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1、Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!【New words and expressions】 Lancaster n. 兰开斯特bomber n. 轰炸机remote adj. 偏僻的Pacific n. 太平洋damage v. 毁坏wreck n. 残骸rediscover v. 重新发现aerial adj. 航空的survey n. 调查rescue v. 营救package v. 把打包enthusiast n. 热心人restore v. 修复(修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复)imagine v. 想像packing case 包装箱colony n. 群bee n. 蜂

2、hive n. 蜂房preserve v. 保护beeswax n. 蜂蜡bomber5bCmE n. 轰炸机, 炸弹手, 轰炸员, 投弹手bomb n. 炸弹remote adj. 偏僻的,偏远的remote village 遥远的村庄lonely adj. 偏僻的(孤零零的)lonely island 孤岛Pacific n. 太平洋Atlantic大西洋 ; Indian ocean印度洋 ; Arctic ocean 北冰洋wreck n. 残骸wreck强调坏了没用的东西 (一个坏了的整体,完整的)wrekage强调坏的东西成碎片 rediscover v. 重新发现re-表示“再,

3、 又”的意思review复习 , reread再读 , rewrite改写 , retell复述survey n. 调查(一定要跟数据有关系)aerial survey 航空调查(跟数据有关系)investigation in7vesti5eiFEn n. 调查,研究rescue v. 营救rescuesavepackage v. 把打包 v. 把打成大包pack n. 小包;v. 把打成小包Pack it for me.Wrap it up for me. n. 大包package deal 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款parcel n. 包裹(邮局邮寄)imagine v. 想像 vt.

4、 想像Imagine it. 想象一下吧! (口语) vt. 料想,猜想imagine doing sth. 想象imagine that + 从句 I imagine youre like to rest after your long journey.colony n. 群, 殖民地colony 5kClEni n. 殖民地,侨民,(聚居的)一群同业,一批同行,(生物)群体a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁 ;a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂;a colony of artists 一群艺术家a flock of goats 羊群a herd of cows 一群奶牛a

5、crowd of 一群(用于人)preserve v. 保护,保存(经过特殊手段而保存下来)preserved bean curd 豆腐乳 (bean curd 豆腐)preserved fruit 果脯; preserved meat 腊肉; preserved fish 腊鱼smoked fish 熏鱼Can I keep your photo? 我能保存你的照片吗?How long can I keep it?Can I keep it for you?store the cabbage (store储存,保存(以便日后使用))【Text】In 1963 a Lancaster bomb

6、er crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered

7、in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin en

8、gines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey - still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserv

9、ed in beeswax!参考译文1963年, 一架兰开斯特轰炸机在瓦立斯岛坠毁. 那是南太平洋中一个很偏僻的小岛, 位于萨摩亚群岛以西, 距离群岛还有很长一段距离. 飞机损坏的程度并不严重, 但是, 多年来这起飞机失事已被遗忘, 飞机残骸也 没受到破坏. 于是, 到了1989年, 飞机失事26年后, 在对小岛的一次航空勘查中那架飞机被意外地发现了. 到了那个时候, 状况良好的兰开斯特轰炸机实属罕见, 值得抢救. 法国政府让人把飞机包装起来, 一部分一部分 地搬回法国. 一群热心人计划修复这架飞机. 该飞机装配有4台罗尔斯-罗伊斯的默林发动机, 但是他们只需要修复其中的3台. 想一想他们所感

10、受到的惊奇和兴奋当他们拆开包装箱时, 他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜一样甜发动机完好无损. 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房, 发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来. 【课文讲解】1、In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa.crash vi. 从上往下掉 crash in the mountain 掉到山里a long way to go 有很长的路要走在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on, toin 隶属关系

11、Haerbins in the north of China.on是指跟一个地方有接触面Korea is on the north of China.to是相离的概念 Japan is to the east of China.west ofto the west of (west of前面没有任何词修饰的时候,认为处于相离的概念)2、The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.over 在期间/之中(

12、相当于during,over后如有数字则译为 “超过” )over the years 这些年来over the new year 在新年期间 ; over the Christmas 在圣诞期间over Spring Festival 在春节期间He worked very hard over the last two years.remain+adj. remain看作系动词be理解The room remained warm. 房间还是那么暖和(注意与 “the room was warm.” 的区别, “remain” 有保持的意思)3、By this time, a Lancaste

13、r bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.by this time 到这时in condition 处于状态in reasonable conditionin good conditionin perfect condition 处于完美状态in poor confition 状态不好Keep the house in good condition.Reasonable在这里表示“尚好的,过得去的”,用于表示价钱时,指“公道的,合理的,不贵的”等 The house is in reasonable conditi

14、on. The price of the dress is reasonable.be worth doing sth. 值得,具有的价值(表达了被动含义, 用主动ing表达被动含义)The cake is worth eating.The books are worth reading.4、The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France.have sth. done 让别人做某事in parts =little by little,bit by bit 一部分一部分5、Imagin

15、e their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey - still in perfect condition.imagine后面可以直接加宾语Imagine my excitement when I found my mother outside.Imagine their excitement and delight when the Peoples Republic of China was founde

16、d.the door opened(open是动词)the door is open(open是形容词)break sth. open 打开cut open 切开cut it open 剪开(信封)tear it open 撕开(信封)在固定短语中asas中得的一个as省略I am busy as a bee. (as busy as a bee中第一个as省略)sweet as honey 甜得象蜜 (在文中是双关语, 注意体会)sticky as glue 胶水一样粘stong as horse 马一样强壮turninto 把变成 When it is cold enough, water

17、 is turnd into ice.【Summary writing】3  What did the French authorities do with the plane? Who will be having it restored? (.,where.)3 where = 介词+先行词The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France, where a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.

18、【Key structures】 使役式使役式:have +名词或宾语代词 +动词过去分词,使役式表示对某物(或某人)。I have my wallet lost/stolen. 我丢了钱包While Im away, Ill have you looked after. 我不在的时候,我会让人照顾你的。have sth. done的另一个意思是“遭遇不幸”I have my leg broken. 我摔断了腿【Special difficulties】 集合名词集合名词表示的是由若干个体组成的集合体,如family(家庭,一家人),team(队),crew(船、飞机等上的全体工作人员),au

19、dience(观众),government(政府),staff全体职员/教员),class(班,班级)等。如果要强调作为整体的集体,则后面的动词用单数;如果要强调组成集体的每个人,则后面的动词用复数。The national team is travelling to London tomorrow. 国家代表队将于明天去伦敦. The team are all highly talented young people. 全队人员都是天赋极高的年轻人. The audience is made up of school children. 观众是由学校的学生组成的. The audience

20、were spellbound by the magic of the performance. 观众们被表演的魅力迷住了. My family are watching TV. My family is happy【Multiple choice questions】6  Only three of the four Rolls Royce Merlin engines _a_rebuilt.(a) will have to be (b) need have been (c)are being (d)had to be情态动词need只用于否定句和疑问句中,要用在肯定句中肯定是实义

21、动词need to do 将来需要做10_d_the years that followed, the crash was forgotten.(a)Between (b)During (c)While (d)Amongover the years = during the yearsLesson 67 Volcanoes【New words and expressions】 volcano n. 火山active adj. 活动的Kivu n. 基伍湖Congo n. 刚果Kituro n. 基图罗erupt v. (火山)喷发violently adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地manage v.

22、设法brilliant adj. 精彩的liquid adj. 液态的escape v. 逃脱alive adj. 活着的active adj. 活动的active adj. 积极的 passive adj. 消极的, 被动的violently adv. 猛烈地, 剧烈地violent 5vaiElEnt adj. 猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 强暴的violence 5vaiElEns n. 猛烈, 强烈, 暴力, 暴虐, 暴行, 强暴manage v. 设法manage to do sth. = try to do sth. and succeedI can manage it. =

23、I can manage it myself. = I can do it.liquid adj. 液态的liquid 5likwid n. 液体, 流体, 流音;adj. 液体的, 清澈的, 透明的, 明亮的, 流动的, 易变的, (财务)易变卖的escape is5keip v. 逃脱 v. 逃脱escape sth. escape death 死里逃生escape doing sth. He escape punishment/being punished. n. 逃脱narrow escape 九死一生 alive adj. 活着的alive 做定语时一定要放在被修饰词后面, 属于表语

24、形容词,后置定语 light ahead 前面的灯光Every man alive has his/her own troubles.living sth. 活着的living elephant 活着的象live laIv adj. 现场的,活着的(永远不和人连用)live concert 现场演唱会 live fish 活鱼(不能和人连) lIv v. 活着【Text】Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all part

25、s of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volc

26、ano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of

27、Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.参考译文波兰科学家哈罗恩·塔捷耶夫花了毕生的精力来研究世界各地的活火山和深洞. 1948年他去了刚果的基伍湖, 对一座后来被他命名为基图罗的新火山进行观察. 当火山正在猛烈地喷发时, 塔捷耶夫有办法把帐篷搭在离它

28、非常近的地方. 尽管他设法拍了一些十分精彩的照片, 但他却不能在火山附近停留太长的时间. 他发现有一股岩浆正向他流过来, 眼看就要将他团团围住, 但塔捷耶夫还是设法及时逃离了. 他等到火山平静下来, 两天以后又返回去. 这次他设法爬进了基图罗火山口, 以便能拍摄照片和测试温度. 塔捷耶夫经常冒这样的生命危险. 他能告诉我们的有关活火山的情况比任何在世的人都要多. 【课文讲解】1、Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all

29、parts of the world.spend some time (in) doing sth. 花多少时间干lifetime 毕生精力注意: spend most of his lifetime 与 spend his lifetime的区别in all parts of the world 世界各地的2、Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.close to 离很近,与靠近 He parked the car close to the r

30、iver. Dont sit so close to the fire.for longfor a long time3、He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.=He notice a river of liquid rock coming towards him.notice that + 宾语从句notice sth.notice sb. do/doing sth. : 注意到某人做某事/正在做某事a river of 形成的河流 a river of soil and stone 泥石流Rivers o

31、f blood flowed during World war II. (rivers of blood 血流成河)When she heard the news, a river of tears came down her face.4、It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time.threaten to 威胁着要,有迹象表明 He threatened to leave the team. 他扬言要离开这个队。in time 及时,来得及,just表示“正好,差一点

32、” I caught the train just in time. Shall we still be in time for/to see the performance?5、This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.manage to do sth. 设法做到某事,努力完成某事(虽然很费劲,但仍然做到/完成某事)try to do sth. 设法做某事,努力做某事(但并不一定成功)the mouth o

33、f Kituro 火山口so that 以便于(目的状语从句),一定含有情态动词6、Tazieff has often risked his life in this way.risk ones life 冒着生命危险take a risk of =at a risk of 冒着的危险risk sth.risk losing sth. 冒着失去的危险risk doing sth. 冒着做的危险7、He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.在两相比较中, 如果前者属于后者, 那一定要在比较

34、时用other, else排除前者than any other man alive【Key structures】Can, Be able to and Manage to表示能力时用can/could,在将来时中表示“能力”时通常用will be able to,在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时用was able to而不用could。 He thought he could pass the exam easily, but he failed. I cant remember where Ive seen him. Jane cant swim yet. Shell be able to

35、swim in a few months time.Manage to在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时,经常代替be able to,它更强调“虽然困难很大,但仍然”。在否定句中,manage to与be able to经常可以互换。 He was able to finish the job yesterday. (表示可能) He managed to finish the job yesterday. (暗示他克服了不少困难才完成) What do you think of the film? Im afraid I havent managed to/been able to see i

36、t yet.【Special Difficulties】 带 say与tell的短语1、say在表示“说,讲”时,say后面不跟间接宾语(人)。如果一定要指明,则用to +名词/代词。表示“道别,诵读(祈祷),背诵”等含义时用say而不能用tell。say有“表达(思想、意见等)”、“据说”含义,tell则没有。 John is said to be very interested in art. Do you have anything to say about the accident? 关于这次事故你有什么想说的/想法?He knelt down and said his prayers

37、. 他跪了下来作祷告. He said goodbye and left. 他告辞后离开了. say a good word for 为说好话/辩护;推荐 Dont expect that hell say a good word for you.2、tell在表示“说,讲”时,tell后面可以跟双宾语。tell经常用于表示“讲(实话,谎话,秘密等)”。tell可以表示“辨别,分辨”,say则不可以。在英国英语中,tell the time(美语为tell time)表示根据钟表等“说出时间,识钟”Can you tell me anything about it? 你能告诉我有关的任何事情吗

38、?He is only five, but he can already tell the time.tell (sb.) a lie (谎言有很多个)He often tells lies. 他经常说谎. tell (sb.) the truth (真话只有一个,故要特指, 加the)I want you to tell me the truth. 我要你讲真话. tell (sb.) the difference between 区分, 区别Can't you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris? 你能区分奥斯丁舞和

39、莫利斯舞吗?Say和tell后面跟so时含义不一样: I told you so! 我告诉过你是这样的!(用于情况被证实之后) Who says so? 谁这么说的? I say so. 我这么说的。【Multiple choice questions】 4  He escaped just in time. He_d_ escaped.(a)just only (b)only (c)soon  (d) only justonly just almost not 差点就没有7  He has been able to tell us a lot _b_volcan

40、oes.(a) considering (b) on the subject of (c) in relation (d) referringon the subject ofabout (朝向)towardsin the direction of (direction di5rekFEn(英), dai5rekFEn(美) )12  He has told us more than any _d_person.(a)alive (b)lively (c)live (d)livinglively adj. 活泼的,充满生机的 a lively girlLesson 68 Persis

41、tent【New words and expressions】 persistent adj. 坚持的,固执的avoid v. 避开insist v. 坚持做persistent adj. 坚持的, 固执的stubborn 5stQbEn adj. 顽固的, 固执的, 坚定的, 坚决的, 难应付的, 难处理的You are stubborn. 你这个死脑筋 persist v. 坚持(不顾阻拦一味的坚持):persist in doing sth.He persist in making noise.avoid v. 避开avoid doing sth. 避免做insist v. 坚持认为,坚

42、持说(是人的一种态度) vt. &vi. 坚持,坚决认为insist on doing sth. 坚持做 My brother insist on going with me.He insists on the importance of the meeting.persevere 7pE:si5viE v. 坚持,坚持不懈地努力(褒义词)persevere in sth./doing sth.We should persevere in studying English.perseverance n. 坚持不懈 vt. &vi. 坚决主张/要求,一定要I insist on

43、speaking to the manager.My wife insists that I (should) have my hair cut.【Text】I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do. No

44、 matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.'Hello, Nigel,' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here!''Hi, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning

45、- until I saw you. You're not busy doing anything, are you?''No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to.''Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking.'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.''The

46、n I'll come with you,' he answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!参考译文我穿过马路以便避开他, 但他看到我并朝我跑过来. 若再装作没看见他已是没有用了, 我只好向他招手。我就怕遇到奈杰尔·戴克斯. 他从来都是无事可做, 不管你多忙, 他总是坚持要跟你去。我得想办法不让他整个上午缠着我. “你好, 奈杰尔, 想不到在这儿见到你. “我说. “你好, 伊丽莎白, “奈杰尔回答说, “我正不知道怎么消磨这一上午呢, 正好见到你. 你不忙, 是吗?”

47、“不, 不忙, 我打算去” 我回答. “我跟你一道去行吗?” 没等我说完话他就问道. “没关系, 但我准备去牙医那里. “我说了个谎. “那我也跟你去, 候诊室里总有很多东西可供阅读!” 他回答. 【课文讲解】1、I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.cross v. 穿过 I cross the garden.across adv.&prep. 穿过 I go across the garden.avoid doing sth. 避免come runni

48、ng towards me 向我跑过来2、It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.It is (of) no use doing 做是没有用处的,做是徒步的/无益的It is no use pretending 假装是没有用了It is no use crying over the spilled milk. 覆水难收 It is no use punishing him.wave to sb. 向某人招手3、I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.enjoy doing

49、 sth. 喜欢做appreciate sth./doing sth. 4、He never has anything to do.用不定式做定语, 修饰anythinganything to do sth. 任何要做的事anything to eat sth. 可以吃的东西 ; anything to drink 可以喝的东西5、No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.no matter常与how,when,where,what,who等引导的从句连用,译为“无论”No matter how old y

50、ou are,No matter where you are,No matter who you are,No matter how tired you are, your children insisted on listening to stories.insist on doing sth. 坚持做6、I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.think of a way of doing sth. 想一个做某事的方法 think of a way of solvingpr

51、event sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事, 让某人不做某事stop sb. from doing sth. 让某人不做某事keep sb. from doing sth. 让某人不做某事(保持不做某事)forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事7、Fancy meeting you here!=Imagine meeting you here! 真想不到会在这见到你! (fancyimagine)“fance+名词”表示惊讶fance vt. 设想,想像Fancy Ian not knowing the answer to such an easy

52、 question! vt. 想要,喜欢(往往用于指个人爱好)Its a fine day and I fancy driving down to the coast.8、You're not busy doing anything, are you?be busy doing sth. 忙着做反意疑问句的回答, 根据事实回答9、Would you mind my coming with you?“Would/Do you mind +动名词/if引导的从句”用来表示客气的请求或征求意见,表示同意/不介意时,用“No, not at all”或“Certainly not”回答;不同意

53、时往往用一些委婉的说法,如“Im sorry, but”等回答,不用“yes, I so”。 Would you mind if I open the windows? Certainly not. /Sorry, but its cold here.mind (sbs) +doing sth. 介意某人做某事-ing的逻辑主语有四种形式,分为两大类 作为代词, 可以用人称代词的宾格, 又可以用形容词性物主代词 作为名词, 可以保持本身不变, 也可以变成名词所有格作主语时必须是所有格(名词所有格, 形容词性物主代词), 但作宾语时可以用所有格, 也可用普通格(人称代词宾格)Would you

54、mind my parents' having dinner with me?Would you mind me opening the door?Would you mind my/me smoking?Would you mind me making myself at home? 你介意我把这儿当成家吗?【Composition】1  There was a dentist nearby. She knew him well. Elizabeth decided to go there. She would explain what had happened.(As.whom.in order to)3  Elizabeth left. The dentist went into the waiting room.Do you want to have your teeth examined?he askeb Nigel.   (Aft


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