



1、新目标英语九年级综合测试题 一 、 单 项 选 择 (共 30 个 , 30 分 )从 每 小 题A、B、 C、 D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 能 填 入 空 白 处 的 最佳答案。1. In a zoo in Shandong Province, the zoo keepers triedway to help monkey give up smoking.A. the; a B. one; the C. a; the D every; a2. Me've waited for the two singers for two hours. Wi ll they be able to

2、 come here?-I m afraid of them will come today.A. neither B. either C. both D. none3. -Do you know move into our new house?-We will move there as soon as the key to us.A. when we can; is given B. when can we; will be givenC. if we can; is given D. when we can; will be given4. -Here comes the train.

3、Where are our tickets?-Oh, my God! I them at home.A. forgot B missed C lost D. left5. - -John sings well in our school.-Henry, my best friend. He is also popular!A. So does B. Neither does C. So is D. Neither is6. -It s a secret between us. Don t tell anybody else.-Sure, .A. I do B. I don t C. I wil

4、l D. I won t7. -does it takes me from my school to your school?-About five minutes.A. How many B. How far C. How much D. How long8. -I have finished the work.-You are great! But when you it?A. have; finished B. do; finish C. did; finish D. will;finish9. My uncle to see me. Hehere in a minute.A. come

5、s; is going to be B. is coming; will beC. has come; has been D. came; was10. -you good luck in the new year.-The same to you.A. Hope B. Went C. Wish D. Like11. My glasses are broken. I will have to buy .A. a new one B. new ones C. another one D. a new pair12. -Did you and your friends ride your bicy

6、cles to the beach yesterday?-Yeah. we had!A. How a fun B. What fun C. What a fun D. How fun13. She writes as as I.A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. carefuler14. Children like houses painted in different colors.A. which are B. they are C. that is D. what is15. If I you, I the army.A. am; wou

7、ld join B. were; would joinC. am; will join D. were; will join16. I prefer face to face to on the phone.A. talking; talk B. to talk; talkingC. talking; talking D. talk; talk17. -I got up, the bus.-Oh, what an unlucky thing!A. By the time; had left B. At the time; had leftC. In time; had left D. On t

8、ime; has left18. He can hardly swim, ?A. couldn t he? B. can t he C. could he D. can he19. -Mum, I ve got an “ A” in the math exam today!-Great!And you are sure to win a second time because thisis a good .A. start B. report C. result D. skill20. His little son was born a rainy night last year.A. on

9、B. in C. at D. by21. -Excuse me, where is Miss Brown?-She Paris. She will come back next week.A. is going B. went C. has gone to D. has been to22. The man works in a restaurant a waiter.A. 20-year-old; as B. 20-year-old; forC. 20-years-old; for D. 20-year-olds; as23. The number of the students in ou

10、r school than thatof theirs.A. is more B. are less C. are larger D. is smallerto24.If you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, you ll have pay $80.A. another B. other C. each D. more25. I can t buy the dress because I have just money.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few26. Hurry up, Jack. We have t

11、o get to the station before 11:45 _ we can catch the 12:00 train.A. since B. after C. as soon as D. so that27. -How do you know that she likes singing?-I often hear her after class.A. to singing B. sang C. sing D. sings28. -How often do you go back to your hometown?A. Since three weeks ago B. For th

12、ree weeksC. In three weeks D. Every three weeks29. -?-The more, the better.A. How often shall I feed the animals?B. How much is your car worthC. How many Chinese dynasties should we think of, sirD. How long have you been watching English movies30. - Sleep well, Mary?-No. The noise the workers me awa

13、ke for hours.A. madeto keep B. madekept C. madekeep D. was madeto keep 二,完形填空( 共10小 题 , 10分 )读下面短文,然 后从 每小 题 A、B、 C、D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Jimmy was unhappy. Jimmy s parents had just livedapart. They were coming for a _31_ about his poor schoolwork and bad behavior.Jimmy was the only child.

14、He used to be _32_ andwas very good at his schoolwork. How could I tell hisfather and mother about his poor grades?Jimmy s mother entered the room and sat down. Soonhis father arrived. Good! _33_ they came to the meeting. They looked at _34_ without any feeling.When I told them about Jimmy s _35_ an

15、dschoolwork. I tried to use the right words. I wantedto show them what they were doing to their _36_. ButI don t know what to say. Perhaps they should see oneof Jimmy s carelessly done papers.I found a crumpled ( 弄 皱 的 ) English paper in his desk.Some words were _37_ on both sides of the paper. Butt

16、here was only one _38_. I gave it to Jimmy s mother.She read it and then, without a word, handed it to herhusband. He frowned ( 皱 眉 ) . He was _39_.Then he folded the paper carefully, placed it in hispocket, and reached for his wife s hand. She wiped the_40_ from her eyes and smiled up at him. My ey

17、es werealso full of tears. He helped her with her coat and they left together.The words on the paper were, Dear Mom Dear DaddyI love you I love you.( )31. A. look B. talk C. test D. interview( )32. A. tall B. young C. happy D. lovely( )33. A. At least B. At first C. At last D. At once( )34. A. the r

18、oom B. the ground C. me D. each other ( )35. A. name B. look C. behavior D. questions()36. A. teacher B. son C. daughter D. family ()37. A. found B. shown C. heard D. spoken()38. A. sentence B. word C. voice D. piece()39. A. saying B. reading C. thinking D. asking()40. A. them B. tears c. words D. l

19、ights三,补全对话(共5小题,5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。John: Jim, what do you usually like to do after school?Jim:41.John: What else do you like doing?Jim:42. What about you?43?John: I like swimming, playing football, singing and so on.Jim: What do you like doing best?John:44.Jim: I think it ' s a waste o

20、f time to hang out.John:45. I think it ' s the best way to relax.Jim: Maybe you ' re right.A. I like to watch TV at home.B. Nothing else.C. I don ' t agree with you.D. I agree with you.E. Hanging out with my friends.F. What do you like doing?G. I don ' t like reading books.ABFEC四,阅读理

21、解(15分)阅读下列短文,从每小题A,B,C,D中选出一个能回答所提问 题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AWhat do you think of a forest, what do you see? Just tree s? Or do you see many other things, such as singing birds, co lorful plants and wild flowers?The forest is a whole of its own. It is full of many differen t living things. But even though the

22、y are all different, they hav e one thing in common: they all need each other in order to live on.The trees feed the forest“ People by making food in theirleaves; by using sunlight to join water and minerals from t he soil and air. Their deep network ofroots joins the soil together and stops it from

23、 dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it.Human beings are like the living things in the forest. We n eed one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our shops and clerks (售票员)to sell it to us. We need people to p

24、repare our food and cook it and others to take our waste thi ngs away. Then, of course, we need doctors, nurses, govern ment leaders, mailmen, telephone operators, and many others.We also need other human beings in another way. We nee d people for friendship, to talk over our problems, exchange id e

25、as. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be if you lived all alone.Life is a matter of giving and taking. We need to help oth er people as much as we need other people to help us. Think what a good feeling you have when you have done somet hing for someone else. You know, being a volunteer is so g

26、reat!( )46. According to the text, colorful plants and flowers li ve on .A. the leaves of the trees B. water and mineralsC. the soil and airD. all of the above( )47. It is the that make it possible for living things to live in the forest.A. treesB. birdsC. plantsD. farmers( )48. According to the wri

27、ter, human beings are the forest “ people ”.A. different from B. likeC. dislike D. unhappy with( )49. The writer mainly wants to tell us .A. we need people for friendshipB. we need one another in order to liveC. the forest is a whole world of its ownD. the forest is full of different living things(

28、)50. Which one is the relationship (关系) between a forest and your life?A. We are trees in the forestsB. We like the living things in the forestC. We need farmers to grow our food in the forestD. We are the same as the forest: We need each other to live onBAn Englishman was showing a foreign visitor

29、around Londo n. “ What thsat strange building? a”sked the visitor. “ That s the Tower of London. ”“ Isee. How long did it take to build i t? ” “ Aabout 500 years. ”“ Inmy country we can build it infive months, ” said the visitor. Shortly after that they came toSt. Paul Csathedral. “ Veryinteresting!

30、sai” d the visitor. “ Howlong did it take to build it? ” Nearly fortyyears. ”said the Englishman. “ Inmy country we can finish it in forty days at mos t, ” said the visitor. This went on all day. They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they sa w a new one, the visitor a

31、sked what it was and how long it t ook to build it. Then he said that they could do the same thin g much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. Several days l ater they came to the House of Parliament (会议) and the visitor asked his us

32、ual question, “ Whatis that? The Englishmananswered, “ Itwasn tthere last night. ”E. )51. The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around one day.A. the Tower of LondonB. St. Paul CsathedralF. some famous buildings in the city D. the whole city of LondonG. )52. The visitor said that in this country

33、 it would take t hem to build the Tower of London.A. less than half a year B. forty daysC. five hundred years D. fifty days( )53. It took them a few days to see .A. some of the best known buildings in EnglandB. several best know places in England.C. many famous houses in the city of London.D. most o

34、f the best known buildings in LondonE. )54. The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, but he .A. didn wtant to say anything B. tried to show it to the visitorC. had no time to tell the visitor D. tried not to show it to the visitor( )55 . The Englishman ansswer to the question of the las

35、t place showed .A. he was sorry that he hadn steen the building beforeB. he could say nothing because he didn knt ow anything a bout itC. he was angry and didn wtant to tell the visitor its nam eD. he didn knt ow how to tell visitor the name of the build ing46-50 DABBD 51-55 CADDCWe are all called u

36、pon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don t do a very good joba. rTtihcilse gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech.So, you have to give a speech-a- nd you re terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long

37、, and you bore your audience. Later you thnik, “ Thank goodness, it s over. I m just no good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again. ”Cheer up! It doesn t have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.

38、 What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts

39、, and graphs if they will help you make your pointsmore clearly. Never forget your audience. Don t talk over their heads, andon t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasi

40、on. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to -person contact with your audience.If you follow these simple steps, youll see that you dont hare notafraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so

41、enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.56. The main idea of this article is .A. you can improve your speaking abilityB. a poor speaker can never changeC. always make a short speechD. it is hard to make a speech57. Paragraph 2 implies

42、 that .A. many people are afraid of giving a speechB. many people are happy to give a speechC. many people do not prepare for a speechD. many people talk too long58. The phrase “ talk over their heads ” means _A. speak too loudlyB. look at the ceilingC. look down upon themD. use words and ideas that

43、 are too difficult59. All of the following statements are true except that A. few people know how to make good speechesB. a lecturer does not need to organize his speechC. research is important in preparing a speechD. there are simple steps you can take to improve your speaking ability60. The title

44、for this passage may be .A. Do Not Make a Long SpeechB. How to Give a Good SpeechC. How to Prepare for a SpeechD. Try to Enjoy a Speech5 , 拼 写 单 词 , 根 据 短 文 意 思 和 所 给 首 字 母 写 出 单 词 。( 10 个 小 题 ,共 10分 )Recently, many English teacher from all over China cametogether. They discussed (1) hto use newspap

45、ers to teachEnglish. Wu Ping, a university professor, said that her university has (2) ba course on newspaper reading forfreshman English majors. They use English newspapers to (3)t. It is said that the (4) senjoy the course.“They saynewspapers help them learn English, and also tell them the latest

46、news (5) athe world, ” he said.Outside the classroom, English newspapers are thought bymany people to be (6) o_ of the most important and effective ways to learn English. One of the professors believes that newspapers are better (7) t_ other teaching materials in fourways. First the stories are (8)

47、iand can get the students toread on. (9) S, the language is modern and up-to-date.Newspapers cover lots of topics like sports, culture, (10) eand so on. And last but not least, the language is very practical, and can be used in our daily life.6 , 动 词 填 空 ( 10分 )根 据 短 文 大 意 ,写 出 所 给 动 词 的 适 当 形 式 (共

48、10个 空 )Oxfam Trailwalker (1) (be) one of Hong Kong sbiggest fund-raising( 筹 款 ) events since 1981. It (2) (know) as Trailwalker before. It is organized by Oxfam Kong (3) (raise) money for helping poor people in HongKong and other parts of Asia and Africa. Trailwalker is held in November every year .

49、 People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four people and (4) (join) thiswalk.Oxfam Trailwalker is a hard hike because you have to finish (5) (walk) 100 kilometers in 48 hours. It (6) (mean) you may have to walk two days and nights without sleep. The trailwalkers have to walk through

50、 eight country parks and over twenty hills and mountains.It is an excellent chance for people (7)(learn) team spirit. All the team members must plan everything together before the event. They need to walk together to finish the hike because only the team 's (8)(finish) time will be recorded. It

51、is necessary for them to support and help each other both before and during the event.You should plan what you (9)(carry) everything with you, so it is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks. Warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable and to support developmen

52、t projects.Why not try your best to help people in need? This (10) (be) an experience you will never forget.七,改写句子(共10个空,5分)按要求改写下面句子。1 I used to read newspaper after supper.( 改为 般疑 问句) you to read newspaper after supper?2 The baby weighs 12 pounds. (就划线部分提问) does the baby weigh?3 She is such a beau

53、tiful girl. (改为同义句) the girl is!4 The island is so interesting that everybody likes to go.The island is for everyone to go. (改为同 义句)5 The boy is thinking about what he is going to do next week. 改为同义句)The boy is thinking about do next week.八 ,完成句子(共10个空,5分)1 在回家得路上,我偶然遇上了好朋友 。On my way home, I met my

54、 good friend .2 建立和谐社会,人人有责。It s everyonesto a societyin perfect hamony.3 周先生无论什么时候睡觉,总也睡不够。Mr. Zhou doesn t get _ sleep he goes to bed.4 当他听到那个人令人伤心的消息忍不住哭了 。He help when he heard the sad news.5 相信我!我不会让你失望的。Believe me! I let you .九,任务型阅读,阅读短文,按要求完成 各 题 。( 5 个 小 题 ,5 分 )Can plants eat people? Proba

55、bly not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap.The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages ofa book. (A) They can open a

56、nd close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If an insect touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The insect cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses(挤压)the insectuntil it is dead. Then, the plant covers the insect with a special liquid(液体).Slowly, the plant eats the insect.(B) Plants are living things that have lea


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