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1、学生姓名: 辅导内容:名著阅读渔夫和他的灵魂 【同步知识梳理】The Fisherman and His Soul(渔夫和他的灵魂)(奥斯卡·王尔德)【作者简介】:奥斯卡·王尔德1854年出生于爱尔兰都林。他父亲是医生,母亲是诗人。王尔德先后在爱尔兰的三一学院和英国的牛津大学学习古典文学。他变得受欢迎,因为他是有趣和聪明的。他以机智著称。1881年,奥斯卡·王尔德出版了他的第一本书诗集。1882年他去了美国。当他到达纽约时,他对海关官员说:“除了我的天才,我没有什么要申报的。”他给美国人做关于美和艺术的讲座。1884年,王尔德与康斯坦斯·劳埃德结婚,并育

2、有两个孩子。1888年,他为他们的儿子写了快乐王子和其他故事。王尔德以他的戏剧、故事和诗歌而闻名。他唯一的一部小说道林·格雷的画像震撼了当时的维多利亚社会。他的戏剧温德米尔夫人的扇子(1892)、理想的丈夫(1895)和认真的重要性(1895)取笑维多利亚社会。它们今天仍然很受欢迎。王尔德在19世纪90年代饱受丑闻困扰。1895年,他被捕入狱两年。1898年,他写了雷丁监狱歌谣。这部作品描述了他的狱中生活。1897年,王尔德去了巴黎。1900年,他去世时还是个穷人。Oscar Wilde is born in 1854 in Dulin, Ireland. His father is

3、 a doctor and his mother is a poet. Wilde studies Classics at Trinity College, in Ireland and then at Oxford University, in England. He becomes popular because he is funny and clever. He is famous for his wit.In 1881 Oscar Wilde publishes his first book, Poems. He goes to America for year in 1882. W

4、hen he arrives in New York he says to the customs officer, “I have nothing to declare but my genius”. He gives lectures to Americans about beauty and art.In 1884 Wilde marries Constance Lloyd and they have two children. In 1888 he writes The Happy Prince and Other Tales for their sons.Wilde is famou

5、s for his plays,stories and poetry. His only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray(1890),shocks the Victorian society of the time. His plays Lady Windermeres Fan(1892),An Ideal Husband(1895) and The Importance of Being Earnest(1895) make fun of Victorian society. They are still very popular today. Wilde

6、suffers problems with scandal in the 1890s.In 1895 he is arrested and sent to prison for two years. In 1898 he writes The Ballad of Reading Gaol. This work describes his life in prison. In 1897 Wilde goes to Pairs. He dies a poor man in 1900.【故事简介】年轻的渔夫爱上了被他网住后又放回海中的美人鱼。美人鱼却断然拒绝了渔夫的爱情,因为渔夫同美人鱼不一样,是有


8、见了。两年过去了,住在海边的渔夫听见海洋中传来的哀嚎,他向岸边冲去,看见了小美人鱼,小美人鱼却躺在他的脚下死去了。痛不欲生的渔夫抱着小美人鱼,不顾灵魂的苦苦恳求,任凭黑色的巨浪一点点逼近,最后被海水吞没了。 The young fisherman fell in love with the mermaid he had caught in his net and put back into the sea. But the mermaid flatly refused the fisherman's love, because the fisherman is not the same

9、 as the mermaid,he has a human soul. The obsessive fisherman started a difficult journey to find out how to banish his soul. After a series of fruitless pursuits, he found a witch. After accepting the harsh conditions demanded by the witch, the fisherman send away his soul. A year later, his soul ca

10、me to the seashore to call for his master, but was rebuffed. Another year passed by, and the soul returned with wealth, but the fisherman said, "Love is more important than wealth." When the third year had passed, and the Soul came again from the land to the sea, he described to his master

11、 a beautiful maiden who danced barefoot and wore a veil. The young fisherman was sad to think that the Little Mermaid had no feet and could not dance with her, so he promised to go and see her, and then he returned to his love. The overjoyed soul rushed into the fisherman's body. Tempted by his

12、soul, the fisherman did many evil things along the way. However, when the young fisherman returned to the shore, the mermaid had disappeared. Two years went by. The fisherman who lived by the sea heard a cry coming from the ocean. He rushed to the shore and saw the little mermaid. The desperate fish

13、erman held the little mermaid in his arms, regardless of the entreaty of his soul, let the black wave approach little by little, and was swallowed up by the sea at last.【生词导读】:单词意思单词意思bow鞠躬altar圣坛tear眼泪guilty有罪的monk修道士procession队伍burry埋葬dig挖field of the fullers非基督徒的坟墓room空间ignore不理睬suffering受苦doing所

14、作所为peacocks孔雀laughter笑声forever永远realise了解cause导致bare光脚的treasure宝藏opal蛋白石sapphire蓝宝石emerald翡翠pomegranate石榴chainveiled蒙面纱的nightingale夜莺pavilion亭子scimitar swordbamboo竹子tomb坟墓pray祈祷saffron干藏红花粉robe长袍obey服从bazaar市场turban包头巾oil and spices油和香料decorate装饰fig无花果thornswatch-tower瞭望台archer射手bowgongblow a hornfe

15、ast宴会ivory象牙ebony乌木twice两倍ruby红宝石jade玉cure me治愈我blind瞎的breathe呼气worship崇拜survivor幸存者goods商品craftsman手艺人temple庙宇caravan商队weapon武器mule骡子curse诅咒pygmy侏儒ape猿一、完形填空It is a holy fay and the Priest goes to the church. He enters the church and bows before the altar( 圣坛 )1 is covered with white flowers. He do

16、es this because he wants to talk to the people about God s 2 . The Priest likes the beautiful flowers very much. Smelling the sweet flowers, he thinks that he 3 talk about Gods anger and decides to talk about God s love 4. After the Priest finishes his talk, everyone in the church5. And then the Pri

17、est s eyes are 6tears, too. The Priest asks people7the flowers on the altar are and where they are from. He8that they are new flowers and people don t know them 9 they just know the flowers come from the Field of the Fullers. 10 Priest feels very afraid, he quickly goes home and prays. At down, the

18、Priest with his monks and other people11the sea. By the sea, the Priest blesses12in the sea, the Sea-folk and everything in the woods.13this, he also blesses everything in God s world. And people are full of joy. Flowers do not grow in the Field of the Fullers, now.14the Sea-folknever come to the se

19、ashore. They go to15part of the sea.1. A. / B. what C. that D. who2. A. happiness B. anger C. love D. bless3. A. can t B. needn t C. mustn t D. shouldnt4. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. instead5. A. can t stop to cry B. can t stop cryingC. can t help to cryD. can t wait to cry6. A. full of

20、B. filled of C. fill with D. full with7. A. which B. that C. what D. whether8. A. is told B. was told C. has told D. tells9. A. when B.as C while D. if10. A Until B. Unless C. Although D. Since11. A. return back toB. returns back toC. returns to D. return to12. A. something B . everything C. nothing

21、 D. anything13. A. Except B. Beyond C. Through D. Besides14. A. And B. But C. or D. So15. A. other B. another C. the other D. others1-5CBADB6-10ACACD11-15CBDAB二、阅读理解( A )In the morning, the Fisherman gets up. He says to his soul,“ I am tying my hands so I cannot do what you want. I am closing my lip

22、s so I cannot speak my words. I am now returning to my love, to my little Mermaid. I am returning to the sea. I can call her. I can tell her about my evil doings. And about you.”But his soul says,“ Why do you want to return to her? There are lots of beautiful girls in the world. There are the dancin

23、g -girls of Samaris. They dance with bells on their hands. They dance and they laugh. Their laughter is like water. Come, dont think about your Mermaid. Come ,follow me. And there is a city full of blue and white peacocks. In this city there is a beautiful girl. She dances for the peacocks. She danc

24、es on her hands. She dances on her feet. She dances and laughs She has jewellery on her feet. And when she dances, it rings like bells. Dont think about yo Mermaid. Come, follow me. ”1.Why does the Fisherman tie his hands and close his lips?A. Because he likes doing these things.B. Because his soul

25、forces him to do so. C. Because he wants to escape from(逃离)his soul. D. Because his soul wants to do everything.2.What will the Fisherman do while returning to his“ love ”?A. He will call the Mermaid.B. He will tell her about his bad things that he did before.C. He will tell her about his own soul.

26、D. All above.3.According to the second paragraph, what is the following is Right?A. The girls Samaris like dancing very much. B. The beautiful girls laughter is like bell.C. The sound of the girl s dancing rings like bells. D. All the girls dance for peacocks.4.The soul insists on(坚持)the fishermen n

27、ot returning to the love because .A. The are many other beautiful girls for him to choose from.B. The girl dances so beautifully that he can be attracted (吸引)by her. C. The Fisherman always thinks about his love the Mermaid.D. The soul doesn t want to die from his body. 5.What will the Fisherman do

28、next?A. Go to the city with his soul. B. Untie his hands and open his lips.C. Go back to the sea and return to his love. D. He will never think about his love.A. CDADC( B)The Fisherman walks to the marketplace. He is sad The merchants in the marketplace see him. One of the merchants asks theFisherma

29、n, What do you want to sell?My soul, answers the Fisherman. Please buy it. I cannot use it. I cannot see it. I cannot touch it. I do not need it. But the merchants laugh. We cannot buy your soul, they say. Your soul has no value for us. Become a slaver and we can sell your body. We can dress you in

30、purple and give you a ring. You can become the Queens slave. How strange, thinks the Fisherman.For the Priest my soul has great value, but for the merchants it has no value. And he walks away. He goes to the sea to think.1. Why does the Fisherman s soul have no value for the merchants?A. Because the

31、 merchants cannot sell it.B. Because his soul is very cheap.C. Because the merchants sell other goods.D. Because his soul doesn t have a price in the market.2. What can we infer from the context?A. Humans cannot use the soul because soul has no value.B. The soul can be seen by anybody except the Fis

32、herman.C. The Fisherman doesn't need soul because of the Mermaid.D. The merchants in the marketplace sell everything, Including soul.3. Who does the underlined word “ he” refer to?A. The priest.B The merchantC. The soul D. The Fisherman4.Which of the following adjectives is suitable for the blan

33、k“ How ” A. exciting B. excited C. surprisingD. surprised5. What is the best title?A. The Fisherman sells soul in the marketplace.B. The merchant refuses to buy soul.C. The soul has no value to the merchant.D. No one wants the Fisherman s soul.B. ACDCBC9 THE SOUL'S ANSWERSThe Fisherman's Sou

34、l tells the Fisherman to come away every day. But the Fisherman ignores him. His love is strong and he ignores his evil soul.One year passes. The Soul thinks, 'I say lots of things to my master but he doe s not listen. His love is strong and he does not follow me. "Don't stay here. Your

35、 Mermaid does not answer you. Come with me.' The Soul says. But the Fisher man does not answer.Two years passes. One night, there is a great cry of sadness from the sea. On e of the Sea-folk is dead. The Fisherman runs to the seashore. The black wave s are carrying a white body to the shore. The

36、 Fisherman sees the body of the little Mermaid at his feet. The little Mermaid is dead.The Fisherman looks at the little Mermaid and say, ' I want Love, not Wisdom. I want Love, not Riches. I want Love, not dancers' feet. Fire cannot destroy Love. Water cannot destroy Love. I know I am guilt

37、y. But your love is always with m e. It is strong. But now you are dead. And I want to die with you.The sea comes close to the Fisherman. The sea and the waves cover the Fish erman. He kisses the little Mermaid and his heart breaks. Now the Soul can co me into his heart and they are together again i

38、n love. And the sea covers the F isherman and his Soul with its waves.() 1.What does the Soul do?A. He tries to help the Fisherman be happy again.B. He tries to be good and do good things.C. He tries to tell interesting stories to the Fisherman.D. He tries to let the Fisherman forget his Mermaid and

39、 come with him.() 2. Does the Fisherman listen to the Soul?A. I don't know. B. The Fisherman does not answer.C. Yes, he does. D. No, he doesn't.()3.One of the Sea-folk refers toA. The SoulB. The FishermanC. The MemaidD. The fish() 4. What does the Fisherman want?A . WisdomB. RichesC. Dancers

40、' feet D. Love()5.Where is the Soul at last?A. The Soul is lost. B. The sea covers the Soul.C. The Soul comes into the Fisherman's heart. D. B and CDDCDD三、根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。AThe novel The Fisherman and His Soul is written by the Ireland writer Oscar Wilde from the collection The Ha

41、ppy Prince and Other Tales.It d1a story of a young man who falls in love with a mermaid whilef2.But he can not be w3 her because he has a human soul Luckily , he learns that he can send away his soul so he tries his best to tempt( 诱惑) the witch to help him send his soul away, while his o 4 soul tempts the Fisherman to leave the merma


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