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1、 旅游翻译第一节 旅游文本的文体特点 exercise1. 实用性强,文体丰富多样例如 旅游广告属描写型,用词生动形象;旅游广告属感染型,用词短少精悍,富有创意,句式活泼简洁,具有很强的吸引力。旅游合同属契约型,用词正式,规范,准确,程式化。旅游行程属信息型,用词明了简略,具有提示性。vE.g.老虎滩广告:大连旅游第一站v旅游合同:甲方自愿购买乙方所销售的出境游旅游产品,为保障双方权利和履行义务,本着平等协商的原则,现就有关事项达成如下协议。v旅游行程:上午我们将游玩圣亚海洋世界,午饭后逛星海公园,傍晚时分我们将领略星海广场的魅力。2 旅游文本涉及的知识面广,词汇量大 旅游是一门综合性的活动,

2、它涉及政治,历史,地理,文学艺术甚至天文,考古等多方面知识,因此旅游英语词汇量极大。比如:inclusive tour 包餐旅游, keep-fit tour-qigong, taiji, presription on individual diagnosis, and herbal cuisine 康健旅游(气功,太极,就诊及药膳) 3 生动形象,引人入胜 旅游英语总是运用活泼而风趣的措辞,生动而高雅的描述,给人以美的享受,激发起浓厚的游兴。例如:落泉别墅体现了动与静,变幻与永恒,强劲与易逝的对立,使人生处于矛盾之中:兴致勃勃的进取与忧虑不安。 Falling water is a stud

3、y in opposites-motion and stability ,change and permanence, power and ephemerality-that make the human condition a paradox of welcome adventure and anxious uncertainty.4 活泼热情,富有感染力 旅游文本往往热情活泼,朗朗上口,融旅游与宣传于一体。例如:Where to now? Ill tell you: the oasis, the best Mexican food at that altitude in the city-

4、 and the most spectacular sunset.现在去哪?我来告诉你去哪:绿洲餐馆,那里有全城最好的墨西哥食品和最壮观的日落景观。第二节旅游资料的翻译方法 exercise1 音译法与音意兼译法音译法是根据汉语读音,将旅游景点名称直接用拼音标注,目的是尽可能保留原风景名胜,旅游饭店的原汁原味和鲜明特色如:星海广场 译为 Xinghai Square 民族饭店 译为 Mingzu Hotel 景点名称多涉及本民族文化的专有名词,单纯的音译不能传递任何实际信息。这类名称应该在音译的基础上另作释义,对音译进一步做出解释。如 十五库 “Shiwuku, an artistic dis

5、trict where you can enjoy many kinds of artworks”2. 意译法 有些景点名称文化含义丰富,而直译又不能把相应的文化含义翻译出来,此类名称翻译时要突出其内在含义或相应典故与传说,便于游客理解,记忆。对此类名称多采用意译,即用意义相同而形式不同的词语来译。意译的特点在于能够填补文化空缺,消除文化差异 。如“兵马俑”译为“Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses”,“十三陵”译为“Ming Tombs”,“故宫”译为“the Imperial Palace”,“颐和园”译为“the Palace Museum 3 增译法 增译是指

6、为了使外国游客更好的理解某些字,词,名而增加一些相关资料,对旅游资料中的一些人名,地名,朝代,历史事件以及典故等做出背景资料的增加和说明。 元宵节那天,大红灯笼高高挂。译文: “During the Yuanxiao Festival, also called Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, red lanter。 antern Festival exhibition began in the Han Dynasty, about 2,000 years ago, some peop

7、le believe its origin to be related to Buddhism) can be seen everywhere.”这份旅游资料中对“元宵节”和“灯笼”的补充解释,便于外国游客对元宵节有个较为透彻的了解。4. 删减法 在旅游资料中,有些内容是中国传统文化特有的产物,若逐字逐句翻译,对理解原文没有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本看不懂,这时就应该适当的删改 关于华清池有这样一段文字描写: 华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方。唐代名诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有:“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。译文:Inside the HuaChingchihh Spr

8、ing, there is a bathing pool called Kueifeichih, which is said to have been the bathing place of Yang Kuerfei. 原文不过是想陈述华清池内有杨贵妃当年沐浴的贵妃池。如果逐字翻译原文的古诗,对 英文读者说,从这些诗句的译文中得到的仍不 过是杨贵妃曾在此沐浴这个信息,译文把汉语中的古诗全部删除,但并不影响译文读者对原文其他部分的理解。 5. 创造性翻译 创造性翻译指在不损害原文信息的前提下,不拘泥于原文,对原文不符合译语习惯的词句、语序进行必要的改造和调整,以期更好地服务于读者。v大连站,位

9、于沈大线终点,现为一等站,是连接海陆空运输的枢纽。年接发旅客 2000余万人次,是大连市客流量最大的旅客运输窗口。大连站的历史可以追溯到1903年,是当时是亚洲最大的火车站。vDalian station, located at the end of Shenyang-Dalian line, is the first-class station.It is the transport hub of air,sea and land. There are more than 20 million passengers every year and it welcomes the largest

10、 amount of population. Dalian Railway Station can date back to 1903. We are proud of Dalian Station because it was Asias largest railway station at that time.v翻译思考:客流量最大的旅客运输窗口 window?亚洲最大的城市广场位于大连南部海滨风景区的星海广场,星海湾改造工程启幕于1993年7月16日,市政府利用建筑垃圾填海造地114公顷,开发土地62公顷,形成了总占地面积176万平方米的亚洲最大城市公用广场,工程竣工于1997年6月30

11、日。 Xinghai Square is the largest city square in Asia. It was originally a huge landfill site of construction wastes , about 114 hectares, and exploited 62 hectares , but was transformed into Asias largest urban public square.The project finished in June 1997.翻译思考:填海造地广场中央设有全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997

12、米,以此纪念香港回归祖国,华表底座和柱身共饰有9条巨龙,寓意九州华夏儿女都是龙的传人。 In the center of the square, there is the largest white marble ornamental column in China. Its height is 19.97m, diameter 1.997m. This number is in memory of the return of Hongkong to China. It has total 9 dragons, which means all of Chinese people are the

13、 descendants of the dragon.翻译思考:白玉华表 white marble Huabiao 广场周边还设有5盏宫灯,由汉白玉柱托起,光华灿烂,与华表交相辉映。广场四周,雕刻了造型各异的9只大鼎,每只鼎上以魏碑体书有一个大字,共同组成“中华民族大团结万岁”,象征着中华民族的团结与昌盛。 Around the square, there are 5 large palace lanterns installed on the white marble columns, shining with it. On the four sides of the square, the

14、re are 9 big different shape of Ding(ancient Chinese cooking vessel). On each Ding, one Chinese word is carved. The 9 words”zhong hua min zu da tuan jie” symbol “the great unity of the Chinese nation and China would be prosperous”. 翻译思考:鼎 九个字从中心广场南行,便是“百年城雕”。 大家可以看到,在足迹浮雕上面有很多脚印,这些脚印不是平白无故雕刻上去的,而是由1

15、000个真人踩出来的,每一双足迹都有一个有名有姓的主人。 这些脚印由北向南一直通向大海,它们是按照年龄排序的.排在第一行的是1899年,大连建市的时候出生的.最后一行是1999年出生的.这1000双脚印表明了大连的百年历史是由勤劳的大连人民创造的. Walking from the square center to the south, you can see the “century city sculpture”. You can also see the foot print sculpture, there are a lot of feet sculptures here. Thes

16、e feet sculptures all belong to the real person. From north to south until the sea. they are sorted by age, the first row was born in 1899, the last row was born in 1999. These 1000 feet print sculptures means Dalian city is built by the industrious Dalian citizens.翻译思考:百年城雕 symbol百年城雕的尽头是打开的书形广场,面对

17、无垠的大海,寓意着百年后的大连又翻开了新的一页。 By the end of century city sculpture, you can see a square which shapes like a book. This square faces the boundless sea, which means Dalian will open a new page after one century. 翻译思考:百年 many years? 新的一页 直译? 从中心广场北行,则是会展中心,它是集展览、会议、贸易、金融、娱乐为一体的具有国际一流水平的现代化建筑。贯穿广场南北的中央长廊,建有

18、喷泉水景大道。整个广场绿草茵茵,每隔20米的航标石柱灯一线排开直通大海,典雅肃穆,宁静致远。广场内园直径199.9米,外圆直径239.9米,寓意2399年大连将迎来建市500周年。 Walking from the center of the square to the nouth, you can see the exhibition center. It is the international first level modern construction which is used for exhibition, meeting, trade, finance and entertai

19、nment. The central gallery that runs through the square from north to the south has fountain waterscape. The whole square is covered by green grass. There are peristele light every 20 meters. The inner diameter of the square is 199.9m, outside diameter is 239.9m, which means in the year 2399, it wil

20、l be the 500 anniversary of Dalian. 翻译思考:大连老虎滩海洋公园Laohu Beach?Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park大连老虎滩海洋公园被国家旅游局首批评为AAAAA级景区,中国旅游知名品牌,并通过了 ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系的认证。老虎滩海洋公园是展示海洋文化,突出滨城特色,集观光、娱乐、科普、购物、文化于一体的现代化海洋主题公园。Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park is the first AAAAA level scenic named by the National

21、Tourism Administration. It is the well-known brand in China and passed the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environment management system certification. Tiger Beach Ocean Park demonstrates the marine culture and shows the feature of Dalian. It is a modern marine theme park that compris

22、es sightseeing, entertainment, science, shopping and culture.海兽馆 占地面积2900平方米,建筑面积3500平方米,海兽馆分地下一层,地上二层。海兽馆现展养着50余只海洋动物,海狗、海豹、南美海狮、加州海狮、非洲海狮等,可谓海洋动物的乐园。它们虽然种类不同,来自不同的地域,但在这里却生活的和平而欢乐!Marine Mammal WorldMarine Mammal World has an area of 2,900 square meters and a construction area of 3,500 square mete

23、rs. There are 2 floors, the upper and the underground. More than 50 marine animals are living here, including the fur seal, the harbor seal, the Southern sea lion, the California and African sea lion . Though they are of different species and from different districts, all the animals are living toge

24、ther harmoniously and happily as a family.翻译思考:海兽馆 world?各种海洋动物的翻译?海星 starfish 鲨鱼 shark 海豚 dolphin 金鱼 gold fish 海牛manatee、lionfish狮子鱼、魟鱼ray、鲸whale、海星starfish、海豚dolphin、海龟sea turtle、寄居蟹hermit crab、海獭sea otter、海狗fur seal、海象walrus、海豹seal、海葵sea anemone、海绵sponge、蟹crab、海狮sea lion、金鳞鱼squirrel fish、蝶鱼butter

25、fly fish、比目鱼flounder、刺河魨porcupine fish、海蛇sea snake、阳燧足brittle star配图:海洋动物图片鸟语林 位于虎滩湾的占地1.8万平方米,是我国最大的一处半自然状态的人工鸟笼。它以一根43米高的立柱为中心,依据山势确定18个固定点,将一张巨大的灰色聚乙烯网支起,笼体造型气势滂沱,将半个山谷罩了起来,使人们进入其中,立即投入大自然的怀抱。居住在这里的孔雀、丹顶鹤、白天鹅等80多种鸟类、2000余只珍禽活泼可爱、悠闲自得。Bird-Singing WoodsBird-Singing woods covers an area of 18,000 s

26、quare meters , which is one of the largest semi-natural state of artificial cage. It is centered by a 43-meter-high column and18 parks vertexes are fixed on the basis of the mountain. A gray polyethylene net cage is put up by the vertexes. The net cage covers half of the valley so people will feel i

27、mmediately that they are put into the embrace of nature when they are in this park” There are about 80 species and more than 2,000 blue, white peacocks, cranes, parrots, lark, thrush, egrets in the park.翻译思考:鸟语林 woods鸟类动物的翻译canary n. 金丝雀;condor n. 秃鹰;神鹰eaglet n. 小鹰falcon n. 猎鹰;vulture n. 秃鹫cob n. 雄天

28、鹅;cygnet n. 小天鹅pen n. 母天鹅;gull n. 海鸥;magpie n. 鹊;ostrich n. 鸵鸟;phoenix n. 凤凰scops owl 角枭,耳鸟woodpecker 啄木鸟whitethroat 白喉雀stork鹳starling 八哥Pheasant 雉, 野鸡 pigeon 信鸽 plover 千鸟(珩科鸟) quail 鹌鹑 robin 知更鸟Macaw 金刚鹦鹉 magpie喜鹊 mallard野鸭, 凫 nightingale夜莺 parakeet长尾鹦鹉 partridge石鸡, 鹧鸪 pelican 鹈鹕极地馆第四部分是神秘的海底世界。这里您

29、将在屯水量为世界最大的鲨鱼展示池里观赏到几十个品种、三百余条鲨鱼,几千尾鱼类的展示。这里有360度的水中通道和水中观景大厅,置身其中,美妙之极!在海底世界东侧最大的一块玻璃高8米,宽6米,厚45厘米,堪称世上一绝。在海洋生物观赏区,您将看到高脚蟹、叶海龙、水母、海马、鹦鹉螺、鳐鱼、石斑鱼、各种鲟类等各类珍贵的海洋生物。在触摸池,您可以切身地体会到用手触摸海洋生物的感觉。Polar region embassyThe fourth part is the mysterious underwater world. Here you will be in the worlds largest sha

30、rk display pond to watch the dozens of varieties, more than 300 sharks, thousands tail fish display. There is a 360-degree water channels and water viewing hall, outside of which are wonderful! The largest piece of glass in the east side of the underwater world is 8 meters high, six meters wide and

31、45 cm thick, which is a must in the world.Marine life viewing, you will see the tall crab, Ye Hailong, jellyfish, seahorses, Nautilus, rays, grouper, a variety of sturgeon and other various types of precious marine life. In the touch pool, you can vital to understand the feeling of touching marine l

32、ife.翻译思考:极地馆?珊瑚馆珊瑚馆展示面积3700平方米,是以展示珊瑚礁生物群为主的综合类大型海洋生物馆,共展出珊瑚礁生物200余种、5,000多个。全馆分为珊瑚及珊瑚鱼精品区、水中万花筒、海底实验室、沉船探宝、科普走廊、潜水表演六大区域。在水下表演场里,有精彩的水中芭蕾、美人鱼表演、水下梦幻婚礼等表演节目。亲爱的游客走进这梦幻的海底世界吧,去享受那美妙自然的神奇馈赠。Coral HallThe Coral Hall has an exhibition area of 3, 700 square meters. It exhibits coral reef fauna, with over

33、 5,000 marine life-forms of more than 200 species. The Hall has 6 sections, namely, Selected Coral and Coral Fishes, Underwater Kaleidoscope, Sea Lab, Seeking Treasures over a Sunken Ship, Animal Knowledge Gallery, and Diving Performance. In the aquatic performance arena, splendid programs such as w

34、ater-ballet, sea-maid shows, and dreamlike underwater wedding shows are offered. Now lets go to the amazing water world!翻译思考:珊瑚馆?许多东亚国家包括日本,韩国,中国。旅顺有各种各样的樱花:在这里可以找到200个品种。Cherry blossoms are indigenous to many East Asian states including Japan, Korea, and China. Lvshun has a wide variety of cherry blossoms: over 200 cultivars can be found there.翻译思考:品种?species?Cherry blossom is an ome


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