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1、20222022学年第二学期期中测试卷初一英语I听力局部20分第一局部听对话,答复以下问题 计10分,每题1分5秒钟本局部共有10道小题,每题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有 的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最适宜的备选答案。1. Where does the man work?A.B.2. Which foreign country does the man want to visit?A.B.C.3. What does the woma n want to lear n?A.B.C.4. What day is the man's bi

2、rthday?A.B.C.55. How many people will go for the pic nic tomorrow?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.6. How long will the man stay at the hotel?A. For two days.B. For three days.C. For four days.7. What does the man mea n?A. He usually likes sports.B. He can ' t play football with her.C. He enjoys play ing

3、football.8. How much should the woma n spe nd on the tickets(A. 68 yua n.B. 88 yua n.9. What will the man do?A. He will open the door.B. He will close the door.C. He will get n earer to the door.10. Where are the man and the woman talking?A. In a restaura nt.B. In a shop.票)?C. 102 yuan.C. In a bank.

4、第二局部听对话和短文,答复以下问题计10分,每题1分你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每题5秒钟;听完后,每题你将有 5秒钟的时间选择你认为最适宜的备选答案。听第一段对话,答复第 1112小题。11. Who went to the supermarket?A.Jane.B. Millie.C. Peter.12. What does the woman want?A. She wants to go to the supermarket.B. She wants to take a message.C. She w

5、ants Millie to call her back.听第一篇短文,答复1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Flying back for ChristmasFlight number13From (city)ShanghaiTo (city)14Stop at (city)HongKongTime to arriveat 9:25 the next morning13.A.CA991B. CA919C. CA19114.A. LondonB. Beiji ngC. New York15.A. 16:25B. 18:25C.19:25Time to leaveat

6、15听第二篇短文,答复 1620小题。16. What will these people do today?A. Go climbi ng.B. Play some games.C. Do some outdoor 户外的 activities.17. How long will they spe nd on the bus?A. About one hour.B. About two hours.C. About three hours.18. Where will they get on the bus?A. In the car park.B. At the bus stop.C. A

7、t the school gate.19. What will happen if they forget to bring the tickets for lunch?A. They will not get any lun ch.B. They can still get some lun ch.C. They will have to ask their friends for help.20. How soon will they leave?A. I n 15 minu tes.B. I n 20 minu tes.C. I n 50 mi nutes.II笔试局部80分、单词辨音在

8、A B C D四个选项中,选出划线局部读音与其余三个不同的选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。本大题共5分,每题0.5分1. A. ageB. famous2. A. sec ondB. desig n3. A. mach ineB. exitC. faceC. engin eerC. sickD. lampD. shelfD. video4. A. follow5. A. future6. A. hometow n7. A. n eighbourhoodB. aboveB. com mun ityB. belowB. bambooC. acrossC. un dergro undC.

9、ownC. zooD.D.D. operamuseumgrowD.soonC. camp ingD. Io ng8. A. En glishB. king9. A. southB. eighth C. bathroom D. path10. A. placesB. balc oniesC. oran gesD. fridges二、词汇运用本大题共10分,每题1分A根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。1. 百万of people come to China to visit the Great Wall every year.2. Look! Your bag is

10、 the same as those foreign访问者.3. There is always lots of来往车辆 every morning on weekdays.4. Bad luck! The new bike I bought last week was坏了 .5. The beautiful girls are sitt ing quietly on differe nt长椅.B根据句意,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。6. Jane is making a birthday present for her mother' sforty bir

11、thday.7. Do thebeach look beautiful on sunny days?8. Qi Baishi ' s Chinesepaint sell well now.9. There are twopath at the foot of the hill. Which one should we take?10. A friend ofshe is going to America to lear n En glish.三、单项填空在A、B C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。本大题共15分,每题1分1. is i

12、t from your home to the zoo?Twenty minu tes by bus.A. How longB. How farC. How much time2. Do we n eed more bread ?No, there isin the fridge.A. ple nty ofB. a ple ntyC. ple nty3. you free this Sun day morning?A. willB. DoC. IsD. Are4. Mrs Green didn' t go to work yesterday, did she?, though she

13、didn ' t feel very well.A. Yes, she did.B. No, she didn ' t. C. Yes, she didn5. My father works in the hospital 10 milesShan ghai.A. far away from B. fromC. far from6. hav ing dinner in a Wester n restaura nt?Good idea.A. Why notB. Why don ' t you C. How aboutD. How muchD. a ple nty oft.

14、D. No, she did.D. far awayD. Shall we7. north of the zoo there are some tigers.And south of the tigers there are some pandas.A. In the; in theB. To the; in theC. On the; to the D. In the; to the8. There is a bridge the river. Be careful when you it.A. over; acrossB. across; overC. over; cross D. cro

15、ss; over9. Who are you waiting the bus stop, Sandy ?A. / B. atC. forD. for at10. The social workers are busy on weekdays, but they still help us problemsat weekends.A. work; in B. to work; with C. to work; inD. working; with11. Look at the beautiful woman over there. She is mother.A. Lucy and Lily B

16、. Lucy and Lily'sC. Lucy 's and Lily ' s D. Lucy ' s andLily12. The room there many kinds of books inside.13.You can find enough Western restaurants on side of this street.A.bothB. allC. everyD. each14. Jim, what' s in your hand?A rubber.A.anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others15.

17、We are going to visit the gardens in Suzhou next week.A. Sounds great! Can I come with you?B. You ' re lucky.C. See you.D. Why?四、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 本大题共 8 分,每题 1 分1. You must wash your hands before (eat) food.2. Get up early, and you (not be) late for school.3. Look! Miss Gao (look) so beauti

18、ful in her new dress.4. Jack, (not miss) the fashion show. It' s wonderful.5. It ' s time for us to leave, but it (rain) hard outside.6. It is cold outside. People in the house make a fire (keep) warm.7. There (not be) any basketball matches on TV tonight, are there?8. My neighbour with his

19、friends often (fix) computers in the neighbourhood.五、句型转换 根据括号内的要求改写句子,答案必须填写在答题卷相应的横线上,每格限填一词。 本大题共7 分卜,每格0.5分1. The watch isn't working.改为同义句There ' s 123 the watch.2. You can turn right at the third turning.改为同义句You can 4 the third turni ng 567 .3. Tom spe nds half an hour going to work b

20、y car every day.改为同义句It 8 Tom 30 minu tes 91011 work every day.4. I will play football with my classmates this weeke nd.对划线局部提问1213 you 14 this weeke nd?六、完形填空本大题共5分,每空0.5分Do you like Harry Potter? Do you want to 1to the magical world(魔法世界of HarryPotter? Please come to Harry Potter Theme Park(主题公园.I

21、n the park, you can see 2 buildings(建筑物)in the Harry Potter ' s books and 3.You can also 4 some smallshops in it. The thingsin them are great and 5Youcan buy some for 6 and your frien ds. There are many 7 of food for you. You can 81.A.tryB.goC. runD. walk2.A.muchB.manyC. thisD. every3.A.gamesB.l

22、istsC. cartoonsD. films4.A.takeB.knowC. bringD. find5.A.boring(无聊B.hardC. funnyD. scary(吓人的的6.A.herselfB.himselfC. ourselvesD. yourself7.A.n amesB.kin dsC. nu mbersD. prices8.A.doB.seeC. getD. have9.A.lookB.lear nC.soundD.know10.A. birthdayB.tripC. restD. partylunch and dinner in it. Does it 9 excit

23、 ing? Have a good10 in the theme park!七、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每题所给的四个选项中选出最正确选项,并将该选项填入答题卷上相应的空格内。本大题共10分,每题1分A Shoe fashi on is cha nging all the timejust like all other fashi ons. But here in Beiji ng some old men or wome n like to wear the old style black shoes. The old style shoes always make pe

24、ople think of old Beiji ng. And the shop selli ng this kind of shoes is called Nei Lia n Sheng.About one hundred and fifty years ago, a shoemaker called Zhao Ting opened the shop. Atfirst, he made shoes for officials官员who worked in the Forbidden City紫禁城.For theirwon derful service 效劳,Nei Lia n Sheng

25、 quickly became popular. The shoes were expe nsive and people bought them not only for good shoes, but also for a social status社会地位.Now Nei Lian Sheng becomes a symbol 象征of old Beijing. If you ask an old Beijinger, hewill tell you that havi ng shoes from Nei Lia n Sheng is a very lucky thing.1. What

26、 do the old style shoes make people think of?A. The Forbidden City.B. China.C. Nei Lian She ng.D. Old Beiji ng.2. When was Nei Lia n Sheng ope ned?A. About one hun dred years ago. B. About one hun dred and fiftee n years ago. C.About fifty years ago.D. About one hun dred and fifty years ago.3. Who d

27、id Nei Lian She ng make shoes for at first?A. For all the people.B. On ly for men.C. On ly for Wome n.D. Only for the officials who worked in the Forbidden City.4. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Shoe fashi on is cha nging all the time.B. Nei Lia n Sheng becomes a symbol of old Beiji ng.C. The

28、 old style shoes were very cheap.D. Old Beiji ngers think it is very lucky to have a pair of shoes from Nei Lia n Sheng.5. What is the passage about?A. Old Beiji ngers.B. The old style shoes.C. The Forbidden City.D. Nei Lian She ng.B If you are a visitor, you may look for the post office in a foreig

29、ncountry. Can you imagine想像how those people will tell you the way?In the countrysideof American Middle West, people will tell you, “Go north three miles .Turn east, and the n go ano ther two miles.While in Los Angeles , California, the American people have no idea of the distanee on themap. “How far

30、 is the post office? you ask,“oh, they answer,“it is about ten minutesby taxi from here. But in fact, they don't know how far it is.In Greece 希腊,a Greek will often say,“Follow me . Then he' ll go with you throughthe streets of the city to the post office.when they can ' t tell you theIn

31、many places, people usually say “Sorry , I don't knowway. However, in Mexico 墨西哥,the people think“I don't know is not polite 有礼貌的.They usually give an an swer, ofte n a wrong one.So you must be careful of their habits 习惯when you are asking the way in a foreigncoun try.6. In , the people don

32、' t tell you the direction but lead 弓丨导you to the post office.A. Japa nB. AmericaC. GreeceD. Mexico7. You will often lose your way in because the people can' t give you the rightdirecti on.A. JapanC. GreeceB. MexicoD. America8. The underlined worddistanee 'means'' in Chinese.A.方向

33、B.距离C.地方D.终点9.coun tries are men ti on ed提至 U in the passage?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five10. What do peo ple usually do if they don ' t know the way?A. They lead you to the place.B. They give you a wrong an swer.C. They say “ Sorry , I don't know D. They say nothing.八、任务型阅读根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。本

34、大题共5分,每空0.5分TV is good. You want to watch it all day and all ni ght. But watch ing too much TV is a badthi ng.If young people watch too much TV, it' s hard for them to learn to read. They can' t focuson 集中注意力their work.Childrenlearn Ianguage skills语言技能better by 通过reading,talkingand playing w

35、ithothers. If they spend too much time watching TV, they will have less time for those things.Watching too much TV is bad for people ' s health. People don' t move活动much whenwatchingTV. What's more, they may eat a lot of food whe n watch ing TV. This can make them fat. We callthose peopl

36、e “couch potatoes . Fighting 打架on TV is a big problem for young people. Young people are good at follow in g. If they watch a lot of fighti ng programmes节目,they are moreIikely 可能to fight.1 effects 影响of watch ing too much TVCouch potatoesReadi ng,talk ingandplay ing with othersIt is hard for children to learn to 2 .Children can' t 3 hard at their lessons.Childre n can' t spe nd eno ugh time4skillsIt ' s bad for people ' s 5 because whenwatch ing TV, people 6 move.Ch


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