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1、体育单招考试英语试题及答案解析2013 年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语第一卷(三大题,共 120 分)I. 单项选择(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)1. If you hard, you may get a good job.A. studyB. studiedC. will studyD. have studied2. She is a writer known by millions of people in the country.A. particularB. familiarC. popularD. similar3. Would

2、you mind telling me what you were doing Friday, March 13?A. duringB. onC. atD. in4. You did well in the math exam;you preparing for it.A. willB. shouldC. wouldD. musthave done a good job of5. Even in winter days, Jane likes to have the window .A. to openB. openingC. opensD. open6. A successful man i

3、s one who had a chance and it.A. putB. gaveC. tookD. brought7. When the heavy storm started, John and his family the area.A. had leftB. leaveC. have leftD. will leave8. Maryhasgotherselfintoasituation nobody for help.A. whyB. whereC. whileD. whichshecanturnto9. At the telephonetable hepaused, statio

4、n.whether to ring the policeA. wonderingB. to wonderC. wonderedD. wonder10. This is the only shirt w e have now. If you dont want to take , you may come and have a look round tomorrow.A. anotherB. anyC. itD. one11. Nearly all of young people interviewed believed that hard work was key to success.A.不

5、填; theB. 不填; aC. a; 不填D. the; the12. He was about to unlock the door he found someone had broken it.A. sinceB. afterC. whenD. until13. Could you take care of my dog while Im out of town? .A. Never mind.B. I think so.C. NoproblemD. Youre welcome14. Michael usde to look hurt and surprised when in the

6、classroom.A. scoldingB. scoldedC. being to scoldD. to be scolded15. Luckily, I had seen the play before, I knew what it was about.A. evenB. justC. forD. so16. While Helen missing.out the forms, she foundthat her passport wasA. was fillingB. would fillC. had filledD. filled17. The information you nee

7、d in the handbook.A. containB. containsC. containedD. is contained18. He has such a big dog no one dares to go near his house.A. whichB. thatC. asD. so19. ShallI give you a rideasyou live so far away? Thankyou. .A. It couldn t be betterB. Of course you canC. Id love toD.My pleasure20. The meeting ha

8、s been until Friday morning.A. put awayB. put offC. put ond. put upII. 完形填空。(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21 至 30 各题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。For Singh, being 100 is just a25. There arent many centenarians (百岁老人) in quite such rude health,26they are on the increase. Life expectancy (预

9、期寿命) in the UK today is around 80 but a total of 12,640 men and women are now centenarians27just 2,500 in 1980. Public services have to make improvement so as to deal with this28society.Why do some people live to such a ripe old age? Scientists in Amsterdam may have come a little closer to29the secr

10、et to long life.Of course, they could just ask Fauja Singh30his secret is.The old boy puts his long life down to tea and“being happy ”.21. A. winB. celebrateC. completeD. prepare22. A. skillB. deedC. decisionD. progress23. A. lateB. lonelyC. fortunateD. normal24. A. give upB. bring upC. set upD. tak

11、e up25. A. numberB. creditC. signD. dream26. A. orB. butC. becauseD. nuless27. A. referred towithC. compared withD. limited to28. A. agingB. growingC. livingD. competing29. A. followingB. consideringC. linkingD. discovering30. A. howB. whyC. whatD. whereIII. 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每题 4 分,满分 60 分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所

12、给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。ASequoiatreesareoneof thelargestandoldestof livingthings.Some of these trees are three thousand years old. The great sequoia tree growsalongthewesternpartoftheSierraNevadamountainrange. Sequoia can grow to be almost 32 feet tall.Another type of tree, called bonsai, grows in

13、 a pot in homes. A bonsai is a miniature ( 微 型 ) form of a tree as it might be found in nature. Some bonsai trees have lived for more than 200 years.To begin a bonsai garden you plant a very small tree in a small pot. As it grows, you cut back the roots to keep the tree small. Branches are also cut

14、back or forcedto turn in orderto form them into a special shape. In this way the branches can be kept from growing too long.A bonsai tree doesnt grow to be more than 2 feet. Compare this with the largest living sequoia known, the General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park, which measures 275 feet

15、 tall and 103 feet around.Nobody ever cut its roots!Because sequoias have been around for millions of years, dinosaurs( 恐 龙 ) may have even rested beneath them. Bonsai trees were first created about one thousand years ago in China and were introduced into Japan two hundred years later.Would a sequoi

16、a make a good bonsai tree? Probably not. Unless, of course, you had a few thousand years to take care of it!31. What is mentioned in this text about the sequoia tree?A. It is popular in the world. B. It can be over thirty feet tall.C. It was found in coastal areas. D. It lived a thousand years ago.3

17、2. In what way is a bonsai tree different from a sequoia?A. It is a pot plant.B. It is found in nature.C. It is kept in the shade.D. It is a plant without roots.33. What is the feature that both a sequoia and a bonsai tree have?A. They look similar in shape.B. They grow in the mountain.C. They can l

18、ive for many years.D. They grow well in warm weather.34. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the text?A. Turn a Sequoia into a Bonsai TreeB. The Largest Living Things on EarthC. Trees in National ParkD. Great Sequoias and Bonsai TreeB.Everyoneshouldcareabouttheireyes.However,

19、therearecertain people that should especially wear sunglasses. Theis is for their safety, and the safety of others.Drivers should always have sunglasse handy. Whether you are driving your own car or a bus full of people,the sun can be your enemy.The rayscouldcauseyounottoseethetrafficthatstopped50fe

20、etin frontofyou.Accidentslikethiscanbeavoidedbyalwayshaving sunglasses in your car.It is very important that parents teach their children from an earlyage to wear sunglasses.In addition,you are protectingvery delicate(柔弱的) eyes as well. Children, especially the very young, are growing and developing

21、 in every way. Protecting their eyes with sunglasses from the start will recude the damage they will pay for later in life.Even babies can wear sunglasses. A child begins their life by being able to focus on objectsonly less than the inches from their face. A pair of baby sunglasses will keepharmful

22、 rays out of your babys young, delicate eyes.Anyone who spends long time in the sun should know the advantages of sunglasses. If you are extremely interested in water sports and spend a lot of time at the beach or on a lake, you could be at greaterrisk. Water sportsmen like water skiers know how pro

23、tective sunglasses will save a lifetimeof hardship.The sun reflecting-off( 反射) the water into your eyes can increase the damage. So do find a good pair of water sunglasses while you ride the waves.35. What does the writer want to tell the reader?A.Theimortanceofwearingsunglasses.besttimeofwearing su

24、nglasses.C. The tradition of wearing sunglasses.D. The fashion of wearing sunglasses.36. It is suggested in the text that children should .A. putsunglassesinasafeplaceB.formthehabitofwearing sunglassesC. have sunglasses designed by doctorsD. avoid wearing sunglasses for too long37. Who should wear s

25、unglassesnot only for his own good but also for other pe oples good?A. Water-skiers.B. Parents.C. Babies.D. Drivers.CAre men better drivers than women? The answer is yes.and no.Men take more risks ( 风险) . In sutdies,men as a whole are less careful than women, such as driving at higher speeds and clo

26、ser to other cars, and not wearing seat belts. They even make risker turns and take less time when parking.BUT. how someone drives doesnt necessarily equal how well he drives. Men do seem to be better than women at certain driving tasks. However, this slight edge in ability doesnt translate into bet

27、ter driving records. The kinds of accidents men get into are generally the result of their riskier driving. According to one study, men are more than three times as likely to be ticketed for “risky driving” thanwomen, and more than 25 percent as likelyto be at fault inan accident.The ability to make

28、 good judgement isa powerful thing.Despite theresearch, scientists point out that its difficult to determine whether menaretrulyborntobebetterdriversthanwomen,oriftheyre simplymoreconfidentin theirdrivingbecausetheyrethoughtto be better,andthusshowbetterskills.Similarly,thetraditionalview thatwomena

29、reweaker drivers may unfavourably affect ( 影 响 ) their performance behind the wheel.Women are catching up. which isnt necessarily good news. Men may beresponsibleformoreaccidentsthanwomen,butthe gap ( 差距) is getting smaller. Today, more women drive than ever before, which has the unfortunateincrease

30、in speeding,riskydriving,and evendeathamong women.Thetake-home:Learnfromthestrengthsofbothsexes.Drive confidently and carefully. And dont forget to wear your seat belt.38. Which of the following is a risk mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. Driving with carelesswomen.B. Driving in another persons car.C. Dri

31、ving without seat belts.D. Driving in a parking lot.39. What does the word “edge” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Improvement.B. Advantage.C. Problem.D. Change.40. The writerseemsto suggestin Paragraph4 thatwomenare weaker drivers because .A. they are less responsibleB. they are poorer in judgementC.theyareb

32、ornweakerpersonsD.theyareconsideredless confident41. In Paragraph 5 the writer expresses his concern about .A. womens driving safetyB. womens slow responseC.the age differenceamongwomenD. the properspeedfor womendriversDLeonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest artists the world has ever known. He w

33、as also an inventor, an architect(建筑师) , an astronomer(天文学家) ,and a scientist. Leonardo was born in Italy in 1452. Whenhe was fourteenyearsold, he movedto the city of Florenceto study painting.Peoplecould see that he was a great artist,andhe quickly became known throughout Italy. However, he had oth

34、er interests, too. One of them was city planning and architecture. He designed several churches and was hired as an engineer to help repair others.Later in his life, Leonardo became a teacher. When he was in his forties, he invented a flying machine which one of his young students tried to fly. Unlu

35、ckily, it didnt work. So Leonardo made another ftlying machine. Another of his students tested it by jumping with it from a tall tower. The one didnt work either. Luckily, the student wasnt hurt. Leonardo made many machines like this.Leonardo was all impatient man, and his mind was always coming upw

36、ith new ideas.As a result,he didntalwaysmanage to completeone invention before moving on to the next. This was also true of his art.Leonardo created a great statue (雕像) of a man on a horse, but he never finishedit. He had probablythoughtof somethingnew to try and lost interest in the Statue.However,

37、 Leonardo did complete many of his works. He painted one of themostfamouspaintingsintheworld,theMonaLisa.Healsomade discoveries about the stars in the sky. In many ways, he was a man ahead of his time.42. Which is an example to show that Leonardo was an inventor?A. He was involved in city planning.B

38、. He designed and built a flying machine.C. He completed the painting, the Mona Lisa.D. He created a great statue of a man on a horse.43. When did Leonardo begin to show his gift for painting?A. When he studied in Florence.B. When he was in his forties.C. When he travelled throughout Italy.D. When h

39、e challenged some great artists.44. What do we know about Leonardo as an architect?A. He built an art school.B. He planned the city of Florence.C. He once designed some churches.D. He repaired old churches with new paintings.45. Which of the following statements is true about Leonardo?A. He was afra

40、id of flying high.B. He preferred engineering to painting.C. He was more than a great painter.D. He was impaitient when teaching students.第二卷(两大题,共 30 分)IV. 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。 (每个空只写一词)46. Everybody wants to ( 练习) their English with me.47. Many people ( 成功) in losing weight by doing exercises.48. I dont think its _(健康的) for her to spend so much time alone.49. I am having ( 医学的) treatmentnow and cant go to work today.50. Doctorsareunableto ( 解释) whythediseasespreadso quickly.51. The situation was far mo


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