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1、英美报刊选读unit 10华中科技大学出版社华中科技大学出版社吴潜龙吴潜龙 编著编著保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室英美报刊选读英美报刊选读Unit 10 Energy and EnvironmentThe Preservation Predicament保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室英美报刊选读英美报刊选读保定学院外语系英语教研室 preserve: v. keep or maintain sth in an unchanged or perfect condition 保护,维护保护,维护 preservation: n. action of preser

2、ving 保护;维护;保护;维护;保存;保留;保持保存;保留;保持 eg: the preservation of food, ones health, works of art 食物的保鲜、健康的保持、艺术品的保存食物的保鲜、健康的保持、艺术品的保存 predicament: n. difficult or unpleasant situation, esp one in which sb is uncertain what to do (困难的或为难的)处境,窘境(困难的或为难的)处境,窘境 (尤指不知所措者)(尤指不知所措者) eg: Your refusal puts me in an

3、 awkward predicament.保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室保定学院外语系英语教研室Words and ExpressionsPara.1 conservation: n. prevention of loss, waste, damage, destruction, etc 保存;保护;避免损失、浪费、破坏、损坏等保存;保护;避免损失、浪费、破坏、损坏等 eg: the conservation of forests, water resources, wildlif

4、e, etc biological: adj. of or relating to biology 生物学的;与生物学有关的生物学的;与生物学有关的 biologically: adv. landscape: n. scenery of and area of land 风景,景色;景观风景,景色;景观 confront: v. make sb face or consider sb/ sth unpleasant, difficult, etc 使某人使某人面对或正视令人不快、令人头疼等的人或事物面对或正视令人不快、令人头疼等的人或事物 eg: You must confront your

5、problems. beside the point: irrelevant 离题的;不相干的离题的;不相干的 eg: Your speech is beside the point. The cost is beside the point, what about the quality?保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.2 salmon: 鲑鱼;大马哈鱼鲑鱼;大马哈鱼 inhospitable: adj. 1) unfriendly 不友好的不友好的 2) unfavorable to life or growth 不适宜居住的不适宜居住的 eg: the barren inhospita

6、ble desert inhospitable mountain areas everglade: 湿地;沼泽地湿地;沼泽地 given: prep. taking sth into account 考虑到;鉴于考虑到;鉴于 eg: Given her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her. advisable: adj. worth recommending as a course of action; sensible 可取的;明智的可取的;明智的 eg: Do you think it a

7、dvisable to wait?保定学院外语系英语教研室 barrier: n. thing that prevents or controls progress or movement; hindrance 阻碍进步或控制活动的事物;障碍;妨碍阻碍进步或控制活动的事物;障碍;妨碍 eg: The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between North and Central Africa. costal barrier island: a long narrow sandy island (wider than a reef) running pa

8、rallel to the shore 障壁岛障壁岛 marsh: n. ( area of ) low-lying wet land 沼泽地带;湿地沼泽地带;湿地 eg: miles and miles of marsh migrate: v. move from one place to go to live or work in another 迁居;移居;迁徙迁居;移居;迁徙 eg: These birds migrate to North Africa in winter.保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.4 suite: n. set of sth. 一批;一组一批;一组 eg:

9、a dining-room suite 一套饭厅用的家具一套饭厅用的家具 ecosystem: n. ecological unit consisting of a group of plants and living creatures interacting with each other and with their surroundings 生态系统生态系统 workshop: n. period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, when a group of people share their kn

10、owledge and experience (针对某问题的)研讨与实践,讲习班(针对某问题的)研讨与实践,讲习班 eg: a poetry workshop 诗歌研习会诗歌研习会保定学院外语系英语教研室 species: n. group of animals or plants within a genus differing only in minor details from the others, and able to breed with each other but not with other groups 物种;种类物种;种类 eg: various animal spec

11、ies 各种动物各种动物Para.5 conservationist: n. person who is interested in conservation 关关心环保问题的人;环保人士心环保问题的人;环保人士 identify: v. show, prove, etc who or what sb/ sth is; recognize sb/ sth 确认、证明某人或某物;鉴别出确认、证明某人或某物;鉴别出 eg: Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? peer: v. look closely or carefully, esp a

12、s if unable to see well 仔仔细看(尤指似因看不清)细看(尤指似因看不清) eg: He was very tall and had to stoop slightly to peer into the car. pressing: adj. urgent 紧迫的;迫切的紧迫的;迫切的 eg: a pressing engagement保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.6 turn/ stand sth on its head: reverse the expected order of sth 颠倒某事物预期的秩序颠倒某事物预期的秩序 eg: The president

13、 turned the suggestion on its head. 校长没有同意这个建议校长没有同意这个建议 initiative: n. action taken to resolve a difficulty为解决为解决困难而采取的行动困难而采取的行动 eg: It is hoped that the governments initiative will bring the strike to and end. habitat: n. natural environment of an animal or a plant; home (动物或植物的)自然环境;栖息地(动物或植物的)自

14、然环境;栖息地 eg: This creatures natural habitat is the jungle.保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.7 susceptible: adj. easily influenced or harmed by sth 易受某事物易受某事物影响或损害影响或损害 eg: plants that are not susceptible to disease prioritize: v. to arrange or deal with in order of importance 把把区分优先次序区分优先次序 eg: Simplify your schedule

15、 and prioritize. 简化你的日程表并排好先后顺序。简化你的日程表并排好先后顺序。Para.8 put: v. express or state sth 表达或表述表达或表述 (某事物)(某事物) eg: How shall I put it? 我该怎么说才好呢?我该怎么说才好呢? shift: v. change or move from one position or direction to another (使某人或某物)改变位置或方向(使某人或某物)改变位置或方向 eg: The wind shifted from east to north.保定学院外语系英语教研室Pa

16、ra.9 resilience: n. quality of being springy 弹性;弹力;迅速恢复的能力;适应性弹性;弹力;迅速恢复的能力;适应性 eg: She has shown great resilience to stress. intact: adj. undamaged; complete 无损伤的;无损伤的; 完整的完整的 eg: Keep the scene intact. 保护现场保护现场 superintendent: n. 监管人;主管人;负责人监管人;主管人;负责人Para.10 keep/ hold sb at bay: prevent ( an ene

17、my, pursuers, et) from coming near 不让(敌人、追不让(敌人、追逐者等)逼近逐者等)逼近 eg: Im trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主我竭力躲避债主保定学院外语系英语教研室 panel: n. group of people chosen to take part in a quiz, discussion, etc with an audience与观众或听众一起进行智力竞与观众或听众一起进行智力竞赛、讨论等的一组人赛、讨论等的一组人 eg: a panel of experts 专家小组专家小组Par

18、a.11 mangrove: n. 红树林红树林 glade:林间空地林间空地; 一片表面有草的沼泽低地一片表面有草的沼泽低地 submerge: v. completely cove sb/ sth; overwhelm 完全覆盖某人完全覆盖某人或某物;遮住或某物;遮住 sediment: n. matter carried by water or wind and deposited on the surface of the land 沉积物(如砂、砾石、泥等)沉积物(如砂、砾石、泥等) eg: river sediment 河流泥沙河流泥沙 landform: n. natural f

19、eature of the surface of the earth 地貌地貌保定学院外语系英语教研室 Hurricane Wilma: the most intense hurricane on record in the Atlantic.Para.13 dilemma: n. situation in which one has to choose between two undesirable things or courses of action 进进退两难的窘境;进退维谷的困境退两难的窘境;进退维谷的困境 eg: I am confronted with a dilemmaPara

20、.14 refuge: n. shelter or protection from danger, trouble, pursuit, etc 避难处;庇护所避难处;庇护所 eg: a place of refuge 避难处避难处 vegetation: n. plants in general; those found in a particular environment 植物(总称);草木植物(总称);草木 eg: There is little vegetation in the desert.保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.15 reef: n. ridge of rock, sh

21、ingle, and, etc at or near the surface of the sea 礁;礁脉礁;礁脉 El Nino: Spanish for the Christ Childwas originally used by fishermen to refer to the Pacific Ocean warm currents near the coasts of Peru and Ecuador that appeared periodically around Christmas time and lasted for a few months. Due to those

22、currents, fish were much less abundant than usual. At the present time we use the same name for the large-scale warming of surface waters of the Pacific Ocean every 3-6 years, which usually lasts for 9-12 months, but may continue for up to 18 months, and dramatically affects the weather worldwide 厄尔尼诺现象厄尔尼诺现象保定学院外语系英语教研室Para.16 strain: n. condition of being stretched or pulled tightly; force causing this 拉紧;绷紧;拉力;张力;应拉紧;绷紧;拉力;张力;应变变 eg: calculate the strains and


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