



1、第一部分:英语能力测试、阅读理解Passage 1The angry woman stood on the station platform (月台).“The railwayshould pay me14, ” she said to Tony Jenks, the man in the bookingoffice.“Myticket was for June 26th, and there was no ship from Jerseythat night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me14.”Tony was w

2、orried. Heremembered selling the womana return ticket.“Comeinto the office,madam”, he said politely.“Ill just check the Jerseytimetable for June 26th.”The woman and her little girlfollowed him inside.She was quite right, as Tony soondiscovered. There was no ship sailing on June 26th. How had he made

3、such a careless mistake? Not knowing what to do, he smiled at the child.“You look sunburned (晒黑的),”he saidto her.“Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“Yes,”she answered shyly.“The beach was lovely. And I could swim too!”“Thats fine,”said Tony.“My little girl cantswim a bit yet. Of course, shes on

4、ly three . ”“Imfour,”the child said proudly.“Ill soon be four and ahalf.”Tony turned to the mother.“I remember your ticket,madam”he said.“But you didn t get one for your daughter,did you?” “Er, well”the womanlooked at the child,“I meanshehasnt started school yet. Shes only four.”“A four -year-old ch

5、ild must have a ticket, madam.A childsreturn ticket to Jersey costslet me see15.50. So ifyou want the railway to pay14 for your hotel, you will have to pay therailway15.50 first. The law is the law, but since the fault was mi ne”The woma n stood up, took the childs hand and left the office.1. A retu

6、rn ticket is a ticket that _ .A. allows a passenger to travel to a placeB. one buys when one returnsC. must be returned if one wants to get his money backD.allows a passenger to travel to a place and return later2. The manin the booking office mentioned the childs ticketin order to _.A. send the wom

7、an awayB. get back15.50C. say sorry to the womanD. make clear the importance of the law3. According to the railway law, a child _ .A. must have a ticket just like a grown-upB. can not travel without a ticketC. below the age of four can travel without a ticketD. can travel with grown-ups without a ti

8、cket4. At last the woman got _ from the railway bookingoffice.A.15.50B.1.50C.14D. nothing5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A.After checking the timetable Tony found there was a ship fromJersey on June 26th.B. Tony said sorry to the woma n and paid her14.C. The wo

9、man did not travel at all to Jersey with her daughter to spendher holiday.D. It was clear that the woman was not honest.答案:D A C D DPassage 2Throughout history, people had dreamed about joining England andFrance together. Even Napoleon had a plan to dig a tunnel (隧道) andreach England. One of the fir

10、st people who tried to dig a tunnel under theChannel was a French engineer called Albert Mathieu. His tunnel failed.In 1881, Colonel Beamontand Captain English from Britain also tried todig a tunnel. Their tunnel went six kilometers into the Channel. QueenVictoria stopped them and said it was danger

11、ous to connect with France.It was a very good tunnel, and it is still there today.The new tunnel (ready in 1993) is, in fact, three tunnels- two for trainsand a“service tunnel”for fresh air to go in and for menwho take care ofthe tunnels. The tunnels are fifty kilometers long, forty meters under wat

12、er.Forty kilometers of tunnel are under the sea itself. They are the longestundersea tunnels in the world. Trains travel through the tunnels at 160km/h. People drive their cars onto trains and the trains take them throughthe tunnel. Each train takes 1,500 people and there are trains every tenminutes

13、.A special radio station called Channel Channel has started, because itis impossible to receive normal radio signals(信号)when you are underthe sea. The station sends news to keep people up-to-date with the“world outside”while they are in the tunnel.6. What was peoples dream about England and France?A

14、.Napoleon could reach England. B. Napoleon could dig a tunnel forthem.C. Albert Mathieu would succeed. D. England andFrance could be joined together.7. Which is TRUE about the tunnel building in 1881?A. The tunnel went six kilometers from France.B. Tunnel-building was a dangerous job.C. The old tunn

15、el is still under the sea.D. The queen agreed to the digging plan.8. Whats the traveling like in the tunnel?A. Trains and cars can travel at 160 km/h.B. People can travel by trains through two tunnels.C. It takes ten minutes to go through the tunnel by train.D. People can drive their cars or take tr

16、ains through the tunnel.9. Channel Channel has started to _ .A.tell people what the date is B. send news about people in thetunnelC. tell people news about the outside world D. receive radio signals ofthe outside world10. The passage mainly tells us _ .A.the history of the Channel tunnel B. the impo

17、rtance of the ChanneltunnelC. its hard work to dig an undersea tunnel D. the people who tried todig the Channel tunnel答案:D C B C APassage 3Opportunities for rewarding work becomefewer for both menand womenas they grow older. After age 40, job hunting becomes even more difficult.Many workers stay at

18、jobs they are too old for rather than face possiblerejection. Our youth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value in olderpeople. In writer Lilian Hellmans words, they have the wisdom thatcomes with age that we cant make use of.Unemployment and economic need for work is higher amongolderwomen,e

19、specially minorities, than amongyounger white women.A national council reports these findings: Though unemployed longerwhen seeking work, older women job-hunt harder, hold a job longer withless absenteeism (缺勤), perform as well or better, are more reliable,and are more willing to learn than men or y

20、ounger women. Yet many olderwomen earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in their retirement years.When sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer on the doorstep - itmoves in, according to Tish Sommers, director of a special study on olderwomenfor the National Organization for Women. Yet a 1981

21、report on theWhite House Conference on Aging shows that as a group, olderAmericans are the wealthiest, best fed, best housed, healthiest, mostself-reliant older population in our history. This statement is small comfortto those living below the poverty line, but it does explode someof the oldtraditi

22、onal beliefs and fears. Opportunities for moving in and up in a largecompany may shrink but many older people begin successful smallbusinesses, volunteer in satisfying activities,and stay active formanyyears. They have few rolemodels because in previous generations the life span was much shorterand

23、expectations of life were fewer. They are ploughing new ground.Employers are beginning to recognize that the mature personcan bring a great deal of stability and responsibility to aposition. One doesnt lose ability and experience on the eve of ones 65thor 70th birthday any more than one grows up ins

24、tantly at age 21.(348words)11. After the age of 40, _.A. most workers are tired of their present jobsB. many workers tend to stick to their present jobsC. people find their jobs more rewarding than beforeD. people still wish to hunt for more suitable jobs12. From Hellmans remark, we can see that _ .

25、A. full use has been made of the wisdom of older peopleB. the wisdom of older people is not valued by American societyC. older people are no less intelligent than young peopleD. the wisdom of older people is of great value to American society13. Tish Sommers argues that _.A. older women find it hard

26、 to escape povertyB. older women usually perform better in their jobsC. the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexismD. more people have come to believe in sexism and ageism14. According to the third paragraph, it can be seen that older Americans.A. have more job opportunities than young p

27、eopleB. live below the poverty lineC. have new opportunities to remain active in societyD. no longer believe in the promise of a happy life upon retirement15. It can be concluded from the passage that the writer _ .A. calls attention to the living conditions of older AmericansB.believes that the val

28、ue of older people is gaining increasingrecognitionC. attempts to justify the youth-oriented, throw-away culture of the UnitedStatesD. argues people should not retire at the age of 65 or 70答案:BBACB二、完型填空Mark Twain(马克.吐温), a famous_1_ writer, liked to play jokes onothers. But once on him a joke was p

29、layed. One dayMark Twain_ 2_ to give a talk in a small town. At lunch he met a youngman, one of his friends. The young man said that he had an uncle with him.He told Mark Twain that his uncle never laughed_ 3_ smiled and thatnobody and_ 4_ was able to make his uncle smile or laugh.“You_5_ your uncle

30、 to my talk tonight,”said Mark Twain,“Im sure I canmakehim laugh.”That evening the young man and his uncle sat_ 6_ .Mark Twain began to speak. He told several funny stories. This madeeveryone in the hall laugh._ 7_ the old man never ever smiled. MarkTwain told more funny stories, but the old man sti

31、ll kept quiet. Finally MarkTwain stopped. He was quite_ 8_ . Several days later, Mark Twain toldanother friend_ 9_ his about what had happened that night.“Oh,”said his friend,“I know about that old man. He_10_ deaf for years.”(190)1、A. AmericaB. AmericanC. AmericanismD. Americana2、A. invitedB. were

32、invitedC. was invitedD. had been invited3、A. andB. soC. butD. or4、A. anythingB. nothingC. somethingD. everything5、A. takeB. fetchC. bringD. carry6、A. in a frontB. in frontC. in the front ofD. in front of7、A. SinceB. ButC. WhileD. So8、A. disappointB. disappointingC. disappointmentD. disappointed9、A.

33、ofB. fromC. inD. among10、A. beB. had beenC. has beenD. was答案:B C D B C B B D A C三、字词理解1. My roommate lost a lot of weight _ every day.A. to exerciseB. with exercise C. for exerciseD. by exercising答案:D2. It was Smith who called while I was out.A. no other but B. no other thanC. no one than D. none ot

34、her than答案:D3. We students should learn to be good citizens. A crime maycauselifelong regret.A. however B. otherwise C. necessarilyD.absolutely答案:A4. As it turned out to be a small house party, we so formally.A. need not have dressed up B. must not have dressed upC. did not need to dress up D. must

35、not dress up答案:A5. You cannot be _ careful when you drive a car.A. very B. so C. too D. enough答案:A6. Amoebas are small to be seen without a microscope.A. far too B. far and C. so far D. as far as答案:A7. The nectarine is a fruit _ like a peach.A. as B. much C. and D. to答案:B8. _ kinds of dinosaurs were

36、 dying out all through the Age of Reptiles istrue.A. Some B. Some were C. When some D. That some答案:D9. The physicist has made a discovery,_of greatimportance to the progress of sci-ence and technology.A. I think which is B. that I think isC. which I think is D. which I think it is答案:B10. He noticed

37、the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to hisastonishment, he saw a rope ladder_ out and three menclimbing down it.A. throwing B. being thrownC. having thrown D. having been thrown答案:B11. _ this instrument should have put its work permitnumber on the box.A. Who checkedB. Whoever inspectedC. No

38、 matter who examined D. Those who estimates答案:B12._to blame for the many troubles you haveencountered.A. It is notIwhoam B. It is notIthatisC. It is not me who am D. It is not me that is答案:A13. I am sure I can help you find _ bed for your new house,but now Im heading for_ bed and _ good sleep.A. a ,

39、 a , theB. a , / , a C. the , a , aD. a , the , a答案:B14. _ the silkworm produces a fluid internally and thenforces it out through tiny holes in its body.A. It makes silk and B. Having made silkC. Silk is made by D. To make silk答案:D15. The drink taste a little _ to me.A. strong B. stronglyC. so stron

40、g D.much strong答案:D16. are fed into a tape-recorder, they magnetize the particles on the tapein varying patterns.A. When electric waves B. Electric wavesC. Electric waves that D. Because of electric waves答案:A17. Time should be made good use _ our lessons well.A. of to learn B. of learning C. to lear

41、n to learning答案:D18. Two of the notebooks _ Tom had lost on the bus werereturned to the main desk at his dormitory.A. what B. which C. who D. whose答案:B19. They arrived there at last, _.tooD.A. was tired and hungryC.being tired andhungryC. tired and hungry D. tiredly and hungrily答案:A20. - What was th

42、e party like?- Wonderful . Its years _ I enjoyed myself somuch.A. beforeB. after C. whenD. since答案:A第二部分:行政能力测试一、言语理解与表达1.下列各句中没有语病的一句是:( )A经过不不懈的努力,国家图书馆在搜集、加工、存储、提供古典文 献方面已具有中国特色的藏用并举的格局。B电视的普及,在给现代人带来丰富多彩的视听艺术的同时, 也悄然 改变着人们在印刷媒介时代所形成的审美趣味和欣赏习惯。C该报告指出,至此会晤的主要意义,在于善意姿态、长远战略和历 史方向,多于具体、互惠措施的落实。D一项新的

43、研究成果现实,动物不但具有独特的性格,而且性格相当 复杂,它们性格的复杂性甚至能够与人类的相媲美。答案:C 2功夫熊猫的热映说明“中国元素”已不仅仅只是好莱坞电影中的 _,它甚至已经成好莱坞电影导演的灵感来源, 片中“功夫”和“熊猫”两个主要元素都来自中国文化,而猴王、老虎、螳螂、 毒蛇、丹顶鹤等五大高手更是把中国功夫中轻功演绎得 _ 。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.点缀 惟妙惟肖B.卖点 栩栩如生C.陪衬精妙绝伦D.题材活灵活现答案:A3.毫无疑问,在今日武断批判中医的人中,不乏以“科学”代言人 自居者,将各种自己不懂的知识系统一棍子打死,归入 _ ,这种态度不能不使人怀疑其言论与知识

44、的讨论无关,另有用意,不过, 在抗拒这种学霸的同时, 我们也不必要陷入相反的 _ ,坦率地说,身为一个“中医” ,我以为目前的中医面临的最大危机不是外来的, 而是内在的,中医落到今天这个地步,一定程度上可谓是 _。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.邪说境地罪有应得B.异端泥潭咎由自取C.异己泥潭责无旁贷D.异类困境作茧自缚答案:B4在过去六十年中,现代中国的建设走过一条 _道路,经历过无数艰辛、动荡、摇摆与反复,既有山重水复之 _,也有柳暗花明之转机。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.循环往复迷惘B.迂回曲折困惑C.艰难险阻迷惑D.跌宕起伏困难答案:B5至少在中文世界,将儒家传统定性为一种“人

45、文主义” ,已经成为学界的 _ ,而视儒家传统为一种“宗教” ,或者认为儒家传统具有一种宗教性,则清末民初以来一直争论不已,至今 _ 。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.公认 尚无定论B.共鸣 未置可否C.共识莫衷一是D.惯例前途未卜答案:C6.网络公司钱经理说: “我们要把传承中国优秀传统文化当作本职 工作,在游戏开发中坚持。”A喜闻乐见B寓教于乐C德智并举D健康益智 答案:B7.很长一段时间以来,文学 _了,文学家门似乎都已经退隐到 超凡脱俗的文学世界里,或专营文学技术的革新,或致力于自我感情的_,在各种重大场合都很难看到文学的身影。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.消失 装饰B.寂静

46、 掩饰C.沉默 宜激D.沉 寂 雕饰答案:D8诚然,在相当长的一段时间里,对抗或叛逆确实是中国当代诗歌 完成自我 _ 的法则之一,以真实取代虚假,以个人反抗群体,以感激抵制理性,以平面消除深度,中国当代诗歌正是在这种不断地 反叛中实行着某种 _ 。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A。衍变 更新B.蜕变更迭C.嬉变替换D.演 变 置换答案:B9.世界各国的发展经验表面, 只有 才能在激烈的国际竞争中占 有一席之地。( )A奋发图强B励精图治C推陈出新D自主创新答案:D10静一点也好,从柳宗元开始,这里历来寂静,京都太嘈杂了。 面壁十年的九州学子,都曾 _ 过这种嘈杂,结果,满腹经纶被车轮马蹄捣碎

47、,脆亮的吆喝填满了疏朗的胸襟,唯有在这里,文采华 章才从朝报奏褶中抽出,重新 _心灵。并新成反面。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.期待 注入B.迷恋塞入C.奢求灌入D.向往 凝入答案:D11.中国六十年的经济发展历程,是一个在以发达国家为主导的全球资本主义体系当中,如何在农业人口大国的基础上,艰苦地完成工业化的原始积累,进入产业资本扩张阶段,并开始向金融资本阶 段的过程。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.上升B.跨越C.跃进D.跃 升答案:D12.下列各句中没有语病的一句是:( )A进入21世纪,随着经济全球化进程的加快和知识经济的深入发展, 国与国之间的竞争越来越集中到知识和人才方面。

48、B很多人利用长假出游, 怎样才能避免合法权益不受侵害, 有关部门 对此作了相关提示。C科学工作者认为,目前国内具有如此独特的适于华南虎种群自然繁 衍的生态环境,已经不多了。D新华路乒乓球馆是经体育局和民政局批准的专门推广乒乓球运 动的团体。答案:A13.下列各句中没有语病的一句是:( )A这部精彩的电视剧播出时,几乎万人空巷,人们在家里守着荧屏, 街上显得静悄悄的。B五十年来我国取得了一批举世瞩目的科研成果, 这同几代科技工作 者殚精竭虑,忘我工作是分不开的。C今年初海鲜市场燃气降价的烽火, 销售价格甚至低于成本, 这对消 费者来说正好可以火中取栗。D看到他这种滑稽的表情,坐在旁边的一名记者见

49、状不禁噗哧一 声笑起来。答案:B14奥运一百多年的历史始终陷入一种 _ ,一方面它高扬超越民族的人类精神,另一方面参与竞争的基本单位是民族国家,前者表 现为超越功利的尊重和欣赏:后者则是更实在的,不敢怠慢的国家 荣誉和自尊心,金牌多寡成了竞争的 _ 。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.困境准则B.矛盾标志C.争议目的D.悖论核心答案:D15.下列句子中,加下划线的词语使用不恰当的是:( )A离投票的日子越来越近了, 虚虚实实, 真真假假, 凡是有损施瓦辛 格形象的陈芝麻烂谷子都被翻出来了。B还想让你爸爸保你过关吗?老实告诉你吧,他已是泥菩萨过江自身 难保了,谁也救不了你!C.历练幻想D.风雨

50、 梦境C不久前,王刚又杀回马枪,再返某电视台主持节目,舍动物而去找 朋友,又迅速吸引了不少观众的眼球。D就你摊的那些活儿,我三下五除二就可以把它弄清楚, 谁像你,几 天也拿不下来。答案:C16.下列句子中,加下划线的虚词使用正确的一句是:A由于改编者没有很好地理解原作的精髓, 任凭主管分析,加入了许 多不恰当的情节,反而大大减弱了原作的思想性。B晚会上,广播艺术团的演员满腔热情地歌颂了辛勤劳动的环卫工 人,他们的节目无论从创作到演出,都受到观众的称赞。C这个城市交通拥堵的状况日益严重, 许多人认为,采取货车在规定 时间内不准进入城区的措施,未尝不是一个缓解矛盾的方法。D问题的严重性还在于对种种

51、不爱惜人民币的错误做法,以及随意将人民币复制后销售的违法行为,尚未引起社会的广泛关注。答案:C17我无法不老,但我还有可能年轻,我不敢对我们过于庞大的文 化有什么祝祈, 却看完自己笔下的文字能有一种 _ 后的回味、焦灼后的会心,冥思后的放松、苍老后的年轻,当然,希望也只是希 望罢了,何况这实在已是一种 _。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )C.历练幻想D.风雨 梦境A.苦涩奢望B.辛酸奢求答案:A18.在文中划线处填入四句话,与上下文衔接最恰当的一句是:( )要普及法律常识, 增强民主法制观念,使人们懂得公民的权利与 义务,。依法办事依法律己懂得与自己工作和生活相关的法律依法 维护自身的合法权益ABCD答案:D19.根据横线上的内容,依次改换成成语,正确的一组是:( )(1)他爸爸是话剧演员,妈妈是歌唱家,平时常常听到看到,无形 中受到很大影响。所以他爱好舞台艺术。(2)诸葛亮舌战群


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