已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、绝密启用前1999 年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试非师范类公共课英语试卷 . Phonetics (10 points)Directions : In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinationsmarked A, B, C and D . Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that isdifferent from the others in pronunciation . Mark your an

2、swer by blackening the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet .1 . A . label B . later C . lat ter D . lazy2 . A . idea B . cheap C . r each D . team3 . A . purse B . mou se C . tense D . phrase4 . A . f ry B . supply C . laundry D . try5 . A . born B . word C . spor t D . horse6 . A . flood B . lo

3、ose C . choose D . mood7 . A . fa rmer B . towa rds C . pardon D . large8 . A . character B . chea t C . cheer D . champion9 . A . contain B . stainless C . mountain D . maintain10 .A . compr ehension B . conclusion C . occasion D . decision . Vocabulary and Structure (55 points)Section A: Multiple

4、ChoiceDirections: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section . For each sentence there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose one answer that best completes the sentenceand blacken the corresponding letter on the Anwer Sheet .11 . Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yest erday , ?A .

5、 wasn􊕔t it B . was it C . is n􊕔t it D . is it12 . I pr efer writing a term paper taking an examination .A . than B .to C . for D . r ather than13 . The house needs , but they plan to wait next spring to do it .A . paint B . to paint C . painting D . be painted14 . Meet me at the sa

6、me place you did yeste rday .A . that B . what C . which D . as15 . I began to work he re 1978 .· 123 ·A . in B . at C . on D . since16 . Why not Bill to answer this question ?A . asked B . asking C . ask D . as ks17 . I would rathe r with you .A . not to go B . to not go C . to go D . not

7、 go18 . their luggage, the tourists hur ried to the airpor t .A . Packed B . Afte r packed C . Packing D . Having packed19 . Reading English newspapers a good way of your English .A . is; improve B . a re; improving C . is ; improving D .ar e; improve20 . If you bring your torn shir t to me , I it f

8、or you .A . will mend B . am mending C . have mended D . will have mended21 . do you think of my new idea ?A . How B . Which C . Who D . Wha t22 . It is neces sa ry that he the re on time .A .is B .be C .will be D .has been23 . He was overcome by the fea r he had lung cance r .A . which B . what C .

9、 that D . of24 . They held a conference to decide to meet the eme rgency .A . how B . what C . that D . which25 . To my surprise , turned out that John failed in his examination .A . it B . as C . what D . he26 . Mr . Smith had the r epor t as soon as he finis hed it .A . to be typed; to write B . t

10、yped; to writeC . being typed; writing D . typed; writing27 . , s he was very brave .A . Girl as was she B .A girl as she wasC . As a gir l she was D . Girl as she was28 . He made it plain he was annoyed with me .A . that B . what C . which D . whethe r29 . had he ar rived home than it began to r ai

11、n .A . Not until B . No sooner C . Sca rcely D . Hardly30 . I forget , please remind me of it tomor row .A . In case B . In case of C . In any case D . In no case31 . Its nice to go for a walk a summer evening .A . on B . at C . in D . during32 . Dont the subject again this evening .A . speak B . ta

12、lk C . tell D . mention33 . I think I must have my purse at home .A . forgot ten B . mis sed C . taken D . left· 124 ·34 . How is it from her e to the city centr e ?A . long B . fa r C . distant D . nea r35 . The movie we saw last night was very differ ent the novel .A . of B . to C . from

13、 D . as36 . Im looking forward Mike next week .A . to see B . to seeing C . seeing D . see37 . Father usually comes back f rom his work .A . at noon B . in noon C . on noon D . in the noon38 . You had bet ter wher e you are .A . remaining B . to remain C . remain D . r emained39 . I wanted to go hom

14、e but my wife on going to the concer t .A . persisted B . intended C . insisted D . argued40 . fun and good exer cise, swimming is a very useful skill .A . Except for B . But for C . Beside D . Besides41 . The salesman persuaded u s his product .A . buying B . to buy C . buy D . having bought42 . Th

15、e weather is hot that we cant walk fa r .A . that ; so B . very; much C . so; tha t D . much; ve ry43 . The a rticle is to be studied car efully .A . wor th B . worthy of C . worthy D . wor thwhile44 . I will have to my lawye r before I make a decision .A . touch B . connect C . contact D . advise45

16、 . Ma ry is the school holidays with her friends in the count ry .A . spending B . doing C . making D . going46 . The children in red sang songs together .A . dr es sed B . dressing C . worn D . wearing47 . The Government gave sever al good for increasing the t ax on ciga rettes .A . purposes B . re

17、ason s C . questions D . problems48 . His job is to the lett ers alphabetically by dist rict .A . handle B . deal C . sor t D . throw49 . I objected the meeting without him .A . to have B . to having C . having D . have50 . You cant how frightened I was when I first saw an elep hant .A . suppose B .

18、 propose C . wonder D . imagineSection B􊷂Mistake SpottingDirections􊷂Each of the following sentences has four parts underlined and marked A, B, Cand D . Identify the one that needs correction and mark your answer by blackening the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet .· 125

19、·51 . It is of ten easie r to select a par ticular tool than to u se them cor rectly .A B C D52 . In wha t count ry he told you tha t he had lived before he came to Canada ?A B C D53 . Jim was upset last night because he had to do too many homewor ks .A B C D54 . Des pite of the heavy snow last

20、 night , none of the classes have been cancelled at theA B C Duniver sity .55 . About one- fifth of all the energy in the United Stat es it is changed into electric power.A B C D56 . You have to hur ry up if you want to buy egg s because theres ha rdly something left .A B C D57 . Neithe r John nor h

21、is father wer e able to wake up ea rly enough to catch morningt rain .A B C D58 . The ca r he bought in Japan look s similarly to the one he has been driving for sever alA B C Dyea rs .59 . Although Mr . White had become one of the best known actors in the country , but he didnotA B Cenjoy his wor k

22、 very much .D60 . I dont remembe r the student whom I have lent my dictionary to him .A B C D61 . The mor e that you practise speaking , the better you will do it .A B C D62 . My brother doesnt care how much does the car cost because he is going to buy it anyway .A B C D63 . It was her who s uggeste

23、d that he go to New York in order to get a direct flight .A B C D64 . Both Joh n and Peter study hard , but I think Peter is clever of the two .A B C D65 . If her gr andfa ther would have lived three mor e days , he would have been 100 yearsold .A B C D· 126 · . Cloze (20 points)Directions

24、: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below andmarked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer byblackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .Historians cant tell us when or where or 66 the first food was cooked . In earl

25、iest67 , people had eaten their food 68 , and fire was used only to provide heat and light .The first primitive cooks were 69 women , 70 prepa ring food and makingclothing were con sidered womens work . 71 most of the gr eat chefs ( 厨师) in historyhave been men . T his might have been because chefs l

26、ea rned 72 work in the kitchens of rich families 73 in r estaurants and women didnt of ten take jobs outside theirhomes , or it might have been because kitchen equipment was so heavy and difficult towork with 74 only st rong men could do it . In mode rn times , great female chefs havebecome k nown ,

27、 and some of the best cook book s 75 by women .66 . A . who B . which C . how D . what67 . A . time B . times C . ages D . pe riod68 . A . uncooked B . being uncookedC . uncooking D . to be uncooked69 . A . probable B . possible C . probably D . likewise70 . A . while B . for C . so that D . unles s

28、71 . A . But B . T he refore C . And D . Mor eove r72 . A . his B . its C . their D . their s73 . A . as well B . either C . both D . or74 . A . as B . such C . so D . that75 . A . have writ ten B . have been writ tenC . we re writ ten D . a re writ ten . Reading Comprehension (45 points)Directions&

29、#1093058;There are three reading passages in this part . Each passage is followed by fivequestions . For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D .Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .Passage OneMans first r eal invention , one o

30、f the most impor tant invention s in history , was thewheel . All t ranspor tation and every machine in the world depend on it .The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most r ema rkable of all inventions , becausethere a re no wheels in natureno living thing was ever created with wheels .How, then

31、 , did man come to invent the wheel ?Perhaps some early h unte rs found that they could roll the dead body of a heavy animalthrough the forest on logs more easily than they could car ry it . However , the logs· 127 ·themselves weighed a lot . It must have taken a great prehistoric thinke r

32、 to imagine twothin slices of log connected a t their center s by a st rong stick . T his would roll along justas the log s did , yet be much light er and easier to handle . Th us the wheel and axle ( 轮轴) came into being , and with them the first ca rts .76 . The wheel is import ant becau se .A . it

33、 was mans first real inventionB . all tr an spor tation depends on itC . eve ry machine depends on itD . both B and C77 . It was r ema rkable of man to invent the wheel becau se .A . it led to many other invention sB . man had no use for it thenC . there we re no wheels in natureD . all of the above

34、78 . The wheel was probably invented by .A . a group of ea rly huntersB . the first men on ear thC . a gr ea t pr ehistoric thin kerD . the man who made the first car t79 . This passage says that the first wheel may have been a .A . round piece of stoneB . heavy logC . piece of met alD . slice of lo

35、g80 . The idea for it may have come from .A . watching a rolling stoneB . rolling a dead body of an animal on log sC . wa tching running animalsD . hunting an animalPassage TwoT hen in the 1830s came the invention of the telegr aph .T he telegr aphist ( 电报员) could send messages from lands hundr eds

36、of miles awaymore quickly than a horseman could deliver a lett er from the next village . Of course mistakeswe re made , some of them very fun ny . Sending a telegram to London from the otherend of the wor ld was at fir st ve ry costly . So telegr aphists used as few words as possible. Sometimes wor

37、ds were misspelt and the telegrams we re difficult to unde rstand .Her e is a famous example . When the ve ry fir st r ailway line was st ar ted in Queensland ,Aust ralia, the Gover nor himself dug the first piece of ear th . T his was an import ant e-· 128 ·vent . So a telegram was sent t

38、o London . I t r ead􊷂“Governor Queensland turns ( digs )first sod ( piece of ea rth ) ." But when the telegr am a r rived , it r ead􊷂“ GovernorQueensland twins fir st son ." The newspaper then printed the exciting news that theGovernors wife had had twins , the first one

39、being a boy ! This came as a gr eat s urpriseto everybody , becau se the Governor was not mar ried !81 . This passage mainly tells about .A . the expen sive telegramB . the telegraphists used as few words as possibleC . a funny mistake in a telegramD . an example of the mistakes in the news82 . Tele

40、gr aphists used as few words as pos sible because .A . it was too distant f rom London to the other end of the worldB . mist akes u sed to be madeC . word s would be misspelt by themD . sending a message by telegr aph was very expensive83 . It made that words wer e spelled by mistake .A . the telegr

41、ams difficult to understandB . the telegrams funnyC . the telegrams s hor tD . the t elegrams ha rd to delive r84 . The word“ " was the misspelt form of the word“ turn s" , and“ "was“sod" .A . twin s; sonB .digs ; ear thC .twins; ear thD .digs ; son85 . According to the newspaper

42、 , .A . the Gove rnors wife was the younger of the twinsB . the Governor and his wife were mar ried and had a sonC . the Gove rnor was his wifes twin brothe rD . the Governors wife had twinned and the elder baby was a boyPassage ThreeIn the United States , it is not customary to telep hone someone v

43、ery early in themorning . If you telephone him early in the day , while he is s having or having breakfast ,the time of the call shows that the mat ter is very impor tant and requires immedia te attention. T he same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11 00 pm . Ifsomeone r eceives a c

44、all during sleeping hours , he assumes it is a matte r of life or death .T he time chosen for the call communicates its impor tance .· 129 ·I f a late t elephone call is r egarded in the Unit ed States as a cause for concer n , imaginethe excitement and fear caused by a crowd of people ar

45、riving at the door at 2 00am . On an island in the south Pacific, a plant manager from the United Stat es had justsuch an experience . The natives of the island met one night to discu ss a problem . Whenthey ar rived at a solution , they went to see the plant manager and woke him up to tellhim what

46、had been decided . Unfor tu nately , they did not know that it is a very se riousmatt er to wake up Ame ricans at such an hour . T he plant manager , who did not unde rstandthe local culture , thought ther e was a fight and called the police . It neve r occur r edto him ( or to the natives) that pa

47、rts of the day have differ ent meanings in different cultures.86 . According to the U .S . custom, what does a very ear ly telephone call mean to an American?A . Very impolite .B . Not usual .C . Very urgent .D . Not necessary .87 . At which of the following hours is a phone call NOT regarded as of

48、primary importance?A . 1100 am .B . 1130 pm .C . 500 am .D . 1200 pm .88 . Why did the natives go to the plant managers home and wake him up ?A . To have a talk with him .B . To inform him of their decision .C . To discuss a problem with him .D .To tell him a problem they met with .89 . What was the

49、 manage rs immediate reaction to the natives a r rival ?A . He thought the na tives were mad .B . He didnt take it seriously .C . He called in a policeman to talk with the native .D . He believed ther e was a fight and called the police a t once .90 . What is most likely cau sed by a phone call or a

50、 visit at midnight ?A . Concern .B . Fear .C . Excitement .D . All of the above . . Translation (20 points)· 130 ·Directons: There are five sentences in Chinese in this part . Put them into English .91. 一定记住到那里就给家写信。92. 据说今天下午有一个讲座。93. 谁应对这起车祸负责?94. 自从1978 年来到上海, 他一直在这里教书。95. 任何事情都不能阻止我们履行

51、职责。· 131 ·1999 年成人高等学校专升本招生全国统一考试非师范类公共课英语试题答案及解析. 语音1. 【答案】C【解析】元音字母a 在C 项中读􊈷 , 而在A、B、D 三项中均读 ei。2. 【答案】A【解析】元音字母组合ea 在A 项中读􊶼i ,而在B、C、D 三项中均读􊷂i 。3. 【答案】D【解析】辅音字母s 在D 项中读 z , 而在A、B、C 三项中均读 s。4. 【答案】C【解析】字母y 在C 项中属非重读音节读音为 i , 而在A、B、D 三项中是重读音节, 读音为ai。5. 【答案】B【解析】字

52、母组合or 在B 项中读􊶼􊷂 , 而在A、C、D 三项中均读􊶿􊷂。6. 【答案】A【解析】元音字母组合oo 在A 项中读􊶾 , 而在B、C、D 三项中均读 u􊷂 。7. 【答案】B【解析】字母组合a r 在B 项中读􊶼􊷂 , 而在A、C、D 三项中均读􊷂 。8. 【答案】A【解析】辅音字母组合ch 在A 项中读 k , 而在B、C、D 三项中均读 t􊷀。9. 【答案】C【解析】字母组合ai 在C 项中属非重读音节,

53、读音为 i , 而在A、B、D 三项中属重读音节, 读音为 ei 。10. 【答案】A【解析】字母组合sion 在A 项中读􊷀􊶼n , 而在B、C、D 三项中均读􊷃􊶼n 。. 词汇与语法结构11. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查反意疑问句结构, 前一部分陈述句为否定形式, 后面疑问部分应用肯定形式, 又因为本句是一般现在时, 故正确答案应选D。12. 【答案】B【解析】本题考查固定搭配pr efer . . .to . . .。句意为: 我宁愿写论文也不愿考试。13. 【答案】C· 132 ·【解析】本题考

54、查固定结构need doing“ 需要”, 形式为主动, 意义为被动, 故正确答案应选C。14. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查固定搭配the same . . .as . . .的用法。句意为: 在昨天你见我的地方见我。15. 【答案】A【解析】本题句意为: 我1978 年开始在这儿工作。根据句意及句子的过去时态可知正确答案应选A。D. since ( + 时间名词)一般用于完成时态。16. 【答案】C【解析】本题考查固定句型Why not do . . . ? 意为“ 为什么不 ?”表示建议某人做什么, 故正确答案应选C。17. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查固定结构would r athe r

55、( not ) do . .“. 宁愿(不)做”。句意为:我宁愿不跟你走。18. 【答案】D【解析】本题句意为: 游客们收拾好行李后, 就匆匆赶往机场。D. Having packed 是现在分词的完成时表示该动作发生在谓语动词之前, 故为正确答案。19. 【答案】C【解析】本题句意为: 读英文报纸是提高英文水平的有效途径。分析句子结构, 主语是r eading English newspapers 属动名词短语, 应视为单数, 介词of 后需跟名词、动名词。故正确答案应选C。20. 【答案】A【解析】本题句意为: 如果你把破衬衫带给我, 我会帮你补。本题是含if 的条件状语从句, 主句时态应

56、为将来时, 故正确答案应选A。21. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查句型wha t do you thin k of . . . ?“你认为怎么样?”。句意为: 你认为我的新主意怎么样?22. 【答案】B【解析】分析句子结构, 可知necessary 作表语, 其后的主语从句中谓语应用动词原形。故正确答案应选B。23. 【答案】C【解析】分析句子结构, 结合句意, 可知fear 后应跟同位语从句, 故正确答案应选C。24. 【答案】A【解析】本题句意为: 他们召开会议决定如何应急。A. how 意为“ 如何”, 故正确答案应选A。25. 【答案】A【解析】本题考查句型I t turned out

57、that . .“. 结果是”。句意为:让我吃惊的是约翰竟然考试不及格。故正确答案应选A。26. 【答案】D· 133 ·【解析】本题考查固定结构have sth . done 与finish doing sth .。句意为: 他一写完报告就请人打出来了。故正确答案应选D。27. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查as + 形容词+ 主语+ 系动词, 这一让步状语从句的固定结构。句意为: 虽然是个女孩子, 她却很勇敢。又如: Improbable as it seems , its t rue .这虽然不可能, 却是真实的。28. 【答案】A【解析】本题句意为: 他直截了当地说我真烦人。分析句子结构, 可知it 为形式宾语而句子的实际宾语是由that 引导的从句, 故正确答案应选A。29. 【答案】B【解析】本题考查固定结构No soone r had . . .than . .“. 一就”。本题句意为:他一回家就开始下雨。故正确答案应选B。而scarcely 和ha rdly 都要与when 连用。30. 【答案】A【解析】A. In cas“e 如果”,后跟句子, B. In case o“f 如果”,后跟名词,动名词, C. In anycase “在任何情况下”, D. In no ca


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