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1、Section BPeriod 1 ( 1a 1e )根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 Lucy _ _ _(害怕害怕) the dark, so she never goes out at night. 2. Did you _ _ (过去过去) play soccer?3. I _ _ _ (过去不常过去不常) be popular in school.4. Paula _ _ (过去常常过去常常) be really quiet.is afraid ofuse todidnt use toused to1. My uncle _ live in a big

2、 city but he _ living in a village now. I _ get up late when I was in the middle school. used to is used to used to 用用 used to 和和 be used to 的适当的适当形式填空。形式填空。6. Her father is a teacher now. But he _ be a worker.7. I never go to school by bike. I _ taking a bus to school. 8. We _ play badminton twice

3、a week. But we are so busy that we havent enough time to play it now. used to am used toused to9. Are you a teacher now? No. But I _ be. 10. Tina often works till nearly midnight. She _ working at night now.11. There _ be a school here but now we cant find it. used to is used to used to Talk about t

4、he pictures using used to and now.Talk about the pictures using used to and now.Talk about the pictures using used to and now.My father / My mother / My parents used to How about your childhood?Did you use to have the same experience as the following?play pijin (皮筋皮筋)play toys with parentsP.E. class

5、Did you use to like this when you were a child?painting picturesDid you use to like this when you were a child?having music classDid you use to like this when you were a child?catching antswatching insectsDid you use to like this when you were a child?1a 1a Check () the things you used to like when

6、you were a child._music class_P.E. class_painting pictures_ants and other insectsDid you use to like having P.E. class?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.What other things did you use to like doing when you were a child? Write and then discuss them with a partner.I used to play football.I used to eat candy a

7、 lot.I used to live with my grandmother.I used to chew gum a lot.I used to raise a big dog.I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.A: What did you use to like to do?B: I used to like A: Do you have colorful childhood?B: Yes / No, read comicsplay with dollsplay with balloonsplay p

8、ijin (皮筋皮筋)play with toy carschat with my parentsplay with the insectsplay aloneeat candy chew gumeat ice creamread comicsplay with dollsplay with balloons1c1c Listen and check the sentences you hear. I didnt use to like tests. We used to walk to school. 3. I used to hate P.E. class.4. I used to be

9、on the soccer team.I _ P.E. class.We _ all the time.We used to _ every day after school.We can wear _ _to school.We used to wear _ _to school.I dont worry about _.1d 1d Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.testsGirlBoyI didnt use to like

10、_.I used to hate _.testsschoolwhateverplaystudyloveexercisinguniformswe likeIn the past, did you use to do something not very good? And do you do it better now? Think about some changes in your life and write down your own sentences.1e 1e Compare yourself with your partner.I used to be nervous about

11、 tests all the time. What about you?Yes, me too. And I used to A: I used to B: Compare yourself with your partner.A: I used to B: Compare yourself with your partner.You are in Grade 9 now. Is your life quite different from before? What did your parents use to dowhen they were children? How is it dif

12、ferent from what you do now? all the time 一直;总是一直;总是I have a dog and a cat, but they fight all the time. 我养了一只猫和一只狗我养了一只猫和一只狗, 但它们老是打架。但它们老是打架。Our life is changing all the time. 我们的生活一直在变化着。我们的生活一直在变化着。Language points He _ gets up early every morning. A. all the time B. all time C. always D. never【点

13、拨点拨】选选C。all the time 意为意为“一直;一直;总是总是”,在句中作状语,多用于句末。,在句中作状语,多用于句末。 辨析:辨析:at times / at all times / all the time at times 不时不时; 偶尔偶尔I make mistakes at times when I speak English. 我说英语偶尔会出错。我说英语偶尔会出错。at all times 随时随时; 任何时候任何时候; 总是总是He has a cool head at all times. 他随时都有清醒的头脑。他随时都有清醒的头脑。all the time 一直

14、一直; 始终始终 (time用单数形式用单数形式)The baby cries all the time. 那婴儿一直哭。那婴儿一直哭。Its rather cold in most of South China _ in spring. A. on time B. at a time C. at times D. all the timeon time按时按时, at a time一次一次, at times有有时时, all the times 总是。总是。C. 单项选择单项选择1. Some parents just ask their children to study _. A. a

15、ll time B. the all time C. all the same D. all the time2. Please tell me what you _ when you were a child. A. used to like B. used to liking C. used to liked D. used like3. He used to _ the school soccer team. A. be B. be on C. was on D. on4. I dont worry _ tests anymore after working hard. A. with

16、B. about C. at D. in5. Its not good to chew gum _ . A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot D. lot. 完成句子完成句子1. 她喜爱美术课,因为她喜欢画画。她喜爱美术课,因为她喜欢画画。 She _ art class because she likes _ pictures. 2. 我小时候每天放学后都和朋友一起玩耍。我小时候每天放学后都和朋友一起玩耍。 I used to _ _ friends every day after school. lovespaintingplay with3. 过去这儿冬天常常下

17、雪。过去这儿冬天常常下雪。 It _ _ _ here in winter. 4. 他在担心明天的工作面试。他在担心明天的工作面试。 He is _ _ the job interview tomorrow. 5. 当你是孩子时,常常做些什么?当你是孩子时,常常做些什么? What _ you _ _ do when you were a child?used to snow worrying about diduse to 根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子。根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子。 He doesnt like speaking English because he _ (害怕害怕) ma

18、king mistakes. 2. If you cant _ (入睡入睡) at night, you can listen to some light music. 3. Most boys _ (对对感兴趣感兴趣) watching football games.4. There is a red car _ (在在的前的前边边) the house.is afraid ofgo to sleepare interested inin front of 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 My brother is used to _ (take) a wa

19、lk after supper.2. He is always _ (friend) to people around him. 3. Please remember _ (bring) your ID card to the party.4. How about _ (fly) kites in the park?taking friendly to bring flying 根据句意根据句意, 用用used to 或或be used to完成句子。完成句子。 I _ get up late, but I get up early now.2. The boy is hard-working

20、 and he _ doing his homework late at night.3. There _ be a garden next to the building. Now there is a new library.4. Though he just started the new job, Im sure that hell _ it soon.used to is used to used tobe used to 5. She _ live with her parents, but now she _ living with her classmates at schoo

21、l.6. These robots in the factory _ do dangerous work instead of man.used tois used toare used to 根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。(每空一词每空一词) 她过去经常穿黑色的衣服。她过去经常穿黑色的衣服。 She _ _ _ black clothes.2. 我昨天晚上开着收音机睡着了。我昨天晚上开着收音机睡着了。 I fell asleep last night with _ _ _.3. 他过去喜欢晚上工作他过去喜欢晚上工作, 不是吗?不是吗? He used to enjoy working at night, _ _? used to wear the radio ondidnt he4. 你过去经常和朋友去河里游泳吗?你过去经常和朋友去河里游泳吗?_ you _ _ sw


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