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1、XXX公司QUALITY ENVIRONMENT PROCEDUREDOC. NO.:QEP-015REV.:CDESCRIPTION:产品防护和标识控制程序The control procedure for product preservation and identificationPAGE:10of10CHANGE HISTORYREV.ECN NO.CHANGE DESCRIPTIONEFF. DATEPREPARED BYAPPROVED BYDEPT.ABCECN-11092103ECN-11120227ECN-12080104NEW RELEASE 更改编号增加CS部门09/21

2、/201112/02/20115/30/2012XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPMCPMCPMCCONFIDENTIALITY( )TOP CONFIDENTIAL( )CONFIDENTIAL( )INTERNAL ONLYDISTRIBUTION( 1 )MFG( 1 )QA( 1 )R&D( )FIN( 1 )PMC( 1 )PM( 1 )PUR( )HR&A( 1 )M&S( 1 )CS NO.: QF-002-01AISSUE NO.:1.目的:建立产品的标识、搬运、包装、贮存和防护程序,对各种物料、半成品、成品进行适当标识,确保产品符合规定的要求,具有可追溯

3、性。2.范围: 本程序适用于本公司所有产品及产品的组成部分的贮存、防护、标识、和可追溯性控制。3.定义: 无。4.职责权限:4.1 PMC: 负责仓库内原材料、半成品和成品的搬运、贮存、包装、发放、交付。4.2 MFG: 负责本部门贮存材料、半成品、成品的搬运、包装和入仓前的防护工作。4.3各部门: 负责本部门贮存材料和半成品的保存及搬运工作。4.4 QA: 负责对原材料、半成品、成品的质量检验。4.5 R&D: 负责提供产品防护所需要的技术。5.程序:5.1标识总原则: 5.1.1对于生产物料或产品均进行编号和命名控制。5.1.2客户对产品标识有特别要求时,按客户要求进行标识。5.1

4、.3客供物料的标识按客户提供物料控制程序进行控制。5.2产品标识5.2.1 MFG对不同状态的产品或物料可采用标签标识。5.2.2组件:按组件料号及名称、日记帐号进行标识。5.2.3现场应作必要的区域划分及标识,以区分不同状态的物料,设备和产品。5.3检验状态标识5.3.1物料/产品经检验后,应予以适当的状态标识。a)合格标签: 用于标识检验合格品。b)不合格标签: 用于标识检验不合格品。c)特采标签: 用于有轻微缺陷但不影响产品性能的来料。d)紧急放行标签: 用于没有检验而放行的物料(通常指来料)。5.3.2 QA PASSED 印章:用于检验合格的出货成品标识。5.4来料标识: 5.4.1

5、要求供应商对其物料作必要的标识。5.4.2来料检验状态标识按来料检验结果进行标示。5.4.3 货仓的物料:按待检、合格、不合格等检验状况存放在相应的区域内。5.4.4环保物料由供应商贴环保标签在包装袋或外箱上。5.5在制品的标识 5.5.1 MFG对所有检验后的产品作状态标识,确保所有产品都有正确的标识。5.5.2对于未完工的在制品,不能按正常程序流动时,需按指定区域放置并标识。5.6设备成品标识5.6.1 MFG对所属车间成品进行整理、标识、及时入库。5.6.2 QA负责成品的监视和测量状态标识,确保产品的可追溯性。5.6.3成品进入货仓后,由仓管员作正确标识。5.6.4出货成品外箱标识:由

6、MFG在外箱侧面指定位置处作相应标识。5.7搬运 产品/半成品的运输、搬运可以用机动货车、手动/电动叉车、手推车等工具,在不损坏产品的情况下,需要时可使用其它的可以利用的工具进行运输、搬运。5.7.1搬运人员搬运时,严禁超高搬运物料,使用手推车或叉车搬运物料时禁止奔跑,上下坡及进出电梯要有人扶稳,要做到安全可靠,用叉车搬运物料时要使用卡板堆放物料。物料、纸箱摆放不稳定时需用防潮膜或胶带防护,防止倾倒,防止物品、包装及标识的损坏。搬运时重物放于底部,重心置中,并注意各层面的防护。5.7.2对于小件物料,可使用纸箱、塑胶盒等容器手工搬运,对于大件物料,必须使用手推车或叉车进行搬运,使用叉车搬运时,

7、必须按操作规程安全操作,防止造成物料损坏或人身伤害。5.7.3人力搬运时注意轻拿轻放,放置地面应平稳,货物承载运行时应避开电线、水管、门、墙及地面不平的地方。5.7.4物料上下叠放时要做到“上小下大,上轻下重,控制高度”。卡板存放的物料不得超出2米,单件超过2米的零件务必加保护措施。用物料盒或纸箱装的物料/零件不得超出1.5米;保丽龙、汽泡袋、海棉等体积大、较轻的物料可根据实际情况存放,但存放的总高不得超过3米。5.7.5成品交付在运输过程中应予以必要的保护,确保物品搬运中不遗失、不受损坏。5.8包装5.8.1 PME应对所有包装材料进行审核,以确保包

8、装材料能对产品作必要的防护,并且包装材料上要设计必要的防护标识。5.8.2生产过程中半成品、在制品、成品,按生产阶段工艺要求进行包装。5.8.3 MFG负责出货包装,包装时应根据工程技术文件要求进行作业,并注意防震、放置重心等防护措施。5.8.4对环境及静电敏感或易潮湿零件,必须做好防静电、防潮等措施。5.8.5 QA对成品抽查、发现包装与实际成品不相符时,应按规定重新确认进行包装。5.9运输 5.9.1 PMC根据出货计划安排运输车辆。5.9.2 仓库检查到厂车辆的状况,确保车辆满足货物运输要求。发现存在问题的车辆及时通知PMC及相关人员调查处理。5.9.3 仓库按“送货单”的要求检查确认所

9、装货物的规格及数量,并检查外包装和标签的完整状况。 5.9.4 仓库按要求进行装车,轻拿轻放,避免强烈震荡、撞击,禁止拖拉、翻滚、投掷,防止损伤货物及包装。5.9.5 仓库监督承运人将货物捆绑固定,避免运输过程中包装及货物损坏。5.9.6 PMC跟踪货物的运输和客户签收情况,并及时回收相关单据5.9.7 如果运输过程中出现包装破损和货物损坏,PMC接到运输商通知后应及时通知公司相关人员处理,货物不能交付给客户。5.10贮存/保护5.10.1仓库负责物料、成品的贮存,对已检物料和未检物料做出明显标识。5.10.2对来料检验不合格物料,放置于不合格区域,并作好标识。5.10.3对于在制品(半成品)

10、和成品的检验不合格,MFG负责放置于不合格品区域,并作好标识、与合格品隔离存放。5.10.4仓库按规定进行定期盘查,当物料贮存达到复检期或物料超出贮存期限或发现品质异常情况时,应通知QA部对物料重新检验,物料进行复检后应予以重新标识。5.10.5 原材料、半成品、在制品等物料应采取必要的防护措施,避免在生产或贮存过程中损坏,对于易受温度、湿度等影响的物品,应分别采用相应的保护措施。5.10.6成品入仓前,MFG应做好入库前的包装动作5.10.7对于防护不当可能影响产品品质时,应对产品进行重新检验,对不合格品按不合格品控制程序进行处理。6.参考文件: 文件与资料控制程序 QEP-001客户提供物

11、料控制程序 QEP-016不合格品控制程序 QEP-0237.相关记录: 送货单 QEP-015-FM001 保存单位: PMC 保存期限: 3 年.8.流程图:产品防护和标识流程图仓库点收来料标识入库/储存来料生产领料IQC检验在制品标识成品标识QA检验包装/搬运入库/出货9.附件: 无 NO.: QF-002-02A1. PURPOSE:Establish the procedure on product identification, transit, packaging, storage and preservation, make the proper identification

12、on all materials, the semi-finished goods and the finished goods, ensure that the product meets the defined requirements and the product traceability.2. SCOPE: This procedure applies to control the storage, preservation, identification and traceability for all products and its components in TRC.3. D

13、EFINITION: N / A4. RESPONSIBILITY:4.1 PMC: Be responsible for the transit, storage, packaging, issuing and delivery of the raw material, the semi-finished goods and the finished goods in store.4.2 MFG: Be responsible for the transit, packaging and preservation of the raw material, the semi-finished

14、goods and the finished goods in production line.4.3 Other departments: Be responsible for the storage and transit of the materials and the semi-finished goods in their departments.4.4 QA: Be responsible for quality inspection of the raw material, the semi-finished goods and the finished goods.4.5 RD

15、: Be responsible for providing the technical instruction on product preservation.5. PROCEDURE:5.1 General rules on product identification:5.1.1 All materials and products shall be controlled under P/N and description.5.1.2 Identify the product based on the requirements from customer if any.5.1.3 The

16、 identification of the customer furnished materials shall follow <<The control procedure for customer furnished material >>.5.2 Product identification5.2.1 MFG use labels to identify the products or materials in different production processes.5.2.2 PCM and the cell assemblies: use the Mo

17、del Number and manufacturing Order Number for identification.5.2.3 Workshop shall be divided into different areas and made markings, so as to distinguish the materials, equipments and products in different status and conditions.5.3 Inspection status identification5.3.1 All materials/products shall b

18、e identified properly by labels after inspection;a) Passed label: Material is passed the inspectionb) Rejected label: Material is failed during inspection,c) UAI label: the materials with the minor defect and no impact on the function,d) Urgent release label: The urgent material is issued to product

19、ion before the inspection result is available (incoming raw materials).5.3.2 QA PASSED Chop: Is used on the finished goods that is passed the audit and waits for shipment.5.4 Incoming identification5.4.1 Supplier is required to make the necessary identification on its materials;5.4.2 Marks the incom

20、ing inspection status according to the incoming inspection results;5.4.3 Materials in store shall be stored in the defined areas based on the inspection results: waiting for inspection, passed, rejected and inspection status.5.4.4 The RoHS label shall be pasted on the packing or the outer carton by

21、suppliers if the material is conformed to the RoHS requirements.5.5 Identification on WIP5.5.1 MFG makes the identification on all the products after inspection, make sure the correct identification has been made on all products.5.5.2 For the uncompleted products, that can not be flowed to the next

22、step normally, shall be stored in a defined area and identified properly.5.6 The finished goods identification5.6.1 MFG is responsible for the arrangement, identification and the transition to store of the finished goods in production line.5.6.2 QA is responsible for identifying the monitoring and m

23、easuring status of the finished goods, makes sure the product traceability is available.5.6.3 For the finished goods into store, the storekeeper makes the proper identification on the products.5.6.4 For the identification on the shipment carton, MFG makes the marking on the defined area of the carto

24、n .5.7 TransitionThe semi-finished goods and the finished goods can be transported by Truck, Manual (electrical) Fork, Handcart, etc. Other appliance can be used if necessary and the product shall not be damaged during the transportation.5.7.1 When handling the material, can not exceed the height li

25、mit. The storekeeper can not run during handling the manual cart/fork, shall handle with care during up or down at the slope area or in/out the lifter. Pallet shall be used during handling the materials by the Manual (electrical) Fork. The materials on pallet should be wrapped by the film if the car

26、tons are not stable on the pallet, so as to prevent the upset and damage of the packing and label. When stack the materials, the heavy goods should be under the light goods and more cautions are required.5.7.2 The material in small size can be put in carton or plastics box and handled by hand. For t

27、he big goods, The manual Cart or the Fork shall be used. The safety requirements shall be followed when handling the materials by Fork to prevent the material damaged or the operator injured.5.7.3 Pick up and put down the goods gently, put the goods stable on the ground. Material in-transit shall be

28、 kept away from the wires, water pipe, doors, walls and the NG ground.5.7.4 Height control in material stacking: The small one top and the big one for bottom, the light one for top and the weigh one for bottom, Control the height. 2M is the height limit when materials are stacked on the palle

29、t; 1.5M is the height limit when products are contained in carton; 1.5M is the height limit when the finished goods are packed in carton; 2M is the control limit for vacuum thermoformed cases; For the polylon, bubble bag, sponge and the bigger and lighter materials, it ca

30、n be stacked based on the actual status but the height shall be controlled as 3M max.5.7.5 The necessary protection is required for the finished goods during shipment delivery, so as to make sure the goods are not lost, damaged during the transportation.5.8 Packaging5.8.1 PME shall verify all the pa

31、cking materials to make sure the product can be protected properly by the packing materials. The cautions shall be printed on the outside of the packing materials.5.8.2 The RoHS label shall be pasted on the packing box for the RoHS materials.5.8.3 All incoming PCB, should be vacuumized with desiccan

32、t inside the package.5.8.4 WIP, the semi-finished goods and the finished goods shall be packed according to the requirements defined in the production documents.5.8.5 MFG is responsible for the packing of the finished goods, the packing method shall be based on the engineering documents. Pay an atte

33、ntion to the protection actions for the shockproof area and the centre arrangement.5.9 Shipment: 5.9.1 PMC arrange trucks according to shipment plan.5.9.2 Warehouse check the condition of the trucks to make sure that the trucks meet shipping requirements. If they find any defect trucks, they should

34、inform PMC and related person to solve the problem.5.9.3 Warehouse check product and quantity of cargos according to the requirements of <<Shipping sheet>>, and check the packing and labels.5.9.4 Warehouse load the cargos properly and carefully to avoid shake or hit. Forbid dragging or t

35、hrowing cargos, which will damage packing and cargos.5.9.5 Warehouse monitor the cargo loading process to make sure the cargos are being fixed onto the truck, to avoid the damage of packing or cargos during the transport.5.9.6 PMC follow the shipment, and get the confirmation from customer when they

36、 receive the cargos, and collect all related documents.5.9.7 The cargos cant be delivered to customer, if any damage of packing or cargos happens during transportation. PMC should inform related person in company to solve the problem after get the information from shipping company.5.10 Storage and p

37、reservation5.10.1 Store is responsible for the storage of materials and the finished goods. And identify the inspected and un-inspected materials clearly.5.10.2 For the materials rejected by IQC shall be put into rejected area, and with the clear identification.5.10.3 For the non-conformity parts from WIP (semi-finished goods) or the finished goods, MFG shall put it in the rejected area and make identification to distinguish from the good parts.5.10.4 Store checks the materials periodically and send the material to IQC for re-inspection if the material meets the re-inspection re


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