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1、目 录1 简介22 Total项目32.1系统模式32.2网络项目32.3软件和硬件环境42.4开发工具43 系统设计43.1系统设计原则43.2功能和系统结构的设计43.3系统的模块设计图53.4模块的应用软件功能设计5参考文献10Design and Implementation of Sales Management Information System111 Introduction112 Total project132.1 System mode132.2 Network project142.3 Software and hardware environment142.4 Dev

2、elopment tool153 System design153.1 Design principles of system153.2 Function and structure design of system153.3 Module design diagram of system163.4 Module functional design of applied software16References22销售管理信息系统的设计和实现摘要:销售工作是在整个企业的运作的重要组成部分,这种重要性在市场经济大潮中越来越明显。“市场被企业所包围”充分显示了企业活动中销售的中心地位。目前,企业销

3、售管理水平和营销体系直接影响到产品的销售情况和生产经营的处境。在这篇文章中,济南炼油厂销售管理系统一年多的运行表明,这一销售管理系统在IC卡的应用和连接和MIS系统工厂的改革方面都是一种成功的销售模式。关键词:销售管理系统;IC卡;网络1 简介销售工作是在整个企业的运作的重要组成部分,这种重要性在市场经济大潮中越来越明显。“市场被企业所包围”充分显示了企业活动中销售的中心地位。前,企业销售管理水平和营销体系直接影响到产品的销售情况和生产经营的处境。传统的销售流程和管理模式仍然表现出如下诸多弊端。传统的销售流程和管理模式有太多的阶段,效率低下,而且容易出错,这给客户带来了许多不便。业务管理不能进



6、考。2 Total项目2.1 系统模式该系统模式是决定系统是否能够成功的最关键因素。根据这项济南炼厂销售管理信息系统建设要实现,随着市场经济的要求,企业改制的方向相结合,通过近半年的目标论证,建立了系统模式,以市场为中心实现销售业务管理和运营的分离并加强市场的发展。这需要以客户为中心,合理调整销售点分布,并建立销售和金融中心,商业中心。这需要以资本为中心,连接销售系统和财务系统并加强金融监管。根据这种模式,针对我们的工厂有三个运送装置包括在同一时间铁路,汽车和管道运输的情况下,我们决定采用两种操作和管理模式。铁路运输(管道运输)指,工厂将办理托运手续,因为这个工作主要是表现为一个管理过程,使交


8、。以方便客户为中心,我们将管理在贸易过程中的网络相结合的卡。针对前者模式中那些不合理的方面,如业务人员的开出发票和商业混合接触两种功能,根据产品种类,财务部门、销售商务办公的下放,各种采摘点和销售经营分布称重斑点,我们采用分隔业务人员的双重功能,制作出发票和联系业务,并保留了发票的控制权,集中财务收支的功能。2.2 网络项目工厂CMIS的一个重要子系统,销售管理系统形成一个独立的网络,该网络采用100M高速互联网,ATM交换技术(主干光纤/双绞线/特殊模式线一起)和客户机/服务器模式,引入了IC卡技术,由卡和网络结合航运现货终端,并通过特殊的端口与工厂综合信息管理系统连接。2.3 软件和硬件环

9、境该系统的主要硬件设备包括两组服务器(双机热备份),十九台客户端计算机(IBM PC)的,十套POS(S900 / I)中,十套IC卡读写机(ICT800 )与完美的信息加密系统和高安全性,以及诸如打印机和调制解调器等相关配套设备的CPU卡相结合。该系统的基本组成包括服务器使用Windows NT4.0操作系统和Oracle企业7.3服务器,客户端计算机使用Windows 95操作系统和Oracle企业7.3客户端,以及服务器和客户端计算机之间的通信是通过TCP / IP协议实现。2.4 开发工具主要开发工具采用PowerBuilder6.0开发/ C +(PowerBuilder是开发工具,

10、专门用于Sybase公司企业客户机/服务器模式的应用程序而设计的,它支持多方面的平台,并拥有开发不同平台之间的应用程序的能力)。3 系统设计3.1 系统设计原则面对市场,强化管理,实现科学化、规范化、网络化、集中化的工作。统一服务,简化手续,改善为客户服务的质量。在原销售流程和管理模式中保留合理的因素,进行大胆改革,适当调整,分离业务人员开出发的票和联系业务,保留发票业务人员的控制权,集中财务收支和销售职能的双重功能,采摘货物及补课发票,实现管理和经营的分离,并强调市场的发展。及时把贸易和管理信息在网络上更新,并确保交易处理和数据的实时性,透明度和安全性。由于工厂信息管理系统的一个子系统,销售

11、管理系统必须确保与工厂的整个网络系统的连接,避免重复建设,并考虑了系统的可扩展性。在保证技术和先进设备的前提下,应坚持实用性原则,降低系统的投资。3.2 功能和系统结构的设计根据新的销售体系模式,结合济南炼油厂的实际情况,整个销售管理系统主要有四大功能。包括销售计划管理、销售/结算管理、采摘/票务管理和财务/统计/查询决策管理(见图1)。(1)销售计划管理由于是整个销售管理系统的主要控制中心,销售计划管理系统主要负责以下几个方面的内容。根据工厂的计划部门制作并设立生产计划或调整销售计划。根据铁路规划的实施和生产剧目的实施调整销售计划。签署,修改和实施自主产品的销售合同。根据客户的反应和市场销售


13、可查询系统,并未工厂领导的决策做引导。3.3 系统的模块设计图 该系统的模块设计图在图2中。3.4 模块的应用软件功能设计(1)数据库,应用和维护管理系统的设计字典维护、其中包括网现场管理、运营管理、产品编码管理、业务人员管理、权限管理、计划、编码管理、省编码管理、发票管理指数、经营净斑的产品品种权限管理、系统初始化管理、数据结算,数据代码管理、每日余额/每月结余/年度余额管理、产品的日常管理剧目、日产和自我使用量管理、数据复制和恢复管理等。(2)IC卡初始化系统的设计A 根据其传输口令和批次卡的内容,接受空卡。B 创建密钥,建立文件结构。C 创建卡号。D 分散密钥。(3)销售与设计

14、统计NAC管理系统A 签约/输出通信流管理。B 黑名单管理。C POS采摘品种维护管理。D 采摘流管理。E 拨号管理。F 加载和POS应用系统的安装。说明:作为POS系统的一部分,NAC用于前POS机和背面数据库之间的数据传输。(4)销售计划管理系统的设计A 制定销售计划,其中包括重油方案,液化石油气方案,汽油,煤油,柴油,每月计划。B 使铁路运输计划,其中包括汽油,煤油,柴油产品的月费计划,汽油,煤油,柴油,重油和沥青的月费计划和产品的附加计划。C 重油和沥青的加入计划。计划统计管理人员,其中包括国家计划产品代销,自产品代销,煤油资源的成就,实现煤油供应计划,成品油,重油,液化石油气,物资供

15、应统计的综合报告形式的销售旺季报告。D 代码维护管理人员,其中包括煤油供应实施表的用户列表,物资供应统计综合报告表中的产品列表中,重油计划的用户列表,液化气计划的用户列表中,汽油,煤油,柴油的方案计划的省级名录,各铁路运输计划的用户列表。价格管理人员,其中包括汽车运输产品目前的计划价格管理、汽车运输的产品现在的自己销售价格管理、铁路运输产品目前的价格管理、以及管道运输产品目前的价格管理、用户的文件的维护和管理。说明:销售计划管理是销售管理系统中的一个重要管理功能。(5)销售合同管理系统的设计A 合同目录查询管理。B 签署合同管理。C 执行合同管理。D 购销协议,目录查询管理。E 购销协议管理。

16、(6)销售业务人员管理系统的设计A 客户档案维护管理。B 企业管理人员,其中包括采摘计划管理,销售管理权限,透支津贴的管理。C 铁路运输发票管理人员,其中包括产品发票管理,车厢发票管理,铁路货物运输发票登记簿,发票查询,增值税发票收集,复制和申报纳税管理,出厂票据维护运输产品。D 码表的维护,其中包括用户自行设置,选择计划的产品品种法案。E 统计调查管理人员,其中包括销售计划查询,产品价格查询,每天代销统计,铁路运输托运统计,发票统计,产品剧目统计,汽车运输货物和发票之间的比较。F 系统的维护,包括月底处置,解锁金税卡,锁定金税卡,设置金税卡的参数。(7)管道运输管理系统的设计A 管道运输计划

17、管理。B 管道运输出厂票据管理。C 管道运输余额管理。D 统计管理。E 维护管理人员,其中包括解锁金税卡,锁定金税卡,设置金税卡的参数。F 税控发票管理(打印/抵消/平衡)。G 增值税征收。(8)运输和销售部分交通部门管理系统的设计A 月度汽车需求计划管理。B 日常车辆使用计划管理。C 每日入场车辆通知管理。D 货物运输票据管理。E 交通运输日报/月报管理,用户维护。F 斑点/局的到来维护。G 产品维护。H 自备汽车管理(汽车租赁管理,汽车租赁收费管理,服务管理,服务收费管理等)(9)运输和销售科长管理系统的设计综合查询管理人员,其中包括日/月/年的销售查询、销售计划查询、合同查询、协议查询、

18、发票统计、铁路运输货物统计、价格查询、用户查询、回笼资金统计查询、汽车运输货物和发票之间的比较,产品剧目、销售监督、特殊照顾管理。(10)厂长查询管理系统的设计A 销售计划的询问。B 销售统计查询。C 销售财政收入和支出调查。D 销售分析查询。E 质检统计调查。(11)营业窗口销售管理系统的设计A 卡管理人员,其中包括用户卡发行、捡卡的发行、卡的密码管理、挂失和注销、注销卡、卡识别、用户卡取出、卡操作查询。B 批量票据管理人员,其中包括一批账单编辑、批量票据打印、批量账单查询、批量票据抵消、批量票据平衡、批量票据收回、批量票据的价格调整、编辑批票据采摘卡、办理一批新法案采摘卡。C 发票管理人员

19、,其中包括发票的选择和打印、发票查询、发票抵消、平衡发票,、票统计、金税卡的税务报告。D 采摘卡上的余额。E 企业统计调查管理人员,其中包括资金使用,用户帐号检查,产品销售统计,产品月/年的销售分析。F 统计报表管理人员,其中包括销售日/月报表、用户购买日/月报表、代销报表、未打印的发票和报表。G 系统维护以及包括通信端口设置、异常操作记录、解锁金税卡、锁定金税卡、会计制度的港口管理运行不正常的治疗。(12)营业窗口财务管理系统的设计A 存款管理,资产负债管理。B 抵消账户管理,期间余额管理。C 退房管理。D 现金退款管理。E 检查间隙帐户管理。F 财务查询管理。G会计系统端口。H 称重管理系

20、统(13)汽车运输设计A 去皮管理。B 格罗斯称重管理。平衡和颁发证书的管理。C 称重统计查询管理。D 寄售统计管理。E 系统维护管理。F 卡查询管理。(14)汽车运输货物管理POS应用系统的设计A 登入/出管理层,其中包括设备登录、设备注销、黑名单获得、运营商签约/输出。B 操作员管理。C 设施初始化(电话设置,黑子数设置,时间设置)和运行参数设置(轻油吨/升的参数设置,操作人员增加或删除管理)。D 询盘管理人员,其中包括卡查询、采摘记录查询、运营商查询、黑名单查询。E 寄售管理人员,其中包括读写操作,寄售贸易寄售贸易抵消。(15)铁路控制管理系统的设计A 车辆进厂管理。B 每日入场车辆的管

21、理。C 实际出厂的车辆管理。D 车辆配送管理。E 任务管理票据,模拟经营。F 运输计划管理。G 移交和接管管理。H 每日报表管理。I 字典维护。(16)铁路运输计量管理系统的设计A 目前出厂票据管理。B 每日入场车辆通知管理。C 航运管理。D 空措施票据管理。E 手动测量输入管理。F 出厂票据管理。G 手动测量出厂票据管理。H 称重管理系统(17)动态轨道设计A 实际出货管理。B 每日入场车辆通知管理。C 空措施票据管理。D 衡量票据管理。E 动态称重测量。F 成品油出厂账单。G 称重管理系统(18)静止轨道的设计A 实际出货管理。B 每日入场车辆通知管理。C 空措施票据管理。D 衡量票据管理

22、。E 单车去皮。F 成品油出厂账单。参考文献1 董亚明.设计开发和大庆石油化工厂销售管理信息系统的应用。大庆:大庆石油化工有限公司信息中心.(1996)2 陈先君.企业销售管理信息系统(MISES)。兰州:甘肃工业大学计算机工程公司.(1994)Design and Implementation of Sales Management Information SystemAbstract :The sales works is one key stage in the whole enterprise operation, which importance is more and more o

23、bvious in the tide of market economy. “Market surrounded by enterprises” fully shows the sales center position in the enterprise activities. At present, the enterprise sales management level and marketing system directly influence the sales situation of products and the benefits of productive operat

24、ion. In this article, more than one years operation of Jinan Refinery Sales Management System indicates that this sales management system is successful in the aspects of the reform of sales mode, the application of IC card and the join with MIS system of the factory. Keywords: Sales management syste

25、m; IC card,;Network 1 Introduction The sales works is one key stage in the whole enterprise operation, which importance is more and more obvious in the tide of market economy. “Market surrounded by enterprises” fully shows the sales center position in the enterprise activities. At present, the enter

26、prise sales management level and marketing system directly influence the sales situation of products and the benefits of productive operation. The traditional sales flow and management mode still have time colors of planned economy and many disadvantages which are mainly represented as follows. Trad

27、itional sales flow and management mode have too many stages and low efficiency and are easy to make mistakes, which brings many inconveniences to clients. The business management can not be standardized, and management function and operation function have blurry borderlines, so it is difficult to ba

28、lance strengthening management and servicing clients. Business personnel are immersed in the business works and can not bind up to market development. The capital return and sales operation situation have bad diaphaneity and real-time character, which is not convenient to supervise and control, and

29、is easy to produce leaks and unnecessary capital occupation. The statistical report forms have large quantities and different sources and formats, which often induces mutual conflicts because of different provenances. The applied level of computer is low, which only limits to bill prints and materia

30、l management, and the sharing degree of information is very low, and the diaphaneity and real-time character are bad, so the leaders lack reliable references to make decisions. To make the selling of our factory closely follow the developments of the market economy, the factory director puts forward

31、 reforming present mode, strengthening management, emphasizing market development, improving services and servicing clients. Therefore, combining characters and practices of our sales works, we should face the developments of market economy, use foreign advanced experiences as references, firstly es

32、tablish sales management system and actualize the modernization of sales process and management when preparing to construct Jinan Refinery electronic information technology application project. Our main missions and aims are the following four aspects. (1) Establishing a set of safe, reliable and pe

33、rfect sales management system, reasonably adjusting the functional borderlines between management and operation, realizing microcomputer, systematization, network and scientific sales management works, combining with factory information system and fully enhancing the modernization level of enterpris

34、e management. (2) Strengthening management, unifying provenances, ensuring normative and perfect data management, detailed and uniform report forms, exactly reflecting the sales and capital situation of the enterprise, enhancing the objectivity, real-time character and diaphaneity of information fee

35、dback, building up leaks and reducing losses. (3) Establishing IC card applied management system, realizing picking up the goods by cards, and offering convenient and 61 Modern Applied Science fast services for clients.(4) Providing corresponding sales analysis, establishing corresponding leader inq

36、uiry system, and offering references for enterprise forward decision-making. 2 Total project2.1 System mode The system mode is the most pivotal factor to decide whether the system can be successful. According to the aim that Jinan Refinery sales management information system construction wants to re

37、alize, combining with the requirements of market economy and the direction of enterprise restructuring, through almost half years argumentation, we establish the system mode which takes market as the center to realize the separation of sales business management and operation and strengthen market de

38、velopments, which takes clients as the center to reasonably adjust the distributions of sales spots, and establish sales and financial central business center, which takes capital as the center to connect sales system and financial system and strengthen finance supervision. According to this mode, a

39、iming at the situation that our factory has three transport means including railway, auto and pipe transportations at the same time, we decide to adopt two operation and management modes. To railway transport (pipe transport) means, the factory will transact consignment procedures, and because this

40、work is mainly represented as management, so the trade process is completely managed by network, and the operation flow is that when the planner sets down sales plan, the bill of goods needing railway transport will be downloaded to the transport department management system, and the transport depar

41、tment carries out the railway transport plan according this bill and returns the results to the planner system to adjust, and if the plan has been carried out, the bill will be as implementing plan and be downloaded to the railway control or railway shipping or railway measure system, and when the v

42、ehicles arrives, the shipping plant will implement shipping and inform quality supervision department to inspect, measure and weigh up and the control department allows departure. After this, business personnel transacts users carriages or insurances and goods invoices according to the implementing

43、plan and the shipping situations of vehicles, and charges account in the finance department after client returns funds, and the business personnel and planner can manage the capital returns at any moment. The pipe transport is easier than this, so we dont describe it again. To auto transport means,

44、considering the characters of dispersive spots, too many batches, procedure transacted by the client himself, to convenient for client, we adopt management combining card with network in the trade process. Aiming at those unreasonable aspects in the former mode such as business personnels two functi

45、ons of making out invoices and contacting business mixing, distribution of sales operation according to product kinds, decentralization of trade work in the finance department, sales business office, various picking spots and weighing spots, we adopt the mode which separates the business personnels

46、double functions of making out invoices and contacting business and reserves his right of invoice control, and centralizes the function of financial balance and the function of making out invoice to sell and pick up goods at the locale. 2.2 Network project As one important subsystem of factory CMIS,

47、 sales management system independently forms a network, which adopts 100M fast internet, ATM exchange technology (fiber trunk/ twisted-pair/ special MODE line together) and client computer/ server mode, introduces IC card technology, combines shipping spot terminal by the card and network, and conne

48、cts with factory integrated information management system CIPROS through special port. 2.3 Software and hardware environment The main hardware facilities of this system include two sets of servers (double computer hot backup), nineteen sets of client computers (IBM PC), ten sets of POS (S900/i), ten

49、 sets of IC card read-write machine (ICT800) which IC cards are CPU cards with perfect information encrypting system and firm and high security, and other relative supporting equipments such as printer and modem. The basic composing of the system includes that servers use Windows NT4.0 Operation sys

50、tem and ORACLE Enterprise 7.3 Server, client computers use Windows95 Operation System and ORACLE Enterprise 7.3 Client, and the communications between servers and client computers are realized by TCP/IP agreements. 2.4 Development tool The main development tool uses PowerBuilder6.0/ C+ (PowerBuilder

51、 is the development tool specially designed for enterprise client/ server mode application programs by Sybase Corporation, and it supports manifold platforms and possesses the abilities to develop application programs among different platforms). 3 System design 3.1 Design principles of systemFacing

52、market, strengthening management, and actualizing science, standardization and network. Centralizing to work, unifying servicing, simplifying procedures, servicing clients and improving services. Holding reasonable factors in the former sales flow and management mode, daring to reform, properly adju

53、sting, separating the business personnels double functions of making out invoices and contacting businesses, reserving invoices control right of business personnel, centralizing functions of financial balance and selling, picking up goods and making up invoices, realizing the separation of managemen

54、t and operation, and emphasizing market development. Putting the trade and management information on the network timely, and ensuring the real-time character, diaphaneity and security of the trade process and data. As one subsystem of factory information management system, sales management system mu

55、st insure the connection with the whole network system of the factory, avoid repeat constructions, and consider the expansibility of the system. Under the premise of ensuring technology and advanced facilities, we should insist on the practicality principle and reduce the investments of the system.

56、3.2 Function and structure design of system According to the new demonstrated sales system mode, combining the practical situations of Jinan Refinery, the whole sales management system possesses four functions including sales plan management, sale/ balance management, picking/ consignment management

57、 and finance/ statistic/ inquiry decision-making management (see Figure 1). (1) As the chief and control center of the whole sales management system, the sales plan management system mainly takes charge of the following aspects. Making and adjusting sales plans according to the production plan estab

58、lished by the factory plan department. Adjusting and implementing sales plans according to the implementation and production repertory of railway plans. Signing, modifying and implementing self product sales contracts. Managing control information of sales trade operation according to clients reputations and market situations. Managing prices and relative preferential policies. Making and issuing IC cards and managin


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