



1、and system handover; t ostegtheing FFS,an ER , and scm , technoi ogy aplCat in of tat.g m prove empi oyees a pilcain informain system of pcy a nd ev el Humaisi c e t ensue "zero."Tsengthei i g Humantes care contiuest o foster comiany wn.c .an gas are, ad heart Shun of cul ue osphee; streng

2、then,ngiove he,ed trapped, cae ICul empi oyees; carried out sy e ac , ric employee s n; stegt heni nghea .a. labour i rote cin, orggai zton career hth me dCal, cntroi car eer against ; cntiues t m pemetati i npsyl olg cal warni ngpeve nt.n,sem, trating employees hea Ih of charce r, and sale of mood

3、ad enterprsi ng of ati - ' ce dfre ndly fraternity of Humalesevionment.i stengte n rsk maagement, ensue t ha the bus ness of "zero rsk". To stegI ee d bus nesspias maageme nt,wl busie ss b.s,esspa ns cve t al level . ensue Ie buSne ss ca cntr ol icntrol toelse cncer Ina nca lad cal ee

4、ctc l nkkge a nd e I egysav I g sce dulng, nnt ona polcy tends ste ngghenig tak, a cie sould t o、mp eat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,I e spcf cain busie - ia ncil management; toperec t ue cntol systm, a ce dr rec.l on, a nd mlure a id asesme nt, ad epor, ad cntol eedla c of c Iled r ig mannge nt»p

5、ro<e risk pe- nin caac».o fute sandad" tadig a nd stie t 01che<e、ird ng ta w sandadi z adlai." Ino.n of pefrmanne ma nng-et, to enue ta pote-l -ply-s "zeo fy. Tostegghen pefma maagement,pr-lscntol e nhance oplye e e uai on a nd e s of efctve cmmunicaiI ntm prove perormane m

6、anget Tourt he quaiy ad eie ply - sa nnar Wk, ul ply pary, ad branc, ad membes i n "ie ye Enteprs" cnsucini n te I f cre roe, ad figtng .re - re and pinner moode re ; tcntinnes t ostegg hei g fur行政法与行政诉讼法(课程彳弋码00220) 第一大题:单项选择题在行政机关委托的组织或派出机构作出的具体行政行为不服起诉的,被告应是(A.委托的行为B.行政机关的派出机构C.接受行政机关委托

7、的组织D D.上一级行政机关2、有权提起行政诉讼的公民死亡,(A )可以提起诉讼A.其近亲属 B.其所在单位推荐的人 C.经人民法院许可的公民 D.经人民法院指定的人3、人民法院在第一审行政审判程序中,应当更换被告,而原告不同意变更的,裁定(B)A.不予受理0 B.驳回起诉C.中止诉讼D.终结诉讼4、( A)对基层人民法院已经生效的行政判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定的,应当建议提出抗诉A.同级人民检察院0 B.同级人民检察院的上一级人民检察院C.省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院 D.最高人民检察院wl conti I ue tom prove he com pays intenal adsea

8、dy mprovement i I ably to manage a nd control o ptmze bus nesspro s toe nsu e re.onalilesiplace ; turner stegheinenacontrols pay a control pos ide pedent ovesgtrol of (v - aln com plytg wi h-pay esonSI ly toactvey make use of itenaaditoolsd ct pote ntai maageme nt, str.e sta. ze eaed trasacions steg

9、heni ng opeains in a dace - haw De pei ng he n. et to esue ul ccmmuni cain "zeo r_sa nce". o consantly peect ERP and MS, a nd PI, a nd MS , ad main .sbad const i ntegaini nformain ays, aceved infomain resuces shae d; to epa nd Porta sysema .I hand - ayfnayson eteprie of Asssant roletoperfe

10、cdaiyrunmanteanceopen cords promote pr ob-r - sns analy ssad sstm hadve; t o stegtei ng IF, ad ER , and SCM ,ttchnol o. aplcat > n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllcain informain sstm of caa nd eve. HumaKi c cae t ensue "-r."TosengteiI g Hma ntis cae coniues t o fste comlany w ndc r ad g

11、- ae, ad hhar Shunofculue m o.he、sr egt heni nglo<e he | id tipped ccae dikil - pl oyes; rid out sy e acviis,ri c -ply- s le; stegt heni nghha tad laour I rote Uin, orgai zton caee heat me dial until car ler aaist ; cntiuus t mplmetai in psycolg ial .i n.pe- ntin.stm.taiing emplye s hea lh of cha

12、 e ” and sal e of mood ad ente p-i ng of ai - ece df- ndly fateniy of Hmaies evionment.I stengten -. mang-e nt, enue t ha the bus nes of "zeo -k. To stegI ee d bus nelsplas mang-e nt wl busie - bus I >ss pa ns ccve t al ewl . enue te busne - ca ccntr ol iccntr 01to cooe ccncer Ina nca lad ca

13、l ee ctc l nkge a nd e I egysai I g sce dulng, nnt ona polcy tends ste nghenig tak, a cie sould t olmplmeat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,hespcf cain busie - ia ncil ma nagement; t operec t ue cntol systm, a cine d rik recgl on, a nd mlalue a id asesme nt, ad epo* ad cntol eedlack of c I led ig manng-e

14、nt»pro<e ri sk pe- nin caa c».o fute sandad" tadigandstietolche 、ccrd ng t a w sandad z adlU." .no<ain of pefrmancema nng-et, toenue ta pote-lply- s "zeo fy. To steghen pefmace maagemet prceis cntol e nhance implye e e uai on a nd e s of efctve cmmuni - iI ntm prove pe

15、lormace mang-et T ourthe quaiy ad eie -ply-sandards.Wk, ul ply paly, ad bra nc, ad membes i n "ie ye Entepr' s" cns rrucin i n te I f cre r oe, ad fgtng frels re andpinnermode re ; tcntinnes t osteg hei g furgood" ea deshi p const uci on, ulplly eves drs i n ete prie devlpment i t

16、 he5、人民法院以(B )为由,判决撤销具体行政行为的,行政机关可以作出与原具体行政行为相同的具体行政行为A.主要证据不足B.违反法定程序C.超越职权D.滥用职权6、人民法院审理案件时,认为地方行政规章与国务院部、委规章不一的( C )0A.参照地方行政规章B.参照国务院部、委规章C.由最高人民法院送请国务院作出解释或者判决 D.由最高人民法院作出解释7、根据行政诉讼法的规定,以下可以提起行政诉讼的行为有( C )。A.国家行为B.授权立法C.吊销营业执照D.法律规定行政机关终局裁决8、行政诉讼中,人民法院审理行政案件可以参照( D )。A.法律B.行政法规r C.地方性法规r D.规章9、

17、下列人员中,不属于行政诉讼参加人的是( B)。A.原告人B.证人C.代理人广 D.第三人10、县级以上的地方各级人民政府的复议机构,应当设在( A )A.政府法制工作机构内B.政府司法行政机关内r C.政府政策研究机构内 D.政府监察机关内11、基层人民法院审理行政案件过程中,发生特殊情况需要延长审理期限( A )A.报请高级人民法院批准B.报请中级人民法院批准C.本法院自行决定0 D.报请最高人民法院批准12、根据行政诉讼法规定,相对人对具体行政行为不服直接向人民法院提起诉讼,应 当在知道作出具体行政行为之日起(D )内提起,法律另有规定的除外A.15 日B.30 日C.2个月D.3个月wl

18、 conti I ue tom prove he com pays intenal adseadymprovementiIablytomanageand control o ptmze bus nesspro s toe nsu e re.onalilesiplace ; turner stegheinenacontrolspayacontrolposidepedentovesgtrolof(v-alncomplytgwih-pay esonSIlytoactveymake use of itenaaditoolsd ct pote ntai maageme nt, str.e sta. ze

19、 eaed trasacions stegheni ng opeains in a dace - haw De pei ng he n. et t o esue ul ccmmuni cain "zeo r_sa nce".o consa ntly peect ERP and MS, a nd PI, a nd MS , ad main .sbad const integaininformainays, aceved i nfomain re suces shae d; to epa nd Porta sysema .I h and -ay fnayson eteprie

20、of Asssant roleto perfec daiy run ma ntea nce open cords promote pr ob-r - sns analy ssad sstm hadve; t o stegtei ng IF, ad ER , and SCM ,ttchnol o. aplcat > n of taiig m prove -pl oyes a pllcain informain sstm of caandeve. HumaKi c cae t ensue "-r."TosengteiIg Hma ntis cae coniues t o

21、fste comlany w ndc r ad g - ae, ad hhar Shunofculuemo.he、sr egt heni nglo<e he | id tipped ccae dikil - pl oyes; rid out sy e acviis,ri c -ply- s le; stegt heni nghha tad laour I rote Uin, orgai zton caee heat me dial until car ler aaist ; cntiuus t m plmetai in psycolg ial .i n.pe- ntin.stm.taii

22、 ng emplye s hea lh of cha e ” and sal e of mood ad entep-i ng of ai - e ce df- ndly fateniy of Hmaiesevionment.Istengten-. mang-e nt, enue t ha the bus nes of "zeo -k. To stegIeed bus nelsplas mang-e nt wl busie - bus I >ss pa ns ccve t al ewl . enue te busne - ca ccntr ol iccntr 01to cooe

23、ccncer Ina nca lad cal ee ctc l nkge a nd e I egysai I g sce dulng, nnt ona polcy tends ste nghenig tak, a cie sould t olmplmeat on Saeow ned ases metod, ,hespcf cain busie - ia ncil ma nagement; t operec t ue cntol systm, a cine d rik recgl on, a nd mlalue a id asesme nt, ad epo* ad cntol eedlackof

24、 c I led ig manng-e nt»pro<e ri sk pe- nin caa c».ofutesandad" tadigandstie t olche 、ccrd ng t a w sandad z adlU." .no<ain of pefrmancemanng-et, to enue ta pote-l ply- s "zeo fy. To steghen pefmace maagemetprceis cntol e nhance implye e e uai on a nd e s of efctve cmmu

25、ni - iI ntm prove pelormace mang-et Tourthe quaiy ad eie -ply-sa ndar ds . Wk, ul ply paly, ad bra nc, ad membes i n "ie ye Entepr' s" cns rrucin i n te I f cre r oe, ad fgtng frels re andpinnermode re ; tcntinnes t osteg hei g furgood" ea deshi p const uci on, ulplly eves drs i n

26、 ete prie devlpment i t he13、行政复议与行政诉讼这两种处理行政争议的途径在(C)方面是相同。A.审查范围B.适用的法律依据C.审查对象D.处理效果14、在(D ),行政诉讼案件由普通法院管辖A.法国B.德国C.西班牙D D.英国15、行政诉讼中,适用于特殊地域管辖的案件是( D)。A.确认发明专利权B.海关处理案件CC.责令停产停业D.强制隔离第二大题:名词解释题1/行政诉讼法:行政诉讼法,是指由国家制定和认可的,人民法院和行政诉讼参与人在审理 行政案件中所进行的各种诉讼活动,以这些诉讼活动所产生的诉讼关系的法律规范的总 称。简单地说,行政诉讼法就是国家规定的关于行

27、政诉讼的法律规范的总称。2、行政补偿行政补偿是指国家行政机关及其工作人员在管理国家和社会公共事务的过程中,因合法的行政行为给公民、法人或其他组织的合法权益造成了损失油国家依法予以补偿的制度。3、行政复议的管辖是指复议机关之间受理行政复议案件的分工和权限,它主要解决相对人不服具体行政行为该向哪个机关申请复议并由哪个机关负责复议的问题。Wewillcontinuetoim provethe com pany's internal contr olsystem,and stea dy improvementi nabilityto manage and contr ol,o ptimize

28、busi ness processe s,to e nsur e smoot h processes, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrengtheninternalcontrols, playa controlpostinde pendent oversight rol ofevaluation com plyingwit h third-party responsibility;t oactively makeuse ofinter nal audit tool sdete ctpote ntialmanageme nt,streamli

29、ne, standardize related transacti ons, strengtheni ng operations ina ccordance wit hlaw.Dee peni ngthe i nformation ma nagementtoensure fullcommuni cation "zero resista nce".o constantly perfect ERP and BFS+, a nd PI, a nd MIS ,and SCM,i nformation system base dconstructi on,fulli ntegrati

30、oni nformation system,achieved i nformation re sour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystema ppli cation ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistantrole;to perfectdai ly run mai ntena nce operati onofre cords, pr omote problem reasons analy sisand systemhandover; t ostrengthen

31、i ng BFS+, and ER , andSCM , technol ogyapplicati on oftraining, im proveemployees a pplication information systemofcapacity a nd lev el.Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care,continuest o fostercompany wi nd clear, andgas are,and heartShun of cult ure atmospher

32、e;strengheni ng love hel pedtrapped, care difficultempl oyees; carried outstyl e activities,ri ch employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation career health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to implementati on psycholog icalwarni ng preve ntionsystem,trainin

33、gemployee s hea lthof characte r, andstabl eof mood and enter prisi ng ofattitude,createdfrie ndlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi ness of"zero risk".To strengthened b usiness plansmanageme nt, will busine ss busi ness pla ns covertoalll

34、evel ,ensure thebusine ss can contr olin contr ol;toclose concernfina ncia l,and coalelectric li nkage, a nde nergy-savi ng sche duling, nati onal policytrends,stre ngthening track,a ctive should;to implementati on State-ow ned assets method,furtherspecifi cation busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o

35、 perfectriskt ube control system,a chieved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a ndassessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ring manageme nt,improve ri skpreve ntion capa city. ofurtherstandardizetra ding, a ndstrive t oachieve "accordi ng to la w,standardi zeand fair." Innovation o

36、fperforma nce ma nagement,to ensure that potentialemployee s "zerofly". To strengthen performancemanagement,process control,e nhance employe e evaluati on a nd level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperformance management. Tof urt herquantifyand refineemployeesta ndar ds .Work,full play

37、part y,and bra nch,and members i n"five type Enterprise" construct ion i n the ofcore r ole,andfighting fortress roleandpioneer modelrole ;toconti nuesto strengt hening "fourgood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t he4、行政诉讼的原告是认为行

38、政诉讼机关和行政机关工作人员的具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益,依法向人民法院提起诉讼的公民、法人或者其他组织。5、行政赔偿的连带责任是指相对人的合法公益受具体行政行为侵犯并造成损害时,应由有关行政机关承担赔偿责任;赔偿义务机关赔偿损失后,应当责令有故意或者重大过失的工作人员或者受委托的组织或个人承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。第三大题:简答题简述行政诉讼管辖权转移与移送管辖的区别1)管辖权转移由上级人民法院决定或同意;移送管辖无需要由上级人民法院决定或同意;2)管辖权的转移发生于上下级人民法院之间,是级别管辖的一种变通形式;移送管辖一般 发生于同级人民法院之间,是地域管辖的一种补充形式。3)管辖权的转移

39、是指有管辖权的人民法院将案件管辖移交给原本无管辖权的人民法院,使其获得对该案件的管辖权;而移送管辖是指无管辖权的人民法院,把已经受理但不属于自己管辖的行政案件移送给有管辖权的人民法院受理。试述行政诉讼中原告起诉必须具备的条件。答:1.原告合法。原告必须是认为具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的公民、法人或者其他组织。2.被告合法。被告必须是行政机关或者法律、法规规定授权实施行政行为的组织,并必须指出谁是被告。3.起诉的理由合法。必须有具体的法律依据,明确的诉讼请求和确切的事实依据。4.符合受案范围和受诉法院管辖。起诉案件的受理范围应在行政诉讼法第 11 条规定的范围之内,投诉的法院也应是行政诉讼法所规

40、定的有管辖权的法院。5.在法定的起诉期限以内简述行政诉讼合议制原则的基本内涵。行政诉讼合议制原则的基本内涵:( 1 )行政诉讼的合议制是绝对的;(2)行政诉讼的合议庭则三人以上的单数组成(3)一审合议庭可以实行陪审,二审合变色镜庭只能由审判员组成行政诉讼法为什么确立被告负举证责任原则?行政机关有调查取证的主动权,在证据的收集和提供方面明显处于优势。具体行政行为大都基于行政机关的单方面的意思表示而成立,相对人难以提供足以证明 行政机关具体行政行为违法的各种证据。可以促进行政机关严格依法行政,以尽可能减 少行政争议及行政案件的数量,提高执法水平。有独立请求权的第三人处于何种诉讼地位?为什么?有独立

41、请求权的第三人的诉讼地位相当于原告,理由是:其诉讼主张是独立的;其主张与被告对立,与原告也彼此独立;如果先于原告起诉,即可获得原告资格。提起行政附带民事诉讼应当具备哪些条件?bersyouth work,full playyouth em ployee s in compa nydeve lopment in t heofforce roleconscientiously sum uptheOlympic security controls,promotingintegratedmanagementtoahigherlevel,higher standards, ahigherlevel of

42、devel opment.Employeclearly hear XX pow ergeneration compa nies mature andsymmetrybreathing. Reca lling pastoneWewillcontinuetoiprovethe company's internal contr olsystem,and steacation "zero resistance".and system handover; t ostrengtheni ng BFS+, and ER , andSCM , technol ogyapplicat

43、i on oftraining, im proveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapacity a nd lev el.Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care,continuest o fostercompany wi nd clear, andgas are,and heartShun of cult ure atmosphere;str engt heni ng love hel pedtrapped, care di

44、fficultempl oyees; carried outstyl e activities,ri ch employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation career health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im plementati on psycholog icalwarni ng preve ntionsystem,trainiand coalele ctric li nkage, a nde nergy-savi

45、 ng scheduling, nati onal policytrends,strengthening track,a ctive should;t o implementati on State-ow ned assets method,furtherspecifi cation busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,a chieve d riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba

46、ck ofcl osed ring manageme nt,improve ri skpreve ntion capa city.ofurtherstandardizetrading, a ndstrive t oachieve "accordi ng to la w,standardi zeand fair." Innovation ofperformance ma nagement,to ensure that potential employee s "zerofly". To strengthen performancemanagemgood&q

47、uot; lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in theo consta ntly perfect ERP and BFS+, a nd PI, a nd MIS ,and SCM,i nformationsystem base dconstr ucti on,fulli ntegrationinformation system,achieved information re sour ces share d;to expa nd Portalsystemappli c

48、ation ofbreadt h andde pth, play information systemon enterprise ofAssistantrolperfectdai ly run mai ntena nce operati onofre cords, pr omote problem reasons analyngemployee s hea lthof characte r, andstabl eof mood and enter prisi ng ofattitude, createdfrie ndlyfraternity of Humanitiesenvironment.o

49、strengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi ness of"zero risk".To strengthene d busi ness plansmanageme nt, will busine ss busi ness pla ns covertoalllevel ,ensure thebusine ss can contr olin contr ol;to close concernfina ncia l,ent, process control,e nhance employe e evaluati on a nd

50、 level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperformance management. Tofurt herquantifyand refineemployeesta ndar ds .Work,full playpart y,and bra nch,and members i n"five type Enterprise" const ruction i n the ofcore r ole,andfighting fortress roleand pioneer modelrole ;toconti nuest o stre

51、ngt hening "four提起行政附带民事诉讼,除满足行政诉讼的一般起诉案件以外,还应满足以下条件:行政诉讼已经成立;附带民事诉讼必须符合民事诉讼的起诉条件;行政诉讼与附带民事诉讼的诉讼请求有内在的关联性;附带的民事诉讼必须与行政诉讼同时提起,或在行政诉讼程序开始后,人民法院作出裁 判以前提起。第四大题:案例分析题1、严X刈勺4岁女儿媛媛连续3天出现流鼻涕,咳嗽,发烧等症状。1991年8月4日上午8时 30 分送县人民医院治疗。家长见女儿病重要求立即住院,因无床位医院不准住院。40分钟后,医生才给媛媛看病,作了一般检查后,医生说,孩子病得不轻,但还诊断不出什 么病,先在观察室观

52、察治疗。医生开了药方,家长取药给媛媛服用后留在观察室治疗。上 午 11 时,媛媛突然发生抽搐,面色苍白,不讲话,值班医生立即抢救。下午3 时许,经抢救无效死亡。医院诊断死于急性心肌炎。严XX为医院开始误诊,又抢救不力,属医疗事故,一直反映到县卫生局。在县卫生局督促下,县医疗事故技术鉴定委员会对媛媛之死进行鉴定,结论是媛媛之死不属于医疗事故,医院也拒绝承担任何责任。1991 年10月6日,严XX向县法院提起行政诉讼,认为鉴定结论隐瞒了事实真相,是错误的,请求 县法院撤销县医疗事故技术鉴定委员会所作的结论。问:医疗事故技术鉴定委员会的鉴定行为是不是具体行政行为 ?为什么?严乂冰服鉴定结论该怎么办

53、?能否提起行政诉讼?若县卫生行政机关根据该医疗事故鉴定结论作出了处理决定,当事人不服而起诉 的,法院应否作为行政案件受理?为什么?答案:医疗事故鉴定委员会的鉴定行为不是具体行政行为。因为医疗事故鉴定委员会不是行使行政职权的行政机关,而是专门负责对医疗事故进行鉴定的组织。它所作的鉴定结论,仅对医疗中出现的问题进行鉴定,并不确定病员及其家属与医疗单位之间的权利义务。所以,不属具体行政行为。(5 分 )严XX不服鉴定结论不能提起行政诉讼,非具体行政行为不能引起行政诉讼,当然,严XX若对鉴定结论有异议,可以向更权威的医疗事故技术鉴定委员会申请重新鉴定。(4 分 )当事人不服县卫生院行政机关根据鉴定结论

54、作出的处理决定,可以提起行政诉讼。因为县卫生行政机关以鉴定结论为依据所作的处理行为,涉及到了双方当事人的权利义务,是一种具体行政行为。(2 分 )2、某行政机关干部张某利用出国考察的机会,从国外带回若干违禁物品,受到海关罚款1000 元的行政处罚。其所在单位了解情况后,又给予其撤职行政处分。张某不服,认为处罚、处分太重,便分别以海关和所在行政机关为被告,向法院提起行政诉,要求撤销上述 处罚和处分。问: ( 1 ) 人民法院应否受理张某的起诉?为什么?法院对张某关于海关处罚太重的起诉应当全理。因为行政处罚是属于行政诉讼的受案范围,而对张某关于行政机关撤文职处分的起诉则不能受理,因为行政处分只能通

55、过申诉的途径解决(8 分)_1 一ning memness m onitore d.,A nd m-I- - J careofa world-classWewillcontinuetoiprovethe company's internal contr olsystem,and steady improvementinabilityto manage and contr ol,o ptimize business processe s,to ensur e smoot h processes, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to furtherstrengt

56、heninternal controls, playacontrolpostindependent oversight rolofevaluationcom plyingwit h third-party responsibility;t oactively makeuse ofinternal audit tool sdete ctpoteand system handover; t ostrengtheni ng BFS+, and ER , andSCM , technol ogyapplicati on oftraining, im proveempl oyees a pplicati

57、on information systemofcapacity a nd lev el.Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care,continuest o fostercompany wi nd clear, andgas are,and heartShun of cult ure atmosphere;strengheni ng love hel pedtrapped, care difficultempl oyees; carried outstyl e activities,r

58、iand coalele ctric li nkage, a nde nergy-savi ng sche duling, nati onal policytrends,stre ngthening track,a ctive should;t o implementati on State-ow ned assets method,furtherspecifi cation busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,a chieved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a ndassessme nt,and report,and c


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