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1、考研英语词汇复习测试题(一)及答案1.1 was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were.(a ) hung up ( b ) hung back ( c ) cut down ( d ) cut off2. She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend here so that she could learn more about the city.(a ) sometimes ( b ) some time ( c ) sometime (d ) some tim

2、es3. Ms. Breen has been living in town for only one year; yet she seems to be with everyone who comes to thestore.(a ) accepted ( b ) admitted ( c ) admired ( d ) acquainted4. He does not as a teacher of English as hispronunciation is terrible .(a ) equal ( b ) match ( c ) qualify ( d ) fit5. Dozens

3、 of scientific groups all over the world have been the goal of a practical and economic way to usesunlight to split water molecules.(a ) pursuing ( b ) chasing ( c ) reaching ( d ) winning6. The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that the speakers stopped for refreshments .(a ) at large ( b

4、) at intervals ( c ) at ease ( d ) at random7. When traveling, you are advised to take travelers checks, which provide a secure to carrying your moneyin cash.(a ) substitute ( b ) selection ( c ) preference(d ) alternative7.1 never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a character.(a )

5、 gracious ( b ) suspicious ( c ) unique ( d ) particular9. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this produces artificialcold surrounding it.(a ) absorption ( b ) transition ( c ) consumption (d ) interaction10.1 didn t say anything like that at all. You

6、 are purposely my ideas to prove your point(a ) revising ( b ) contradicting ( c ) distorting (d ) distracting11. Language, culture, and personality may be considered of each other in thought, but they areinseparable in fact(a ) indistinctly ( b ) separately ( c ) irrelevantly (d ) independently12.

7、Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barnf the Irish milkmaid fought hard to her laughter.(a ) hold back ( b ) hold on ( c ) hold out( d )hold up13. The manger gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her attitude toward customers.(a ) impartial ( b ) mild ( c ) hostile ( d ) opposin

8、g14.1 with thanks the help of my colleagues inthe preparation of this new column.(a ) exress(b ) confess ( c ) verify ( d )acknowledge15. It is strictly that access to confidentialdocuments is denied to all but a few.(a ) secured ( b ) forbidden ( c ) regulated ( d ) determined16. The pollution ques

9、tion as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in again next spring.(a ) assembly ( b ) session ( c ) conference ( d ) convention17. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th the birth of Jesus Christ.(a ) in accordance with ( b ) in te

10、rms of ( c ) in favor of ( d ) in honor of18. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am to carrying out the plan.(a ) obliged ( b ) committed ( c ) engaged ( d ) resolved19Jt was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it as well as we had hoped.(a ) came off ( b ) went off (

11、 c ) brought out (d ) made out20. To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must the qualities and varieties ofproducts we make to the world market demand .(a ) improve ( b ) enhance ( c ) guarantee ( d ) gearL本题的答案是(d )(a ) hung up :把.挂起来,挂断电话.(b )hung back : 犹豫;踌躇不前.(c ) cu

12、t down :砍倒.(d ) cut off :突然中断,切 断,打断.(b ( c )与原句意思较远,应立即排除。(a )虽可作挂断 电话解,但是通常指双方通话期间,其中一方把电话挂断。本句的后 半句是we are,显然在双方通话期间,没有任何一方把电话挂 断,而是外来因素(如:接线员)把我们的通话突然中断了。( d )符 合句意,应填(d %2 .本题的答案是(b )(a ) sometimes :有时,(b ) some time : 一些时间.(c ) sometime :以前的,一度的,前任的.(d ) sometimes :在某些场 合,不时.从句意上看,应填(b1全句的意思是:

13、她不知道她是否有 机会在此处花一些时间以便使她更多了解这个城市的情况。3 .本题的答案是(d )四个备选答案中能和with相搭配的只有(d ) acquainted , 与with连在一起意为熟悉.故应选(d1(a ) accepted :接受,(b ) admitted :承认,接受和(c ) admired :羡慕均不能与with相搭配, 故均应排除。4 .本题的答案是(c)(a ) equal作动词用时意为等于,比得上.(b ) match : 与相匹敌,使较量.(C) qualify :有资格.(d ) f it :使合适,使符 合,根据句意,应选(c ) qualify.全句的意思是

14、:他当英文教师不够资 格,因为他的发音糟透了。5 .本题的答案是(a )goal只与四个备选答案中的(a ) pursuing :追求,寻求和 (c ) reaching 达到相搭配,故(b ) chasing :追逐和(d ) winning : 赢得应立即排除。由于(c) reaching (the goal )指已达到的目标, 实际上句中所说的利用太阳光分裂水分子的方法仍在摸索中,尚未变 成现实,故(c )也应排除。(a ) pursuing指正在寻求达到上述目标 的方法,符合句意,故(a )为正确答案。6 .本题的答案是(b )(a ) at large :自由行动,消遥自在地.(b

15、) at intervals : 不时,时时.(c ) at ease :不紧张,自由自在.(d ) at random :随 便,随机的,随意的,根据句意应填(b I全句的意思是:讲座会开得 那么冗长使人精疲力尽,致使发言的人不时停下来喝点饮料。 refreshments也可作点心解。7 .本题的答案是(d )(a ) substitute :代替,代替物.(b ) selection :选择, 指从相当数量中进行选择,强调数量多和慎重的判断和鉴别。(c) preference :喜欢,偏爱,强调选择时个人的偏爱。(d ) altermative :两者或两者以上挑一;取舍,抉择根据 题意,

16、外出旅行,带钱时只有少数几种选择:现款;旅行支票或信用 卡。四个备选答案中,最接近题意的是(d ) alternative :从两个(或 两个以上)中挑其中一种选择.故(d )为正确答案。8 .本题的答案是(b )(a ) gracious :有礼貌的,宽厚的,优美的.(b )suspicious : 多疑的,可疑的,常指所怀疑的对象或事情未必是真的,带有疑神疑 鬼、神经过敏的含义。(c ) unique :独一无二的,的.(d ) particular : 特别的,带有引人注目的意思。根据句意,应选(b 1全句的意思为: 我从不相信他,因为我总认为他是那种多疑的人。判断时请注意,句 子前半句

17、是我从不相信他,根据逻辑关系,故可以肯定后面描述他的 字眼肯定不是什么好字眼,四个备选答案中,唯有(b )是带贬义的 词,故可肯定(b )为正确答案。9 .本题的答案是(a )(a ) absorption :吸收.(b transition :传送,过渡, 传递.( c ) consumption :消费,消耗.(d ) interaction :相互作用. 根据句意,应填(a 1四个选项都是以tion为结尾,但意思却相差 甚远。全句的意思是:水从固态变成液态时,吸收它周围所有物质的 热量,而这种吸收便在它的周围产生人为的低温状态。10 .本题的答案是(c)(a ) revising :改编

18、,修改.(b ) contradicting :自相矛 盾,(c ) distorting :歪曲,曲解.(d ) distracting :分神,打扰,迷 惑很明显,备选答案中只有(c) distorting符合句意,故(c )为正 确答案。(a 1 ( b ) ? ( d )填入句中均说不通,或很别扭,故均应排 除。11 .本题的答案是(d )(a ) indistinctly :不清楚地,分不清地,强调看不清、听 不清,以致无法弄清。(b Separately :分离地,强调可以分开的。(c )irrelevantly : 无关地,不相干地,强调相互没有关系。(d ) independe

19、ntly :独立 地,单独地,强调独立性,与别的人、事关系不大。根据题意,只有(d )匕喉接近原句子的意思,故应选(d1全句意为:语言、文化 和个性可以认为是在意识形态中相互独立的,但事实上它们是无法分 开的。12 .本题的答案是(a )(a ) hold back :忍住,抑制,踌躇.(b ) hold on :继续, 坚持.(c) hold out :伸出,坚持.(d ) hold up :阻挡,举起,拦截. 四个备选答案中,(a ) 1:瞰接近句意,故应选(a I全句意思为:看 到我费劲地把小牛拉回牲口棚,那爱尔兰挤奶女工极力忍住没笑出声 来。13 .本题的答案是(c)(a ) impa

20、rtial :公正的.(公 mild:温和的.(c) hostile : 敌对的.(d ) opposing :面对的,柜对的,相反的.根据句意,(c ) 与句意最为接近,故应选(c全句的意思是:经理向其中一位女售 货员投以指责的目光,因为她对顾客持敌对态度。14 .本题的答案是(d )(a )express :表示,表达,指表达思想或感情。(b )confess : 坦白,指犯了错误或犯了罪之后坦白自己的错误或罪行。(c) verify : 证实,相证,核实,指核对某事是否属实。(d ) acknowledge :承认,主要指承认事实。显然,(d ) 最接近句子的意思,故应选(d I全句的意

21、思是:我以感激的心情承 认在准备这个新的专栏时我的同事给我的帮助。15 .本题的答案是(c)(a ) secured :为作保,使安全,(b ) forbidden : 禁止.(c ) regulated :规定.(d ) determined :决定.四个备选答 案中(c )最接近句意,故应选(c)o全句意思为:严格规定:除极 少数人外,所有其他人不得接触机密文件。16 .本题的答案是(b )(a ) assembly :大会,指有许多人参加的,计划和安排周 到的大会。如联合国大会是general assembly .(b) session通常 置于in之后,表示在开会,指一次会议、一届会议

22、或美国国会每次开 会。(c ) conference :会议,指正式的,有许多人或有许多国家代 表参加的讨论或磋商某一严重问题的会议。(d ) convention :会议, 常指政府或某政治团体举行的会议,也可以指州级或会议。(b)显然 最接近句意,故应选(bX全句的意思是:污染问题和若干其他问题 将在明年春天举行的国会会议上进行讨论。17 .本题的答案是(d )(a ) in accordance with :根据,匕瞰正规的字眼,通常 指根据国家法律规定或某些重要条例的规定。(b )in terms of :就 而言,以措词,关于.(c ) in favor of :喜欢.(d ) in

23、 honor of :纪念;招待彳艮明显(d )最接近句意。故应选(d X全句的意思是: 圣诞节是基督教神圣的日子,通常在12月25日举行庆祝,以纪念耶 稣基督的诞辰。18 .本题的答案是(b )(a)(be) obliged to :对.很感激;不得不,后接名词 或后接不定式(作不得不解),不接动名词。例如:i am very much obliged to you for telling me,我非常感谢你告诉我。(后接代名词 you )o she was obliged to abandon the idea.她被迫放弃那种想法。(后接不定式I本句to之后是动名词carrying,故(a )应排除。(b ) (be ) committed (to):同意承担;答应干某事,后接动名词、不 定式、


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