语,找出不同类的一项。(10分)()1. A. horseB. cowC. fast()2. A. lookB. earC. nose()3.A. niceB. wantC. cute()4. A. butterflyB. pandaC. animal()5. A.draw pictureB. seeC. picture二、读句子,将问句和答句连线。(12分)三、看图,读句子,将图文匹配,将句子代号写在相应图片前的括号里。(10分)四、读句子,用1,2,3,4,5排序将下列句子连成一段完整的对话。(8分)()Why do you wan

2、t to see pandas?()I want to see pandas. ()OK! Lets go!()We are going to the zoo. What animals do you want to see?()Because pandas are cute.五、读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(6分)Jane: Hello, Ben. What is your favourite animal?Ben: My favourite animal is the cow.Jane: Why do you like cow?Ben: Because a cow can g

3、ive us milk. I like to drink every day. I also like horses because I like to ride horses. They have strong legs. They can run fast, and they can sleep without lying down. Jane, what is your favourite animal?Jane: My favourite animal is small. It has wings, and it can fly. It likes flowers. It can ma

4、ke honey. Can you guess?Ben: Is it a bee?Jane: Yes, you are right! My favourite animal is the bee. I like pigs, too.Ben: You like pigs? Why?Jane: Because they are lazy. They like sleeping. I like sleeping and I am a little bit lazy, too.Ben: Ha-ha!()1. Ben likes cows and horses.()2. Ben likes to drink milk every day.()3. Pigs can make honey.()4. Janes favourite animal is the bee. She likes pigs, too.()5. Jane is a little bit lazy.六、小练笔。以My favourite animal为题写一篇小作文。要求包括以下内容:1. Whats your favourite animal? 2. Why do you li


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