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1、Module 6 Old and NewI. 教学内容分析该模块以Old and New 为话题,介绍了我国著名的三峡大坝工程,也介绍了几个中外著名的大型建筑工程。 通过这些大型建筑工程的介绍,帮助学生学习掌握有关建筑的词汇、短语,并在第五模块的基础上进一步学习定语从句,提高口、笔头表达能力。同时,了解这些工程给当地带来的变化,特别是三峡工程所带来的巨大变化, 增强学生的责任心和民族自豪感。Introduction部分包括三个活动:Activity 1要求学生回答四个与自己生活有关的问题,引导学生谈论建筑这一话题;Activity 2学习描述建筑的有关词汇;Activity 3阅读三个小短文,

2、学习Activity2中给出的词汇的用法,初步掌握介绍某个建筑通常包括的问题:名称、位置、规模、修建时间等,并回答书上的三个问题,为课文学习做准备。Reading and vocabulary部分是本模块学习的重点,内容是介绍三峡大坝工程及它所带来的变化。围绕课文设置了四个相关练习:Activity 1&2这两个活动旨在为学生阅读文章扫清词汇障碍。可在阅读课文的过程中处理词汇,完成练习; Activity 3是对课文内容的细节考察,要求学生能够根据答语写出问题;Activity 4 要求学生根据所学内容讨论对三峡的认识。该部分可以与Speaking部分联系一起完成。Grammar 1部

3、分是在第五模块儿的基础上进一部学习定语从句,即学习非限制性定语从句的用法。共有三个活动:Activity 1中给出四个例子,供学生考虑区别,并回答书有关问题,旨在帮助学生理解限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。Activity 2&3通过断句及改写句子,帮助学生掌握非限制性定语从句的语法意义及用法。Writing部分在学生对国内外著名的建筑工程有所了解的前提下,要求学生阅读电子邮件,概括每段的大意,并回复邮件,描写自己周围的变化,帮助学生进行写作练习。Speaking部分围绕三峡工程带来的巨大变化展开讨论。所以可安排在阅读课文之后,即要求学生回答完Reading and Vocabula

4、ry Activity 4 中的问题后进行讨论,加深学生对著名工程的了解,使学生更全面的表达自己的观点,增强学生的责任感和民族自豪感。Grammar 2部分语法学习定语从句的简化形式,共有四个活动。Activities 1,3 &4通过观察、讨论和练习,学习定语从句中充当宾语的关系代词的省略。Activity 2讲了充当定语的现在分词短语和过去分词短语的用法,即相当于省略了主语和系动词的定语从句。 Listening 部分共有三个活动,除了训练学生边听边作记录的能力外,还帮助学生正确理解定语从句中的关系代词的省略现象以及表示强烈感情色彩的形容词,因此,可以放在Grammar2 的教学之

5、后进行。Pronunciation部分处理定语从句的语调,可以把这部分与Grammar放在一起进行讲解。要求通过学生读句子,划出定语从句,听录音,注意定语从句的语调,跟读模仿等练习,提高听力时对定语从句的敏感性。Function and everyday English部分是听力内容的延伸。通过词汇练习和完成对话练习,帮助学生体会用形容词表达强烈的感情色彩。放在听力后进行可降低难度。Cultural corner 部分主要提供了纽约帝国大厦和世界上十大最高建筑(2004)的一些资料,内容简单,可放在Reading之后,作为泛读材料提供给学生,了解当今世界的变化,开拓学生的眼界。Task部分是对

6、本模块的复习和应用。通过小组讨论、列举变化,准备新闻报告等活动,要求学生运用本模块儿所学的语言知识,描述当地的变化。可采用小组形式调查了解当地的变化发展,以画报的形式体现调查内容,然后在班内开展展览周,展示学生的调查结果。Module file 部分对本模块所学的词汇,短语,语法等等作了总结,教师可以参考该部分内容指导学生进行复习。Period 1 Introduction 课题Period 1 Introduction 课型New教学目标1. To help Ss with the skills of remembering words 2. To get Ss to learn some

7、words to describe construction projects.3. To improve Ss ability of speaking in class by describing construction projects.重点To enable Ss to talk about the changes around them and learn some words.难点Enable the Ss to do some pair work.学情分析The Ss can finish the task.教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3.

8、A computer教法1. show some pictures to lead in.2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.教学程序教学内容师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 1. Leading- in1. DiscussionAsk Ss the following questions to lead them to talk about things around them.Q1. Is your hometown developing rapidly?Q2

9、. Are there any new buildings in your hometown?Q3. Can you describe them? What about the old ones?Then ask Ss to discuss the four questions in Activity 1 to lead them to the topic of this module.2. Vocabulary study (1) Ask Ss to read the words in Activity 2 individually. Make sure Ss know their mean

10、ings.(2) Give Ss some explanation of the important words in Activity 2. civil公民的,国民的 【相关单词】civilian n & adj 平民,百姓;文职的 civilize vt 使开化,使文明civilization n 文明 civilized adj 文明的,开化的 【相关词组】civil rights 公民权 civil rights movement 民权运动 civil engineering 土木工程 engineering n工程(学)【相关单词】 engineer n工程师 engine

11、n 引擎 hydroelectric adj 使用水力发电的hydr(o) (前缀)表示“水的,氢的”,如:hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物, hydrogen 氢,hydrogen bomb 氢弹 terminal有多种含义:(致命疾病的)晚期的,末期的,如:terminal cancer; 每学期的,如:terminal examinations 末端的,终点的,如:a terminal marker Step 2. Reading and speaking 1. Leading-inAsk Ss to look at the pictures about the Great Wall,

12、 Hong Kong International Airport and the Three Gorges Dam on page 51. Ask them to discuss about them in groups: Q1. How much do you know about them? Q2. Where are they? Q3. When were they built? Q4. What about their size?2. ReadingAsk Ss to read the three passages in Activity 3 and underline the key

13、 words that describe them.For your reference:(1) The Great Wall: longest man-made, original wall, 6,300 kilometers, date from, eastern end (Shanhaiguan), the west end (Jiayuguan).(2) Hong Kong International Airport:the biggest civil engineering project, six years, US$20 billion, the largest covered

14、space, within five hours flying time of half the worlds population, accommodate(3) The Three Gorges Dam:the largest hydro-electric dam, more than 1.5 kilometers wide, more than 500 kilometers long 3. Explanation Explain the important words and phrases to Ss.(1) original adj 原始的,最初的Eg I prefer your o

15、riginal plan to this one.(2) date from = date back to 自某时代存在至今,可追溯到(不用于被动语态)Eg This castle dates from the 14th century. Their partnership dates back to 1960. 【拓展】与date有关的相关词组:out of date过时的,旧式的,不能用的 to date 迄今,到目前为止 up to date 现代的,新式的 (3) be designed to do sth 为某目的或用途而制造或计划 Eg The street is not desi

16、gned to run heavy trucks.=The street is not designed for heavy trucks.4. Speaking(1) Ask Ss to describe the three construction projects by using the key words. (2) Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the three questions in Activity 3.Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to try to find out more information about The Three Gorges Dam.2. Ask Ss to remember the words and expressions learned in this period. Gree ting&talkRead & learnLearn & practice12321板书Period 1 Introduction(1) original adj 原始的,最初的Eg I prefer your original plan to this one.(2) date from = date back to


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