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1、考研英语(一)第三部分新题型:排序、总结、句子匹配(江南博哥)第一节 排序材料题根据下面资料,回答1-5题AIs there still a place for the tiddlers? "That's an explicit yes," says Bob Shea of NACUBO, "do there need to be mergers and acquisitions? That's an unequivocal yes as well." Many small colleges serve niche markets, in

2、cluding a large faith-based one. "Many students wouldn't go to college at all or would be lost in a large one," says Ms. Brown.BPart of the problem, at least for small liberal arts institutions, is that parents and would-be students are questioning the value of the liberal arts. They w

3、ant a solid return, in the form of a well-paying job, for their four-year investment. There are still an awful lot of small places:about 40% of degree-granting colleges have fewer than 1,000 students. But enrolment at these institutions has fallen by more than 5% since 2010, while the student popula

4、tion has increased overall.CSome tiny colleges rely on donations to save the day. Alumni are concerned about the value of their own degree if the college closes, but donors can grow weary. Marlboro, meanwhile, is using its endowment to offer scholarships to one student from each state in an effort t

5、o expand its usual pool from New England and to open up new student pipelines. It saw success straight away. It increased its student population by 6% this academic year, after years of falling enrolment.DVisitors stand out at Marlboro College's pastoral campus in the woods of Vermont, but not b

6、ecause they are special or even unexpected. With 190 enrolled students and just a few dozen faculty and staff, everyone knows everyone. The student-faculty ratio is five to one, about the lowest in the country. The college administration has worked hard to stay small:the student population has rarel

7、y topped 350. But in the years since its founding after the Second World War, Marlboro has often skirted financial ruin. In 1993 it had only a few payrolls left in the bank. It was rescued by a foundation. Today it is looking for ways to save itself and already seeing some success.ETo attract studen

8、ts, some colleges are reducing their sticker price, but this is not sustainable for colleges without healthy endowments. According to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), 49% of independent colleges and universities give discounts, up from 38% a decade ago.F

9、Alice Brown, a former head of the Appalachian College Association, a network of tiny colleges in the Appalachian Mountains, thinks more must merge or close. The Berkeley College of Music (4,371 students) and the Boston Conservatory (730 students) merged in June. Small colleges often share accountant

10、s or laboratories already.GMarlboro is not alone in facing revenue and enrolment pressures. Burlington College(70 students), also in Vermont, shut its doors over the summer. Sweet Briar, a well-regarded women's college in Virginia, nearly closed to its 245 students last year. A last minute bout

11、of fundraising by alumni saved it, for now. Moody's, a credit-ratings agency, said in 2015 that the pace of closures and mergers will accelerate and could triple from an average of five per year over the next few years. Dennis Gephardt of Moody's says closures and mergers will be concentrate

12、d among the smallest colleges.D4142434445C1 单选题 第(41)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:G参考解析:第一段谈到了,万宝路学院的基本情况,重点介绍了万宝路学院一直努力保持学院规模小型化:学生人数很少超过350人。现在万宝路学院正面临危机,也在寻找自救的方法,并已经取得了一些成功,下文应该承接本段万宝路学院危机相关的内容,通读其他各个选项,可以发现选项G的第一句话“万宝路学院并不是唯一面临收入和招生压力的学校”可以衔接上文的内容。因此选项G正确。2 单选题 第(42)题选_A.AB.

13、BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:B参考解析:上一段主要介绍了,万宝路不是唯一面临收入和招生压力的学校,然后列举了一些命运相同的小型学员,通过信用评级机构穆迪的观点,体现了这些小型学院的现状,这段主要介绍了许多学院的关闭和合并成为一种趋势,尤其是小规模的学院。Part of the problem, at least for small liberal arts institutions, is that parents and would-be students are questioning the value of the liberal arts 上面总结了类似小型学院的现状,

14、B开头这句话,给出了这种现状的原因,与上文呼应。B正确。3 单选题 第(43)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:E参考解析:上一段最后一句,提到了小型学员的入学率下降了,选项E开门见山地提出:为了吸引学生,一些院校降低了学费标价,并提供学费折扣。选项E与上文衔接紧密,故正确。4 单选题 第(44)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:F参考解析:上一段提到小型学院开始采取降低学费的方式吸引学生。而剩余的备选项只有选项A和选项F,一个人物(Brown)出现在两个选项中,而选项F有对人物的具体介绍,应该出现在前面,

15、因此,本题的正确答案是选项F,主要介绍布朗女士对小型学院生存和发展的看法。5 单选题 第(45)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:A参考解析:最后只剩下选项A,本段一方面通过提问的方式来承接上文,提出小型学院还是有生存空间和发展前途的,另一方面与全文的最后一段呼应。最后一段进一步指出小型学院除了降低学费、寻求特殊市场外,还可以依靠捐款来挽救局面,也可以利用其捐赠基金为学生提供奖学金,以努力扩大生源,并开发新的学生资源。材料题根据以下材料,回答6-10题AAs in most cases of patent law it is not going to

16、 be that simple. One criticism is that being first-to-file gives big and sophisticated organizations, highly experienced at the difficult job of filing for patents, an advantage over smaller outfits that may be technically brilliant but not legally knowledgeable.Another problem is that first-to-file

17、 may make companies rush to put in for a patent before their invention is truly ready.BThe bill does make some changes that could be positive.It creates several new procedures to hinder or defeat bad patents.One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trad

18、emark Office (PTO), rather than going to court.This would, in theory, be cheaper and faster.But it could still be followed by a lawsuit.CSecond, the bill expands the right of third parties to join the argument at the PTO by showing "prior art" meaning the invention is already known about a

19、nd so a patent should not be granted.This might save time and money for firms which would be affected by a suspicious patent, allowing them to argue things out at an early stage rather than later on in a costly courtroom.DMoreover, the law does little to address the more basic problem of a patent sy

20、stem that has grown in expense for all kinds of companies that want to protect their ideas.The number of disputed cases going to trial, average awards and legal costs have all ballooned.To many, the system looks like a lottery.EThose who think that patents are granted too easily complain that the bi

21、ll will still allow too many suits, especially those by"non-practicing entities," which are also known sarcastically as "patent trolls." These buy up patents and then license them or sue for infringement, rather than using the patents themselves.The too-many-patents crowd wanted

22、to do away, in particular, with "business-method" patents, which claim to have invented a new way of doing business.Instead, the bill did this only for the financial industry,after tough lobbying by Wall Street.And many advocated making it harder to get any kind of patent at all.FOne of th

23、e biggest criticisms of the bill concerns the PTO's funding, which some think should be increased so that the office can hire and keep the best examiners and so reduce a huge piling of applications.Instead, Congress chose to multiply the alternative dispute-resolution procedures at the PTO, givi

24、ng the office more work to do without a guarantee of more money.The result is a mess as well as a missed opportunity.G. After years of hesitating, America is set for patent reform.On September 6th a bill proposing to change the system passed its highest procedural obstacle in the Senate.With Barack

25、Obama supportive, this means the America Invents Act could soon be signed into law.Instead of the "first to invent" principle, which America currently uses, patents will be awarded to inventors who are the "first to file." This is similar to the system most other countries use.Th

26、e aim is to avoid long and difficult legal arguments over who was the first to come up with an idea.G4142E434445.6 单选题 第41题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:A参考解析:G是第一段,直接点题,介绍美国开始着手专利改革,并点出了此次专利改革的特点,A首句指出,正如专利法中的大多数案例一样,事情不会就那么简单,接下来介绍了她可能带来的问题,衔接上面上一段G专利法的改革。A正确。7 单选题 第42题的答案是_A.

27、AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:D参考解析:A段中介绍了美国专利法改革的两个问题,D选项第一句:专利法没有解决专利申请制度中一个更根本的问题。形成了递进的关系,继续探讨专利法更加深层次的问题。D正确。8 单选题 第43题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:B参考解析:E段中指出了两种对专利制度整改的观点,然后在某一团体的游说下,进行了一部分改变。B段的第一句指出该议案的确作出了改变,而且可能是积极的,并列举其中一项改变,指出其意义所在。与E形成了语义上的衔接。9 单选题 第44题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.D

28、E.EF.FG.G正确答案:C参考解析:B段中的指出了该议案所做的改变,第一条就是被指控侵权者不必前往法庭,接着C选项就介绍了第二个好处。C正确。10 单选题 第45题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:F参考解析:F为剩下的选项。材料题根据以下材料,回答11-15题ABy staying on a subject long enough to make all young children familiar with it, the gist becomes understood by all and word learning speeds u

29、p.This is especially important for low-income children, who come to school with smaller vocabularies and rely on school to impart the knowledge base affluent children take for granted.Current reform strategies focus on testing, improving teacher quality, increasing the number of charter schools and

30、other changes.Attention to these structural issues has led to improvements in the best public schools, charter and non charter.But it is not enough.BThe most credible analyses have shown that the chief causes were not demographics or TV watching, but vast curricular changes,especially in the critica

31、l early grades.In the decades before the Great Verbal Decline, a content-rich elementary school experience evolved into a content-light, skills-based, test-centered approach.Cognitive psychologists agree that early childhood language learning (ages 2 to 10)is critical to later verbal competence, not

32、 just because of the remarkable linguistic plasticity of young minds, but also because of the so-called Matthew Effect.CThe latest bad but unsurprising news on education is that reading and writing scores on the SAT have once again declined.The language competence of our high scholars fell steeply i

33、n the 1970s and has never recovered.DThe origin of this cruel truth lies in the nature of word learning.The more words you already know, the faster you acquire new words.This sounds like an invitation to vocabulary study for kids, but that's been tried and it's not effective.Most of the word

34、 meanings we know are acquired indirectly, by intuitively guessing new meanings as we understand the overall gist of what we are hearing or reading.The Matthew Effect in language can be restated this way: "To those who understand the gist shall be given new word meanings, but to those who do no

35、t there shall ensue boredom and frustration."EThis is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal score of 17-year-olds.This score correlates with the ability to learn new things readily, to communicate with o

36、thers and to hold down a job.It also predicts future income.The decline has led some commentators to embrace demographic determinismthe idea that the verbal scores of disadvantaged students will not significantly rise until we overcome poverty.But that explanation does not account for the huge drop

37、in verbal scores across socioeconomic groups in the 1970s.FThe name comes from a passage in the Scriptures: "For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." Those who are language-poor in ear

38、ly childhood get relatively poorer, and fall further behind, while the verbally rich get richer.GClearly the key is to make sure that from kindergarten on, every student, from the start, understands the gist of what is heard or read.If preschoolers and kindergartners are offered substantial and cohe

39、rent lessons concerning the human and natural worlds, then the results show up five years or so later in significantly improved verbal scores.(Five years is the time span by which this kind of educational intervention should be judged.)C4142434445A11 单选题 第41题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:

40、E参考解析:C段开篇点题,指出了美国教育的一个问题,即中学生的语言表达能力再次下降。This is very worrisome, because the best single measure of the overall quality of our primary and secondary schools is the average verbal score of 17-year-olds. E段第一句:这很令人担忧,因为语文分数是衡量中小学总体教学质量的标准,衔接了上一段,对美国教育方面的这个问题表达了担忧,同时给出了看法。E正确。12 单选题 第42题的答案是

41、_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:B参考解析:E段最后提到了一些评论员欣然接受了人口决定论,但这不是主要原因。推测下一段可能会提到主要原因及其分析。The most credible analyses have shown that the chief causes were not demographics or TV watching, but vast curricular changes,especially in the critical early grades. B段谈到了主要原因是巨大的课程内容的改变。B正确。13 单选题 第43题的答案

42、是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:F参考解析:B段解释了内容变化对中小学生的影响,最后一句提到了Matthew Effect。The name comes from a passage in the Scriptures。 F段的name指的就是Matthew Effect,符合上下文于语义衔接关系。F正确。14 单选题 第44题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:D参考解析:F段指出Matthew Effect来自于圣经的一段文字,并加以阐述,幼儿时期语言能力差的人会相应的变得更差,他们回落后得更厉害,而那些幼儿时期语言能力

43、强的人会变得更好。The origin of this cruel truth lies in the nature of word learning.The more words you already know, the faster you acquire new words.D选项涉及变差原因的解释,你认识的词汇越多,你掌握新词汇的速度就越快,衔接上一段。为什么好的越好,差的越差。D正确。15 单选题 第45题的答案是_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:G参考解析:剩下最后一个选项G。D中提到当我们理解了正在听或读的东西的大体意思,就能凭直觉猜出新

44、意思,如果不理解要义,就会使人感到厌烦。所以G中给出来提高每个学生语文分数的做法就是,确保每个学生从一开始上幼儿园就理解听到的或读到的内容要义。第二节 总结材料题根据下面资料,回答1-5题PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CAN help optimize the body's defenses against infection. And in the age of novel coronavirus, to many people, that's more important than ever. Taking the right approach to most eff

45、ectively exercise in the name of immune health is key.41_The regularity of your exercise routine may be the most important factor in ensuring the immune benefits of activity, says Jim Beitzel, clinical athletic trainer and clinical coordinator for the Northwestern Medicine Athletic Training & Sp

46、orts Performance Clinic in Warrenville, Illinois. For most adults, 60 minutes of exercise five days per week is the immunity sweet spot, he says. However, if you're new to working out, start small with perhaps 10 or 20 minutes of low-to moderate-intensity exercise per day, and increase your acti

47、vity level over the course of weeks or months as you feel comfortable. As long as you stay consistent, every little bit will help.42_A 2020 paper in Exercise Immunology Reviews confirms that increasing exercise intensity does not suppress immunity or increase the risk of infection. High-intensity ex

48、ercise, generally considered to be anything that increases your heart rate to more than 85% of its max (220 minus your age), can be part of any exercise routine that's aimed at improving you immune health, Beitzel says. Options include running, cycling and rowing sprints as well as fast-paced pl

49、yometric strength training.43_Instead, illness following high-intensity exercise is typically related to inadequate recovery, according to the authors of the Exercise Immunology Reviews paper. As exercise intensity, frequency and duration increase, so does the amount of rest your body needs to recov

50、er from the stressors of exercise and grow back stronger, explains exercise physiologist Mike T. Nelson, based in Minneapolis. What's more, non-exercise-related stressorssuch as financial worries, sleepless nights and existing illnessoccur in large doses, so increasing your recovery efforts is i

51、mportant to recovering from exercise and reducing the risk of overstressing your systems, including your immune one, Nelson says.44_It's OK to enjoy one style of training more than the other, but for optimal immunity (and overall health), integrate both into your weekly routine, Beitzel says. Fe

52、deral guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend engaging in 75 to 150 minutes of aerobic activity (the lower the intensity, the more time advised) per week and total-body strengthening activities at least two days per week. Examples of aerobic activity include jogging,

53、 swimming and cycling. Strength training can include bodyweight exercises (such as squats and pushups) as well as exercises such as rows and shoulder presses that use free weights, resistance bands or other equipment.45_Whether you're exercising in your living room or in a park, you can benefit

54、your immune system. But there may be additional benefits of breaking a sweat outdoors. Being outside increases the body's levels of immune-system-supporting vitamin D, according to Parikh. Plus, taking your exercise outdoors may strengthen the immune system by activating the body's parasympa

55、thetic "rest and digest" system, according to 2015 research published in Frontiers in Psychology. This system works in opposition with your sympathetic "fight or flight" system to reduce physiological stress levels and lower inflammation that can inhibit healthy immunity.AMake su

56、re to recover.BFocus on consistency.CEnjoy one style of training.DDon't be afraid of intensity.EGet outside.FOptimize the body's defenses.GDo both cardio and strength training.1 单选题 第(41)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:B参考解析:每周五天进行60分钟的运动是免疫的最佳选择,刚开始运动可以每天大概10分钟或20分钟的低强度开始到中等强度的运动,然后在

57、之后的日子按照自己的接受程度来增加运动,坚持下去,As long as you stay consistent,every little bit will help,只有Focus on consistency“注重(运动的)连贯性”,符合本段大意,故为正确答案。2 单选题 第(42)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:D参考解析:increasing exercise intensity does not suppress immunity or increase the risk of infection,增加运动强度并无还差,因此可知,本段是围绕

58、高强度运动并无害处而展开叙述的,可得知Dont be afraid of intensity“不要害怕强度”,符合本段语意,故为正确答案。3 单选题 第(43)题选_A.AB.BC.CD.DE.EF.FG.G正确答案:A参考解析:so increasing your recovery efforts is important to recovering from exercise and reducing the risk of overstressing your systems, including your immune one, Nelson says. 首句就表明“高强度运动后的疾病通常与运动恢复不足有关” ,最后最后引用明尼阿波利斯的运动生理学家迈克·纳尔逊的观点,确保恢复工作有助于减少高强度运动对免疫系统造成的压力过大的风险。因此可知本段强调了增加运动恢复的重要性。A正确。


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