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1、人教版英语人教版英语七七年级上册年级上册单元课件单元课件Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 1Period 1 Section 1a-1c 2Period 2 Section A 2a-2d 3Period 3 Section A Grammar Focus-3c 4Period 4 Section B 1a-1d 5. Section B (2a-3c)and Self Check (单击上面课题进入对应幻灯片)Period 1 Section 1a-1c9My favori

2、te subject is science.1. Words & phrases subject, science, P. E. 2. Key sentencesWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.School SubjectsEnglishChineseA: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is School SubjectsmathscienceA: What is your favorite subject? B: My f

3、avorite subject is School SubjectsartmusicP.E.A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is historySchool Subjects公元公元1842年年biology经度:经度:纬度:纬度:geography两栖类动物两栖类动物A: What is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E.Subjects artsciencemusicmath ChineseEnglish1. P.E. _2. art _

4、3. science _4. music _5. math _6. Chinese _7. geography _8. history _cfbehdag1aMatch the words with the pictures.Listen and circle the Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.subjects you hear in 1a. Listening1bP.E. art science music mathChinese geography history1c1cPractie the conversations w

5、ith your partner. Whats . favorite subject?. favorite subject is .yourhishertheiryour Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. 你最喜欢什么学科?你最喜欢什么学科? 我最喜欢的学科是自然科学。我最喜欢的学科是自然科学。 favorite常常作形容词用,后面可接名词常常作形容词用,后面可接名词或代词。用来表示某人的爱好,特别喜欢或代词。用来表示某人的爱好,特别喜欢的内容。的内容。 My favorite movies are act

6、ion movies. 我最喜欢的电影是动作片。我最喜欢的电影是动作片。Explanation soccer ping-pongbaseball basketballtennis volleyballWhats your favorite sport?My favorite sport is _. blue greenorangeredwhite yellowA: Whats your favorite color? B: My favorite color is Practice Period 2 Section A 2a-2d9My favorite subject is science.

7、Listen and put the conversation in Listen and put the conversation in order.order. Listening2aWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is P.E. Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun. 1 2 34Listen and match the Listen and match the subjects you hear with the subjects you hear with the descriptio

8、ns.descriptions. Listening2bSubject1. art2. science3. music4. P.E.5. math6. geography7. history Descriptiona. funb. interestingc. boringd. difficulte. relaxingNotes:Why do you like P.E.?Because it is fun.1)疑问词疑问词why用来提问原因,表示用来提问原因,表示“为什么为什么”,往,往往用表示原因的往用表示原因的because从句回答。从句回答。如:如:Why are you late for

9、 work?你今天为什么上班?你今天为什么上班迟到了?迟到了?Because the traffic was very bad因为交通太糟因为交通太糟糕了。糕了。because意思是意思是“因为因为”,连词,它的后面必须是,连词,它的后面必须是一个从句。一个从句。如:如:He doesnt go to school today because he is ill今天他没来上学,因为他病了。今天他没来上学,因为他病了。 The book is very interesting, so we all like it. 这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。汉语中的汉语中的“因

10、为因为所以所以”常常连用,但在英语中常常连用,但在英语中because和和so不能同时连用。如:不能同时连用。如:= Because the book is very interesting, we all like it.Whats your favorite subject?Science.Why do you like science?Because its interesting.Whats your favorite subject?(My favorite subject is) _.Why do you like _?Because its _.funinterestingrel

11、axing2c2cGroup work: Interview your group member.A: Whats your favorite subject?B: Science.A: Why do you like science?B: Because its interesting.NameFavorite subjectReasonLiu MingscienceinterestingRole-play the conversation.Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day? Bob: Its OK. I like Monday because I have P.E

12、. and history. Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank: Whos your P.E. teacher?Bob: Mr. Hu. He always plays games with us.Frank: Thats great. But why do you like history? Its boring. Bob: Oh, I think history is interesting. Whats your favorite day?Frank: Friday. Bob: Why?Frank: Because the next day is Sat

13、urday!Bob: Haha! Thats for sure. I like Friday, too.2d1. Bobs favorite day is _.2. Bobs favorite subjects are _.3. Bobs P.E. teacher is _.4. Franks favorite day is _. 5. Bob thinks history is _.6. Frank thinks history is _. ReadingRead the dialogue in Read the dialogue in 2d. Then fill in the 2d. Th

14、en fill in the blanks. blanks. P.E. and historyMondayMr. HuFridayboringinterestingNote:play with sth./sb. 玩某物玩某物/与某人玩,与某人玩,play意为意为“玩,玩耍玩,玩耍”,如:,如:Kate likes to play with her dog after school. 卡特喜欢放学后和她的狗卡特喜欢放学后和她的狗一起玩。一起玩。 She often plays with her children in the garden. 她经常和孩子们在花园里玩。她经常和孩子们在花园里玩。

15、1. 但当星期名称前有但当星期名称前有 this, that, next, last 等词修饰时,其前不等词修饰时,其前不能再用介词能再用介词 on。如:。如:on Saturday 在星期六在星期六on Sunday 在星期天在星期天on Friday 在周五。在周五。“星期几星期几”为具体为具体的某一天,因此前面用介词的某一天,因此前面用介词on。如:。如: We have a basketball game this Sunday. 这周日我们举行篮球赛。这周日我们举行篮球赛。 Next Tuesday, we have an English test. 下周二,我们有一次英语测验。下周

16、二,我们有一次英语测验。2. on 用于表示具体的某一天的名词前。用于表示具体的某一天的名词前。 如:如: On May 1st 在五月一日在五月一日for sure adv. 无疑;肯定无疑;肯定The fighting was over for sure. 战斗确实结束了。战斗确实结束了。 You cant say for sure that it wont rain tomorrow. 明天难保不下雨。明天难保不下雨。Period 3 Section A Grammar Focus-3c9My favorite subject is science.Subjects:Chinesemus

17、icmathscienceP.E.historygeographyart一看图说出英语单词。一看图说出英语单词。English1. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?你最喜欢的科目是什么? _ your _ subject?2. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。我最喜欢的科目是科学。 My _ _ is _. 3. 他最喜欢的科目是什么?他最喜欢的科目是什么? Whats _ _ _? Grammar FocusWhats favoritefavorite subject science一、重点句型。一、重点句型。his favorite subject 4. 他最喜欢的科目是语文。他最喜欢的科目是语文。 His

18、_ _ is _. 5. 她最喜欢的科目是什么?她最喜欢的科目是什么? _ _ favorite _?6. 她最喜欢的科目是美术。她最喜欢的科目是美术。 _ _ subject is _.7. 为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?为什么鲍勃喜欢历史? _ _ Bob like _?favorite subject ChineseWhats her subjectHer favorite artWhy does history 8. 因为很有趣。因为很有趣。 _ its _. 9. 为什么鲍勃和弗兰克喜欢体育?为什么鲍勃和弗兰克喜欢体育? _ _ Frank and Bob _ P.E.?10. 因为很有乐趣。

19、因为很有乐趣。 _ its _. 11. 你的音乐老师是谁?你的音乐老师是谁? _ is your _ _?Why do likeBecause interestingWho music teacherBecause fun12. 我的音乐老师是谢女士。我的音乐老师是谢女士。 My _ _ is _ Xie. 13. 你的地理课是在什么时候?你的地理课是在什么时候? _ is your _ class?14. 它是在周一和周五。它是在周一和周五。 Its _ _ and _. When geographyon Monday Fridaymusic teacher Ms.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 G

20、rammar定义:定义:是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问的句子,也称的句子,也称wh-问句。问句。构成:构成: 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句一般疑问句 注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序。语序则用陈述句语序。疑问词疑问词含义含义例句例句what“什么什么”用来询用来询问事物问事物Whats his favorite food? 他最喜欢的食物是什么他最喜欢的食物是什么? who“谁谁”用用来询问来询问某人的某人的身份身份Who is your English teacher?谁是你的英语老师谁是你的英语老师?

21、My English teacher is Ms. Li. 我的英语老师是李老师。我的英语老师是李老师。where“哪里哪里”用来用来提问地点提问地点Where is your schoolbag? 你的书包在哪里你的书包在哪里? Its on the desk. 在书桌上。在书桌上。why“为什么为什么”用用来询问原因来询问原因Why do you like basketball? 你为什么喜欢打篮球你为什么喜欢打篮球? Because its fun. 因为有趣。因为有趣。when“何时何时”用来用来询问时间询问时间When is your brothers birthday? 你弟弟的生

22、日是什么时候你弟弟的生日是什么时候? Its on September 15th. 9月月15日。日。how“怎么怎么”对某人对某人/某情况提问某情况提问How are you? 你好吗?你好吗?Im fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。很好,谢谢。how old “多大多大”,用来询,用来询问年龄问年龄How old is your cousin? 你表妹多大了?你表妹多大了?how much “多少钱;多少多少钱;多少”用来询问价格或用来询问价格或不可数名词的数不可数名词的数量量How much are the pears? 这梨多少钱这梨多少钱?How much rice do yo

23、u want? 你想要多少米饭你想要多少米饭? how many“多少多少”用来询问用来询问可数名词的数量可数名词的数量How many pens do you need? 你要几支钢笔你要几支钢笔? 1. A: _ do you like history? B: Because its interesting. 2. A: _ likes math? B: Eric does. Reading3aFill in the blanks with what, who, or why. 答语表示原因答语表示原因, 上句应问原因。上句应问原因。答语为人物,上句应问答语为人物,上句应问“谁谁”。Why

24、Who3. A: _ is your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is P.E. 4. A: _ is your science teacher? B: My science teacher is Mr. Chen.5. A: _ do you like art? B: Because its fun. WhatWhoWhy答语为最喜欢的科目。答语为最喜欢的科目。答语为人物答语为人物, 故问故问“谁谁”。答语表示原因。答语表示原因。1. Question: _? Answer: Because history is interesting.

25、2. Question: _? Answer: Science and math. 答语为答语为because句,故问句询问原因句,故问句询问原因 Writing3bWrite questions for the answers. 答语为科目,故问喜欢的科目答语为科目,故问喜欢的科目3. Question: _? Answer: His Chinese class is on Monday.4. Question: _? Answer: Marys favorite subject is art.答语为课程的时间,故问时间答语为课程的时间,故问时间答语为玛丽最喜欢的科目,故答语为玛丽最喜欢的科

26、目,故问其最喜欢的科目。问其最喜欢的科目。5. Question: _? Answer: My geography teacher is Mrs. Qin.答语为老师是某人,故问老师是谁答语为老师是某人,故问老师是谁1. Question: _? Answer: Because history is interesting.2. Question: _? Answer: Science and math. Why do you like historyLets check the answers. Whats your favorite subject3. Question: _? Answe

27、r: His Chinese class is on Monday.4. Question: _? Answer: Marys favorite subject is art.5. Question: _? Answer: My geography teacher is Mrs. Qin.When is his Chinese classWhats Marys favorite subjectWho is your geography teacher Interview3cInterview three classmates and complete the chart. Then tell

28、your group about the results. NameFavorite subject(What)Reason(Why)Teacher(Who)Li JingjingmusicIts fun. Ms. XieWhats your favorite subject, Jingjing?Music.Why do you like music?Because its fun.Who is your music teacher?Ms. Xie.NameFavorite subject(What)Reason(Why)Teacher(Who)Li JingjingmusicIts fun.

29、 Ms. Xieinteresting ABCrelaxing P.E.geography Ms. Humath Mr. Sundifficult Mr. LiLi Jingjings favorite subject is music. She likes it because its fun. Her music teacher is Ms. Xie.As favorite subject is P.E. He likes it because its relaxing. His P.E. teacher is Mr. Wu. ReportBs favorite subject is ge

30、ography. She likes it because its interesting. Her geography teacher is Ms. Li.Cs favorite subject is math. He likes it because its difficult. His math teacher is Ms. Hu.Period 4 Section B 1a-1d9My favorite subject is science.Lets chant:Monday, Monday, math on the Monday.Tuesday, Tuesday, art on the

31、 Tuesday!Wednesday, Wednesday, computers on the Wednesday.Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on the Thursday!Friday, Friday, my favorite Friday!Lead inSubjects: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ChinesemathsciencehistoryRevise the new words.EnglishgeographycomputermusicP.E.RevisionDays: 1. _ 2. _ 3.

32、_SaturdayMonday FridayMonths: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _11. _ 12. _JanuaryFebruaryJuneAprilMarch MayJulyAugustOctoberNovemberDecemberSeptembereasyboringdifficultinterestingfreePresentationbusycoolboringdifficultbusy1aMatch the words on the left with Match the words on the left

33、 with their opposites on the right.their opposites on the right.easyinterestingfunfreecoolboringdifficultbusyListen and check (Listen and check () ) the words you hear in 1a.the words you hear in 1a.easyinterestingfunfreecool1bListeningListeningListen again. Circle the Listen again. Circle the class

34、es David talks on this classes David talks on this schedule. schedule. 1cDECEMBERMonday 25thTuesday 26thWednesday 27thA.M. 08:00 scienceA.M. 08:00 mathA.M. 08:00 Chinese 09:00 English 09:00 math 09:00 science 10:00 Chinese 10:00 history 10:00 math 11:00 P.E. 11:00 science 11:00 P.E.P.M. 12:00 lunchP

35、.M. 12:00 lunchP.M. 12:00 lunch 01:00 geography 01:00 music 01:00 English 02:00 art 02:00 geography 02:00 artThursday 28thFriday 29thSaturday 30thA.M. 08:00 mathA.M. 08:00 ChineseSoccer game 09:00 Chinese 09:00 English 10:00 Chinese 10:00 art 11:00 history 11:00 P.E.Sunday 31th P.M. 12:00 lunchP.M.

36、12:00 lunchBills birthday 01:00 geography 01:00 math 02:00 English 02:00 history1dTalk about Davids favorite subject with your partner. A: Whats Davids favorite subject? B: _.A: Why does he like _?B: Because its _.A: When is the class?B: Its on _.Then talk about your favorite subject.ChineseChinesei

37、nterestingMonday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.Whats your favorite subject?Music.Why do you like music?Because its fun.Ms. Xie.Ask and answer.Who is your music teacher?Its on Monday and Friday.When is your music class?PairworkWhats your favorite subject?_Why do you like?Because its _. Talk about y

38、our favorite subject with your partner.When is the class?Its on _.Period 5 Section B (2a-3c)and Self Check9My favorite subject is science.A: What do you think of music?B: Its .秋日私語秋日私語relaxingWhat do you think of these subjects?2a2amusicartEnglishhistoryscienceChineseP.E.mathgeographyboringdifficult

39、interestingfuncoolusefuleasyChoose a description for each one.Exchange (交换交换) ideas like A: What do you think of music?B: I think music is relaxing.A: Yes, I think so. / Oh, but I think its boring.2bRead the following letter. Underline the subjects Yu Mei likes. Circle the subjects she doesnt like.

40、1. What does Yu Mei think of math? She thinks its difficult.2. What does Yu Meis teacher say about math? Her teacher thinks it is useful.3. What does Yu Mei think of science? She thinks it is difficult but interesting.4. What does Yu Mei think of P.E.? She thinks it is easy and fun.5. What is Yu Mei

41、s favorite subject? Why? It is Chinese. Because her Chinese teacher is great fun. 6. What does Yu Mei think of art? She thinks it is relaxing.7. Are Yu Meis ideas the same as yours? Read the letter again and answer these questions.2b2. I am very busy on Friday. 在星期五,我非常忙。在星期五,我非常忙。 busy adj. 忙的;繁忙的;

42、忙碌的;热闹的;熙熙攘攘的 (在句中,形容词要和联系动词一起作谓语,所以busy前通常会用到be动词。) 什么事?我忙着呢。 What is it? Im busy. 我早上很忙。 I am busy this morning. I have a busy morning. 东街(East Street)晚上很热闹。 East Street is busy in the evening.2b2b Read the text again and study carefully.3. fun u.n. 趣事趣事;乐趣乐趣; u.n. 有趣的人有趣的人;好玩的人好玩的人 adj. 令人愉快的令人愉快

43、的;让人开心的让人开心的;有趣的有趣的;好玩的好玩的 At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun. 八点我上数学课,那不是八点我上数学课,那不是趣事趣事。 After that I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easy and fun. 那之后,我在那之后,我在11点上体育课。那又容易又点上体育课。那又容易又好玩好玩。 Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun. 我们的语文老师,王太太,是个我们的语文老师,王太太,是个有趣的人有趣的人。 Mrs. 夫人,太太夫人,太太(用于已婚女士姓名前用于已婚女

44、士姓名前)2b2b Read the text again and study carefully.4. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. 老师说它用处大,但我认为它难学。老师说它用处大,但我认为它难学。5. It is difficult but interesting. 它难学,但也有趣。它难学,但也有趣。2b2b Read the text again and study carefully.6. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an a

45、rt lesson for two hours.我学校的课(下午)一点五十分结束,但是随后我我学校的课(下午)一点五十分结束,但是随后我要上两个小时的美术课。要上两个小时的美术课。finish vi.(尤指在预定时间尤指在预定时间)结束结束;终结终结(finish at/on .) vt. 结束结束;做毕做毕(finish sth./doing sth.)电影电影(movie)八点结束。八点结束。The movie finishes at eight.我可以在今天下午完成这幅画。我可以在今天下午完成这幅画。I can finish the picture this afternoon.我父亲每天下午五点结束工作。我父亲每天下午五点结束工作。My fat


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