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1、Test1口语Part1What games are popular in your country? Why?你们国家流行什么游戏?(为什么?)名师点题剑9口语 “游戏”话题是近期考试的热点话题。它在已有的题库中多出现在Part I,而近期的雅思口语考试多将其放在Part 2,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏(A game you played a lot in childhood)等。对于这个话题,回答思路既可“天女散花”,即列举在一个国家内受不同群体欢迎的游戏,亦可“孤注一掷”,即将答案具体化,将回答的重点落实到具体的某项游戏上,再给以适当的细节描述。 高分示例

2、1It varies. For our young generation, there is only one name for games that we are crazy about, which is the computer games, either single-user version or concurrent version. For the eider generation, like my grandpa, they have a lot of folk games to play, such as shuttlecock, diabolo and jumping ro

3、pe. As for the reason why such kind of situation appears, personally I think it has much to do with the changes of times and technology. 高分示例2I would say the most popular game is Plants Vs. Zombies. When it comes to the reason of popularity, I would like to summarize the following two points: f

4、irstly, this game is easy to learn; secondly, through conquering the zombies in the game, people can obtain a sense of satisfaction, which is urgently needed to push people forward. 高分示例3Based on my own experience and observation from the peers around, I have to admit that computer games are en

5、joying an increasing popularity. Various kinds of computer games crop into people's attention, adventure games, role-playing games and racing games so on and so forth. Why people are fascinated with those games? I think they just want to find a way to relieve the pressure brought by study or wor

6、k. 亮点表达be crazy about对痴迷concurrent version网络版adventure games冒险类游戏racing games竞技类游戏single-user version单机版Plant Vs. Zombies植物大战僵尸role-playing games角色扮演类游戏 Do you play any games?Why/Why not?你玩儿游戏吗?(为什么?) 名师点题剑9口语对于此类问题,开门见山是最好不过的选择。首先给出你是否玩儿游戏的回复以及喜欢的游戏种类。基本一至两句话就可以,其次要在描述喜欢的原因上下功夫,你可以从游

7、戏给身心带来的益处方面展开。 高分示例1Before I give you my answer, I have to remind you that I'm a super game player. Of course I play games and played a great number of diversified ones. When I moved on the dancing blanket, I enjoyed the feeling of dancing to the music; When 1 played the Megga Jump, I could

8、n't help overcoming all the obstacles to win success. All these games not only help me relax but also benefit me with the ambition to succeed. 高分示例2Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to play games, since I have to prepare for my prospective oversea study. I'm busy with partici

9、pating different examinations and applying for passport and so on. If I had sufficient time, I would like to take a try. 高分示例3I play games but in moderation. I just see them as an adjustment method in that they can shift my attention from the endless and boring work for a while. By playing game

10、s, I can work more efficiently. 亮点表达super game player游戏超级玩家unfortunately adv.很不幸的是overcome all the obstacles克服重重困难prepare for为做准备be busy with doing sth. 忙于做某事Flow do people learn to play games in your country?在你们国家,人们是怎样学会玩儿游戏的? 名师点题剑9口语这是一个比较开放的问题,考生可以从不同的角度提供答案,但要牢记一点,学习途径和方法主要取决于游戏项目的特点

11、,因此,在给出考官答案之前,考生最好在脑海里像放电影一样地思考一下你要讲的游戏都有哪些不同的特点。 高分示例1Traditional games were quite simple and easy to learn. With the development of society, one huge difference nowadays is that we are obsessed with high-tech computer games. Referring to how to learn it, it's pretty convenient to find bre

12、akthrough on the Internet for player. They are experts of Counter-Strike and War Craft without devoting too much time to learning the game skills. 高分示例2The majority of people learn to play games during their school time. However, people also can take part in various sports and game clubs if the

13、y prefer to play more. 高分示例3We now live in the information age. It's a piece of cake for us to explore the skills concerning playing games. Confronting with these confusions, the majority turn to the Internet for help. Through surfing the Internet, not only can people acquire the method of

14、playing, but they can also communicate with other garners to promote the level. 亮点表达be obsessed with着迷于Counter-Strike反恐精英(知名的机枪游戏)breakthrough n.突破War Craft魔兽争霸a piece of cake小菜一碟 Do you think it's important for people to play games? Why/Why not?你认为玩儿游戏重要吗?(为什么?) 名师点题剑9口语 对于此

15、类话题,回答一般都会是肯定的。考生可以从多角度去谈它的好处。比如,从身体上,可以强健体魄:从心理上,可以向冶性情、放松压力,还可以谈一下要选择适合自己的游戏。(比较全面的答案,可以增加得分的砝码) 高分示例1Absolutely, games are of utmost importance for people. We can benefit both physically and mentally. Taking part in some outdoor games can enhance our body flexibility. And more importantly, W

16、e can make acquaintances with people whom we meet during the games which can in turn bring us happiness. 高分示例2So far as I'm concerned, many companies begin to adopt team games while they are carrying out new staff training. On the one hand, team games can help new employees get familiar wit

17、h the company culture, value and other co-workers as soon as possible; on the other hand, via team games, the collective sense of honor has been enhanced. Therefore, I do also believe games are essential. 高分示例3Definitely yes. Games are to people what condiment is to diet. Without games, our lif

18、e will lose some interests and become dull. Imagine it, when you go through a tough day surrounded by tired work, when you are out of mood, and even when you don't know how to kill the time, why not take the game as a weapon to re-energize yourself? 亮点表达both physically and mentally身心上地on th

19、e one hand on the other hand一方面另一方面so far as I'm concerned据我了解Games to people what condiment is to diet 游戏之于人类就好比调味品之于正餐。Test1口语Part2环球雅思口语名师点题 本题属于“地点建筑类”中典型的地点题,是Part 2常考的话题之一。雅思口语考题的出题原理就是:以一个中心为基本点,辐射周边所有的话题。地点考题的出题特色为:以地点为基准,辐射周边所有的地点话题。考生在准备此类话题时要注意理清思路,避免想到哪儿说到哪儿。地点类考题通常需要考生从以下几方面展开:

20、地理位置,地理特征和用途,表达个人对地点的态度. 高分示例名师点评Speaking of a market, I want to talk about my favorite open-air market. It's situated in the eastern part of my hometown.直接切入主题,明确指出地理位置。It's pretty huge. Its history goes back all the way to fifty years ago and it's quite famous in my hometown. Actu

21、ally, everyone living in that city can tell you something about this market. The market is made up of many parts, like the food section, the toy section and the clothing section. A great number of people go there almost every day. Some of them buy things and some others just look around. Also, lots

22、of people out of town visit this market. They heard a lot about it and hope to get some exciting shopping experiences. This market never let them down. You know there are tons of stuff and everyone can find the thing he or she wishes. Some others just enjoy chatting and bargaining there.以这个市场的规模和历史作

23、为引入点从而展开全面的介绍。同时,详细描述了市场中不同区域出售的商品。此部分的亮点是,在客现陈述的同时,还另外增添了一丝人文气息,将市场独有的民间风情栩栩如生地呈现给了听众以激发他们的兴趣。   高分示例名师点评My favorite part of this market is the clothing section in that I can find many different kinds of clothes, like casual, formal and sporty clothes there and the price is always re

24、asonable. What's better, I can always get a discount because it frequently holds sales promotion. Apart from that, all the salesclerks treat customers friendly. They always wear a smile on their face, enjoying the experience of buying or selling things.该部分从客观和主观两个层面讲述了钟情于这个市场的原因:一则物美,阐述细效、到位:二则价

25、廉,展示丰富的词汇量;三则服务质量好。This market is totally amazing in that although it's pretty big, it's very well-run. It is kind of noisy but I guess that's perfectly for an open-air market. Come here, you can't come wrong.最后是对市场的总体评价,不需要多,一至两个画龙点睛句即可。  亮点表达go back to回溯tons of stuff很多东西s

26、ales promotion促销well-run经营良好let sb. down让某人失望bargain v.讨价还价wear a smile面带笑容Test1口语Part3shopping at markets1、 Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like rood or clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?你们国家的人喜欢逛卖食品、衣服或旧东西的户外集市吗?哪种市场比较受欢迎?为

27、什么? 环球雅思口语名师点题第三部分的题目大都比较抽象,或者比较有概括性。这道题是一道综合性问题,由三部分构成,它们分别为客观陈述、做出选择以及阐释原因。 高分示例Well umm in our country, it is uncommon to find various open-air markets that are regularly seen in western countries. Moreover, since four seasons are clearly distinct in most of the cities: extremely hot in

28、 summer while freezing cold in winter, the fact is that people don't like shopping in an open-air market under such kind of climate, therefore, majority people prefer to shop malls and supermarkets. 亮点表达extremely hot 特别热freezing cold 特别冷 2、Do you think markets are more suitable places

29、for selling certain types of things? which ones? why do you think this is?在买一些特殊种类的商品时,你认为市场是比其他地方更适合的场所吗?这些特殊的商品包含哪些?你又为何这样认为呢? 环球雅思口语名师点题这是第三部分经常出现的表达现点题。通常,在回答这类问题时,考生没有必要追求现点上的标新立异。雅思口语考试很少会因为观点是否新颖而影响最终成绩。因此,建议考生尽量用比较便于扩展的内容来回答问题。 高分示例I think it is a mixed considering. Some products a

30、re more suitable for selling at markets, food and toys. And we can't deny the fact that some electrical cargos like television or cell phones sold at street markets are more likely to be counterfeit. That's exactly the reason why so many people tend to buy things like electrical items from t

31、he supermarket or shopping mall. 亮点表达electrical cargos电子产品counterfeit n.冒牌货3、 Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?你认为老年人和年轻人对购物的态度是否一致?为什么? 环球雅思口语名师点题此类问题属于Part 3中的“对比类”问题,较为经常出现.首先,亮出自己的现点,其次提供恰当的例句来证实自己的观点。 高分示例Well, first I

32、 have to say that there are many differences. The elderly people are more likely to shop at the open-air markets. They are passionate about buying stuff on sale or bargaining with street vendors for lower prices; while, young people prefer to shop at shopping mall. As for the reason, I guess it is a

33、 natural result of the fact that they were born and grew up in different times. Elderly people and young guys have totally different moral values. Consequently, it is quite understandable. 亮点表达be passionate about 热衷于street vendors 街头小贩 Shopping in general 1、 What do you think are the

34、advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?比起在市场购物,在商店购物的好处是什么? 环球雅思口语名师点题这个问题属于part 3“比较类”题目中针对两类不同事物的时比。advantages和disadvantages是第三部分常考的问题。在回答这样的问题时,建议大家注意话语间的逻辑性并至少回答两点以上的益处或弊端。 高分示例Although they seem quite similar, they do share some differences. The initial advantage t

35、o buy things from shops is that if it is faulty, then it is possible to return and get your money back. Subsequently, buying from a trustworthy shop means the goods will be more reliable than the ones you buy from a street market. 亮点表达subsequently adv.其次  2、 How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone广告影响人们的购物选择吗?它对每个人都适用么? 环球雅思口语名师点题这道题虽然出现在part 3,但


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