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1、SHARING课堂分享Domestic目录新闻1Question问题3International新闻2Sharing分享4Domestic News京台高速关键看台湾方面Domestic news 中新社北京3月6日消息,全国人大代表、中共平潭综合实验区党工委书记、福建自贸区平潭片区管理委员会主任张兆民3月6日在北京对记者表示,京台(北京-台北)高速公路海底隧道建设在技术方面已无问题,关键看台湾方面。 去年底刚从福建省交通厅厅长转任平潭的张兆民说,京台高速公路原是京福线(北京-福州),后经进一步规划,延伸为京台线;现在,大陆部分京福高速去年底已全线通车。京台高速关键看台湾方面Domestic

2、news 张兆民说,到台湾部分规划是通过海峡隧道完成,现在专家比较倾向是全长126公里的北通道,也就是从平潭到台北。两岸在技术论证上进行了四年每年一次的研讨会,海底情况、地质地貌情况都掌握比较清楚。 张兆民表示,平潭是祖国大陆离台湾最近的地方,去年两条直航航线通过高速客滚轮运送旅客12万人次,另有20多万件快递通过平潭进出台湾。京台高速关键看台湾方面Domestic news据了解,去年平潭启动了“台(湾)平(潭)欧(洲)”海铁联运项目;今年将精心培育两岸直航航线,推动“台平欧”海铁联运及“台车入闽”常态化运营。 International NewsConstruction Deaths Co

3、nstruction workers had been dying at a rate of one every six weeks in the $32 billion building boom on the Las Vegas Strip. But deaths stopped last year after the Las Vegas Sun exposed serious safety flaws on the sites and detailed how lax oversight by safety regulators failed to prevent accidents.

4、The stories forced state and federal investigations and became the subject of hearings in the U.S. House and Senate. Sens. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and others sent a letter to President Bush demanding safety reforms in the Labor Department. As the Sun pursued the story,

5、 the newspaper reported on cozy relationships existing between safety regulators and builders. Angered by the revelations and continuing death toll, workers walked off the job at MGM Mirages City Center, shutting down the largest private commercial development in U.S. history until the contractors a

6、greed to safety improvements. Twelve workers had died in 18 months. But after the improvements, the deaths stopped. No workers have died since June 2008.This page features the Suns series, which includes stories, a video, an interactive and documents from OSHA concerning the deaths, plus follow-up s

7、tories.NewsConstruction DeathsOne QuestionOne QuestionSharingSharing好广告Construction Deaths Twelve workers had died in 18 months. But after the improvements, the deaths stopped. No workers have died since June 2008.This page features the Suns series, which includes stories, a video, an interactive and documents from OSHA concerning the deaths, plus follow-up stories.前不久麦当劳做了一个很“高明”的广告,在马路边立了两块广告牌,一块指示此地距离麦当劳只有5千米,另一块嘛广告牌非常高,实乃地面广告牌之创新高,因为下一站距离汉堡王还有.呃,258千米,麦当劳甚至还贴心地给出了路线详情好广告Sharing好广告好广告分享Sharing 本来此广告真是戳中汉堡王G点,作为快餐,百里有一店显然是件很囧的事


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